服务器本来是有插件有mod的 后来换了插件和mod  就不能开服了 再把插件和mod删了也不能开服 这是怎么回事啊   
后台就这样显示   只是截图了一小部分
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:reactorVent
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcBronzeScythe
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcDemonicWarhammer
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:itemToolWrenchElectric
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockfluidCf
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:itemCropSeed
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcNinjaClaw
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcFullWoodenLeggings
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcSlingshot
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcFrostSpear
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCampfire
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockElectric
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcBorder
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcPlaceholder
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockReactorChamber
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockRubber
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockfluidCf
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCrystalBlock
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcBeam
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcBook
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockfluidUuMatter
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockOreTin
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockMachine2
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCrate
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockFluidcoolant
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockCable
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockFenceIron
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcLampUnlit
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCampfireUnlit
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockCrop
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockRubLeaves
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockDoorAlloy
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world flansmod:flansWorkbench
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcTombstone
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockLuminator
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcBanner
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockITNT
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCouchWood
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCouchWool
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcCandle
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcStool
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcPedestal
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockMiningTip
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcShelf
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockPersonal
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcChair
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockRubWood
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcWallBanner
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockReinforcedFoam
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockIronScaffold
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcSign
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockGenerator
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockLuminatorDark
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockHarz
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world customnpcs:npcMailbox
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockBarrel
17.05 11:24:00 [Server] INFO Found a missing id from the world IC2:blockScaffold


中华博 发表于 2015-5-17 12:30
172版本删mod地图就坏掉,换地图吧,有指令能修复区块,但是我忘记了,也很难找到那个指令 ...

谢谢了 我点了一点重置然后换了个地图就好了

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