本帖最后由 大刘 于 2014-6-7 19:17 编辑
bukkit 1.45-R1.0以上-bukkit1.51-r0.1+
Essentials插件是bukkit服务端专用基础插件, 因为使用简单,功能齐全等现在几乎成了开服所必备的插件
--messages_zh.properties 语言文件
--config.yml 设置文件的所有注释
--plugins.yml 命令帮助提示文本
--motd.txt 进服欢迎文本 --info.txt 信息文本
--rules.txt 规则文本
--book.txt 书籍调用文本
设置文件注释汉化完全,简单易懂 |
4月23日更新2.11.1.2pre for 1.51-R0.1汉化版
(879.01 KB, 下载次数: 91092)
2月13日更新2.10.1正式 for 1.47-R1.0汉化版
2月5日更新2.10.1.4pre for 1.47-R1.0汉化版
12月27日更新2.9.6 for 1.46
旧版2.961pre for MC1.45-R0.2
旧版2.94 for MC1.32
旧版2.93 for MC1.31:
旧版2.92 for MC1.25:
sell 和
kit tools已默认禁用
Changes since Pre2.11.1:
- Update - /bal <player> now shows the player being looked up
- Bug Fix - Fix error caused by colour symbol on last character in books
- Bug Fix - Fix a minor issue with the new /list formatting
Changes since 2.10.1:
- Updated for CB 1.5.1
- New Feature - Allow extra mob stacking in /spawnmob
- New Feature - Custom /list formatting, you can now control the order and formatting of the /list command
- New Feature - Added /list <group> for viewing just the players in a group
- Update - Remove group bridge from primary build proccess
- Update - Show geoip location in /seen, if you have the appropriate permission
- Update - Added walking speed support for /speed
- Update - ItemCSV Update for 1.5 items.
- Bug Fix - Fix NPE when ptime is used in console
- Bug Fix - Fix itemframe support in /remove
- Bug Fix - Fix bug caused by using signs when recently dead
- Bug Fix - Use correct formatting in /spawn edge cases
- Bug Fix - Fix /afk <player> to properly allow the afk control of others
- Permission - essentials.vanish.interact - Players with this permission can use commands that interact with vanished users
- Permission - essentials.speed.<fly|walk> - If a player only has one of these permissions, the speed command will only allow the control of one state
升级至 CB 1.4.7
新命令 - /book - 允许你重新打开编写一个已签名的书
新命令 - /firework - 可以 添加/清除 烟火 效果的命令
新命令 - /recipe - 可以查看一个物品的合成配方
新支持 - 支持书的 'book:<chapter>' meta data. 这样允许一本已书写的书可以用作kits来当作新人物品.
新支持 - 允许不安全的附魔用在物品或者kits中, 需要在config.yml中开启.
新支持 - 当玩家在线时,/seen 命令会显示当前玩家的 离开/禁言 信息
新支持 - 允许玩家被监禁时使用一些命令的权限: essentials.jail.allow.<命令 >
新支持 - 添加在使用/help命令时的显示白名单权限,不在白名单内的命令会隐藏: essentials.help.<插件>.<命令 >
更新 - 速度调整
更新 - Unregister events if features are disabled
更新 - 添加 /clear 的官方服务端命令语法支持
更新 - 添加 /exp 的官方服务端命令语法支持
更新 - 修正 /tp 的官方服务端命令语法支持
更新 - 使 /heal 命令可以移除目标的着火
更新 - 支持MOD设置最大生命大于20
更新 - 添加物品的 'name:<物品名>' 和 'lore:<物品注释>' 编辑
更新 - 添加皮甲的 'color:<red>,<green>,<blue>' 颜色编辑
更新 - 添加头颅的 'player:<玩家名字>' 编辑
更新 - 添加书的 'author:<作者>' 和 'title:<书名>' 编辑
更新 - 更新 kits 的例子 - http://wiki.ess3.net/cfg/
更新 - Add support '|' as linebreaks in kick/ban messages and item meta
更新 - 添加临时封禁后登录信息显示 封禁剩余时间
更新 - 修改 /eco reset 为 /eco set
更新 - 为 /eco wildcard 命令添加全服公告
更新 - 为 /enchant 命令添加附魔书的支持
更新 - Add support for disabling essentials commands in favour for default bukkit commands
更新 - Improve support for SimplyPerms
更新 - 当接到tpa请求的玩家拒绝时,通知发出tpa的玩家.
更新 - 在config.yml中可以设置临时封禁的最大时间
更新 - Items.csv 更新
Bug修正 - 修正 /home bed, to deal with bukkit bed changes
Bug修正 - 修正 /sell to respect item meta
Bug修正 - Improved handling async threads
Bug修正 - 修正 /top 命令保留 俯仰和方向参数
Bug修正 - 修正 /mail sendall from not showing completed message
Bug修正 - 修正 conflict with Craftbook's custom drops.
权限 - essentials.mute.notify - Players with this permission will be notified when a player is muted
权限 - essentials.sethome.bed - Players with this permission will be able to use beds to set their home during the day
权限 - essentials.fly.safelogin - Players with this permission will be switched to flying if they login in the air
权限 - essentials.vanish.effect - Visual invsibility potion effects while vanished.
权限 - essentials.tempban.unlimited - Players with this permission can tempban longer than config file limit.
GroupMananger插件 - 修正 op/* 在非正版服务器中无法使用
GroupMananger插件 - 修正 命令方块 behaviour (toggle in config file)
GroupMananger插件 - 添加 bukkitforge 支持
GroupMananger插件 - 更新权限文件例子
GroupMananger插件 - 新命令 /mancheckw <world>
- Updated for Bukkit 1.4.5-R1.0
- Update - Don't show endless decimal places in motd {balance}
- Update - Warn other party when teleport fails after tpaccept.
- Update - Add a little bit of extra information to /seen, this will show when user is online.
- Bug Fix - Fix spawns/jails loading due to classloader change
- Bug Fix - Fix nagging for overridden commands
- Bug Fix - Fix inventory modification methods
- Bug Fix - Redundant tpaccept cost check.
Change Log:- Updated for CB 1.4.5
- Update - Support tptoggling other players
- Update - Extend support for fly toggling other players
- Update - Allow the 'userIsNotAway' and 'userIsAway' translation messages to be empty
- Update - Allow the noNewMail translation to be empty
- Update - Allow money to be put in kits using the currency symbol before the amount
- Update - Support bukkit syntax for exp amounts
- Update - Item CSV update for missing items
- Update - Add new mobs to /spawnmob
- Update - Add wither damage blocks to Essentials Protect
- Update - Updated French and Spanish translations
- Bug Fix - Spawnmob other, now spawns at targets feet, rather than where the target is looking
- Bug Fix - Console can now spawnmob other
- Bug Fix - Fishing now counts as doing something, and wont auto afk
- Bug Fix - Typo's in ingame error message
- Bug Fix - Extra perm check in /home
- Bug Fix - Allow for console based gamemode shortcuts.
- Bug Fix - Use durability instead of itemdata for antibuild checks - Allows proper potion blacklisting
- Bug Fix - Godmode pvp protection not blocking thrown pots and arrows.
- Bug Fix - missing mob target block
- Permission - essentials.tptoggle.others
- GM - Fix bug with recursive mirroring
Change Log:
- Updated for CB 1.3.2
- Update - Split EssentialsProtect into two plugins (the build stuff has been moved to EssentialsAntiBuild)
- Update - Moved the warp, and kit permissions to use 'essentials.warps.<warpname>' & 'essentials.kits.<kitname>'
- Update - Moved the world change perm check (disabled by default) to use 'essentials.worlds.<worldname>'
- Update - Updates /gamemode aliases, and made them guess gamemode based on aliases (/gmc - creative | /gms - survival)
- Update - /gamemode toggle (and /gmt) to toggle between gamemodes
- Update - Default worth and itemdb file updates
- Update - New items added to items.csv
- Update - Better /ess debug debugging for permissions and cost checking
- Update - If both freeze-afk-players and cancel-afk-on-move is turned on, cancel AFK on player jump
- Update - /itemdb command shows item name aliases
- Update - Force reset of fly/speed on world change
- Update - Config file cleanup
- Update - /enchantment command cleanup
- Update - New colour theme for English translation
- Update - /gc command now shows server uptime
- Update - Removed op override for all essentials features (ops should still have all perms by default)
- Update - God mode will now block potion effects
- Update - /heal command will now clear potion effects
- Update - Better errors on failed sign creation, and better compatibilty with other sign plugins
- 新命令 - /enderchest [player] - 查看其他玩家末影箱
- 新命令 - /speed <0-10> [player] - 改变飞行速度
- Bug Fix - Fix issues with console version of /warp
- Bug Fix - Clean up mistakes in config.yml
- Bug Fix - Fixed /msg, /pay and /kill dealing with 2 character names
- Bug Fix - Handle /tjail's jail expiry a little better
- Bug Fix - Fix /itemdb showing use remaining on none held items
- Bug Fix - Fix EssSpawn/GeoIP join events to load at the same time as Core
- Bug Fix - Teleport delay change, fix entity caching
- Bug Fix - Fix console command logging
- Bug Fix - Improved repair command cost check
- Bug Fix - Switched chat formatting to use &r instead of &f
- Bug Fix - Fixed min bukkit warning
- Bug Fix - Fixed obscure config file mistakes crashing Essentials (kit/eco)
- Bug Fix - Fixed ironore bug with spawning map types
- Bug Fix - Fixed fly disabling from effecting creative users
- Bug Fix - Fix problems with async chat event not sending messages to xmpp chat spy
- Bug Fix - Fix delhome to follow home name conventions
- Bug Fix - Fix format code wrapping in info/help/motd files
- Bug Fix - Fix format code wrapping in ess chat messages
- Bug Fix - Better handle wildcard perms and perm negation in superperms
- Bug Fix - Fixed the kit and sign perm checks to use the same perms as the command
- Bug Fix - Metrics errors wont spam as much
- Optimization - Faster cost calculations
- Optimization - Less useless permissions checks
- New config setting: max-fly-speed - lets you set the max /speed
- Permission - essentials.build - same as build: true
- Permission - essentials.build.interact.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single interact block
- Permission - essentials.build.place.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single place block
- Permission - essentials.build.break.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single break block
- Permission - essentials.build.pickup.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item pickup
- Permission - essentials.build.drop.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item drop
- Permission - essentials.build.craft.<id>[:<datavalue>] - whitelist single item craft
- Permission - essentials.enderchest - Access to the /enderchest command
- Permission - essentials.enderchest.others - Lets you look at other peoples enderchests
- Permission - essentials.enderchest.modify - Lets you modify other peoples enderchests
- Permission - essentials.kit.exemptdelay - Allows you to exempt from kit delays
- Permission - essentials.speed = Access to the /speed command
- Permission - essentials.speed.others = Ability to change the speed of another player
- Permission - essentials.speed.bypass = Override max speed limits in config.yml
- Permission - essentials.god.pvp = Unless you have this permission you will be unable to attack other players while in god mode
- Permission - essentials.afk.auto = Unless you have this permission you will not auto afk
- GM - Numerous minor GM bug fixes
2.9.3 升级到 CB 1.3.1-R1.0
更新 - 异步聊天事件处理
更新 - /gamemode 命令支持 冒险模式(adventure)
更新 -新的经验值曲线计算.
更新 - 给 items.csv 添加了新物品
更新 - Gamemode 牌子的新语法: [gamemode] / <mode> / [price]
新命令 - /workbench -随时随地召唤出一个工作台界面
新牌子 - 修理牌子 - 语法: [repair] / <hand|all> / [cost]
新牌子 -信息牌子 -语法: [info] / [chapter] / [page number] / [cost]
Bug修正 - NPE fix for NPCs
Bug修正 - "x times" on signs
Bug修正 - Data value output of /itemdb command is now short instead of byte
Bug修正 - Loading of yml files does not fail due to thread-switching anymore
Bug修正 - Add missing triggers from /mute block list
Bug修正 - Prevent that Essentials stripping sign colours from other plugins
Bug修正 - Fix issue with cross world local chat
Bug修正 - Right clicking on signs with placeable blocks works again
Bug修正 - Fix /day /night /sun and /storm aliases to actually set to the current status if used without parameters
优化 - 更好的传送地点搜索.
优化 - 更快的计算displayname
权限 - essentials.keepxp - 死后保留经验
权限 - essentials.workbench - /workbench 命令
新命令 - /hat - 将手中的物品戴在头上.
新命令 - /vanish - 进入隐身模式,其他玩家无法看到你 (tpo/tpohere 仍起作用)
新命令 - /exp - 显示你当前经验值, 如果拥有权限可以对其他文件经验进行设置,增加
Syntax addition - /mute - Now follows the same conventions as tjail for unsetting mute status
Syntax addition - /pay - 玩家名称最少需要3个字符
Syntax addition - /msg - 玩家名称最少需要3个字符
Syntax addition - /fly - 允许 /fly <player> <on/off>
Syntax addition - /god - 允许 /god <player> <on/off>
Syntax addition - /gm - 允许 /gm <player> <survival|creative>
Syntax addition - /kit - 允许 /kit <kit> <player>
Syntax addition - /kit - 允许从控制台使用
Syntax addition - /tppos - 允许从控制台使用
Command extension - /whois - Now shows proper error message on player match fail
Command extension - /whois - Now shows flying status
Command extension - /whois - Now shows mute status
Command extension - /broadcast - Now allows colour code formatting
Command extension - /give - Now allows vanilla syntax
Command extension - /time - Now allows vanilla syntax
Command extension - /time - Fix am/pm syntax
Command extension - /item - Now complains at invalid syntax
Command extension - /itemdb - Now shows item durability
Command extension - Aliases - Added a few more command aliases
Feature Addition - sign throttling - cap how often signs can be clicked to reduce spam click server lag
Feature Addition - lag meter - now shows the server lag (tps) in the /gc command output
Feature Addition - jail - jailed players can no longer attack other players
Feature Addition - pvpdelay - players can be forced to wait a number of seconds before they can pvp after login
Translation - Portuguese - Updated for new messages
Translation - Finnish - New language file
Translation - Polish - New language file
Translation - Czech - Improved translation
Feature change - [spy] prefix now shows correctly when players are too close to require chat spy
Feature change - [spy] prefix now shows chat from other worlds
Feature change - New TL keys available for staff events, including /ban and /kickall
Feature change - Chat exempt permission rather than OP
Feature change - Ignore exempt permission rather than OP
Feature change - Kits now explain why the kit is invalid in the console
Feature change - /home now obeys world permissions system (option in config file)
Feature change - /back now obeys world permissions system
Feature change - Now shows when homes are set via bed
Feature change - /give now allows vanilla syntax
Feature change - /time now allows vanilla syntax
Feature change - Can now charge for 'repair-item' or 'repair-all'
Feature change - /mute/ban/jail time now limited to 10 years
Performance improvement - join lag - Moved join event to delayed event to reduce join lag caused by join bots
Performance improvement - join lag - Abort events if the user is not actually online
Performance improvement - jail disable - Ability to completely disable jails functionality if it isn't being used
Performance improvement - signs - Abort events quicker for faster sign speed
Performance improvement - signs - optimizing sign interact events
Performance improvement - afk - Option to disable move event if AFK feature is not being used
Bug fix - /lightning <player> <damage> - now deals the correct damage
Bug fix - Teleport cooldowns - should now work correctly (broken in earlier pre builds)
Bug fix - Teleport cooldowns - should now reset if stored value is corrupted
Bug fix - /ignore - No longer allows ignoring console
Bug fix - playerlistname - stop update when prefix/suffix option is disabled.
Bug fix - TL - Added missing space to default /list translation
Bug fix - NPE - No more NPE caused by 'keywordreplacer
Bug fix - Enchantments - Fixed broken enchantment
Bug fix - /remove - fix minecarts suboption not removing minecarts
Bug fix - /invsee - fixed editing by admins in some situtations
Bug fix - /kit - strip invalid characters from kit names (could break older kits in some cases)
Bug fix - displayname - smarter logic when dealing with long nicks
Bug fix - /killall - nolonger kills cats
Bug fix - /jump - nolonger double charges
Bug fix - config files - wont cause errors by multiple thread writes
Bug fix - exp - fixed a few minor exp issues at high levels
New permission - essentials.exp.set - Ability to set exp with /exp
New permission - essentials.exp.set.others - Ability to set other peoples exp with /exp
New permission - essentials.exp.give - Ability to give exp with /exp
New permission - essentials.exp.give.others - Ability to give other people exp with /exp
New permission - essentials.exp.others - Ability to see the exp of others with /exp
New permission - essentials.kit.others - Ability to give another player a kit
New permission - essentials.pvpdelay.exempt - Allow players to hit players on login, without waiting for the pvp delay
New permission - essentials.invsee.preventmodify - Prevent players from being able to modify your inventory if they have essentials.invsee.modify
New permission - essentials.seen.extra - Show extra staff information when using /seen on a player
感谢汉化组 大力支持下
本帖最后由 tom556699 于 2012-6-14 12:46 编辑
~ Thank For Sharing ~
感谢汉化组 大力支持下
支持!!!!{:10_492:} THX
{:10_512:}谢谢撸主 正需要呢。。
看看了 谢谢分享了 支持汉化~