本帖最后由 minecraftpe8 于 2015-3-18 14:08 编辑
最新稳定版本的★PocketMine-MP 1.4.1★---专门为★Minecraft: PE v0.10.5★量身定制
(注: PocketMine-MP 1.4 适用于Minecraft: PE v0.10.4)
Latest release PocketMine-MP 1.4.1
最新稳定版本的★PocketMine-MP 1.4.1★---专门为★Minecraft: PE v0.10.5★量身定制
(注: PocketMine-MP 1.4 适用于Minecraft: PE v0.10.4)
Latest release PocketMine-MP 1.4.1
For Minecraft: PE v0.10.5 alpha
This version has API changes, bumping the version to 1.11.0, and it won't be bumped again until a stable build is released. These changes are detailed below.
Main features: (主要特性)
- Improved chunk saving and reduced world corruption
- 改善了块保存机制, 减少了地图文件的损坏
- Fixed some strange crashes on broken systems
- 修复了PM系统莫名其妙的崩溃问题
- Improved movement and block placing
- 改善了人物移动和方块放置 (move wrongly问题不知解决了没有)
- Automatic resource freeing on Region-based worlds
- 基于区域的地图资源自动释放机制
- Ignore spawn protection when no ops are set
- 当没有设置管理员时忽略出生保护
- Improved flight cheat protection
- 改善了飞行作弊保护 (不知道对飞行JS作弊有没有显著效果)
- Fixed chunk corruptions
- 修复了块损坏
API changes: (API变化)
- API 1.11.0
- 应用程序编程接口版本 1.11.0
- Added PlayerCreationEvent
- 新增PlayerCreationEvent事件
- Added Level->getChunks(), fixed some Doc Comments
- 新增Level->getChunks()函数, 修正了某些文档说明
- Added Async Task crash warning
- 新增异步任务崩溃警告
- Fixed issue where plugins schedule a Player update before log in
- 修复了插件更新登入之前的玩家信息问题
- Added new predictive flight protection
- 新增预测飞行保护机制
- Added Location::__toString()
- 新增Location::__toString()函数
- Added Entity->resetFallDistance()
- 新增Entity->resetFallDistance()函数
- Fixed #2619 BlockMetadataStore
- 修复了#2619提出的BlockMetadataStore问题
- Added Entity->fastMove() for players and direct-controlled entities
- 新增针对玩家和直接被控制实体的Entity->fastMove()函数
- Implemented Threaded ClassLoader, improves class loading while on different threads (no need to synchronize states)
- 实现了线程类加载器,改善了不同线程类的加载(无需同步状态)
- Allow plugins to cancel some kicks better, closes #2743
- 允许插件取消PM某些踢人功能会更好, 关闭 #2743
Fixes and additions: (修正和补充)
- Improved threading and resource usage, new defaults
- 改善了线程和资源的使用,新增默认配置
- Removed all @mkdir() calls
- 移除所有的@mkdir() 函数调用
- Implemented proportional armor modifier, applied armor in other damage types and consume armor when player is damaged
- 实现了同比例的盔甲修改,把盔甲保护应用到其他伤害类型,并且当玩家受到伤害时盔甲会损耗(和剑,镐,锄,斧一样,现在玩家受到伤害时盔甲也会损耗)
- Implemented hardcore banning, closes #2574
- 实现了硬核ban功能,关闭#2574问题
- Implemented double chest fix, closes #2744, fixes #2493
- 实现了大箱子固定, 关闭 #2744问题, 修复#2493问题
- Catch exceptions on level generation
- 捕获level生成异常
- Changed generator choosing logic, add proper preset if needed, fixes #2751
- 改变了地图生成器的选择逻辑,如果需要可以添加合适的预设置,修复#2751问题
- Fixed some crashes related to crashing
- 修复了崩溃相关的问题
- Fixed messages and default settings
- 修正了系统信息和默认设置
- Fixed #2488 Player suffocates when putting blocks to climb higher
- 修复了#2488提出的当玩家攀登越高放置方块时窒息的问题
- Fixed #2489 Falling Sand drops as an item when not expected
- 修复了#2489提出的落砂意想不到地作为一个物品下落
- Cleaned up BanEntry creation
- 清除了创建的ban入口
- Fixed phar check
- 修复了插件文件检查
- Fixed visual typo in /ban-ip, closes #2503
- 修复对命令/ban-ip的视觉识别问题,关闭 #2503问题
- Improved chunk saving times by not marking it as changed when Players are added/removed
- 改善了当添加玩家或移除玩家时未作状态改变标志的块保存次数
- Fixed #2511
- 修复了#2511问题
- Catch more corruption issues in Region-based worlds, fixed first chunk being generated on an invalid sector
- 捕获了基于区域的世界损坏异常,修复了在无效扇形上产生第一个块的问题
- Fixed Entities being placed in recreated chunks
- 修复了在重建块上放置实体的问题
- Fixed Flat generator on existing chunks, region issues
- 修复了超平坦地图生成器存在的块,区域问题
- Unload unused regions after 5 minutes
- 卸载5分钟之内未使用的地图区块
- Improved file resource usage
- 改善了资源文件的使用
- Added GarbageCollectionTask, workaround for weird PHP behaviour when using --disable-ansi
- 新增垃圾回收机制,解决了当使用 --disable-ansi时PHP出现的怪异行为
- Fixed /timings off
- 修复了命令/timings off
- Fixed fences not showing up
- 修复了围栏没有显示出来的问题
- Improved chunk ticking
- 改善了块周期
- Block saving chunks too big
- 修复了方块保存为块文件太大的问题
- Changed max speed per tick from 100 to 10 blocks
- 每个时钟周期方块最大变化速度从100个方块降为10个方块
- Added outdated event static properties
- 新增过时事件静态属性
- Allow placing Snow Layers on top of solid transparent blocks
- 允许在透明方块顶部放置雪层
- Fixed PHPRC env. variable being set
- 修复了PHPRC环境变量的设置
- Throw exception when RakLib crashes
- 当RakLib崩溃时抛出异常
- Added rotation transformations to remaining packet
- 新增对剩余网络包的字节序转换
- Fixed #2557
- 修复了#2557问题
- Fixed #2541 server not saving chunks on chunk unloading
- 修复了 #2541提出的块卸载时服务器未保存块问题
- Return on Level->getSafeSpawn() in case of invalid position
- 在位置无效的情况下返回到Level->getSafeSpawn()函数
- Fixed #2565
- 修复了#2565问题
- Falling sand will become block when in contact with a Liquid
- 落砂与液体接触时将会变成方块
- Fixed Iron bar, Stonecutter drops
- 修复了铁条和石材切割机降落
- TallGrass blocks should be only placed on grass blocks
- 高草快应该只能放置在草块上
- Fixed #2615
- 修复了#2615问题
- Fixed players getting kicked for flying when going through special blocks
- 修复了玩家飞行穿过特定方块被误踢的问题
- Future workaround for #2626
- 针对#2626问题的后续解决办法
- Catch file saving exceptions
- 捕获文件保存异常
- Added basic speed protection
- 新增基本的速度保护机制
- Fixed Dark Oak Fence's name
- 修正了深色橡木护栏的名字
- Fixed #2762
- 修复了 #2762问题
- Fixed Anvil lighting issues
- 修复了砧照明的问题
- Fix some Chunk corruption due to Chunk overlap
- 修复了块重叠导致的块损坏
- Fixed constructors, default memory to -1, default async generator
- 修复了构造函数,默认内存设置为-1,默认异步生成器
- Fixed NBT IntArray off-by-one reading
- 修复了NBT IntArray 的off-by-one读方式
- Fixed falling sand breaking on full BB partial blocks, closes #2770
- 修复了落砂破碎为全部分块, 关闭#2770的问题
Not implemented or known issues: (未实现的功能或还存在的问题)
Please do not report lacking features to the bug tracker, only report bugs on implemented features.
- Entities / Entity AI
- 实体/实体AI (没有怪,没有动物,没激情)
- No conversion for old levels (will be added later)
- 没有对旧版本地图格式转化的机制 (无法把单机PE地图导入PM服务器)
- No Minecarts
- 没有矿车 (没法坐过山车了)
- Not all items are implemented
- 没有实现所有的物品 (单机PE的某些物品PM服务器没有)
- Generated worlds use a basic generator
- 用最基本的方式(默认和超平坦)生成世界地图 (山水环绕,缠缠绵绵的地形)
simon3000 发表于 2015-3-18 11:02