本帖最后由 _InvertedRaven_ 于 2024-1-2 14:11 编辑


Minecraft’s final frontier?

The End is Minecraft’s least-visited dimension, mostly because it’s so hard to get to. First, you’ve got to find a stronghold, which usually requires chucking a bunch of eyes of ender around. Then you’ve got to clear out that stronghold. Then you’ve got to find the portal room. Then you’ve got to fill the portal with more eyes of ender.
末地在 Minecraft 的维度中最为人迹罕至,其主要原因是难以到达。首先,你得扔一堆末影之眼来寻找要塞。然后,你还得把要塞里的怪物清干净。最后你还要找到传送门房间,并用更多的末影之眼激活传送门。

Then, when you finally arrive, there’s no welcoming committee – just an angry dragon. Defeat that dragon with skill, guile and a little luck, scroll heartlessly past the big long list of heroic folks who made the game you love, and then – after all that – you can finally start exploring Minecraft’s most mysterious, sinister dimension.
就算你最终进入了末地,能够“欢迎”你的也只有一条恼怒的龙。用点运气、不择手段地战胜它,毫无感情地看完滚动的长长一串制作人名单,终于 —— 完成这一切之后,你可以探索 Minecraft 最为神秘且险象丛生的维度了。

Today we’re going to be talking about my favourite part of that dimension. The End Highlands.
今天我们来唠一唠这个群系里我最喜欢的地方 —— 末地高地。

The End is split up into five different biomes. The first, confusingly, is called The End – that’s the bit where you fight the Ender Dragon. Once defeated, however, you can portal further out – to a ring of orbiting islands. The small ones are the End islands biome. The bigger ones are split into End barrens, End midlands, and finally – our goal – the End highlands.
末地由五种不同群系组成。第一种很容易搞混,也叫做末地,是与末影龙战斗之处。将其击败之后,你可以传送至环绕在远处的外围岛屿。小一些的叫做末地小型岛屿,更大的则分为多个部分 —— 末地荒地、末地内陆和我们的主角末地高地。

You’ll know when you’re there because you’ll see huge forests of chorus trees, which only grow in this biome. If you’re lucky, though, you’ll see more than that – you might see a huge purple structure with glowing yellow windows. An End city, packed with shulkers, ender chests, End rods and purpur blocks.
这个群系独有的大片紫颂树使其很容易辨别。如果你运气不错,还能找到点别的 —— 一个窗户散发着黄光的巨大紫色结构。这就是末地城,里面满是潜影贝、末影箱、末地烛和紫珀块。

You might even see something even rarer – a structure that looks like a ship. If you find one of these then you’re really in luck. It contains a treasure room,which holds some of the most valuable loot in the game.
还有更稀有的东西等待你发现 —— 一个船一样的结构。如果能找到它,那你可真够幸运的。它的藏宝室里装着全游戏最富价值的战利品。

Don’t marvel too long at the treasures of the End highlands, because the biome is packed with dangers. As well as the End’s omnipresent endermen (who’ll tear you block from block in an instant if you so much as look at them funny) you’ll also be assailed by shulkers, a more subtle but not less dangerous foe.

Shulkers hide in their shells and blend in easily with the End cites’ purpur blocks. They fire projectiles which inflict the Levitation status effect, causing the player to start rising into the air. That’s often quite nice, but when the effect wears off players discover that what goes up must come down, falling like a stone to the ground. With impressive natural armour and the ability to teleport, you’ll find these creatures a real pain to deal with.

If you do manage to clear out an End city, or even just a small section of one, they make great places to set up camp in the End’s lonely wastelands. With a little effort, they can even be made to feel a little like home. But beware: the eyes of the endermen will always be watching you.
如果你想方设法清空了末地城 —— 甚至哪怕只是一小部分,它们就会是荒无人烟的末地原野上绝佳的营地。如果花费点心思,甚至还能有些许家的温暖。但要记住:玩家在做,末影人在看。

【Inverted_Raven 译自官网 2020 年 11 月 12 日发布的 Around the Block: End Highlands;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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