本帖最后由 lihl 于 2023-3-14 21:01 编辑

Minecraft Legends上的主世界

Explore a storied land, with surprising treasures and perils

With the April 18 launch date fast approaching, it’s time for another Minecraft Legends deep dive. In this game, you’ll discover the Overworld as it’s been preserved in the stories of its inhabitants, including what they love and what they fear about it.
2023年4月18日,Minecraft Legends的发布日期即将来临,我们是时候发布一篇关于 Minecraft Legends 的深部资讯了。在这款游戏中,你最开始探索的是 主世界,因为这是当地居民故事的一部分,这里包含了它们的热爱与畏惧。

Instead of changing the landscape of the world, you learn to navigate it and use it to your strategic advantage by building new structures. Instead of playing block by block, you get to play thought by thought – turning your ideas for structures into reality in seconds instead of minutes (or ages in my case) of manual labor.

But there’s more to this legend than building structures. Here’s why it pays off to explore the Overworld of Minecraft Legends.
但建筑一些结构可不能称得上是“传说”。这就是为什么你觉得你值得探索 Minecraft Legends。


This imposing, mysterious structure is where you first enter the world, but it also has some very useful features. For example: Have you been rebuffed by the same piglin base an unreasonable number of times? Well, return to the Well of Fate and build improvements! These upgrade structures enhance abilities of your choice, like unlocking new types of allies or increasing the number of allies you can rally. These upgrades are essential to progressing through the campaign as you face increasingly dangerous enemies and they’re a lot of fun to discover and play with.
这座雄伟的神庙是你在Minecraft Legends的旅行中的第一站。不要小看它!它也有一些非常值得应用的点。比如:你是否很多次被同一只猪灵阻挡住了去路?让我们回到 命运之井 继续深造吧!这些可升级的结构增加了你可以选择的能力,比如:解锁新的盟友、或是增加你可集结的盟友数量。当你在面对越来越多、越来越强的敌人时,这些盟友可能是你获胜的关键。使用它们吧!它们十分有趣!

Secondly, your connection to the Well of Fate allows you to fast travel to it via your map as soon as you begin the game – which leads us to the next place you’ll want to explore...


Sometimes, you don't have time to admire the scenery because the piglins’ corruption is spreading quickly. Very quickly. That’s where village fountains come in! They allow you to fast travel to villages you’ve already discovered from anywhere on the map, provided their fountains are in good condition. These fountains are tempting targets for the piglins, so when a village is attacked make sure you rush to defend it!

There’s another reason to keep the piglins away from villages – aside from their propensity for smashing everything and everyone... those villagers are our friends! If you look closely at a village fountain, you’ll notice a chest at its base. Villagers collect resources in these chests to support you in the fight for their home! But once a village is taken over by piglins, you lose access to those resources. What sorts of helpful resources will you find in these chests? Well...


There’s nothing more anticlimactic than running out of resources just as you’re about to spawn that final wave of allies and destroy a Nether portal for good. Thankfully, the Overworld is rich in many resources so you just need to make sure you stock up before each battle. While in Minecraft Legends you’re not mining per se, your allay friends are more than happy to collect different materials for you. These resources are essential for spawning allies, building structures, and building improvements, so keep an eye out for ore veins as you gallop through biomes. And if you’re looking for a specific material, check your map to see what you can find in each biome!
当你即将使用最后一批盟友摧毁一个下界传送门的时候,没有什么比所有资源耗尽更令人扫兴的事情了。庆幸的是,主世界的矿脉中有诸多的资源,所以你只需要在每次战斗之前采集并准备好这些资源即可。虽然 Minecraft Legends 本质上不是一款挖矿游戏,但是你的盟友十分愿意为你在矿脉中收集不同的资源。这些矿脉之中的资源对于你升级盟友能力、建造建筑和升级建筑非常重要,所以如果当你在不同的群系中游荡时,请你多多留意这些矿脉!如果你正在寻找一种特殊、你缺失的材料,请关注地图,看看你是否能在不同的群系中发现些什么。


Speaking of galloping, the Overworld’s terrain won’t always make it easy for you and your mount. Seeing as you won't be traveling on foot in Minecraft Legends, you’ll need to figure out how you and your mount can explore the Overworld's deep ravines and towering mountains.
说到驰骋,主世界的地形可不能总是让你和你的坐骑顺利通过。由于你并不会在Minecraft Legends中徒步旅行,所以您需要了解如何驾驭坐骑和如何探险主世界的那些峡谷和深山。

As their names suggest, speed wheat and bounce caps make traversing biomes faster and, well... bouncier. In fact, darting and jumping around is so much fun it almost makes you forget that the Overworld is under attack – that is, until you smack your (and your mount’s) face into the wall of a piglin base while zooming with speed wheat.
顾名思义,“速度麦”和“弹跳帽”可以使你穿越每个群系的速度更快,而且.... 更有弹性。冲刺和跳跃是那么有趣,以至于你忘了主世界正在遭受猪灵们的攻击 —— 意思是,在你用速度麦快速移动时,你和你的坐骑与猪灵撞了个满怀!

Aside from finding boosts scattered around the Overworld, you’ll also find some perils. Poison vines not only harm you, but they also remove the speed wheat and bounce caps’ effect, which feels like a very sudden speed bump. Imagine having your longest speed wheat streak foiled by this pesky plant! So make sure you avoid these toxic plants, as well as all the other obstacles I’ll (very cruelly) let you discover by yourself. Okay, one last piece of advice: if you see a hole in the ground in the tundra, maybe don’t stand on top of it. Or do, it’s pretty fun in an “ouch, my bones” kind of way.


The piglins aren’t confined to their bases – they’re running rampant in the Overworld, in search of opportunities for destruction. If you see a group of piglins causing trouble during your travels, maybe make a quick stop to deal with them. Not just to stop their rampage, but also because the piglins roaming the Overworld carry lapis, the material you need to spawn new allies.
猪灵们并不光在它们的基地发展——它们在主世界游荡,试图找到如何毁灭主世界并占为己有的方法。如果你在不断的探险中发现一群猪灵在制造麻烦,你也许可以停下来打一场遭遇战!这不仅仅是阻止它们在主世界的暴行,还是收集在主世界游荡的猪灵们的特殊材料——“ lapis ”青金石,这是你结识新盟友的重要材料!

注:lapis 是青金石的拉丁语简称。

So let’s say that the worst has happened, and all the villages are now in ruin; to top it all off, you’re out of resources. It shouldn’t take too long to replenish them manually so you can go back to kicking piglin rump, but if you keep your eyes peeled you might spot some freebies. Throughout the Overworld, you can find allay chests – either hidden or in plain sight. Inside these chests, you’ll find varying amounts of random resources. Just play the right song and the allays will retrieve them for you!

What about those strange-looking blocks, strewn about in random places but in a very not-random order? There’s definitely more to them, but this is something the Hosts will explain to you when the time is right.
在世界还能看见一些奇奇怪怪的方块,这些方块会出现在随机的地方,但是摆放好像是有意为之?肯定还有更多这样的方块。到时候我们会向你 解释的。

Want to learn more about Minecraft Legends? Keep an eye on and @legends_game for more info and news, and make sure you check out our previous posts about the golems and mobs you’ll fight alongside to save the Overworld!
想要了解更多关于 Minecraft Legends 的深部详情与讯息?敬请关注 与Minecraft Legends的官方推特 @legends_game ,并阅读我们之前发布的内容,了解即将与您并肩作战的怪物与傀儡!

【lihl 译自官网 2023 年 02 月 03 日发布的 The Overworld of Minecraft Legends;原作者 Cristina Anderca】
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这篇文章我试着翻译过一部分 但最后因为篇幅过长放弃了(

Trco_ 发表于 2023-2-7 13:10
这篇文章我试着翻译过一部分 但最后因为篇幅过长放弃了(
不过你这里边似乎有几句和机翻的结果有点像? ...


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lihl 发表于 2023-2-7 13:12


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