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Minecraft 快照 23W46A

A Minecraft Java Snapshot
Minecraft Java版 快照

This snapshot brings about a few redstone-focused changes. Notably, we’re tweaking the tick delay behavior of the crafter and the copper bulb while they’re still in experimental development.

With these changes, we aim to make the crafter more consistent with other blocks that drop or eject items, and the copper bulb with other blocks that react or change state when a connected redstone signal changes. As a result of this, some contraptions built during the last few snapshots may no longer work properly.

We're really excited about the tinkering opportunities both these new redstone blocks bring to the world. Please keep sending all your thoughts about them to Minecraft Feedback so we can keep building Minecraft together!
我们乐于看到这些全新的红石方块对世界做出的改变。请继续将你的想法投递到 Minecraft Feedback 网站,与我们共筑 Minecraft 世界!



Updated Crafter textures更新了合成器的纹理


The Data Pack version is now 25数据包版本现在是 25

数据包版本 25 更新内容

Added individual display names for scoreboard entries记分板目标现可以有不同的展示名称



Display names
显示名称Each entry in a scoreboard can now have a custom display name记分板内的记分项现在可以有自定义的显示名称Those values are kept separate per objective and score holder对于记分板追踪的每一实体、每一记分项,显示名称都可以是相互独立的If the name is not present, the score holder name is used (i.e. the old behavior)若未指定,则记分项名称仍会显示成当前追踪的实体(即先前的行为)If the score is reset or the whole objective is removed, the name is not preserved实体分数被重置或实体不再被追踪时,显示名称将被清除Team decorations will still be applied to names as normal队伍颜色仍会生效Subcommands for managing names:子命令用于控制显示名称:
scoreboard players display name - set display namescoreboard players display name - 设置显示名称scoreboard players display name - clear display namescoreboard players display name - 清除显示名称

Display name auto-update
To make display name management easier, objectives can also be configured to auto-update display names on every score update为更便捷的管理显示名称,记分项可被设置为每当分数更新时自动更新显示名称This option is disabled by default该选项默认被禁用If a score holder has no display name (because it can't be attributed to any currently loaded entity), the current name is preserved如记分项当前无法设置显示名称(例如实体未被加载)则当前显示名称会被保留【该句存疑】Command to control auto-update for objective:用于设置记分项自动更新的命令格式如下:
scoreboard objectives modify displayautoupdate [true|false]scoreboard objectives modify displayautoupdate [true|false]

Number formatting
格式化数字Scores in numeric form can now be formatted数字形式的分数现可以设置样式Formats can be set for both objectives and individual scores样式可设置为对整个记分项生效,或对单个实体的分数生效Scores with set formats will render the same in all context (sidebar, under player name, etc.)设置了样式的分数在各个显示位置(侧边栏、玩家名称下方等)渲染出的效果是相同的Subcommands for managing formats:用于设置分数样式的子命令格式如下
scoreboard objectives modify numberformat - for setting default format for an objectivescoreboard objectives modify numberformat - 设置记分项分数的默认样式scoreboard objectives modify numberformat - for clearing default format for an objectivescoreboard objectives modify numberformat - 清除记分项分数的默认样式scoreboard players display numberformat - for setting format for a specific score holderscoreboard players display numberformat - 设置单个记分项分数的样式scoreboard players display numberformat - for clearing format for a specific score holderscoreboard players display numberformat - 清除单个记分项分数的样式

styled - score will be displayed with selected style (like {"bold":true})styled - 分数将显示为当前设置的样式(例: {"bold":true})fixed - score will be replaced with textfixed - 分数会被替换成文本blank - score will not be displayedblank - 分数将不被展示

快照 23W46A 中修复的漏洞

MC-259321 - Spawner counts related entities against MaxNearbyEntitiesMC-259321 - 刷怪笼计数 MaxNearbyEntities 时会错误地计数关连实体MC-265662 - "Cannot kick server owner in LAN game" message when trying to kick yourself from non-LAN singleplayer worldMC-265662 - 单人模式下尝试将自己踢出游戏时会错误地显示“无法在局域网游戏中踢出服务器所有者”MC-265873 - Narrator Hotkey description mentions the wrong modifier key on macOSMC-265873 - macOS 设备上的复述功能快捷键描述使用了错误的按键名MC-265910 - Crafter block has a one game tick cooldownMC-265910 - 合成器有 1 游戏刻的延迟MC-265950 - Crafters will stack items when outputting into chiseled bookshelfMC-265950 - 合成器输出物品到雕纹书架时,可能使物品堆叠MC-266076 - Copper Grates can't be waterloggedMC-266076 - 铜格栅不可含水MC-266099 - Spectating an entity that takes damage makes the camera shakeMC-266099 - 旁观模式下附身的实体受伤时,玩家的相机视角也会抖动MC-266120 - Some advancements for 1.21 block recipes are in the regular datapackMC-266120 - 用于解锁 1.21 相关方块合成配方的进度错误地出现在常规游戏的数据包中MC-266148 - Some Crafting recipes for the new copper blocks appear when Experiment is disabledMC-266148 - 即使关闭了实验性数据包,部分在未来版本才出现的铜块合成配方仍然会出现在配方书中MC-266190 - Tuff blockset color palette is inconsistent with itselfMC-266190 - 凝灰岩方块的调色盘不一致MC-266437 - Wind charge subtitles are improperly capitalizedMC-266437 - 风弹的字幕大小写不正确MC-266445 - Breeze mob doesn't count to Monster HunterMC-266445 - 旋风人没有被计入怪物猎人进度的需求中MC-266455 - Breeze spawn eggs are in the incorrect place in the creative inventoryMC-266455 - 创造模式物品栏中,旋风人刷怪蛋出现在了错误的位置MC-266459 - The hitboxes and models of wind charges are misalignedMC-266459 - 风弹的模型与碰撞箱没有对齐MC-266538 - Trial spawners can be replaced by lava pools and other featuresMC-266538 - 试炼刷怪笼可能被熔岩池或其他地物替换MC-266622 - Wind Charges can't switch levers offMC-266622 - 风弹无法使拉杆关闭

【氘氚人 译自官网 2023 年 11 月 16 日发布的 Minecraft Snapshot 23w46a;原作者 Java Team】
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