

Nether a waste!

When the Nether was first added to Minecraft, way back in the ancient era of October 2010, it was a pretty terrifying place. There were zombie pigmen, ghasts, glowstone, and lava – a loooot of lava. Later on, we discovered the Nether was home to giant, ancient fortresses stuffed with wither skeletons and blazes, too. Those devilish developers just had to make it even more hostile!
从 2010 年 10 月下界首次加入 Minecraft 的远古版本起,它就是个相当恐怖的地方。那里僵尸猪人、恶魂遍地,萤石丛生,熔岩无处不在。后来藏匿于此的远古大型要塞也被发现,之中满是凋灵骷髅和烈焰人。开发者那些坏心眼的家伙甚至还想让这鬼地方更恐怖!

In the Nether Update in 2020, however, everything changed. It became possible to visit the Nether’s basalt deltas, crimson and warped forests, and soul sand valleys . But we needed a name for the original Nether biome. So we decided to call it “Nether wastes”, and it just so happens to be our biome of the week.
然而,在 2020 年的下界更新,一切迎来了转机。玄武岩三角洲绯红扭曲森林和灵魂沙峡谷被加入了下界。当然,最初的下界群系也得有个名字。我们决定将它命名为“下界荒地”,而它正是我们本周的生物群系。

It’s easy to tell the different Nether biomes apart. The deltas are filled with ash and basalt, soul sand valleys burn with blue soul fire, warped forests are filled with cyan mushrooms, while crimson forests are – well – crimson in hue.

Nether wastes are a dark red, like the crimson forests, but that’s where the similarities end. They’re barren places, with seas of lava below and globules of glowstone above.

Ghasts, zombified piglins, magma cubes, and endermen patrol these areas – as well as striders in the lava pools. But it’s still worth visiting for its resources – nether quartz, gold, soul sand, glowstone, ancient debris, and the occasional mushroom.
恶魂、僵尸猪灵、岩浆怪、末影人以及熔岩上的炽足兽在此游荡。尽管如此,这里的资源仍然值得来收集 —— 除了下界石英、下界金矿、灵魂沙、萤石和远古残骸,偶尔还能发现蘑菇。

But we can’t recommend setting up home in the Nether wastes. It’s a highly dangerous place to hang out thanks to the huge seas of lava, and the lack of cover making you vulnerable to ghasts. While you’ll sometimes find bastion remnants, nether fortresses, and ruined portals for shelter, they’re few and far between.

If you do find yourself needing to traverse the Nether wastes, then keep your wits about you, a bow at hand to deal with any ghasts, and a plentiful supply of food to keep your health topped up. You’ve been warned.

【Inverted_Raven 译自官网 2022 年 05 月 26 日发布的 Around the Block: Nether Wastes;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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