

Tutorial Difficulty: 4/10

When sculk sensors were announced at Minecraft Live 2020, there were three types of response: "Meh, it's not frogs, and I want frogs" from the people who want new mobs, not blocks, "Oh, that's cool" from the casual redstone users,and "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" from the people who rea
lly, REALLY love redstone.
当在“Minecraft Live 2020”上宣布幽匿感测体时,有三种类型的反应:“嗯,这不是青蛙,我想要青蛙”——来自那些想要新的怪物的人,而不是社区,“哦,那太酷了”——来自于普通的红石用户,“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH”——来自于那些特别喜欢红石的人。

You see, the sculk sensor enables one really cool feature: wireless redstone. Sculk sensors can detect vibrations, which mean they can complete a circuit just by sensing movement or change nearby, instead of requiring redstone dust paths to activate them. The types of things th
ey can sense range from something as quiet as a bat flapping its wings, all the way up to the noisiest things in Minecraft: explosions and lightning strikes.

The sensors are part of the deep dark biome, where the Warden — who also moves around by detecting sound — lives. As you can tell by the name, the deep dark is very, very dark, and much like real-world nocturnal creatures like moles, shrews, and bats, everything that liv
es in the deep dark survives without the use of sight. Moles use smell and bats use echolocation, but sculk sensors use soundwaves . Isn't that cool?

I'm more of a builder than a programmer, so I won't pretend to understand the potential applications of wireless redstone, but luckily for me (and you!), BlenDigi has put together some "simple" sculk sensor builds to get us started.

BlenDigi offers us five ideas: A door that opens when you walk towards it, a staircase that pops out from the wall, motion sensor lights (like in bathrooms!), motion sensor fireworks (not like in bathrooms!), and a wireless piston door that will make you feel like you're a vill
ain in a movie.

The only problem is that the sculk sensors do make a bit of a creepy noise when they sense movement or sound, which sounds a bit like someone gargling marbles (although you can apparently silence it by waterlogging the block). If you don't mind the marble-gargle, then the idea
of having automatic doors and lights in your house is pretty thrilling. It'll be like you're one of those rich people with a Smart Home! Maybe one day we'll be able to say, "Sculky, play Pigstep on the Jukebox" and we'll be able to do almost everything without lifting a finger.

【yixitian 译自官网 2023 年 02 月 02 日发布的 How to use sculk sensors;原作者 Kate Gray】
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