本帖最后由 橄榄Chan 于 2023-9-14 01:47 编辑
Minecraft Live 直播活动将于北京时间 10 月 16 日 1:00 开播生物投票自北京时间 10 月 14 日 1:00 开始,至 10 月 16 日 1:15 结束投票途径:Minecraft.net、官方启动器、基岩版活动服务器本贴来自www.mcbbs.net


Minecraft Live 重磅归来

Join us on October 15!
北京时间 10 月 16 日凌晨,不见不散!

A screaming goat once told me* that October is the BEST month. Not just because it’s full of pumpkins (yum!) or because all the skeletons in my save file finally fit in (aww!), but because Minecraft Live is back on October 15, and this year it’s bigger and blockier than ever!
有只尖叫山羊跟我说* 十月是最美妙的月份。不仅因为遍地是南瓜(好吃!),也不仅因为我存档里的骷髅此时特别应景(好怕!),更是因为 Minecraft Live 将于 10 月 16 日强势归来,而今年会比往年更加重磅,更多块乐!

*Or was it the Minecraft Live team? My memory is baaaaah-d…
*也可能是 Minecraft Live 团队?我脑子迷糊了⋯⋯

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If you’ve never watched our epic, once-a-year livestream before, then you are in for a treat. Not only do we spend an hour talking about Minecraft (our favorite topic), but we dive into news from Minecraft and Minecraft: Legends; share snippets of what you can expect in the future, and reveal the winner of the hotly anticipated mob vote!
如果你还从没看过我们一年一度的盛大直播活动,那真是绝对不容再错过。我们不仅会花上一小时来聊 Minecraft(我们最爱的话题),还会深入了解 Minecraft 和 Minecraft Legends 的最新消息,分享你将会在游戏中遇到的部分新鲜事物,并揭晓万众期待的生物投票的赢家!

2023 年生物投票

That’s right, the mob vote is making a triumphant return this year, with three new mobs for you, our wonderful community, to choose between!

When you cast your vote for a new mob, you help us decide what we’ll spend time developing. Then the mob gets added into the game as part of the next major update! Last year's winner was the sniffer: an ancient mob that was once extinct. Now it has been sniff-sniffing around our Overworlds since the summer, digging up ancient seeds, and looking adorable.


Voting will be open for longer this year, and you will have just over 48 hours** prior to Minecraft Live to cast your vote! Voting opens at 1pm EDT on Friday, October 13, and closes at 1:15pm EDT on Sunday, October 15 . What does that mean in your time zone? Find out what time the mob vote starts for you, and what time the mob vote ends for you (because too much math makes my head hurt).
今年的投票时间将有所延长,你可以在 Minecraft Live 开始前 48 小时内投出你的一票!投票时间自北京时间 10 月 14 日(星期六)1:00 开始,至 10 月 16 日 1:15(星期一)结束。你还可以查看生物投票在其他时区的开始时间结束时间(算数实在是太伤脑筋了)。

**48 hours and fifteen minutes, to be exact!
**准确来说是 48 小时又 15 分钟!


Like last year, you’ll be able to cast your vote within Minecraft! Join the live event server on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition to submit your vote, meet the Tinies, play mini-games, and even indulge in some mob parkour. You can also vote right here on Minecraft.net, or via the Minecraft Launcher. Our special event server will also remain open for 24 hours after the end of Minecraft Live, which means you’ll have an extra day to finish that scavenger hunt!
与去年一样,你可以直接在 Minecraft 里面投票!在《Minecraft:基岩版》的直播活动服务器中投票,端详微缩生物,畅玩小游戏,还能尽情参与生物跑酷。你也可以在 Minecraft.net 上,或是通过 Minecraft 启动器投票。我们的活动专属服务器在 Minecraft Live 结束后仍将继续开放 24 小时,这样你就有额外的一天时间来完成寻宝游戏了!

Which mobs can you vote for? That’s a secret – for now. You’ll have to wait until the beginning of October for that special news! Or maybe I’ll be sneaky, and scatter some clues in each of our articles? I guess you’ll have to read them all and find out!

Watch Minecraft Live on our YouTube channel or right here on Minecraft.net on October 15! The show starts at 1pm EDT, and you can check your global showtime here!
北京时间 10 月 16 日凌晨,在我们的 YouTube 频道或 Minecraft.net 上观看 Minecraft Live!节目将于北京时间 16 日凌晨 1 时开始,你也可以查看其他时区的开播时间

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423)译自官网 2023 年 09 月 13 日发布的 Minecraft Live 2023 Announcement;原作者 Sophie Austin】
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