本帖最后由 深山里的一奇 于 2021-10-15 02:56 编辑
当然最好能帮我改一些语法句式,根据质量可以加金粒哦 100-300
当然最好能帮我改一些语法句式,根据质量可以加金粒哦 100-300
(部分删减) Why does a one's social class affecthis/her personal identity The social class is a general concept which can divided into fourgroups: lower class (15%-20% citizens in USA), working class (30%-40%), middleclass (40%-50%), and upper class (1%-3%). People who belong to lower class haveno job to do, they are the representative of poverty, homelessness, andunemployment. In working class, just as its name implies, most of them are theunskilled manual worker also known as ‘blue-collar’ which haven’t been to theschool, seldom own their own homes. The people in the middle class are mostlyhighly educated, having stable job and own their own homes which known as‘white-collar’. In the society, very few of the ‘elites’ are in the upper classand don’t need to work, but they control about 40% of wealth in the world. For me, in the middleclass, my parents give me everything. I don’t need to worry about food,shelter, education, and the relationship between me and others. Now I have theability to buy whatever I want in the reasonable price level but I’m keenlyaware of the unfortunate fact that a large proportion of the working and lowerclasses find it unaffordable to meet their own demands however small they seemto be. On the other hand, it also reflects another problem: people in the lowerand working class are more willing to save money instead of spend it on theunnecessary part, to those who was in the upper class, however, they tend tospend money on luxuries and entertainment to fill their wants, these habits mayinfluence theirs whole life. Social class can also affect a person's level of education andwhether he/she can go to the college. In China, the college entranceexamination is a hierarchical examination which is the biggest challenge to allhigh school student, the students who live in the metropolis receive bettereducation and resources than those students live in the countryside, thereforethey have more probability to enter the university. Buffett, a famousinvestment tycoon, said similar things: ‘When I was a child, I had superiorconditions in all aspects. My family environment is very good, because thefamily is talking about interesting things. My parents are very intelligent. Igo to a good school. I think my parents are the best in the world. This is veryimportant.’ This is class solidification. It means that the probability of aperson breaking through the class and realizing his ideal is getting smallerand smaller; but also means that a person inherits the excellence of his familyand has an increasing probability of becoming an aspiring group. |