# Options relating to the Residence Economy.
# Whether or not players in this group can buy other Residences that are for sale.
CanBuy: true
# Whether or not players in this group can sell their Residences.
CanSell: false
# Whether or not to ignore the Residence size/count limits when buying a residence.
IgnoreLimits: false
# The cost, per block, of making a new Residence or adding a area to it.
BuyCost: 0.025
# The cost, per block, player will be getting back when removing residence.
SellCost: 0.25
# The cost, per block, of renewing a Residence lease (if the lease system is enabled).
RenewCost: 0.2
# Flags are checked in the order:
我设置了购买一个方块的金钱为0.025 重载过插件了 但是没有用 无效的 不知道为什么 试了三个版本的Res了 都是这样 我服务器版本 Spigot 1.12.2
# Whether or not players in this group can buy other Residences that are for sale.
CanBuy: true
# Whether or not players in this group can sell their Residences.
CanSell: false
# Whether or not to ignore the Residence size/count limits when buying a residence.
IgnoreLimits: false
# The cost, per block, of making a new Residence or adding a area to it.
BuyCost: 0.025
# The cost, per block, player will be getting back when removing residence.
SellCost: 0.25
# The cost, per block, of renewing a Residence lease (if the lease system is enabled).
RenewCost: 0.2
# Flags are checked in the order:
我设置了购买一个方块的金钱为0.025 重载过插件了 但是没有用 无效的 不知道为什么 试了三个版本的Res了 都是这样 我服务器版本 Spigot 1.12.2
你所在的用户组是 res 配置中设置的用户组吗
本帖最后由 Misaka。 于 2019-10-4 21:27 编辑
你得在Res文件夹里的 “group.yml”里来设置
如上所示. (可以对照修改,请不要直接复制)
你得在Res文件夹里的 “group.yml”里来设置
# These groups correspond to the Permissions groups defined in your '<worldname>.yml'
Default: #group name, DONT remove this group
# Information about the Residence zone that the player can define.
#Uncomment the lines below to mirror this config to other groups.
#- 'group1'
#- 'group2'
# Determins if this group can create residences or not. This option can be overriden with the permissions node 'residence.create'
CanCreate: true
# The maximum number of Residences a player can have.
MaxResidences: 3
# The maximum number of physical areas a residence can have.
MaxAreasPerResidence: 3
# The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, East to West (X).
MaxEastWest: 50
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, East to West (X).
MinEastWest: 1
# The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, North to South (Z).
MaxNorthSouth: 50
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, North to South (Z).
MinNorthSouth: 1
# The maximum number of blocks a Residence can be, High to Low (Y).
MaxUpDown: 256
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence can be, High to Low (Y).
MinUpDown: 1
# The lowest altitude this group is allowed to protect.
MinHeight: 0
# The highest altitude this group is allowed to protect.
MaxHeight: 255
# The maximum amount of subzones can current area have.
MaxSubzonesInArea: 3
# The maximum recursive depth that subzones can go.
# A subzone within a subzone within the Residence zone would be a depth of 2.
# Set to 0 to disable subzones.
SubzoneDepth: 3
# (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, East to West (X).
SubzoneMaxEastWest: 50
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, East to West (X).
SubzoneMinEastWest: 1
# (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, North to South (Z).
SubzoneMaxNorthSouth: 50
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, North to South (Z).
SubzoneMinNorthSouth: 1
# (Optional) The maximum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, High to Low (Y).
SubzoneMaxUpDown: 256
# (Optional) The minimum number of blocks a Residence Subzone can be, High to Low (Y).
SubzoneMinUpDown: 1
# Whether or not to allow teleporting to Residences.
CanTeleport: true
# Allow or Disallow the use of /res unstuck, to get yourself out of a residence if stuck in one somehow
Unstuck: true
# Allow or Disallow the use of /res kick, to kick player from residence.
Kick: False
# Allow or Disallow the use of the /res select command, if disabled they can only use the selection tool.
SelectCommandAccess: true
# Allow or Disallow the group to access the Blacklist/Ignorelist for residences they own.
ItemListAccess: true
# Options relating to enter and leave messages on the residence.
# Whether or not the player can change the Residence enter and leave messages.
CanChange: true
# The default enter message to apply to new Residences created by players in this group.
# Leaving the message blank will disable it.
DefaultEnter: '欢迎来到%owner的领地,%residence.'
# The default leave message to apply to new Residences created by players in this group.
# Leaving the message blank will disable it.
DefaultLeave: '你离开了领地,%residence.'
# Options relating to the Lease system.
# The maximum number of days to allow leases.
MaxDays: 16
# The number of days to add to the lease following a '/res lease renew' command.
RenewIncrement: 14
#Options related to the rent system
#determines how many residences can be rented by players of this group at once
MaxRents: 3
#determines how many residences can be set for rent by players of this group at once
MaxRentables: 3
# determines max days player can rent residence at once
MaxRentDays: 31
# Options relating to the Residence Economy.
# Whether or not players in this group can buy other Residences that are for sale.
CanBuy: true
# Whether or not players in this group can sell their Residences.
CanSell: false
# Whether or not to ignore the Residence size/count limits when buying a residence.
IgnoreLimits: false
# The cost, per block, of making a new Residence or adding a area to it.
BuyCost: 3
# The cost, per block, player will be getting back when removing residence.
SellCost: 0.25
# The cost, per block, of renewing a Residence lease (if the lease system is enabled).
RenewCost: 0.2
如上所示. (可以对照修改,请不要直接复制)
Misaka。 发表于 2019-10-4 15:41
你得在Res文件夹里的 “group.yml”里来设置
如上所示. (可以对照修改,请不要直接复制) ...
能否告知详细一些 现在服务器圈地玩家需要1元 OP只需要0.25 就是我改圈地金额 OP的圈地金额可以改成功 玩家的改不了
Misaka。 发表于 2019-10-4 15:41
你得在Res文件夹里的 “group.yml”里来设置
如上所示. (可以对照修改,请不要直接复制) ...
好的 已解决 感谢