本帖最后由 Don_Trueno 于 2023-10-11 01:45 编辑

Minecraft Players Trying to Stop Mob Vote With Propaganda Posters and More Than 220,000 Signatures
Minecraft 玩家联名请愿取消生物投票,现已有 22 万签名

"Why settle for less when we could have it all?"

Since 2016, Mojang has been hosting an annual mob vote that lets players choose the next creature it adds to Minecraft. In recent years, though, players have grown increasingly unhappy with the tradition, and this year they've taken to "unionizing" to express their disappointment.
自打 2016 年开始,Mojang 便一年一度地去组织生物投票,让玩家去选择下一个将要加入 Minecraft 的生物。然而近些年来,玩家们对这一传统的不满却日渐加剧,今年甚至为表达自己对生物投票的失望,而组织了一次“线上联合”。

Last Thursday, the team behind Minecraft revealed 2023's mob vote and its three options: a crab that drops claws that can boost a player's reach when placing blocks, an armadillo that drops scutes which can be crafted into wolf armor, and a penguin that boosts the speed of nearby boats. However, quite a few players have become disillusioned with what they perceive to be lost content.
上周四,Minecraft 的幕后团队宣布了2023 年度生物投票即将到来的消息,同时也公布了三个选项 —— 首先是螃蟹,它掉落的蟹钳可以提升玩家放置方块时的触及距离;然后是犰狳,它掉落的骨甲(暂译)可以被制作成狼铠;最后是企鹅,可以增幅附近船的移动速度。然而即使结果尚未明了,也已有很多玩家因注定会有内容被取消而深感沮丧。

Now, fans on TikTok are creating and spreading war propaganda-inspired posters to encourage other players to "unionize" and boycott the mob vote. Many of these posters have adopted communist terminology, with some players calling others "comrades," while others have praised modders for bringing Mojang's "scrapped" mobs into the game.
最近,TikTok 上的用户们掀起了创作与传播一组基于二战征兵海报的图片,来鼓励所有玩家“联合起来”共同抵制生物投票。其中有很多海报上使用了共 产主义宣传标语,这些玩家也彼此之间使用“同志”称呼。除此之外,还有一部分玩家发文感谢模组作者们能够把那些被 Mojang “废弃”了的生物加入到游戏里面。

These efforts have resulted in a particularly large petition. At the time of writing this, the petition has over 220,000 signatures, and it's seen a steady increase over the past day.
以上种种的最终结果便是一场声势浩大的联名请愿活动在 上举行。到本文撰写完毕的这段时间,已有超过 22 万人次参与,且这一数字仍随着时间发展而稳步增长。

"The Mob Vote generates engagement by tearing the community apart, leaving fantastic ideas on the cutting room floor, and teasing content that will never be seen in the game," the petition states. "That, mixed with the fact that Mojang somehow releases less content WITH Microsoft's backing than they did without, means players see minimal content to the game they love, and watch as possibly ** thing to get them to play again is ripped from them."
在请愿活动中有着这样的表述:“生物投票能够产生玩家粘性,然而依靠的却是撕裂社区,想到不错的点子却不去实施,以及用这些永远不会在游戏里出现的内容来欺骗玩家。另外事实表明,在被Microsoft收购以后,Mojang 的内容产出反而不如从前。对玩家而言,不仅要看着热爱的游戏仿佛挤牙膏般地更新,还要眼睁睁看着自己玩下去的动力被他们剥夺。”

Unless the anti-mob vote camp succeeds, the vote is slated to go live on October 13, and the results will be announced during Minecraft Live two days later. It's worth noting that the discarded designs will only be baseline concepts, with only the winner entering full development, so little will be lost beyond the basic ideas presented in the poll.
当然除非反对生物投票运动能最终成功,否则投票仍会在 10 月 14 日如期举行,并于两天后宣读投票结果。值得注意的是,被弃置的点子其实也仅是大致的概念设计,而只有获胜者才会进入完整的开发周期,所以除开在民意调查阶段透露的信息外,其实也什么都没有损失。

We gave Minecraft a 9 in our 2011 review, calling it "an open world, a blank page just daring you to jump in and do with it what you will." The game has received quite a few expansions since then, though, with its most recent major update adding mobs and more features for player customization. It's also hosted an impressive number of dedicated players, including this fan who has been building all of Breath of the Wild in Minecraft.
我们在 2011 的评测中给予了 Minecraft 9 分的成绩(满分为 10 ),将它称作“一款开放世界游戏,玩家可以随时打开游戏,自由地在这张白纸一般的世界里做任何想做的事。”自那以后,游戏也迎来了许多拓展更新,在最近一次的主要更新里也加入了更多生物和玩家高度自由的游戏玩法。同时游戏也收获了相当数量的忠实玩家,包括这位在 Minecraft 世界里搭建出《旷野之息》的粉丝。

Update: This story has been edited to clarify the state of the content presented in the mob vote.

Amelia Zollner is a freelance writer at IGN who loves all things indie and Nintendo. Outside of IGN, they've contributed to sites like Polygon and Rock Paper Shotgun. Find them on Twitter: @ameliazollner.
Amelia Zollner,IGN 上的一名自由撰稿人,喜欢独立游戏与任天堂。除 IGN 外,这名作者也在 Polygon、Rock Paper Shotgun 等其他网站上发表文章。你可以在推特上与这名作者联系:@ameliazollner.

本文所涉及的官方消息或媒体评论IGN:Minecraft 玩家联名请愿取消生物投票,现已有 22 万签名请取消生物投票:不要总是去抛弃不错的点子

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