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/bw help-查看帮助
# ###############################
# ####### BEDWARS CONFIG ########
# ##### CREATED BY YANNICI ######
# ###############################
# ###### EXPLANATION ABOUT ######
# ############ WIKI #############
# ###############################
# # TYPE HELP # #
# int: number (not decimal)
# string: a normal text (in most cases you can use colorcodes with a beginning ??)
# boolean: true or false (IMPORTANT: true OR false ONLY)
# list<?>: a list of type ? (? is the type of the list items)
# byte: a int but limited between -128 ... 127
# short: a int but limited between -32768 ... 32767
# char: one character
chat-prefix: "&7[&bBedWars&7]&f"
# Enabled Metrics
# type: boolean
# Plugin Metrics sending anonymous data about your server
# to store statistics about the bedwars plugin. This is really
# helpful for me (Yannici, the developer of this plugin). You can
# disable it anyway, that won't be a disadvantage
plugin-metrics: true
# Send Error Data
# type: boolean
# If enabled, the plugin will automatically send error reports to "BugSnag".
# This is really helpful for fixing issues with the plugin. You can
# disable it anyway, that won't be a disadvantage
send-error-data: true
# Global send messages
# type: boolean
# Send messages (like game started messages)
# in global chat
global-messages: true
# Global autobalance
# type: boolean
# Enables autobalancing in every game
global-autobalance: false
# Global chat after end
# type: boolean
# When true, after game ends all players + spectators can chat
global-chat-after-end: true
# Game length
# Type: int
# The time the game should maximum run (in minutes). When the countdown expires
# the game will end without a winner.
gamelength: 60
# Allow crafting
# type: boolean
# When true, crafting is allowed ingame
allow-crafting: false
# Override player name
# type: boolean
# If true, all player display names will be overwritten (prefix etc. will be removed)
# If false, it'll try to change the name color only, but will leave prefix which maybe causes
# wrong colors in tablist or chat
overwrite-names: false
# Gamemode in lobby
# type: int
# The gamemode which should the players have in lobby
lobby-gamemode: 0
# Holographic Stats configs
# Show prefx
# type: boolean
# If true, the bedwars prefix will be shown on the bedwars
# holographic stats.
show-prefix: false
# Statistic names color
# type: string
# The color of the statistic names (like "Kills", "Deaths" ...)
name-color: "&7"
# Statstic value color
# type: string
# The color of the statistic values
value-color: "&e"
# Statistics headline
# type: string
# Leave the headline empty to remove the headline
head-line: "Your &eBEDWARS&f stats"
# Add teamname in tablist
# type: boolean
# Adds the teamname before the player name
# in the tablist
teamname-on-tab: false
# Teamname after player name
# type: boolean
# If true, the teamname will be added behind the player name
# in chat messages. If false, teamname won't be visible
teamname-in-chat: false
# Show hearts on death
# type: boolean
# If true the remaining hearts of the killing player
# will be displayed in the chat. If false, it is not visible
hearts-on-death: true
# Die on void damage
# type: boolean
# If true, player will die directly when get damage from void
die-on-void: false
# Lobby Time
# Type: int
# The lobby time defines how long you have to
# wait in the lobby until the game starts (when enough players) in seconds.
lobbytime: 60
# Chat format (waiting)
# type: string
# The chat format for messages in lobby (waiting mode) when
# player is not in a team
lobby-chatformat: "$player$: $msg$"
# Chat format (all)
# type: string
# The chat format for messages which will be sent to all ingame players
# if player is spectator $team$ will be "Spectator" (translated, of course!)
ingame-chatformat-all: "[$all$] <$team$>$player$: $msg$"
# Chat format
# type: string
# The chat format for the normal ingame chat between team-players
ingame-chatformat: "<$team$>$player$: $msg$"
# The main game block
# type: string or int
# The block which should be the main block for the game (respawn block)
game-block: BED_BLOCK
# Save game records
# type: boolean
# If true, the time records for every game will be stored.
store-game-records: true
# Save game records holder
# type: boolean
# If true, the record holders will be saved and displayed
store-game-records-holder: true
# Bed sound
# type: string
# The sound which should be played when a bed will be destroyed
# Which sound are available you can find here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# (in the Enum Constant Summery)
# Player drops
# type: boolean
# If true, player will drop his items
player-drops: false
# KeepInventory
# type: boolean
# If true, player will keep his inventory on death
keep-inventory-on-death: false
# Place in liquid
# type: boolean
# If true, it's possible to set blocks in liquid (like water, lava ...)
# If false, it will be prevented to set blocks in liquid
place-in-liquid: true
# Breakable blocks
# Use as blacklist
# type: boolean
# If true, it's possible to break all blocks except the blocks on the list below
# If false, it's only possible to break the blocks on the list below
use-as-blacklist: false
# type: list<int> or list<string>
# Defines the block types which are allowed to be broken
- 'none'
# Join team with entity config
# Team name visible
# type: boolean
# Should the name of the team be displayed above
# the entity? If so: true, if not: false
show-name: true
# Lobby Scoreboard settings
# Enable lobby scoreboard
# type: boolean
# If true, the lobby scoreboard will be used (configurable in this section)
# If false, the normal scoreboard (with team display) will be used
enabled: true
# Lobby scoreboard title
# type: string
# The title of the lobby scoreboard
# Placeholders:
#$regionname$ = Region name (or map name)
#$gamename$= Name of the game
#$players$= Current number of players
#$maxplayers$ = The maximum players for this game
title: "&eBEDWARS"
# Lobby scoreboard content
# type: List<string>
# The content of the lobby scoreboard (list of texts)
# Use " " (see example) for an empty row
# Placeholders:
#$regionname$ = Region name (or map name)
#$gamename$= Name of the game
#$players$= Current number of players
#$maxplayers$ = The maximum players for this game
- " "
- "&fMap: &2$regionname$"
- "&fPlayers: &2$players$&f/&2$maxplayers$"
- " "
- "&fWaiting ..."
- " "
# Scoreboard settings
# Format for scoreboard teams (bed destroyed)
# type: string
# The format how the teams on the scoreboard will be displayed
# Possible placeholders:
# - $status$ (bed status => destroyed/not destroyed)
# - $team$ (Colored team name)
format-bed-destroyed: "&c$status$ $team$"
# Format for scoreboard teams (bed alive)
# type: string
# The format how the teams on the scoreboard will be displayed
# Possible placeholders:
# - $status$ (bed status => destroyed/not destroyed)
# - $team$ (Colored team name)
format-bed-alive: "&a$status$ $team$"
# Format for scoreboard title
# type: string
# The format for the scoreboard title (above teams)
# Possible placeholders:
# - $game$ (game name)
# - $region$ (game's region- or worldname)
# - $time$ (the countdown-timer)
format-title: "&e$region$&f - $time$"
# Titles configuration (only compatible with >= 1.8)
# Win title
# Enable win title (default: true)
# type: boolean
# If true, the title configured in this section will be displayed
enabled: true
# Title Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-in should take in seconds
title-fade-in: 1.5
# Title Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the title will stay in seconds
title-stay: 5.0
# Title Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-out should take in seconds
title-fade-out: 2.0
# SubTitle Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-in should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-in: 1.5
# SubTitle Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle will stay in seconds
subtitle-stay: 5.0
# SubTitle Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-out should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-out: 2.0
# Map title with builder
# Enable map title (default: false)
# type: boolean
# If true, a title will be displayed on start
# with the region name displayed and if set, the builder
# as subtitle. (/bw setbuilder {game})
enabled: false
# Title Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-in should take in seconds
title-fade-in: 1.5
# Title Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the title will stay in seconds
title-stay: 2.0
# Title Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-out should take in seconds
title-fade-out: 1.5
# SubTitle Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-in should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-in: 1.5
# SubTitle Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle will stay in seconds
subtitle-stay: 2.0
# SubTitle Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-out should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-out: 1.5
# Countdown title
# Enabled countdown title
# type: boolean
# If true, the countdown will be displayed as title when game is
# in countdown (from 10) in lobby
enabled: true
# Title format
# type: string
# The format of the countdown (colors addable)
format: "&3{countdown}"
# Explode Behaviour
# Destroy world blocks
# type: boolean
# Set to true to allow destroying region blocks
# Set to false to prevent block destroying in region
destroy-worldblocks: false
# Destroy beds
# type: boolean
# Set to true, to allow players to destroy beds with tnt
destroy-beds: false
# Block drops
# type: boolean
# If set to true, blocks will be dropping on explosions
# on false, exploded blocks won't drop anything
drop-blocking: false
# Friendly Fire
# Type: boolean (true or false)
# Sets if friendlyfire is enabled (damage team mates)
friendlyfire: false
# Prevent breaking under team mate
# type: boolean
# If true, you can break the block right under a team-member
# If false, it will be prevented to break block under team-member
friendlybreak: true
# Game over delay
# Type: int
# How much time (in seconds) should be waited until all players
# will be teleported after a game ends.
gameoverdelay: 10
# Use the Bedwars shopvillager
# Type: boolean
# Decide if you want to use the internal bedwars shop
use-internal-shop: true
# Restore inventory after game ends
# type boolean
# If true the inventory gets restore after the game ends
save-inventory: true
# Show team in ActionBar
# Type: boolean
# Sets if the name of a player's team should be displayed
# in the ActionBar
show-team-in-actionbar: false
# Chat to all prefix
# type: list
# The prefix character which indicates to chat
# to all ingame players (not only team)
- '@'
- '@a'
- '@all'
# Seperate game chat
# type: boolean
# Configure to false if players in games can read all messages of server
# Configure to true if players receive only game messages
seperate-game-chat: true
# Seperate spectator chat
# type: boolean
# If set to true, spectators and game-players are seperated
# and players don't see spectators chat
seperate-spectator-chat: false
# Statistic-Configuration
# Statistics enable
# type: boolean
# Set to true to enable statistics. Otherwise set to false
enabled: false
# Show on game end
# type: boolean
# If true, the stats will be displayed after the game ends
show-on-game-end: true
# Achievements storage type
# type: string
# yaml or database
# Set to yaml to store statistics in a Yaml-Configuration file or
# set to database to store statistics in the defined database. If no database
# configured, the statistics will be stored in Yaml-Files
storage: yaml
# Bed destroy kill
# type: boolean
# If true, kills will only count if the bed is destroyed
# If false, every kill will count as a kill
bed-destroyed-kills: false
# Scores configuration
# Score per kill
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he kills someone
kill: 10
# Score per death
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he dies
die: 0
# Score per win
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when a team wins
win: 50
# Score per bed destroy
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he destroys a bed
bed-destroy: 25
# Score per lose
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when a lose
lose: 0
# New record set
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when they made a new record
record: 100
# Database (currently only mysql) configuration
# Database host
# type: string
# Hostname of your database
host: localhost
# Database port
# type: int
# Port of your database. Default mysql port: 3306
port: 3306
# Database name
# type: string
# The name of your database
db: database
# Database user
# type: string
# User for database authentication
user: root
# Database password
# type: string
# Password of database user for authentication
password: secret
# Connection-Pooling configuration (only professional use)
# For bungeecord servers it is recommended to use lower pool sizes because
# they have only one bedwars game per server and only need a
# very small amount of connections
# Min connection pool size
# type: int
# Defines how large the min pool size for connections should be
# the higher the value the higher the load of the database server
min-pool-size: 3
# Max connection pool size
# type: int
# Defines how large the max pool size for connections should be
# the higher the value the higher is the security that no connection locks
# will occur. But the load of the database server will be higher when
# many connections are used!
max-pool-size: 50
# Spectation enabled
# Type: boolean
# Defines if spectators are allowed
spectation-enabled: false
# Respawn protection
# Type: int
# The time which players are protected after respawn in seconds
# Set it to 0 to disable respawn protection.
respawn-protection: 0
# Allowed ingame commands
# type: List<String>
# Defines a list of commands which are allowed for all for default.
# Can be set with an starting / or without
- /help
### Main lobby enabled
### Type: boolean
### Not available with bungeecord!
### If you want, that all players will be teleported to a specific
### location (you can set with /bw setmainlobby {game}) after a game or when a player
### uses /bw leave. If this is set to false, the players will be teleported to the location
### where they joined the game!
mainlobby-enabled: false
### All players to mainlobby
### Type: boolean
### Not available with bungeecord!
### Configures if all players will be teleported to mainlobby after game.
### If false, all players will be teleported back to lobby to restart
### a new game. This is only recognized if mainlobby-enabled set to true
all-players-to-mainlobby: false
# Bungeecord configurations
# Enable Bungeecord
# Type: boolean
# Set to true to enable bungeecord compatibility. Set to false when you have
# a single server and don't use bungeecord.
enabled: false
# Bungeecord Hubserver
# Type: string
# The name of the hub/main server of the bungeecord server-farm. This will be
# the server where the player will be teleported when they leave.
hubserver: hub
# Endgame Lobby
# type: boolean
# If true, it sends players to your lobby during the endgame before getting kicked.
endgame-in-lobby: true
# Full server restart
# Type: boolean
# If true, the server will do a full restart, with false
# it tries just to restart the game
full-restart: true
# Use spigot restart
# type: boolean
# If true, it tries to use spigot's /restart command (ONLY WHEN full-restart IS true)
# If spigot isn't running, it will just stop the server
spigot-restart: true
# Message of the Day configuration
# Type: string (colorcodes with &)
# Here you can specify the MOTDs which should be used
# at this bedwars server of your bungeecord server-farm.
# Useful for bedwars join signs in your lobby
lobby: |
running: |
stopped: |
full: |
### Localization (language)
### Type: string (length: 2)
### Sets the localization which should be used.
### Check the plugin description for possible languages!
### Currently available languages: https://github.com/BedwarsRel/Be ... in/resources/locale
### The fallback language is en_US (english).
locale: en_US
# Ressources config
## Custom spawners list
### Spawners (unique key!):
### item:
###type: string or int
###Item-Name or Item-ID !! UNIQUE !!
### spawn-interval:
###type: int
###The interval in milliseconds the ressource should spawn
### amount:
###type: int
###The stack amount the item should have
### name:
###type: string (color codes with &)
###The name for the ressource which will be displayed
### spread:
###type: double
###How far the items should spread on drop
### enchants:
###key: Has to be the enchant-ID or enchant-name!
###value: The level of the enchant
### lore:
###type: list<string> (colorcodes with &)
###The lores this item should have
### meta:
###type: short (potion) or byte (any other item)
###The meta byte which should be added to the item
spawn-interval: 1000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&4Bronze"
spawn-interval: 10000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&7Iron"
spawn-interval: 20000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&6Gold"
# Check Updates
# type: boolean
# Allow check for updates and automatically download the new update
# and save it to the update folder of your server
check-updates: true
# Update infos
# type: boolean
# If true, you will get information when a new update will be downloaded
# If false, you won't get noticed when a update was downloaded
update-infos: true
# Reward commands
# It is prerequisite that every command can be executed from the console (sender).
# These placeholder can be used in every command:
# {player} - the player for which the command will be executed
# {score} - the score of the player in the current game (ONLY WHEN STATISTICS ENABLED!)
# Enable rewards
# type: boolean
# Enables reward commands
enabled: false
# Game win
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for every player which wins
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} 200
# Game end (every player in game)
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be execute for every player in game
# after the game has end
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} {score}
# Player destroy bed
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for the player which
# destroys a bed of a enemy team
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# {score} here is the score how much is configured
# at "statistics => scores => bed-destroy"
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} {score}
# Player kill
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for the player which
# kills a enemy player
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# {score} here is the score how much is configured
# at "statistics => scores => kill"
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} 10
# Special items
# Rescue platform settings
# Remove platform time
# type: int
# The time in seconds when the platform will be break after using
# the rescue platform
break-time: 10
# Using wait time
# type: int
# The seconds how long a player has to wait until he can
# use a rescue platform again
using-wait-time: 20
# Item
# type: int or string
# The name or id of the item which should be used for the rescue platform
# Can break
# type: boolean
# If true, the rescue platform can be breaked by other players.
can-break: false
# Block
# type: int or string
# The block-type which should be used for the rescue platform
# Protection wall settings
# Break time
# type: int
# The time in seconds when the wall should be removed again or
# 0 when the wall shouldn't be breaked again
break-time: 0
# Wait time
# type: int
# The wait time in seconds a player has to wait until he can
# use a protection wall again or 0 if protection walls can be activated anytime
wait-time: 20
# Can break wall
# type: boolean
# If true, the wall can be breaked by other players or
# false if it shouldn't be breakable
can-break: true
# Interact item
# type: int or string
# The item id or string which indicates which item should be in the
# hand to execute the protection wall on interaction
item: BRICK
# Wall type
# type: int or string
# The item-type which should be used for the wall. Should be
# a real block!
# Wall width
# type: int
# The width in blocks the wall should be
# !! ODD ONLY !!
width: 5
# Wall height
# type: int
# The height in blocks the wall should be
height: 3
# Distance to player
# type: int
# The distance in blocks the wall should be away from the player
distance: 2
# Magnetshoe settings
# Knockback probability
# type: int
# The probability in percent the knockback will be prevented
probability: 75
# Knockback boots
# type: item (boots only!!!)
# The boots which are used as magnetshoe
# Warp-Powder settings
# Show particles
# type: boolean
# If true, particles will be shown
show-particles: true
# Particles type
# type: string
# Decide which particles should be used at teleport.
particle: fireworksSpark
# Teleport time
# type: int
# The time in seconds a teleportation should need
teleport-time: 6
# Trap settings
# Trap play sound
# type: boolean
# Set to true, to play sound when someone step into a trap (sound only to players
# of the team, which placed the trap)
play-sound: true
# List of effects the player gets after stepping on a trap
# Now the custom PotionEffect
# It is a list of effects
- ==: PotionEffect
# Potion id
# type: int
# The id 15 means the PotionEffect Blindness
# You can find a list of possible effect ids you can use on http://minecraft-helpandinfo.weebly.com/potion-effects-ids.html
effect: 15
# Effect duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# type: int
# The duration the trapeffect will have effects on the player in ticks
# 100 ticks is default (5 seconds)
duration: 100
# Effect amplifier
# type: int
# The higher the value, the heavier the effect.
amplifier: 2
# Effect ambient
# type: boolean
# Makes potion effect produce more, translucent, particles.
ambient: true
# Effect has particles
# type: boolean
# Set to true, if trap effect should generate particles around the player
has-particles: true
# Two more examples
# Feel free to customize and add more effects
- ==: PotionEffect
# PotionEffect Weakness
effect: 18
duration: 100
amplifier: 2
ambient: true
has-particles: true
- ==: PotionEffect
# PotionEffect Slowness
effect: 2
duration: 100
amplifier: 2
ambient: true
has-particles: true
# TNT-Creature settings
# TNT fuse time
# type: double
# The time in seconds when the TNT will explode
fuse-time: 8.0
# Sheep movement speed
# type: double
# The movement speed of the sheep
# Prefered 0.4! Do not set higher than 0.8!!!
speed: 0.4
# Explosion factor
# type: double
# The factor for the explosive! 1.0 is default tnt-explosion.
# Its not recommended to use values above 1.0
explosion-factor: 1.0
# arrow-blocker settings
# Protection time
# type: int
# The time to protect the player from projectils
protection-time: 10
# Protection time
# type: int
# Time to wait for the next useage
using-wait-time: 5
# Interact item
# type: int or string
# The item id or string which indicates which item should be in the
# hand to execute the arrow-blocker on interaction
item: ender_eye
# Sign configuration
# You can use following placeholder (colors with &):
# $gamename$ - display game name
# $regionname$ - display region name
# $maxplayers$ - display max players amount (color overwrite when full)
# $currentplayers$ - display current players in game (color overwrite when full)
# $status$ - display current game status (lobby, running or waiting)
# $title$ - display bedwars title (sign.firstline of locale file)
first-line: '$title$'
second-line: '$regionname$'
third-line: 'Players &7[&b$currentplayers$&7/&b$maxplayers$&7]'
fourth-line: '$status$'
# Configure player default settings
# Shop: One Stack on shift click
# type: boolean
# Only one full stack when doing a shift click to buy items.
# Player can change that in shop, this is just a default
one-stack-on-shift: false
# Shop: Default shop on game start
# type: boolean
# Set the default shop on game start.
# Player can change that in shop, this is just a default
old-shop-as-default: false

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bw.vip - 起床战争VIP权限

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/bw help-查看帮助
# ###############################
# ####### BEDWARS CONFIG ########
# ##### CREATED BY YANNICI ######
# ###############################
# ###### EXPLANATION ABOUT ######
# ############ WIKI #############
# ###############################
# # TYPE HELP # #
# int: number (not decimal)
# string: a normal text (in most cases you can use colorcodes with a beginning ??)
# boolean: true or false (IMPORTANT: true OR false ONLY)
# list<?>: a list of type ? (? is the type of the list items)
# byte: a int but limited between -128 ... 127
# short: a int but limited between -32768 ... 32767
# char: one character
chat-prefix: "&7[&bBedWars&7]&f"
# Enabled Metrics
# type: boolean
# Plugin Metrics sending anonymous data about your server
# to store statistics about the bedwars plugin. This is really
# helpful for me (Yannici, the developer of this plugin). You can
# disable it anyway, that won't be a disadvantage
plugin-metrics: true
# Send Error Data
# type: boolean
# If enabled, the plugin will automatically send error reports to "BugSnag".
# This is really helpful for fixing issues with the plugin. You can
# disable it anyway, that won't be a disadvantage
send-error-data: true
# Global send messages
# type: boolean
# Send messages (like game started messages)
# in global chat
global-messages: true
# Global autobalance
# type: boolean
# Enables autobalancing in every game
global-autobalance: false
# Global chat after end
# type: boolean
# When true, after game ends all players + spectators can chat
global-chat-after-end: true
# Game length
# Type: int
# The time the game should maximum run (in minutes). When the countdown expires
# the game will end without a winner.
gamelength: 60
# Allow crafting
# type: boolean
# When true, crafting is allowed ingame
allow-crafting: false
# Override player name
# type: boolean
# If true, all player display names will be overwritten (prefix etc. will be removed)
# If false, it'll try to change the name color only, but will leave prefix which maybe causes
# wrong colors in tablist or chat
overwrite-names: false
# Gamemode in lobby
# type: int
# The gamemode which should the players have in lobby
lobby-gamemode: 0
# Holographic Stats configs
# Show prefx
# type: boolean
# If true, the bedwars prefix will be shown on the bedwars
# holographic stats.
show-prefix: false
# Statistic names color
# type: string
# The color of the statistic names (like "Kills", "Deaths" ...)
name-color: "&7"
# Statstic value color
# type: string
# The color of the statistic values
value-color: "&e"
# Statistics headline
# type: string
# Leave the headline empty to remove the headline
head-line: "Your &eBEDWARS&f stats"
# Add teamname in tablist
# type: boolean
# Adds the teamname before the player name
# in the tablist
teamname-on-tab: false
# Teamname after player name
# type: boolean
# If true, the teamname will be added behind the player name
# in chat messages. If false, teamname won't be visible
teamname-in-chat: false
# Show hearts on death
# type: boolean
# If true the remaining hearts of the killing player
# will be displayed in the chat. If false, it is not visible
hearts-on-death: true
# Die on void damage
# type: boolean
# If true, player will die directly when get damage from void
die-on-void: false
# Lobby Time
# Type: int
# The lobby time defines how long you have to
# wait in the lobby until the game starts (when enough players) in seconds.
lobbytime: 60
# Chat format (waiting)
# type: string
# The chat format for messages in lobby (waiting mode) when
# player is not in a team
lobby-chatformat: "$player$: $msg$"
# Chat format (all)
# type: string
# The chat format for messages which will be sent to all ingame players
# if player is spectator $team$ will be "Spectator" (translated, of course!)
ingame-chatformat-all: "[$all$] <$team$>$player$: $msg$"
# Chat format
# type: string
# The chat format for the normal ingame chat between team-players
ingame-chatformat: "<$team$>$player$: $msg$"
# The main game block
# type: string or int
# The block which should be the main block for the game (respawn block)
game-block: BED_BLOCK
# Save game records
# type: boolean
# If true, the time records for every game will be stored.
store-game-records: true
# Save game records holder
# type: boolean
# If true, the record holders will be saved and displayed
store-game-records-holder: true
# Bed sound
# type: string
# The sound which should be played when a bed will be destroyed
# Which sound are available you can find here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# (in the Enum Constant Summery)
# Player drops
# type: boolean
# If true, player will drop his items
player-drops: false
# KeepInventory
# type: boolean
# If true, player will keep his inventory on death
keep-inventory-on-death: false
# Place in liquid
# type: boolean
# If true, it's possible to set blocks in liquid (like water, lava ...)
# If false, it will be prevented to set blocks in liquid
place-in-liquid: true
# Breakable blocks
# Use as blacklist
# type: boolean
# If true, it's possible to break all blocks except the blocks on the list below
# If false, it's only possible to break the blocks on the list below
use-as-blacklist: false
# type: list<int> or list<string>
# Defines the block types which are allowed to be broken
- 'none'
# Join team with entity config
# Team name visible
# type: boolean
# Should the name of the team be displayed above
# the entity? If so: true, if not: false
show-name: true
# Lobby Scoreboard settings
# Enable lobby scoreboard
# type: boolean
# If true, the lobby scoreboard will be used (configurable in this section)
# If false, the normal scoreboard (with team display) will be used
enabled: true
# Lobby scoreboard title
# type: string
# The title of the lobby scoreboard
# Placeholders:
#$regionname$ = Region name (or map name)
#$gamename$= Name of the game
#$players$= Current number of players
#$maxplayers$ = The maximum players for this game
title: "&eBEDWARS"
# Lobby scoreboard content
# type: List<string>
# The content of the lobby scoreboard (list of texts)
# Use " " (see example) for an empty row
# Placeholders:
#$regionname$ = Region name (or map name)
#$gamename$= Name of the game
#$players$= Current number of players
#$maxplayers$ = The maximum players for this game
- " "
- "&fMap: &2$regionname$"
- "&fPlayers: &2$players$&f/&2$maxplayers$"
- " "
- "&fWaiting ..."
- " "
# Scoreboard settings
# Format for scoreboard teams (bed destroyed)
# type: string
# The format how the teams on the scoreboard will be displayed
# Possible placeholders:
# - $status$ (bed status => destroyed/not destroyed)
# - $team$ (Colored team name)
format-bed-destroyed: "&c$status$ $team$"
# Format for scoreboard teams (bed alive)
# type: string
# The format how the teams on the scoreboard will be displayed
# Possible placeholders:
# - $status$ (bed status => destroyed/not destroyed)
# - $team$ (Colored team name)
format-bed-alive: "&a$status$ $team$"
# Format for scoreboard title
# type: string
# The format for the scoreboard title (above teams)
# Possible placeholders:
# - $game$ (game name)
# - $region$ (game's region- or worldname)
# - $time$ (the countdown-timer)
format-title: "&e$region$&f - $time$"
# Titles configuration (only compatible with >= 1.8)
# Win title
# Enable win title (default: true)
# type: boolean
# If true, the title configured in this section will be displayed
enabled: true
# Title Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-in should take in seconds
title-fade-in: 1.5
# Title Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the title will stay in seconds
title-stay: 5.0
# Title Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-out should take in seconds
title-fade-out: 2.0
# SubTitle Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-in should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-in: 1.5
# SubTitle Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle will stay in seconds
subtitle-stay: 5.0
# SubTitle Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-out should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-out: 2.0
# Map title with builder
# Enable map title (default: false)
# type: boolean
# If true, a title will be displayed on start
# with the region name displayed and if set, the builder
# as subtitle. (/bw setbuilder {game})
enabled: false
# Title Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-in should take in seconds
title-fade-in: 1.5
# Title Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the title will stay in seconds
title-stay: 2.0
# Title Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the title fade-out should take in seconds
title-fade-out: 1.5
# SubTitle Fade-In time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-in should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-in: 1.5
# SubTitle Stay time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle will stay in seconds
subtitle-stay: 2.0
# SubTitle Fade-Out time
# type: double
# The time how long the subtitle fade-out should take in seconds
subtitle-fade-out: 1.5
# Countdown title
# Enabled countdown title
# type: boolean
# If true, the countdown will be displayed as title when game is
# in countdown (from 10) in lobby
enabled: true
# Title format
# type: string
# The format of the countdown (colors addable)
format: "&3{countdown}"
# Explode Behaviour
# Destroy world blocks
# type: boolean
# Set to true to allow destroying region blocks
# Set to false to prevent block destroying in region
destroy-worldblocks: false
# Destroy beds
# type: boolean
# Set to true, to allow players to destroy beds with tnt
destroy-beds: false
# Block drops
# type: boolean
# If set to true, blocks will be dropping on explosions
# on false, exploded blocks won't drop anything
drop-blocking: false
# Friendly Fire
# Type: boolean (true or false)
# Sets if friendlyfire is enabled (damage team mates)
friendlyfire: false
# Prevent breaking under team mate
# type: boolean
# If true, you can break the block right under a team-member
# If false, it will be prevented to break block under team-member
friendlybreak: true
# Game over delay
# Type: int
# How much time (in seconds) should be waited until all players
# will be teleported after a game ends.
gameoverdelay: 10
# Use the Bedwars shopvillager
# Type: boolean
# Decide if you want to use the internal bedwars shop
use-internal-shop: true
# Restore inventory after game ends
# type boolean
# If true the inventory gets restore after the game ends
save-inventory: true
# Show team in ActionBar
# Type: boolean
# Sets if the name of a player's team should be displayed
# in the ActionBar
show-team-in-actionbar: false
# Chat to all prefix
# type: list
# The prefix character which indicates to chat
# to all ingame players (not only team)
- '@'
- '@a'
- '@all'
# Seperate game chat
# type: boolean
# Configure to false if players in games can read all messages of server
# Configure to true if players receive only game messages
seperate-game-chat: true
# Seperate spectator chat
# type: boolean
# If set to true, spectators and game-players are seperated
# and players don't see spectators chat
seperate-spectator-chat: false
# Statistic-Configuration
# Statistics enable
# type: boolean
# Set to true to enable statistics. Otherwise set to false
enabled: false
# Show on game end
# type: boolean
# If true, the stats will be displayed after the game ends
show-on-game-end: true
# Achievements storage type
# type: string
# yaml or database
# Set to yaml to store statistics in a Yaml-Configuration file or
# set to database to store statistics in the defined database. If no database
# configured, the statistics will be stored in Yaml-Files
storage: yaml
# Bed destroy kill
# type: boolean
# If true, kills will only count if the bed is destroyed
# If false, every kill will count as a kill
bed-destroyed-kills: false
# Scores configuration
# Score per kill
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he kills someone
kill: 10
# Score per death
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he dies
die: 0
# Score per win
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when a team wins
win: 50
# Score per bed destroy
# type: int
# Sets the score which a player gets when he destroys a bed
bed-destroy: 25
# Score per lose
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when a lose
lose: 0
# New record set
# type: int
# Sets the score which all team-players gets when they made a new record
record: 100
# Database (currently only mysql) configuration
# Database host
# type: string
# Hostname of your database
host: localhost
# Database port
# type: int
# Port of your database. Default mysql port: 3306
port: 3306
# Database name
# type: string
# The name of your database
db: database
# Database user
# type: string
# User for database authentication
user: root
# Database password
# type: string
# Password of database user for authentication
password: secret
# Connection-Pooling configuration (only professional use)
# For bungeecord servers it is recommended to use lower pool sizes because
# they have only one bedwars game per server and only need a
# very small amount of connections
# Min connection pool size
# type: int
# Defines how large the min pool size for connections should be
# the higher the value the higher the load of the database server
min-pool-size: 3
# Max connection pool size
# type: int
# Defines how large the max pool size for connections should be
# the higher the value the higher is the security that no connection locks
# will occur. But the load of the database server will be higher when
# many connections are used!
max-pool-size: 50
# Spectation enabled
# Type: boolean
# Defines if spectators are allowed
spectation-enabled: false
# Respawn protection
# Type: int
# The time which players are protected after respawn in seconds
# Set it to 0 to disable respawn protection.
respawn-protection: 0
# Allowed ingame commands
# type: List<String>
# Defines a list of commands which are allowed for all for default.
# Can be set with an starting / or without
- /help
### Main lobby enabled
### Type: boolean
### Not available with bungeecord!
### If you want, that all players will be teleported to a specific
### location (you can set with /bw setmainlobby {game}) after a game or when a player
### uses /bw leave. If this is set to false, the players will be teleported to the location
### where they joined the game!
mainlobby-enabled: false
### All players to mainlobby
### Type: boolean
### Not available with bungeecord!
### Configures if all players will be teleported to mainlobby after game.
### If false, all players will be teleported back to lobby to restart
### a new game. This is only recognized if mainlobby-enabled set to true
all-players-to-mainlobby: false
# Bungeecord configurations
# Enable Bungeecord
# Type: boolean
# Set to true to enable bungeecord compatibility. Set to false when you have
# a single server and don't use bungeecord.
enabled: false
# Bungeecord Hubserver
# Type: string
# The name of the hub/main server of the bungeecord server-farm. This will be
# the server where the player will be teleported when they leave.
hubserver: hub
# Endgame Lobby
# type: boolean
# If true, it sends players to your lobby during the endgame before getting kicked.
endgame-in-lobby: true
# Full server restart
# Type: boolean
# If true, the server will do a full restart, with false
# it tries just to restart the game
full-restart: true
# Use spigot restart
# type: boolean
# If true, it tries to use spigot's /restart command (ONLY WHEN full-restart IS true)
# If spigot isn't running, it will just stop the server
spigot-restart: true
# Message of the Day configuration
# Type: string (colorcodes with &)
# Here you can specify the MOTDs which should be used
# at this bedwars server of your bungeecord server-farm.
# Useful for bedwars join signs in your lobby
lobby: |
running: |
stopped: |
full: |
### Localization (language)
### Type: string (length: 2)
### Sets the localization which should be used.
### Check the plugin description for possible languages!
### Currently available languages: https://github.com/BedwarsRel/Be ... in/resources/locale
### The fallback language is en_US (english).
locale: en_US
# Ressources config
## Custom spawners list
### Spawners (unique key!):
### item:
###type: string or int
###Item-Name or Item-ID !! UNIQUE !!
### spawn-interval:
###type: int
###The interval in milliseconds the ressource should spawn
### amount:
###type: int
###The stack amount the item should have
### name:
###type: string (color codes with &)
###The name for the ressource which will be displayed
### spread:
###type: double
###How far the items should spread on drop
### enchants:
###key: Has to be the enchant-ID or enchant-name!
###value: The level of the enchant
### lore:
###type: list<string> (colorcodes with &)
###The lores this item should have
### meta:
###type: short (potion) or byte (any other item)
###The meta byte which should be added to the item
spawn-interval: 1000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&4Bronze"
spawn-interval: 10000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&7Iron"
spawn-interval: 20000
amount: 1
spread: 1.0
name: "&6Gold"
# Check Updates
# type: boolean
# Allow check for updates and automatically download the new update
# and save it to the update folder of your server
check-updates: true
# Update infos
# type: boolean
# If true, you will get information when a new update will be downloaded
# If false, you won't get noticed when a update was downloaded
update-infos: true
# Reward commands
# It is prerequisite that every command can be executed from the console (sender).
# These placeholder can be used in every command:
# {player} - the player for which the command will be executed
# {score} - the score of the player in the current game (ONLY WHEN STATISTICS ENABLED!)
# Enable rewards
# type: boolean
# Enables reward commands
enabled: false
# Game win
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for every player which wins
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} 200
# Game end (every player in game)
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be execute for every player in game
# after the game has end
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} {score}
# Player destroy bed
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for the player which
# destroys a bed of a enemy team
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# {score} here is the score how much is configured
# at "statistics => scores => bed-destroy"
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} {score}
# Player kill
# type: List<string>
# Commands which will be executed for the player which
# kills a enemy player
# possible placeholders: {player}, {score}
# {score} here is the score how much is configured
# at "statistics => scores => kill"
# set the first command to "none", no commands will be executed
- /example {player} 10
# Special items
# Rescue platform settings
# Remove platform time
# type: int
# The time in seconds when the platform will be break after using
# the rescue platform
break-time: 10
# Using wait time
# type: int
# The seconds how long a player has to wait until he can
# use a rescue platform again
using-wait-time: 20
# Item
# type: int or string
# The name or id of the item which should be used for the rescue platform
# Can break
# type: boolean
# If true, the rescue platform can be breaked by other players.
can-break: false
# Block
# type: int or string
# The block-type which should be used for the rescue platform
# Protection wall settings
# Break time
# type: int
# The time in seconds when the wall should be removed again or
# 0 when the wall shouldn't be breaked again
break-time: 0
# Wait time
# type: int
# The wait time in seconds a player has to wait until he can
# use a protection wall again or 0 if protection walls can be activated anytime
wait-time: 20
# Can break wall
# type: boolean
# If true, the wall can be breaked by other players or
# false if it shouldn't be breakable
can-break: true
# Interact item
# type: int or string
# The item id or string which indicates which item should be in the
# hand to execute the protection wall on interaction
item: BRICK
# Wall type
# type: int or string
# The item-type which should be used for the wall. Should be
# a real block!
# Wall width
# type: int
# The width in blocks the wall should be
# !! ODD ONLY !!
width: 5
# Wall height
# type: int
# The height in blocks the wall should be
height: 3
# Distance to player
# type: int
# The distance in blocks the wall should be away from the player
distance: 2
# Magnetshoe settings
# Knockback probability
# type: int
# The probability in percent the knockback will be prevented
probability: 75
# Knockback boots
# type: item (boots only!!!)
# The boots which are used as magnetshoe
# Warp-Powder settings
# Show particles
# type: boolean
# If true, particles will be shown
show-particles: true
# Particles type
# type: string
# Decide which particles should be used at teleport.
particle: fireworksSpark
# Teleport time
# type: int
# The time in seconds a teleportation should need
teleport-time: 6
# Trap settings
# Trap play sound
# type: boolean
# Set to true, to play sound when someone step into a trap (sound only to players
# of the team, which placed the trap)
play-sound: true
# List of effects the player gets after stepping on a trap
# Now the custom PotionEffect
# It is a list of effects
- ==: PotionEffect
# Potion id
# type: int
# The id 15 means the PotionEffect Blindness
# You can find a list of possible effect ids you can use on http://minecraft-helpandinfo.weebly.com/potion-effects-ids.html
effect: 15
# Effect duration in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# type: int
# The duration the trapeffect will have effects on the player in ticks
# 100 ticks is default (5 seconds)
duration: 100
# Effect amplifier
# type: int
# The higher the value, the heavier the effect.
amplifier: 2
# Effect ambient
# type: boolean
# Makes potion effect produce more, translucent, particles.
ambient: true
# Effect has particles
# type: boolean
# Set to true, if trap effect should generate particles around the player
has-particles: true
# Two more examples
# Feel free to customize and add more effects
- ==: PotionEffect
# PotionEffect Weakness
effect: 18
duration: 100
amplifier: 2
ambient: true
has-particles: true
- ==: PotionEffect
# PotionEffect Slowness
effect: 2
duration: 100
amplifier: 2
ambient: true
has-particles: true
# TNT-Creature settings
# TNT fuse time
# type: double
# The time in seconds when the TNT will explode
fuse-time: 8.0
# Sheep movement speed
# type: double
# The movement speed of the sheep
# Prefered 0.4! Do not set higher than 0.8!!!
speed: 0.4
# Explosion factor
# type: double
# The factor for the explosive! 1.0 is default tnt-explosion.
# Its not recommended to use values above 1.0
explosion-factor: 1.0
# arrow-blocker settings
# Protection time
# type: int
# The time to protect the player from projectils
protection-time: 10
# Protection time
# type: int
# Time to wait for the next useage
using-wait-time: 5
# Interact item
# type: int or string
# The item id or string which indicates which item should be in the
# hand to execute the arrow-blocker on interaction
item: ender_eye
# Sign configuration
# You can use following placeholder (colors with &):
# $gamename$ - display game name
# $regionname$ - display region name
# $maxplayers$ - display max players amount (color overwrite when full)
# $currentplayers$ - display current players in game (color overwrite when full)
# $status$ - display current game status (lobby, running or waiting)
# $title$ - display bedwars title (sign.firstline of locale file)
first-line: '$title$'
second-line: '$regionname$'
third-line: 'Players &7[&b$currentplayers$&7/&b$maxplayers$&7]'
fourth-line: '$status$'
# Configure player default settings
# Shop: One Stack on shift click
# type: boolean
# Only one full stack when doing a shift click to buy items.
# Player can change that in shop, this is just a default
one-stack-on-shift: false
# Shop: Default shop on game start
# type: boolean
# Set the default shop on game start.
# Player can change that in shop, this is just a default
old-shop-as-default: false
非常好! 可以让人产生一种这不是bedwarsrel的错觉 _(:з」∠)_