

On the way to the summit

There’s only one way up a mountain, and that’s to climb it. In the past, we’ve covered the jagged peaks and the frozen peaks, but getting there almost always means trudging your way through our biome of the month – the snowy slopes.

Snowy slopes are found exclusively in areas of mountainous terrain, usually leading up to an area of even higher ground – but occasionally on their own in plateaus. You’ll recognize them easily because they’re covered in snow and lack any other vegetation.

One of the reasons why you'd want to hang out in a snowy slopes biome is for the fun treks upward to enjoy the high altitude and the stunning view – if your render distance allows for it, that is! The only resource on offer is snow (and lots of it). Deep below ground you’ll find a bit of emerald ore, and occasionally you’ll meet a goat, a rabbit, or a polar bear (if you’re playing Bedrock Edition)!

At night things are more dangerous – spiders love the snow, as they’re able to spread their weight easily across their eight legs, and you’ll find zombies, skeletons, creepers, Endermen, and witches here too. You might even find a slime if you’re lucky enough to be in a slime chunk.

On Earth, the changing of the seasons means that most mountain slopes don’t stay snowy year-round. Instead, they freeze over in the winter, and then slowly melt in the springtime – releasing water gradually all through the summer, and allowing people to survive in otherwise dry areas. In fact, almost half of our planet’s mountain areas provide a water supply to an urban population that depends on it.

Some people live in mountainous areas, particularly in the Andes, Central Asia, and Africa, but the lack of farmable ground and the harsh weather means that populations in these areas are low. The city of El Alto in Bolivia is a notable exception – with almost a million people living at an elevation of 4,150m.
山地也有人口居住,集中在安第斯、中亚、非洲地区,但耕地缺乏、气候恶劣,人口自然稀少。玻利维亚的埃尔阿尔托是个醒目的例外,那里海拔高达 4150 米,却生活着百万余人口。

Instead, mountains tend to act as natural borders between countries, offer a place for winter and summer tourism, and they also play a significant role in many religions. Mount Olympus in Greece is said to be the home of the gods, while Mount Kailash in Tibet is sacred to four different religions. In Ireland, pilgrimages are made up Mount Brandon, and tens of thousands of Japanese people climb Mount Fuji every year.

So if you ever feel like your life in Minecraft is lacking meaning, then try locating a snowy slopes biome and start climbing. You never know what spiritual awakening might await you at the summit.
所以,如果你感觉 Minecraft 中的生活枯燥无趣,那就去找片积雪山坡,往上攀登吧。登上顶峰,让思绪拨云见日。

【橄榄Chan(aka Olvcpr423)译自官网 2023 年 10 月 05 日发布的 Snowy Slopes;原作者 Duncan Geere】
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