

We're rooting for it!

Azalea trees are really something. Not only do they look beautiful, all tall and proud. Not only do they subtly indicate the presence of lush caves below. Not only do their saplings provide pollen for bees, unlike other tree saplings. But they also – most amazingly of all – generate a new type of dirt. Yes, dirt! It’s called “rooted dirt”, and it’s our block of the week.
杜鹃花树真的有点东西。他们不仅很漂亮很高而且很秀丽;不仅巧妙的告诉你正下方有 繁茂洞穴 ;不仅用 杜鹃花从 吸引蜜蜂,不像其他的树苗。而且,最令人惊奇的是,它们会生成一种新的泥土。是的,泥土!它就是我们的本周方块,被叫做 “缠根泥土”。
Rooted dirt was initially shown off at Minecraft Live 2020, then became a part of the full game when the first part of the Caves and Cliffs update was released. Smart readers will notice that this is the same time that Azalea trees were added to the game, which is obviously no coincidence.
缠根泥土最初在 Minecraft Live 2020 被展示出来,然后随着《洞穴与山崖》第一部分更新的发布而正式成为游戏的一部分。聪明的读者会发现它是与杜鹃花树同时被加入游戏的,当然,并不令人意外。

Rooted dirt is dirt filled with roots – specifically, dirt-filled with azalea roots. If you want some, then locate an azalea tree and dig beneath it to find plenty of the stuff. You can also grow new azalea trees if you want, because any dirt below the tree will be immediately converted to rooted dirt when it grows. In a pinch, if you can’t find any azalea trees at all, you can also buy rooted dirt from wandering traders.
缠根泥土是充满根的泥土 – 尤其是杜鹃花树的根。如果你想采集一点,你可以找一棵杜鹃花树然后往下挖,你就会发现好多这玩意。如果你愿意,你也可以种一些新的杜鹃花树,因为当杜鹃花树生长的时候,它下面的所有泥土都会被立刻转换为缠根泥土。在紧急情况下,如果你根本找不到杜鹃花树,你也可以从流浪商人那买一点缠根泥土。

Once you’ve got some, what can you do with it? Well, not a whole lot. It’s mostly decorative. But grass and mycelium won’t spread onto rooted dirt, so it can be used to make your garden look a little more interesting.

The one unique feature of rooted dirt is that using bonemeal on it will cause hanging roots to grow out of the bottom of the block. You can’t do much with hanging roots either, but they look pretty cool – especially if you’re trying to create an overgrown tunnel kind of vibe.
缠根泥土有一个独特的功能,那就是如果你对着它用骨粉,在它下面会生成垂根。垂根依旧没什么用,但它们看起来很酷 – 尤其是当你尝试创造一个杂草丛生的隧道的氛围的时候。

Image credit: Mr Poortom // CC BY-SA 3.0
图片来源: Mr Poortom // 知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0

In the real world, organic matter makes up about 10% of most soils, and some of that organic matter is roots. We usually think of roots in connection with trees, but almost all plants have roots that serve as both a way to get water and nutrients and also a system to anchor the plant’s body to the ground. Some plants also store food in their roots.

There are two different kinds of root systems – fibrous roots have lots of roots growing in all kinds of directions, while taproots have a single main root that grows directly down with some secondary roots growing off it. Sometimes these taproots are edible – like sweet potato, carrot, turnip, and horseradish.
根系有两种不同的类型 – 须根和主根。须根向各个方向生长,主根有一根主要的根直着向下生长,同时从上面伸出一些副根。有些时候这些主根是可以食用的 – 比如薯类,胡萝卜,萝卜和辣根。

But it’s not just food that we get from roots. Yam roots create estrogen compounds that are used in birth control pills, while other plant roots are used in the creation of medicines, insecticides, and even fertilizer. Oh, and roots also protect the environment by preventing soil erosion and landslides.

So really we’ve got quite a lot to thank roots for. Thanks, roots!

【MoonCake__MC 译自官网 2022 年 04 月 08 日发布的 Block of the Week: Rooted Dirt;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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