- Player-is-Banned: "&cPerWorldBan >> &7%player% &eis already banned from &7%world%."
- #玩家在某世界被封禁
- Player-not-Banned: "&cPerWorldBan >> &7%player% &eis not banned from &7%world%."
- #玩家在某世界没被封禁
- Ban-Cmd-Error: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eincorrect usage, &7use /pwb ban <player> <world> <reason>\n&7Also the player needs to be online, if Force-online-Player if true, in order to ban him."
- #封禁命令错误
- Unban-Cmd-Error: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eincorrect usage, &7use /pwb unban <player> <world>."
- #解封命令错误
- Command-Not-Valid: "&cPerWorldBan >> Command &7%command%&c not found, try /pwb to see all the available commands"
- #命令无效
- Kick-Banned-Player: true
- #启用或关闭踢出封禁玩家
- Kick-Banned-Cmd: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eYou have set Kick-Banned-Player to &7%boolean%."
- #踢出封禁玩家开启或关闭消息
- Kick-Banned-Now: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eKick-Banned-Player at this moment is &7%boolean%."
- #现在踢出封禁玩家开启或关闭消息
- # Currently not working #
- # 当前不会工作 #
- Force-online-Player: true
- #强制线上玩家开关
- Force-online-Msg: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eYou have set Force-online-Player to &7%boolean%."
- #强制线上玩家开关消息
- Force-online-Now: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eForce-online-Player at this moment is &7%boolean%."
- #现在强制线上玩家开关消息
- #------------------------------------#
- Player-not-Found: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eThe player &7%player% &eis not online."
- #玩家不存在
- Notify:
- ##通知讯息
- Player-Banned:
- ##玩家封禁
- - "&a------------------------------------"
- - ""
- - "&7%player% &egot banned by &7%banner% &efrom &7%world%."
- - "&eReason: &7%reason%"
- - ""
- - "&a------------------------------------"
- Player-Unbanned:
- ##玩家解封
- - "&a------------------------------------"
- - ""
- - "&7%player% &egot unbanned by &7%banner% &efrom &7%world%."
- - ""
- - "&a------------------------------------"
- You-Banned-Player: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eYou have banned &7%player% &efrom &7%world%."
- #你封禁玩家
- You-Unbanned-Player: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eYou have unbanned &7%player% &efrom &7%world%."
- #你解封玩家
- You-are-Bannend: "&cPerWorldBan >> You are banned from &7%world% &cby &7%banner% &creason: &7%reason%."
- #被封禁
- #聊天栏的
- You-got-Banned: "&aServerName\n\n&cYou got banned.\n\n&cFrom: &7%world%\n&cBy: &7%banner%\n\n&cReason: &7%reason%\n&cAppeal at &"
- #被封禁
- #被踢出时的通知(图2)
- Data-Cleared: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eBan data cleared, all players had been unbanned."
- #数据清除
- Config-Reload: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eAll files had been reloaded."
- #重载配置
- No-Permission: "&cPerWorldBan >> &eYou don't have permission to execute this command."
- #无权限
- Check-for-Updates: true
- #检查更新
复制代码 Bans.yml
- Players:
- #玩家栏
- #主组
- #不建议修改
- world:
- #世界名#
- By_Jack:
- #封禁玩家的人
- date: 30/09/2017
- #封禁时间
- by: By_Jack
- #封禁人
- reason: Didn't rate the resource with 5 Stars.
- #理由