  1. ############################################################
  2. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  3. # | Notes | #
  4. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  5. ############################################################

  6. # If you want to use special characters in this document, such as accented letters, you MUST save the file as UTF-8, not ANSI.
  7. # If you receive an error when Essentials loads, ensure that:
  8. # - No tabs are present: YAML only allows spaces
  9. # - Indents are correct: YAML heirarchy is based entirely on indentation
  10. # - You have "escaped" all apostrophes in your text: If you want to write "don't", for example, write "don''t" instead (note the doubled apostrphe)
  11. # - List items are prefixed with a hyphen and indented:
  12. # lists:
  13. # - look like this
  14. # not:
  15. # - like this
  16. # - Text with symbols is enclosed in single or double quotation marks
  17. # - CraftBukkit and Permissions have been updated: CraftBukkit and Essentials almost always line up, but sometimes other plugins fall behind CraftBukkit's multiple daily updates
  18. # - You have saved the document as UTF-8, NOT the default, ANSI

  19. ############################################################
  20. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  21. # | Essentials (Global) | #
  22. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  23. ############################################################

  24. # A color code between 0-9 or a-f. Set to 'none' to disable.
  25. ops-name-color: 'c'

  26. # The character(s) to prefix all nicknames, so that you know they are not true usernames.
  27. nickname-prefix: '~'

  28. # Disable this if you have any other plugin, that modifies the displayname of a user.
  29. change-displayname: true

  30. # Adds the prefix and suffix to the displayname of the player, so it will be displayed in messages and lists.
  31. # The prefix/suffix can be set using Permissions, Group Manager or PermissionsEx.
  32. # The value of change-displayname (above) has to be true.
  33. # If you don't set this, it will default to true if essentials chat is installed.
  34. # Don't forget to remove the # infront of the line
  35. #add-prefix-suffix: false

  36. # The delay, in seconds, required between /home, /tp, etc.
  37. teleport-cooldown: 0

  38. # The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
  39. teleport-delay: 0

  40. # The delay, in seconds, required between /heal attempts
  41. heal-cooldown: 60

  42. # What to prevent from /i /give
  43. # e.g item-spawn-blacklist: 46,11,10
  44. item-spawn-blacklist:

  45. # Set this to true if you want permission based item spawn rules
  46. # Note: The blacklist above will be ignored then.
  47. # Permissions:
  48. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-all
  49. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemname]
  50. # - essentials.itemspawn.item-[itemid]
  51. # - essentials.give.item-all
  52. # - essentials.give.item-[itemname]
  53. # - essentials.give.item-[itemid]
  54. permission-based-item-spawn: false

  55. # Mob limit on spawnmob
  56. spawnmob-limit: 10

  57. # Shall we notify users when using /lightning
  58. warn-on-smite: true

  59. # motd and rules are now configured in the files motd.txt and rules.txt

  60. # When a command conflicts with another plugin, by default, Essentials will try to force the OTHER plugin to take
  61. # priority. If a command is in this list, Essentials will try to give ITSELF priority. This does not always work:
  62. # usually whichever plugin was updated most recently wins out. However, the full name of the command will always work.
  63. # For example, if WorldGuard and Essentials are both enabled, and WorldGuard takes control over /god, /essentials:god
  64. # will still map to Essentials, whereas it might normally get forced upon WorldGuard. Commands prefixed with an "e",
  65. # such as /egod, will always grant Essentials priority.
  66. # We should try to take priority over /god. If this doesn't work, use
  67. # /essentials:god or /egod. If god is set using WorldGuard, use /ungod to remove then use whichever you see fit.
  68. overridden-commands:
  69. - god

  70. # Disabled commands will be completelly unavailable on the server.
  71. disabled-commands:
  72. # - nick

  73. # Restricted commands have been removed.
  74. # Now we have a whitelist, all commands not on this list are only available to ops.
  75. # These will have NO EFFECT if you have Permissions installed!
  76. # They are here only if you want something simpler than Permissions.
  77. # These are the permissions without the "essentials." part.
  78. player-commands:
  79. - afk
  80. - back
  81. - back.ondeath
  82. - balance
  83. - clearinventory
  84. - compass
  85. - depth
  86. - getpos
  87. -
  88. - help
  89. - helpop
  90. - home
  91. - home.others
  92. - ignore
  93. - info
  94. - kit
  95. - list
  96. - mail
  97. - mail.send
  98. - me
  99. - motd
  100. - msg
  101. - nick
  102. - pay
  103. - ping
  104. - powertool
  105. - protect
  106. - r
  107. - rules
  108. - seen
  109. - sell
  110. - sethome
  111. - setxmpp
  112. -
  113. -
  114. -
  115. -
  116. - signs.use.balance
  117. -
  118. - signs.use.disposal
  119. -
  120. - signs.use.heal
  121. - signs.use.mail
  122. -
  123. - signs.use.sell
  124. - signs.use.time
  125. -
  126. - signs.use.warp
  127. -
  128. - spawn
  129. - suicide
  130. - tpa
  131. - tpaccept
  132. - tpahere
  133. - tpdeny
  134. - warp
  135. - warp.list
  136. - world
  137. - worth
  138. - xmpp

  139. # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity!
  140. # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs.
  141. # Times are measured in seconds.
  142. kits:
  143. dtools:
  144. delay: 10
  145. items:
  146. - 277 1
  147. - 278 1
  148. - 279 1
  149. tools:
  150. delay: 10
  151. items:
  152. - 272 1
  153. - 273 1
  154. - 274 1
  155. - 275 1

  156. # Essentials Sign Control
  157. # See for instructions on how to use these.
  158. # To enable signs, remove # symbol. To disable all signs, comment/remove each sign.
  159. # We recommend not enabling chest protection signs if you don't intend to use them, (or are using LWC/Lockette).

  160. enabledSigns:
  161. #- balance
  162. #- buy
  163. #- sell
  164. #- trade
  165. #- free
  166. #- disposal
  167. #- warp
  168. #- kit
  169. #- mail
  170. #- enchant
  171. #- gamemode
  172. #- heal
  173. #- spawnmob
  174. #- time
  175. #- weather
  176. #- protection

  177. # Backup runs a command while saving is disabled
  178. backup:
  179. # Interval in minutes
  180. interval: 60
  181. # Add a command that backups your data, e.g.
  182. #command: 'rdiff-backup World1 backups/World1'

  183. # Set this true to enable permission per warp.
  184. per-warp-permission: false

  185. # Sort output of /list command by groups
  186. sort-list-by-groups: false

  187. # More output to the console
  188. debug: false

  189. # Set the locale for all messages
  190. # If you don't set this, the default locale of the server will be used.
  191. # Don't forget to remove the # infront of the line
  192. #locale: de_DE

  193. # Turn off god mode when people exit
  194. remove-god-on-disconnect: false

  195. # Use the permission system of bukkit
  196. # This only works if no other permission plugins are installed
  197. use-bukkit-permissions: false

  198. # Auto-AFK
  199. # After this timeout in seconds, the user will be set as afk.
  200. # Set to -1 for no timeout.
  201. auto-afk: 300

  202. # Auto-AFK Kick
  203. # After this timeout in seconds, the user will be kicked from the server.
  204. # Set to -1 for no timeout.
  205. auto-afk-kick: -1

  206. # Set this to true, if you want to freeze the player, if he is afk.
  207. # Other players or monsters can't push him out of afk mode then.
  208. # This will also enable temporary god mode for the afk player.
  209. # The player has to use the command /afk to leave the afk mode.
  210. freeze-afk-players: false

  211. # When the player is afk, should he be able to pickup items?
  212. # Enable this, when you don't want people idling in mob traps.
  213. disable-item-pickup-while-afk: true

  214. # You can disable the death messages of minecraft here
  215. death-messages: true

  216. # Add worlds to this list, if you want to automatically disable god mode there
  217. no-god-in-worlds:
  218. # - world_nether

  219. # Set to true to enable per-world permissions for teleporting with /world
  220. # Give someone permission to teleport to a world with<worldname>
  221. world-teleport-permissions: false

  222. # The number of items given if the quantity parameter is left out in /item or /give.
  223. # If this number is below 1, the maximum stack size size is given. If oversized stacks
  224. # is not enabled, any number higher then the maximum stack size results in more than one stack.
  225. default-stack-size: -1

  226. # Oversized stacks are stacks that ignore the normal max stacksize.
  227. # They can be obtained using /give and /item, if the player has essentials.oversizedstacks permission.
  228. # How many items should be in a oversized stack?
  229. oversized-stacksize: 64

  230. # Do you allow to repair enchanted weapons and armor?
  231. # If you set this to false, you can still allow it for certain players using the permission
  232. #
  233. repair-enchanted: true

  234. #Do you want essentials to keep track of previous location for /back in the teleport listener?
  235. #If you set this to true any plugin that uses teleport will have the previous location registered.
  236. register-back-in-listener: false

  237. ############################################################
  238. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  239. # | EssentialsHome | #
  240. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  241. ############################################################

  242. # If no home is set, send players to spawn when /home is used
  243. spawn-if-no-home: true

  244. # Allows people to set their bed at daytime
  245. update-bed-at-daytime: true

  246. # Allow players to have multiple homes.
  247. # Players need essentials.sethome.multiple before they can have more than 1 home, default to 'default' below.
  248. # Define different amounts of multiple homes for different permissions, e.g.
  249. # People with essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited are not limited by these numbers.
  250. sethome-multiple:
  251. default: 3
  252. #
  253. vip: 5
  254. # essentials.sethome.multiple.staff
  255. staff: 10

  256. # Set timeout in seconds for players to accept tpa before request is cancelled.
  257. # Set to 0 for no timeout
  258. tpa-accept-cancellation: 0

  259. ############################################################
  260. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  261. # | EssentialsEco | #
  262. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  263. ############################################################

  264. # Defines the balance with which new players begin. Defaults to 0.
  265. starting-balance: 0

  266. # worth-# defines the value of an item when it is sold to the server via /sell.
  267. # These are now defined in worth.yml

  268. # Defines the cost to use the given commands PER USE
  269. command-costs:
  270. # /example costs $1000 PER USE
  271. #example: 1000
  272. # /kit tools costs $1500 PER USE
  273. #kit-tools: 1500

  274. # Set this to a currency symbol you want to use.
  275. currency-symbol: '$'

  276. # Set the maximum amount of money a player can have
  277. # The amount is always limited to 10 trillions because of the limitations of a java double
  278. max-money: 10000000000000

  279. # Set the minimum amount of money a player can have
  280. # Setting this to 0, will disable overdrafts/loans compeltely. Users need '' perm to go below 0.
  281. min-money: -10000000000000

  282. # Enable this to log all interactions with trade/buy/sell signs and sell command
  283. economy-log-enabled: false

  284. ############################################################
  285. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  286. # | EssentialsHelp | #
  287. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  288. ############################################################

  289. # Show other plugins commands in help
  290. non-ess-in-help: true

  291. # Hide plugins which dont give a permission
  292. # You can override a true value here for a single plugin by adding a permission to a user/group.
  293. # The individual permission is:<plugin>, anyone with essentials.* or '*' will see all help this setting reguardless.
  294. # You can use negitive permissions to remove access to just a single plugins help if the following is enabled.
  295. hide-permissionless-help: true

  296. ############################################################
  297. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  298. # | EssentialsChat | #
  299. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  300. ############################################################

  301. chat:

  302. # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  303. # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  304. # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  305. # Or with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  306. # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  307. radius: 0

  308. # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat
  309. # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  310. # If set to the default chat format which "should" be compatible with ichat.
  311. # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:

  312. format: '<{DISPLAYNAME}> {MESSAGE}'
  313. #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}'

  314. group-formats:
  315. # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}'
  316. # Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'

  317. # If your using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.

  318. ############################################################
  319. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  320. # | EssentialsProtect | #
  321. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  322. ############################################################

  323. protect:
  324. # Database settings for sign/rail protection

  325. # mysql or sqlite
  326. datatype: 'sqlite'

  327. # If you specified MySQL above, you MUST enter the appropriate details here.
  328. # If you specified SQLite above, these will be IGNORED.
  329. username: 'root'
  330. password: 'root'
  331. mysqlDb: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'

  332. # For which block types would you like to be alerted?
  333. # You can find a list of IDs in plugins/Essentials/items.csv after loading Essentials for the first time.
  334. # 10 = lava :: 11 = still lava :: 46 = TNT :: 327 = lava bucket
  335. alert:
  336. on-placement: 10,11,46,327
  337. on-use: 327
  338. on-break:

  339. blacklist:

  340. # Which blocks should people be prevented from placing
  341. placement: 10,11,46,327

  342. # Which items should people be prevented from using
  343. usage: 327

  344. # Which blocks should people be prevented from breaking
  345. break:

  346. # Which blocks should not be pushed by pistons
  347. piston:

  348. # General physics/behavior modifications
  349. prevent:
  350. lava-flow: false
  351. water-flow: false
  352. water-bucket-flow: false
  353. fire-spread: true
  354. lava-fire-spread: true
  355. flint-fire: false
  356. lightning-fire-spread: true
  357. portal-creation: false
  358. tnt-explosion: true
  359. tnt-playerdamage: true
  360. fireball-explosion: false
  361. fireball-fire: false
  362. fireball-playerdamage: false
  363. creeper-explosion: false
  364. creeper-playerdamage: false
  365. creeper-blockdamage: true
  366. enderdragon-blockdamage: true
  367. enderman-pickup: false
  368. villager-death: false
  369. # Monsters won't follow players
  370. # permission essentials.protect.entitytarget.bypass disables this
  371. entitytarget: false
  372. # Prevent the spawning of creatures
  373. spawn:
  374. chicken: false
  375. cow: false
  376. creeper: false
  377. ghast: false
  378. giant: false
  379. monster: false
  380. pig: false
  381. pig_zombie: false
  382. sheep: false
  383. skeleton: false
  384. slime: false
  385. spider: false
  386. squid: false
  387. zombie: false
  388. wolf: false
  389. cave_spider: false
  390. enderman: false
  391. silverfish: false
  392. ender_dragon: false
  393. villager: false
  394. blaze: false
  395. mushroom_cow: false
  396. magma_cube: false
  397. snowman: false

  398. # Maximum height the creeper should explode. -1 allows them to explode everywhere.
  399. # Set prevent.creeper-explosion to true, if you want to disable creeper explosions.
  400. creeper:
  401. max-height: -1

  402. # Protect various blocks.
  403. protect:
  404. # Protect all signs
  405. signs: true

  406. # Prevent users from destroying rails
  407. rails: true

  408. # Blocks below rails/signs are also protected if the respective rail/sign is protected.
  409. # This makes it more difficult to circumvent protection, and should be enabled.
  410. # This only has an effect if "rails" or "signs" is also enabled.
  411. block-below: true

  412. # Prevent placing blocks above protected rails, this is to stop a potential griefing
  413. prevent-block-on-rails: false

  414. # Store blocks / signs in memory before writing
  415. memstore: false

  416. # Disable various default physics and behaviors
  417. disable:
  418. # Should fall damage be disabled?
  419. fall: false

  420. # Users with the essentials.protect.pvp permission will still be able to attack each other if this is set to true.
  421. # They will be unable to attack users without that same permission node.
  422. pvp: false

  423. # Should drowning damage be disabled?
  424. # (Split into two behaviors; generally, you want both set to the same value)
  425. drown: false
  426. suffocate: false

  427. # Should damage via lava be disabled? Items that fall into lava will still burn to a crisp. ;)
  428. lavadmg: false

  429. # Should arrow damage be disabled
  430. projectiles: false

  431. # This will disable damage from touching cacti.
  432. contactdmg: false

  433. # Burn, baby, burn! Should fire damage be disabled?
  434. firedmg: false

  435. # Should the damage after hit by a lightning be disabled?
  436. lightning: false

  437. # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build
  438. # Set true to disable building for those people
  439. build: true

  440. # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items
  441. # Set true to disable using for those people
  442. use: true

  443. # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build
  444. warn-on-build-disallow: true

  445. # Disable weather options
  446. weather:
  447. storm: false
  448. thunder: false
  449. lightning: false

  450. ############################################################
  451. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  452. # | Essentials Spawn / New Players | #
  453. # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
  454. ############################################################

  455. newbies:
  456. # Should we announce to the server when someone logs in for the first time?
  457. # If so, use this format, replacing {DISPLAYNAME} with the player name.
  458. # If not, set to ''
  459. #announce-format: ''
  460. announce-format: '&dWelcome {DISPLAYNAME}&d to the server!'

  461. # When we spawn for the first time, which spawnpoint do we use?
  462. # Set to "none" if you want to use the spawn point of the world.
  463. spawnpoint: newbies

  464. # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  465. # This kit will be given reguardless of cost, and permissions.
  466. #kit: ''
  467. kit: tools

  468. # Set this to lowest, if you want Multiverse to handle the respawning
  469. # Set this to high, if you want EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning
  470. # Set this to highest, if you want to force EssentialsSpawn to handle the respawning
  471. respawn-listener-priority: high

  472. # When users die, should they respawn at their first home or bed, instead of the spawnpoint?
  473. respawn-at-home: false

  474. # End of File <-- No seriously, you're done with configuration.

为什么我弄好了代码还会爆炸?是什么问题?我安装的ESS是之前的ESS因为set home有问题会/命令 player 玩家 所以换了,(之前的ESS是:但是现在我怎么禁TNT和JJ怪爆炸都不行,我把代码给大家看看,之前的ESS可以防爆,并且我现在连防爆插件都用不了!(防爆插件地址:

435行 true


在那几个选项中false代表可以  true代表不可以啊

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