本帖最后由 凉酱丶 于 2024-1-7 00:02 编辑

Get the point?

Too many players die in Minecraft on a regular basis because they insist on using a sword. I get it – swords are easy to craft, simple to use, and it looks very skilful when you’re able to take a creeper out in melee range without having to deal with a messy cleanup afterward.
有太多的《我的世界》玩家定期因为死磕在挥剑攻击上而死亡。我当然能够理解 – 剑的合成配方简单,使用体验轻便,如果你能够在不使得现场一团糟的情况下用剑手刃一只苦力怕,那可真是太有技术含量了。

But there’s a better way of fighting mobs – a cleaner, safer, smarter way. Allow me to introduce you to our item of the week – the arrow.
但是与生物战斗还有更好的方法 – 一种更为简洁、更为安全、更为精明的方法。请允许我为您带来我们的本周物品 – 箭。

Arrows have been a part of Minecraft since the very beginning. Since 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST, released in September 2009, to be exact – which also also added creepers, zombies, skeletons and pigs. When first added, arrows were infinite and you could fire one by pressing the “tab” key on the keyboard.
箭早在2009年9月的 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST 中就已成为了《我的世界》大家庭中的一部分。确切说来 – 这个版本同时加入了苦力怕,僵尸,骷髅以及猪猪。在刚开始被加入游戏时,箭的数量是无穷无尽的,每按一次键盘上的“Tab”键就可以发射出一支。

Today, pressing “tab” just shows you a list of players you can shoot arrows at, and to do that you’ll need a bow or crossbow – which are crafted with sticks and string (plus a tripwire hook and an iron ingot for the crossbow).
现在,按下“Tab”键只能显示一个能把箭射向哪些玩家的列表了,而为了真正将箭射出,你需要一张弓或是一把弩 – 它们都是由木棍和线制成的 (弩将会需要额外的一个绊线钩与一块铁锭)。
Once you’ve got a bow or crossbow, you’ll need some arrows. Skeletons and strays drop them on death, and so do pillagers if you’re playing Bedrock Edition. You can also trade for arrows with fletcher villagers, barter with Piglins, find them in chests, or craft them out of a flint, a stick and a feather.

Got your arrows? Got something to fire them with? Great! Load your bow or crossbow with one. Then either let go of the button again (for a bow) or press it once more (for a crossbow) to fire it off. Did you hit something? If not, don’t worry - you can go over and pick the arrow up again. If you did hit your target, though, then you won’t be able to pick the arrow up again. It’s gone forever. Sorry.
准备好箭了吗?准备好能够发射它们的东西了吗?好极了!将你的弓或弩装上一支箭吧。接下来你需要做的,要么是松开你的使用键(对弓来说),要么是再按一下使用键(对弩来说) 才能将箭发射出去。你有射中什么吗?如果没有,没有关系 — 你可以靠近这支箭然后将它拾回。如果你已经射中了你的目标,那它就再也不能被拾取了。踏破铁鞋也无可觅其处,抱歉了!

Image credit: Paul Hermans // CC BY-SA 3.0
图片来源: Paul Hermans // 知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0

You’ll quickly find that arrows are a much safer way of clearing out mobs than a sword – particularly in the Nether where many dangerous creatures can fly. If fully charged in a bow, an arrow will do 9-10 damage, and when fired from a crossbow it’ll do 6-11 damage (and also fly further and faster). Enchanting your bow or crossbow can enhance its damage further, and there’s even an enchantment that provides infinite arrows. Very handy.
在使用一段时间的弓箭或弩箭之后,你会发现相比于用剑清理眼前的怪物,用弓或弩实在是安全上许多 – 尤其是在下界对付一众会飞的危险生物时。如果你拉满了一张弓,它所发射的箭能够造成9~10点伤害,而对于弩来说则可以造成6~11点伤害 (而且能够飞的更远更快)。对你的弓和弩进行附魔可以进一步提升它们的伤害,甚至有一种附魔能够让你的弓或弩射出无限的箭。多么趁手的武器啊。

Want to go a step further? Tip your arrows with potions so that they deliver those potion effects to their target! In Java edition, you can surround a potion with arrows in a crafting grid to tip them all. In Bedrock edition, you can also use your arrows on a cauldron that contains a potion.

Finally, if you’re playing Java Edition and having trouble tracking your enemies then may I suggest trying out a spectral arrow? Created by surrounding an arrow with four pieces of glowstone in a crafting grid, these special arrow variants make their targets glow through blocks for ten seconds, allowing you to see their outline. Just the thing for hunting down a troublesome creeper...

【凉酱丶 译自官网 2021 年 02 月 04 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Arrow;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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