

Life is what you bake of it and, when it comes to Minecraft, sometimes you must be a real whisk-taker. You must become the slice of the party, be the very zest, but be sure to not blend the rules. When you combine all those factors together, that’s how you truly master some serious flour power.
生活是由你烘焙而成的,当烘焙遇上 Minecraft,这意味着你要当一回真正的面点师了。你得成为派对中引人注目的焦点,不过小心别触犯了规则。当你能够将上述所有元素揉和到一起时,才算真正掌握了一些强大的面粉力量。

For this challenge, participants were asked to build cakes, muffins, cookies, or bread (yum!). The build needed to be of a decent size and participants were required to work alone.

So, which ones were making our dreams crumb true? Find out below!

1st place: Prettygirl11387

Combining cats with pastries is something I didn’t know I kneaded in my loaf, but Prettygirl11387’s submission has two of my all-time favorite things and it’s glorious. There’s pie, doughnuts, croissants, and a bread cat. What more could one ask for? But, please… can someone save those cookies?
将猫揉进吐司,此般猫与糕点的组合先前我闻所未闻,不过 Prettygirl11387 就做到了,他的投稿作品里有我最喜欢的这两个要素,值得称赞。有派,有甜甜圈、羊角面包,还有面包猫。还有什么比这更棒呢?不过嘛……有人能救一下那盘曲奇吗?

2nd place: [sith lord of vehicles]
第二名:[sith lord of vehicles]

Taking us back to a simpler time, [sith lord of vehicles] is showing us they’re ready to rise to the challenge with their submission. From the detailing on all the shops, the living quarters above, and the freshly baked loaves at the end of the delivery vehicle, it’s truly a pie-opening build.
让我们把时光倒回到那个纯真的时代,[sith lord of vehicles] 用他的投稿作品回应了我们:他做好迎接挑战的准备了。这份投稿作品中,无论是商铺,还是其上方的居住区,还是送货车后那些新鲜出炉的长条面包,这些细节都做得精细入微,属实是一个巧夺天工的建筑。

3rd place: voov [revens assistant]
第三名:voov [revens assistant]

Finally, voov [revens assistant] is giving me some serious kitchen envy. Just look at the detailing on the wall! With tiered cakes, a stove range that is just asking for some crème anglaise to be made atop of it, and delicious looking tart, I’m ready to be served up a slice.
最后,voov [revens assistant] 向我们展示了一个让人羡慕嫉妒恨的厨房。瞧瞧这墙上的细节!分层蛋糕已经做成了,现在只需使用炉灶做一些英式奶油涂上去就好了,旁边还有看起来很美味的挞,我已经忍不住想要吃上一块了。

Interested in joining the next challenge? Check out our Discord server and learn what the next theme is!
有兴趣参加下一期挑战吗?关注我们的 Discord 服务器以了解下期主题!

【Aikiniさん 译自官网 2022 年 05 月 11 日发布的 Build Challenge: Pastry and Bread;原作者 Lindsey S. 】
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