Added ???.
Gases Framework 1.1.2
Gas blocks can now flow into replaceable blocks such as grass.
Ignited Gas now spawns smoke particles. It can also flow into and destroy blocks such as lanterns, redstone, and torches.
Resolved incompatibility problems with some popular mods.
Added Gas Transposer.
Gas bottles can no longer be used with Gas Tanks. Use the new Gas Transposer instead.
Infinite Gas Pumps and Infinite Gas Drains can no longer be broken in survival mode.
Removed false positives for loose ends in Piping.
Posted by Glenn at 18:52:39 - Apr 07 2015
Mar 30 2015 - UPDATE 1.6.1 / 1.1.1
The 1.6.1 update for Glenn's Gases and 1.1.1 update for Gases Framework has just been released! There are very few changes, but they can resolve incompatiblity issues. Also a tiny fix.
Glenn's Gases 1.6.1
Fixed Bedrock potentially spawning unwanted large amounts of Void Gas in The Nether and The End.
Gases Framework 1.1.1
Compressed Gas Effects data watcher to one index to increase compatibility.
Made Gas Effects data watcher index configurable. Try modifying this to resolve compatibility conflicts.
Posted by Glenn at 00:39:09 - Mar 30 2015
Mar 24 2015 - UPDATE 1.6.0 for 1.7.2
The update for Glenn's Gases (1.6.0) and Gases Framework (1.1.0) that were released yesterday are now available for Minecraft 1.7.2! There was also a silent update that resolved a Java version incompatibility. If you are unable to start the game because of a"java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Integer.hashCode(I)I" error, redownload the mods and things will run smoothly.
On another note, an incompatibility with Weapons Mod has been reported. We hope to resolve this soon.
Posted by Glenn at 20:39:27 - Mar 24 2015
Mar 23 2015 - UPDATE 1.6.0
It's been a long wait, but Glenn's Gases 1.6.0 and Gases Framework 1.1.0 is now out for Minecraft 1.7.10! This new version will also be available for 1.7.2 tomorrow, and eventually 1.8.
This update brings a ridiculous amount of changes, including the changing of a large amount of block IDs... Very sorry about that, but it's going to pay off in the future. Consider using the new Retrogen to get your gases back. Anyway, here's the changelog.
Many block IDs have been changed.
Reworked the mod configurations into a highly readable format. All fields have been renamed in the process.
The update checker of Glenn's Gases has been upgraded, and updated to allow login tracking. Fear not, everything is anonymous.
The same update checker has been applied to the Gases Framework.
Gas Lanterns now expire at proper rates.
Blindness caused by gases is now smoother and also affects FOV
Primitive Respirator no longer breaks completely, and can be repaired with Coal on an anvil.
Added Advanced Respirator.
Ignited Gas now stays for longer.
Tweaked and repaired the internal behaviour of Lanterns.
Added Helium.
Revamped world generation. Gas Pockets are no longer as fragmented. It should be much more stable and have a slightly smaller impact on performance. Added support for Retrogen which will allow future gas types to be generated in already existing worlds.
Tweaked a large amount of values regarding world generation.
Decreased loudness of Electric Gas.
Added Glass Gas Pipes.
When highlighting a Gas Pipes while holding a Gas Pipe, green arrows will appear showing where gas flows.
Reworked the piping system. Removed all explosions related to failed pumping and overloading. Slightly increased the pump rate of Gas Pumps and Gas Collectors. Made the piping rules few and simple.
Increased range of Gas Collectors. Made Gas Collectors able to transmit their contents to adjacent Gas Collectors.
Gas Pumps and Gas Collectors now remove their filtering state if the player applies a filter that is equal to the current setting.
Added visual indication of filter settings to Gas Pumps and Gas Collectors.
Added native WAILA support (no plugin required).
Fixed Gas Furnace rewarding no XP.
Increased Adcidic Vapour flow speed.
The core counterparts of Glenn's Gases and Gases Framework no longer need their own mod files.
Made the mods look much better in the FML mods menu.
Fixed bug where Corrosive Gas would completely ignore block hardness.
Made all gas machinery accept and discard air if necessary.
Added Infinite Gas Pump and Infinite Gas Drain.
EXTREME AMOUNTS of invisible internal changes. Seriously. This list could have been so much longer.