本帖最后由 1205463432 于 2015-1-8 21:24 编辑


迷离の世界 [B-Craft]服务器已是一名经历过风风雨雨的百人大服
Blurred の world - Craft [B] server is an experienced ups and downs of the National People's Congress
我们从2014年3月开始 开始了我们的服务器之路
We start by began in March 2014 for our server
我们跨越了1.4.7 1.5.2 1.6.2 1.6.4 迎来了今朝的1.7.2
We crossed the 1.4.7 1.5.2 1.6.2 1.6.4 1.7.2 ushered in today
从曾经无人问津的20人 50人 70人 100人演变为了如今的两百人专业机房
From 20 once neglected 50 70 people, 100 people turned to today's two hundred people professional machine
我们这一年走来 面临过分歧 承受过玩家的离开 忍受着OP的背叛
This coming year faced our differences under former players leave endured the OP betrayal
一年来 我们崩溃过 失败过 绝望过 也曾经迷茫过 但是我们从来没有放弃过
For nearly a year We collapse had failed to despair Also once lost But we never give up

迷离の世界 B-Craft 欢迎你的到来
Blurred の world B - Craft welcome your arrival
Here are the most perfect configuration, and has the most responsible for the good management team
服务器是公益服务器 不会出现赞助玩家遍天飞 赞助武器*炸天等问题
Server is a public server won't appear sponsor players days fly again Sponsored by the weapon JJ Boom The problems such as
RPG武器大量出没于副本以及活动 VIP武器只有1~6分别六把 伤害也不会高于65点
RPG a large number of visits to copy and activity VIP weapons only 1 ~ 6 six the damage will not higher than 65 points, respectively
服务器一周一小活动 每月会举办一次大型活动 奖励都以实物为主
Server is a small activity a week A month to hold a large activities Reward is given priority to with real
奖品主要为一些新潮的MC周边 例如风衣、LED手表、手环等 正所谓礼轻情意重嘛
Prizes are mainly some new MC around Such as dust coat, LED watches, bracelets, etc Is the so-called ceremony light affective weight

1-1.加入服务器官方总群后记得修改群ID 正确格式为 [玩家]游戏常用ID
1-2.严禁在群内发送 虚假、涉黄、宣传、不文明语言、大屏图片等
1-3.严禁向管理层人员索要物品、权限等 禁止无意义骚扰管理员 私聊不在请留言 私聊刷屏一律无视
1-4.请通过正确的渠道应聘职业 应聘私聊群主 现还需技术*1[要求会修改插件以及一些基础内容]建筑*1[要求审核]
1-6.玩家之间物品互换交易请使用箱子 否者被扫地大妈清除一律不给予赔偿
1-7.服务器非新人服务器 百度和MCBBS能查到的东西建议不要在群里问
1-8.服务器处于新服内测状态 许多东西尚未完善 发现BUG请向腐竹反馈 让我们一同打造高素质服务器

QQ群  75407345 总群 [目前为五百人]



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