本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-2 23:13 编辑
| Help Chat |

Unofficial Simplified Chinese Wiki Version

| About HelpChat | 关于 HelpChat

   HelpChat 是一个为国外玩家提供在线援助的组织,同时也是 Clip 所创建的插件 PlacholderAPI 的官方网站。
   目前 FurryIsland 致力于翻译其中 Wiki 部分的内容。

   2020/3/2 23:11
   除 ChatChat 外的翻译工作基本完成。

| Links | 相关链接

   HelpChat 的官方 Discord 群组: https://helpch.at/discord
   HelpChat 的官网: https://helpch.at/
   HelpChat 的官方 Wiki: https://wiki.helpch.at/
   HelpChat 的官方 JavaDoc: https://helpch.at/docs/
   HelpChat 的官方剪贴板: https://paste.helpch.at/
   HelpChat 的 PlaceholderAPI Wiki 帮助页面: https://helpch.at/placeholders
   E-Cloud 变量拓展云官方页面: https://api.extendedclip.com/home
   HelpChat YAML 文件格式检查修复器: https://yaml.helpch.at/

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-2-22 22:41 编辑
| Help Chat |

Unofficial Simplified Chinese Wiki Version

| HelpChat Wiki Contents | HelpChat 维基页面目录

   # 点击可在页面之间跳转!
   Clip's Plugins | Clip 制作的插件
       AutoSell [跳转]
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限 [跳转]
         Placeholders | 变量列表 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       ActionAnnouncer [跳转]
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
         API | 接口 [跳转]
       ChatReaction [跳转]
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       DeluxeChat [跳转]
         Installation | 安装插件 [跳转]
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限 [跳转]
         Placeholders | 变量列表 [跳转]
         Config options | 配置选项 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       DeluxeCommands [跳转]
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       DeluxeJoin [跳转]
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         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       DeluxeTags [跳转]
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         Placeholders | 变量列表 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       DeluxeMenus [跳转] # 实际页面顺序有点问题
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         Options & Configurations | 设定与配置 [跳转]
            GUI | GUI 样式 [跳转]
            Item | 菜单物品 [跳转]
            Requirements | 条件判断 [跳转]
         External menus | 导入菜单 [跳转]
         Example GUI menus | 示例菜单 [跳转]
         Plugin's files | 示例配置 [跳转]
       EzRanksPro [跳转]
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       EzPrestige [跳转]
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         Configurations | 配置文件 [跳转]
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       NoFlyZone [跳转]
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         Configurations | 配置文件 [跳转]

   FunnyCube's Plugins | FunnyCube 制作的插件
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
       Firework Chests
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
         Configurations | 配置文件
       Fish Slapper
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
         Configurations | 配置文件
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
       Temp MOTD
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         Configurations | 配置文件

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       Guilds 已翻译
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         Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限
         Placeholders | 变量列表
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         Placeholders | 变量列表
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         Mentions | 聊天提及
         Placeholders | 插件变量
         API | API
         Files | 插件文件

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-2 22:56 编辑

对监狱挖矿和出售的终极解决方法!/sellall + 出售告示牌 + 方块发送至背包 + 原 "AutoSell" 功能

AutoSell is the selling solution for all prison servers, allows server owners to create permission-based shops were players are able to sell their items. AutoSell is also fully equipped with a wide range of extra features.


Highly customizable.
Auto selling.
Multiplier system.
Blocks to inventory.
Automatic ingots to blocks converter system.
Auto smelt system.
Supports all enchantments.
Easy to setup command-based shop system.
WorldGuard support.
PlaceholderAPI support.
VKBackPack support.

高度可自定义性自动出售功能增强效果系统掉落物直接进入背包矿锭自动转化为矿块功能自动熔炼功能支持所有附魔安装方便,通过命令操作商店支持 WorldGuard 支持 PlaceholderAPI支持 VKBackPack

Required dependencies
Any vault compatible economy plugin
Optional dependencies

MineResetLite (1.13重制版点此) (1.16重制版点此)

Put the AutoSell jar file in your plugins folder.
Restart the server.
Open the config file found in plugins/AutoSell/.
Enable the plugin you want to use to setup AutoSell shop regions (from hooks: section).
Restart the server.
Modify the other options and files to fit your server's layout.
Reload AutoSell /ASA Reload (Some options might require a restart to apply the changes).
Create your AutoSell shops (Look at Commands & Permissions page for the create command and other related commands for this).
To set the shop's region, name it with the same name of the region/mine (of the plugin you chose in hooks) you want to take its region.
Check the Commands & Permissions page, to give your players access to commands/features you want them to use.
And you're done! Give us a review about the plugin here.

打开位于 plugins/AutoSell/ 的配置文本
在设置内启用你想要建立商店的选区 (联动: 选区)
使用命令 /asa reload 可重载配置文本 (有些选项需要重启服务器才能生效)
创建你的插件商店 (参照下方命令与权限部分以获取命令与相关帮助)

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-2 22:59 编辑



/sellallautosell.sellall将你背包中的物品出售至你有权使用的商店。Sell, SellItems, SellInv, SellInventory
/autosellautosell.toggle切换自动出售模式。AS, ASell, AutoS
/autosmeltautosell.autosmelt切换自动熔炼模式。ASmelt, Smelt
/autoblocksautosell.autoblocks切换锭块自动合并模式。I2B, ToBlocks, 2Blocks, Ingots2Blocks
/items [商店名]autosell.items在菜单内显示该商店对应物品价格。Prices, ItemPrices, ShopPrices, ShopItems
/asmultiplierautosell.multiplier.self显示你当前的翻倍器。Multi, ASMulti, Multiplier
/asworthautosell.worth检查你手上的物品价值。ShopWorth, ShopPrice, ASPrice
/bptoggleautosell.bptoggle切换自动出售 VKBackPack 插件的背包中的物品。BackPackToggle


# /asa 与 /autoselladmin 等效
/asa versionautosell.admin显示插件版本。
/asa reloadautosell.reload重载插件文档。
/asa shopsautosell.admin列出已载入商店。
/asa addshop <名称>autosell.admin添加新商店。
/asa delshop <名称>autosell.admin删除已有商店。
/asa items [商店名称]autosell.admin列出商店商品。
/asa additem <商店名称> <价格>autosell.admin将手上物品添加至商店。
/asa delitem <商店名称>autosell.admin将手上物品从商店中移除。
/asa setmultiplier <player(玩家)/global(全局)> <multiplier(增强效果种类)> <days(天)>:<hours(小时)>:<minutes(分钟)>autosell.admin为玩家或全局设置增强效果。
/asa addmultiplier <player(玩家)/global(全局)> <multiplier(增强效果种类)> <days(天)>:<hours(小时)>:<minutes(分钟)>autosell.admin为玩家或全局添加增强效果。
/asa stackmultiplier <player(玩家)/global(全局)> <multiplier(增强效果种类)> <days(天)>:<hours(小时)>:<minutes(分钟)>autosell.admin在玩家或全局已激活的增强效果上叠加时间。
/asa delmultiplier <player(玩家)/global(全局)>autosell.admin为玩家或全局移除增强效果。
/asa addsign <商店名称>autosell.signs.admin在你所看向的位置设置一个出售全部物品的牌子。
/asa delsignautosell.signs.admin删除你所看着的牌子。
/asa whatareaautosell.whatarea获取你所在的矿区/区域名称。



本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-2 23:04 编辑


本插件通过 PlaceholderAPI 提供变量支持,需要下载变量拓展。

Boolean 即布尔值,返回值只有两种,为 true (满足条件时输出) 和 false (不满足条件时输出)
Text 即文本,返回值为一串可读的正常文本
Number 即数字,返回值为实数



To use these placeholders, you have to download AutoSell Expansion. You can download it automatically by running:
/papi ecloud download AutoSell
/papi reload
Or you can download it manually from the eCloud, and put it inside the expansions folder (folder path: /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/).

/papi ecloud download AutoSell
/papi reload

(译者注: 该指令为重载PlaceholderAPI 用,确保变量拓展被正确安装以及能够读取。)或者,你也可以在 eCloud官网 下载该变量拓展,并手动放入 PlaceholderAPI 的变量拓展件夹 expansions 下。
路径通常为: [你的服务器]/plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/

若要使用这些变量,你需要安装 PlaceholderAPI 以正常使用这些变量。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-19 19:47 编辑



  1. # AutoSell version: 1.9.1 Main Configuration

  2. check_updates: true
  3. block_listener_priority: HIGHEST
  4. hooks:
  5.   mine_reset_lite:
  6.     enabled: true
  7.   worldguard:
  8.     enabled: false
  9.   prisonmines:
  10.     enabled: false
  11.   asylum_mines:
  12.     enabled: false
  13.   jets_prison_mines:
  14.     enabled: false
  15. tools_never_break: true
  16. ignore_custom_items: true
  17. multiplier_save_on_interval: true
  18. multiplier_save_interval: 300
  19. multiplier_default_limit: 100
  20. autosell:
  21.   allow_creative: false
  22.   require_tools: true
  23.   take_sold_items: true
  24.   disabled_worlds:
  25.   - someworld
  26.   - someotherworld
  27.   multipliers_enabled: true
  28.   interval_announcements:
  29.     enabled: true
  30.     interval: 60
  31.     has_multiplier_message:
  32.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  33.     - '&eYour AutoSell stats...'
  34.     - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  35.     - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  36.     - '&bMultiplier: &f%multiplier%'
  37.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  38.     no_multiplier_message:
  39.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  40.     - '&eYour AutoSell stats...'
  41.     - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  42.     - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  43.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  44. signsell:
  45.   per_shop_permissions: true
  46.   has_multiplier_message:
  47.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  48.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  49.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  50.   - '&bMultiplier: &f%multiplier%'
  51.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  52.   no_multiplier_message:
  53.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  54.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  55.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  56.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  57. sellall:
  58.   enabled: true
  59.   use_perm_shop_when_no_shop_is_at_location: true
  60.   has_multiplier_message:
  61.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  62.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  63.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  64.   - '&bMultiplier: &f%multiplier%'
  65.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  66.   no_multiplier_message:
  67.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  68.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  69.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  70.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  71. item_drops:
  72.   drops2inv:
  73.     enabled: true
  74.     require_permission_node: false
  75.     autosell_areas_only: false
  76.     disabled_worlds:
  77.     - someworld
  78.     - someotherworld
  79.     ignored_blocks:
  80.     - SKULL_ITEM
  81.     - SKULL
  82.     allowed_instead_of_ignored: false
  83.   silk_touch:
  84.     enabled: true
  85.   auto_smelt:
  86.     enabled: true
  87.     toggle_on_join: true
  88.     disabled_worlds:
  89.     - someworld
  90.     - someotherworld
  91.     smelt_list:
  94.     - WOOL;3,WOOL;5
  95.     - STONE,STONE
  96.   fortune:
  97.     enabled: true
  98.     minimum_drops: 1
  99.     maximum_drops: 1000
  100.     multiplier: 1.2
  101.     modifier: 1
  102.     random_drop_amount: true
  103.     disabled_worlds:
  104.     - someworld
  105.     - someotherworld
  106.     fortune_blocks:
  107.     - DIAMOND_ORE
  108.     - EMERALD_ORE
  109.     - GOLD_ORE
  110.     - IRON_ORE
  111.     - LAPIS_ORE
  112.     - REDSTONE_ORE
  113.     - QUARTZ_ORE
  114.     - COAL_ORE
  115.     - DIAMOND_BLOCK
  116.     - EMERALD_BLOCK
  117.     - GOLD_BLOCK
  118.     - IRON_BLOCK
  119.     - LAPIS_BLOCK
  120.     - REDSTONE_BLOCK
  121.     - QUARTZ_BLOCK
  122.     - COAL_BLOCK
  123.   ingot_to_block:
  124.     enabled: true
  125.     toggle_on_join: true
  126.     auto_blocks_interval: 30
  127. shop_items_info:
  128.   use_gui: true
  129.   message:
  130.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  131.   - '&aShop: &f%shop%'
  132.   - '%items%'
  133.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  134.   item_format: '&7%material%&f:&7%data% &f- &a$ &f%price_1%'
  135. vkbackpack:
  136.   bptoggle_on_join: true
  137. shops:
  138.   Shop1:
  139.     priority: 1
  140.     shop_list:
  141.     - STONE,0.50
  142.     - COBBLESTONE,0.20
  143.     - IRON_ORE,0.35
  144.     - COAL_ORE,0.20
  145. money:
  146.   fix_money: true
  147.   use_custom_format: false
  148.   custom_format: '#,###.00'
  149.   thousands_format: k
  150.   millions_format: M
  151.   billions_format: B
  152.   trillions_format: T
  153.   quadrillions_format: Q

  1. # AutoSell 版本: 1.9.1 主配置文件

  2. check_updates: true
  3. # 更新检查(译者注:可能会消耗网络性能)
  4. block_listener_priority: HIGHEST
  5. # 方块监听器优先级(译者注:在出现问题时应当降低优先级)
  6. hooks:
  7. # 插件联动
  8.   mine_reset_lite:
  9.     enabled: true
  10.   worldguard:
  11.     enabled: false
  12.   prisonmines:
  13.     enabled: false
  14.   asylum_mines:
  15.     enabled: false
  16.   jets_prison_mines:
  17.     enabled: false
  18. tools_never_break: true
  19. # 出售的工具不损坏
  20. ignore_custom_items: true
  21. # 是否仅接受原版物品
  22. multiplier_save_on_interval: true
  23. # 间隔保存多倍物品
  24. multiplier_save_interval: 300
  25. # 翻倍保存间隔
  26. multiplier_default_limit: 100
  27. # 翻倍数量上限
  28. autosell:
  29. # 插件主体设置
  30.   allow_creative: false
  31.   # 允许创造模式下出售物品
  32.   require_tools: true
  33.   # 需要工具才可出售物品
  34.   take_sold_items: true
  35.   # 是否消耗商品
  36.   disabled_worlds:
  37.   # 不启用本插件的世界
  38.   - someworld
  39.   - someotherworld
  40.   multipliers_enabled: true
  41.   # 多物品出售
  42.   interval_announcements:
  43.   # 内置公告功能
  44.     enabled: true
  45.     # 是否启用该功能
  46.     interval: 60
  47.     # 发布公告的间隔
  48.     has_multiplier_message:
  49.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  50.     - '&e你的出售状态...'
  51.     - '&b已售出&7: &f%items% &7种物品'
  52.     - '&b总数量&7: &a$ &f%amount% &7个'
  53.     - '&b翻倍量&7: &f%multiplier% &7倍'
  54.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  55.     no_multiplier_message:
  56.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  57.     - '&e你的出售状态...'
  58.     - '&b已售出&7: &f%items% &7种物品'
  59.     - '&b总数量&7: &a$ &f%amount% &7个'
  60.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  61. signsell:
  62. # 告示牌商店相关设置
  63.   per_shop_permissions: true
  64.   # 每个商店分别索各自的权限
  65.   has_multiplier_message:
  66.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  67.   - '&b已售出&7: &f%items% &7种物品'
  68.   - '&b总数量&7: &a$ &f%amount% &7个'
  69.   - '&b翻倍量&7: &f%multiplier% &7倍'
  70.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  71.   no_multiplier_message:
  72.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  73.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  74.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  75.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  76. sellall:
  77. # 全部出售相关设置
  78.   enabled: true
  79.   use_perm_shop_when_no_shop_is_at_location: true
  80.   # 当没有商店位于附近时是否使用权限商店
  81.   has_multiplier_message:
  82.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  83.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  84.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  85.   - '&bMultiplier: &f%multiplier%'
  86.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  87.   no_multiplier_message:
  88.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  89.   - '&bItems Sold&7: &f%items%'
  90.   - '&bAmount&7: &a$ &f%amount%'
  91.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  92. item_drops:
  93. # 物品掉落设置
  94.   drops2inv:
  95.   # 直接进入背包设置
  96.     enabled: true
  97.     # 是否启用
  98.     require_permission_node: false
  99.     # 是否需要权限
  100.     autosell_areas_only: false
  101.     # 仅自动出售区域才启用该功能
  102.     disabled_worlds:
  103.     # 不启用本功能的世界
  104.     - someworld
  105.     - someotherworld
  106.     ignored_blocks:
  107.     # 无视本功能的物品
  108.     - SKULL_ITEM
  109.     - SKULL
  110.     allowed_instead_of_ignored: false
  111.     # 是否改为白名单,设置为 true 后上方列表变为可触发该功能的物品
  112.   silk_touch:
  113.   # 精准采集
  114.     enabled: true
  115.   auto_smelt:
  116.   # 自动熔炼
  117.     enabled: true
  118.     # 是否启用
  119.     toggle_on_join: true
  120.     # 加入时启用
  121.     disabled_worlds:
  122.     # 不启用本功能的世界
  123.     - someworld
  124.     - someotherworld
  125.     smelt_list:
  126.     # 自动熔炼列表,格式为 原物品,熔炼后物品
  127.     - GOLD_ORE,GOLD_INGOT
  128.     - IRON_ORE,IRON_INGOT
  129.     - WOOL;3,WOOL;5
  130.     - STONE,STONE
  131.   fortune:
  132.   # 时运兼容
  133.     enabled: true
  134.     # 是否启用
  135.     minimum_drops: 1
  136.     # 最小掉落量
  137.     maximum_drops: 1000
  138.     # 最大掉落量
  139.     multiplier: 1.2
  140.     # 翻倍倍率
  141.     modifier: 1
  142.     # 修正系数
  143.     random_drop_amount: true
  144.     # 掉落随机数量
  145.     disabled_worlds:
  146.     # 不启用本功能的世界
  147.     - someworld
  148.     - someotherworld
  149.     fortune_blocks:
  150.     # 受到该功能影响的方块
  151.     - DIAMOND_ORE
  152.     - EMERALD_ORE
  153.     - GOLD_ORE
  154.     - IRON_ORE
  155.     - LAPIS_ORE
  156.     - REDSTONE_ORE
  157.     - QUARTZ_ORE
  158.     - COAL_ORE
  159.     - DIAMOND_BLOCK
  160.     - EMERALD_BLOCK
  161.     - GOLD_BLOCK
  162.     - IRON_BLOCK
  163.     - LAPIS_BLOCK
  164.     - REDSTONE_BLOCK
  165.     - QUARTZ_BLOCK
  166.     - COAL_BLOCK
  167.   ingot_to_block:
  168.   # 锭转化为块功能
  169.     enabled: true
  170.     # 是否启用本功能
  171.     toggle_on_join: true
  172.     # 加入后自动启用
  173.     auto_blocks_interval: 30
  174.     # 触发该功能的间隔
  175. shop_items_info:
  176. # 商店物品展示信息
  177.   use_gui: true
  178.   # 使用 GUI 展示物品
  179.   message:
  180.   # 商店展示格式
  181.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  182.   - '&a商店名称: &f%shop%'
  183.   - '%items%'
  184.   - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  185.   item_format: '&7%material%&f:&7%data% &f- &a$ &f%price_1%'
  186.   # 物品展示格式
  187. vkbackpack:
  188. # VBackPack 背包插件兼容
  189.   bptoggle_on_join: true
  190.   # 加入游戏后自动切换背包
  191. shops:
  192. # 商店列表
  193.   Shop1:
  194.   # ID,可任填,不建议使用中文
  195.     priority: 1
  196.     # 优先级
  197.     shop_list:
  198.     # 商品列表,格式为 物品,价格
  199.     - STONE,0.50
  200.     - COBBLESTONE,0.20
  201.     - IRON_ORE,0.35
  202.     - COAL_ORE,0.20
  203. money:
  204. # 经济相关设置
  205.   fix_money: true
  206.   # 自动约去过长小数
  207.   use_custom_format: false
  208.   # 是否使用自定义格式
  209.   custom_format: '#,###.00'
  210.   # 自定义格式, # 代表一位数字
  211.   thousands_format: K
  212.   # 1000 自动转化为 1K
  213.   millions_format: M
  214.   # 1000000 自动转化为 1M
  215.   billions_format: B
  216.   # 1000000000 自动转化为 1B
  217.   trillions_format: T
  218.   # 1000000000000 自动转化为 1T
  219.   quadrillions_format: Q
  220.   # 1000000000000000 自动转化为 1Q

  1. # AutoSell language file
  2. # You can edit all the messages here!
  3. # You must restart for changes to take affect when editing this file!
  4. autosell_disabled_in_world: '&cAutoSell is disabled in your current world!'
  5. autosell_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto use AutoSell!'
  6. autosell_no_shop: '&cYou don''t have a shop to sell to!'
  7. autosell_toggle_on: '&aAutoSell enabled'
  8. autosell_toggle_off: '&7AutoSell disabled'
  9. autosmelt_disabled: '&cAutoSmelt is currently disabled!'
  10. autosmelt_disabled_in_world: '&cAutoSmelt is disabled in your current world!'
  11. autosmelt_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto use AutoSmelt!'
  12. autosmelt_toggle_on: '&aAutoSmelt enabled'
  13. autosmelt_toggle_off: '&cAutoSmelt disabled'
  14. multiplier_disabled: '&cMultipliers are currently disabled!'
  15. multiplier_expired: '&7Your AutoSell multiplier has expired...'
  16. multiplier_others_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! Use &7/multiplier <player>'
  17. multiplier_no_permission_self: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto check your multiplier!'
  18. multiplier_no_permission_others: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto check another players
  19.   multiplier!'
  20. multiplier_no_multiplier_self: '&cYou don''t have a multiplier at the moment...'
  21. multiplier_no_multiplier_others: '&7{0} &cdoesn''t have a multiplier at the moment...'
  22. multiplier_has_multiplier_self: '&aYour current multiplier is &f{0} &aand will expire
  23.   in &f{1}'
  24. multiplier_has_multiplier_others: '&7{0}''s &acurrent multiplier is &f{1} &aand will
  25.   expire in &f{2}'
  26. global_multiplier_message: '&aGlobal multiplier: &f{0} &7expires in &f{1}'
  27. global_multiplier_expired: '&7The global multiplier has expired!'
  28. permission_multiplier_message: '&aYou have a permission based multiplier of &f{0}'
  29. signs_no_break_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to break that sign!'
  30. signs_no_sell_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto sell at that sign!'
  31. signs_no_shop_error: '&cThere is no shop associated with that sign! Please contact
  32.   an admin.'
  33. signs_no_shop_items_error: '&cThere are no items listed in the shop you are trying
  34.   to sell to!'
  35. signs_sold_with_multiplier: '&aYou sold &f{0} &aitems for $ &f{1} &awith a multiplier
  36.   of &f{2}&a!'
  37. signs_sold_without_multiplier: '&aYou sold &f{0} &aitems for $ &f{1}&a!'
  38. signs_no_items_to_sell: '&cYou don''t have any items to sell to shop &f{0}&c!'
  39. autoblocks_disabled: '&c/block is currently disabled!!'
  40. autoblocks_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto use /blocks!'
  41. autoblocks_toggle_on: '&aAuto ingots to blocks enabled!'
  42. autoblocks_toggle_off: '&7Auto ingots to blocks disabled!'
  43. autoblocks_help_1: '&7Ingots to blocks help'
  44. autoblocks_help_2: '&7/autoblocks &c- &fconvert all ingots in your inventory to blocks'
  45. autoblocks_help_3: '&7/autoblocks toggle &c- &ftoggle ingots to blocks on/off'
  46. autoblocks_incorrect_command: '&cIncorrect usage! Use &7/autoblocks help'
  47. sellall_disabled: '&c/sellall is currently disabled!!'
  48. sellall_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto use /sellall'
  49. sellall_no_shop_error: '&cYou don''t have a shop to sell to!.'
  50. sellall_no_shop_items_error: '&cThere are no items listed in the shop you are trying
  51.   to sell to!'
  52. sellall_sold_with_multiplier: '&aYou sold &f{0} &aitems for $ &f{1} &awith a multiplier
  53.   of &f{2}&a!'
  54. sellall_sold_without_multiplier: '&aYou sold &f{0} &aitems for $ &f{1}&a!'
  55. sellall_no_items_to_sell: '&cYou don''t have any items to sell at shop &f{0}&c!'
  56. sellall_shop_incorrect_shopname: '&f{0} &cis not a valid shop!'
  57. sellall_shop_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &f{0} &cto use &f/sellall <shop>&c!'
  58. items_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto use /items'
  59. items_no_shop_at_location: '&cThere is not a shop at your location, use &7/items <shop>&c!'
  60. items_incorrect_shop_name: '&cThere is no shop named &7{0}&c!'
  61. items_no_shop_items_error: '&cThere are no items listed in the shop you are trying
  62.   to view!'
  63. items_lore_format: '&7Sell &f1 &7for: &a$ &f{0}, &7Sell &f64 &7for: &a$ &f{1}'
  64. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set: '&aA &fGLOBAL &amultiplier of &f{0} &$ &
  65.   been set!'
  66. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set_no_expiry: '&aAnd will not expire!'
  67. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set_has_expiry: '&aAnd will expire in &f{0}&a!'
  68. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set: '&bYou now have a multiplier of &f{0}'
  69. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set_no_expiry: '&aAnd will not expire!'
  70. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set_has_expiry: '&aAnd will expire in &f{0}&a!'
  71. player_not_online: '{0} &cis not online!'
  72. vkbackpacks_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto toggle backpack selling on
  73.   or off!'
  74. vkbackpacks_no_backpacks: '&cYou don''t have any backpacks!'
  75. vkbackpacks_toggle_on: '&aBackpack selling enabled'
  76. vkbackpacks_toggle_off: '&cBackpack selling disabled'
  77. worth_no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto view the worth of an item!'
  78. worth_no_shop: '&cNo shop found to check the worth of the item in your hand'
  79. worth_no_item_in_hand: '&cYou must be holding an item to check the value'
  80. worth_no_value: '&cNo price found for the item in your hand'
  81. worth_has_value: '&7Worth for: &f%material% &ex1/&a$ &f%price_1% &ex64/&a$ &f%price_64%
  82.   &7at shop: &f%shop%'

  1. # AutoSell 语言文件
  2. # 所有消息文本都可以在这里配置!
  3. # 应用更改之前需要先重启服务器!
  4. autosell_disabled_in_world: '&c自动出售功能在当前世界被禁用!'
  5. autosell_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c使用自动出售!'
  6. autosell_no_shop: '&c你没有商店可出售!'
  7. autosell_toggle_on: '&a自动出售已启用'
  8. autosell_toggle_off: '&7自动出售已禁用'
  9. autosmelt_disabled: '&c自动熔炼当前已被禁用!'
  10. autosmelt_disabled_in_world: '&c自动熔炼功能在当前世界被禁用!'
  11. autosmelt_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c使用自动熔炼!'
  12. autosmelt_toggle_on: '&a自动熔炼已启用'
  13. autosmelt_toggle_off: '&c自动熔炼已禁用'
  14. multiplier_disabled: '&c出售翻倍当前已被禁用!'
  15. multiplier_expired: '&7你的自动出售翻倍已被禁用...'
  16. multiplier_others_incorrect_usage: '&c错误用法! 请使用 &7/multiplier <玩家名>'
  17. multiplier_no_permission_self: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c检查你当前的翻倍!'
  18. multiplier_no_permission_others: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c检查他人翻倍!'
  19. multiplier_no_multiplier_self: '&c当前无翻倍...'
  20. multiplier_no_multiplier_others: '&c玩家 &7{0} &c当前无翻倍...'
  21. multiplier_has_multiplier_self: '&a当前翻倍为 &f{0} &a,将会在 &f{1} &a后消失'
  22. multiplier_has_multiplier_others: '&a玩家 &7{0} 的 &a当前翻倍为 &f{1} &a,将会在 &f{2} &a后消失'
  23. global_multiplier_message: '&a全局翻倍: &f{0} &7将会在 &f{1} &a后消失'
  24. global_multiplier_expired: '&7全局翻倍已过期!'
  25. permission_multiplier_message: '&a你有一个受权限控制的翻倍 &f{0}'
  26. signs_no_break_permission: '&c你没有权限破坏该告示牌!'
  27. signs_no_sell_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c在该告示牌处出售!'
  28. signs_no_shop_error: '&c无商店与该告示牌关联! 请联系管理员获取帮助.'
  29. signs_no_shop_items_error: '&c你尝试出售物品的商店没有收购的物品!'
  30. signs_sold_with_multiplier: '&a你出售了 &f{0} &a个物品,获得了 $ &f{1} &a,并享受了 &f{2}&a 倍的加成!'
  31. signs_sold_without_multiplier: '&a你出售了 &f{0} &a个物品,获得了 $ &f{1}&a!'
  32. signs_no_items_to_sell: '&c你没有可出售至商店 &f{0}&c 的物品!'
  33. autoblocks_disabled: '&c/block 命令已被禁用!!'
  34. autoblocks_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c使用命令 /blocks!'
  35. autoblocks_toggle_on: '&a自动锭转块已禁用!'
  36. autoblocks_toggle_off: '&7自动锭转块已启用!'
  37. autoblocks_help_1: '&7锭转块功能帮助:'
  38. autoblocks_help_2: '&7/autoblocks &c- &f将你背包中所有矿物锭转化为矿物块'
  39. autoblocks_help_3: '&7/autoblocks toggle &c- &f切换该功能的开关状态'
  40. autoblocks_incorrect_command: '&c错误用法! 请使用 &7/autoblocks help'
  41. sellall_disabled: '&c/sellall 命令已被禁用!!'
  42. sellall_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c使用命令 /sellall'
  43. sellall_no_shop_error: '&c你尚未指定要出售的商店!'
  44. sellall_no_shop_items_error: '&c你尝试出售物品的商店没有收购的物品!'
  45. sellall_sold_with_multiplier: '&a你出售了 &f{0} &a个物品,获得了 $ &f{1} &a,并享受了 &f{2}&a 倍的加成!'
  46. sellall_sold_without_multiplier: '&a你出售了 &f{0} &a个物品,获得了 $ &f{1}&a!'
  47. sellall_no_items_to_sell: '&c你没有可出售至商店 &f{0}&c 的物品!'
  48. sellall_shop_incorrect_shopname: '&f{0} &c不是一个有效的商店!'
  49. sellall_shop_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &f{0} &ct使用命令 &f/sellall <商店>&c!'
  50. items_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c使用命令 /items'
  51. items_no_shop_at_location: '&c当前位置无可用商店, 请输入命令 &7/items <shop>&c!'
  52. items_incorrect_shop_name: '&c没有叫做 &7{0}&c 的商店!'
  53. items_no_shop_items_error: '&c你尝试浏览的商店没有待出售的物品!'
  54. items_lore_format: '&7出售 &f1 &7个可获得: &a$ &f{0}, &7出售 &f一组 &7可获得: &a$ &f{1}'
  55. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set: '&a一个 &f全局 &a的翻倍 &f{0} &$ &
  56.   已被设置!'
  57. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set_no_expiry: '&a将不会过期!'
  58. admin_addmultiplier_global_multiplier_set_has_expiry: '&a将会在 &f{0}&a 后过期!'
  59. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set: '&b你现在有 &f{0} &b的翻倍'
  60. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set_no_expiry: '&a将不会过期!'
  61. admin_addmultiplier_player_multiplier_set_has_expiry: '&a将会在 &f{0}&a 后过期!'
  62. player_not_online: '&a玩家 {0} &c不在线!'
  63. vkbackpacks_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c切换背包出售是否启用!'
  64. vkbackpacks_no_backpacks: '&c你没有背包!'
  65. vkbackpacks_toggle_on: '&a背包出售已启用'
  66. vkbackpacks_toggle_off: '&c背包出售已禁用'
  67. worth_no_permission: '&c你没有权限 &7{0} &c浏览物品价格!'
  68. worth_no_shop: '&c没有商店可查询你手上物品的价格'
  69. worth_no_item_in_hand: '&c你必须手持一个物品才可检查其价值'
  70. worth_no_value: '&c你手中的物品无有效定价'
  71. worth_has_value: '&7价值: &f%material% &ex1/&a$ &f%price_1% &ex64/&a$ &f%price_64%
  72.   &7位于商店: &f%shop%'

  1. # AutoSell permission_multipliers.yml file
  2. # This file allows you to create custom multipliers that can be attached to players or groups by permission
  3. #
  4. # The format for a multiplier must follow this format:
  5. # <unique identifier>:
  6. #   priority: <unique number>
  7. #   permission: <your custom permission for this multiplier>
  8. #   multiplier: <the multiplier amount>
  9. #
  10. # You can list as many multipliers you like.
  11. # Each multiplier must have a unique priority set!!!
  12. # The priority determines what multiplier comes first in your list
  13. # If a player happens to have permission for many multipliers
  14. # the lowest number priority will always be applied

  15. permission_multipliers:
  16.   example:
  17.     priority: 1
  18.     permission: some.multiplier.permission
  19.     multiplier: 1.5

  1. # AutoSell permission_multipliers.yml 配置文件
  2. # 该文件允许你创建可被用于权限组或特定权限用户的自定义翻倍
  3. #
  4. # 配置一个翻倍需使用以下格式(译者注:否则会导致错误):
  5. # <翻倍ID,不可重复>:
  6. #   priority: <优先等级,不可和其他翻倍的数字重复>
  7. #   permission: <使用该翻倍的自定义权限>
  8. #   multiplier: <使用该翻倍后获得的翻倍倍率>
  9. #
  10. # 你可以在这里加上任何你想要的翻倍,数量不限.
  11. # 注意:每个优先级的数字都不可以重复!!!
  12. # 这个值决定了翻倍生效的顺序
  13. # 若同时满足多个权限翻倍的要求,则插件将优先添加优先级数字最小的一个翻倍给予玩家。

  14. permission_multipliers:
  15.   example:
  16.     priority: 1
  17.     permission: some.multiplier.permission
  18.     multiplier: 1.5

  1. # AutoSell shop_multipliers.yml file
  2. # This file allows you to create custom multipliers that can be attached to players or groups by permission
  3. #
  4. # These multipliers will only take effect in the shops listed for the multiplierThe format for a multiplier must follow this format:
  5. # <unique identifier>:
  6. #   priority: <unique number>
  7. #   permission: <your custom permission for this multiplier>
  8. #   multiplier: <the multiplier amount>
  9. #   shops:
  10. #   - 'shop1'
  11. #   - 'shop2'
  12. #
  13. # You can list as many multipliers you like.
  14. # Each multiplier must have a unique priority set!!!
  15. # The priority determines what multiplier comes first in your list
  16. # If a player happens to have permission for many multipliers
  17. # the lowest number priority will always be applied if that multiplier has the shop listed the player
  18. # is trying to sell to!

  19. shop_multipliers:
  20.   example:
  21.     priority: 1
  22.     permission: some.shopmultiplier.permission
  23.     multiplier: 1.5
  24.     shops:
  25.     - shop1
  26.     - shop2
  1. # AutoSell shop_multipliers.yml 配置文件
  2. # 该文件允许你创建可被用于权限组或特定权限用户的自定义翻倍
  3. #
  4. # 这些翻倍效果将只能在特定的商店中被购买,当然也能限制它们只能在特定的商店生效。
  5. # 配置一个翻倍需使用以下格式(译者注:否则会导致错误):
  6. # <翻倍ID,不可重复>:
  7. #   priority: <优先等级,不可和其他翻倍的数字重复>
  8. #   permission: <使用该翻倍的自定义权限>
  9. #   multiplier: <使用该翻倍后获得的翻倍倍率>
  10. #   shops:
  11. #   - 'shop1'
  12. #   - 'shop2'
  13. #
  14. # 你可以在这里加上任何你想要的翻倍,数量不限.
  15. # 注意:每个优先级的数字都不可以重复!!!
  16. # 这个值决定了翻倍生效的顺序
  17. # 若同时满足多个权限翻倍的要求,则插件将优先使优先级数字最小的一个翻倍对玩家生效。

  18. shop_multipliers:
  19.   example:
  20.     priority: 1
  21.     permission: some.shopmultiplier.permission
  22.     multiplier: 1.5
  23.     shops:
  24.     - shop1
  25.     - shop2

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-5 22:34 编辑

多合一的 ActionBar 公告插件!

ActionAnnouncer is another way of announcing in your server! It sends the announcements to the player's action bar instead of sending a message.
It has an automated announcement system that uses the announcements you set in a configuration file. You can also make a special announcement using a smile command.

本插件是另一个发送公告的好选择!该插件会将公告内容发送至玩家的 ActionBar,而不是发送至聊天栏。

On join action bar announcement.
Sends the announcements randomly, or by the order you want!
In-game editable announcements.
Changeable interval between announcements.
Ability to send an announcement to a specific player only using a command.
Ability to send an announcement to all online players at any time using a  command.
PlaceholderAPI support.

- 加入时显示 ActionBar 公告
- 随机选择配置文本内的公告发送,或只是按你想要的顺序发送!
- 游戏内可编辑的公告列表以及内容。
- 公告发送间隔可修改。
- 使用命令可以对特定玩家发送公告消息。
- 使用命令也可以对所有玩家发送临时公告。
- 支持 PlaceholderAPI

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-5 22:35 编辑


注: /aa 与 /actionannouncer 等效。
/aa quiet-切换公告音效。
/aa helpactionannouncer.help显示插件命令。
/aa reloadactionannouncer.reload重载配置文件。
/aa startactionannouncer.start开启自动公告模式。
/aa stopactionannouncer.stop关闭自动公告模式。
/aa listactionannouncer.list列出可用的公告信息。
/aa add <信息>actionannouncer.add添加一条新的公告。
/aa remove <序号>actionannouncer.remove用序号删除已存在的公告。
/aa send <玩家> <显示时长> <信息/序号>actionannouncer.send将公告发送至对应玩家。
/aa announce <显示时长> <信息/序号>actionannouncer.announce将公告发送至全体玩家。
/aa pannounce <玩家> <显示时长> <信息/序号>actionannouncer.pannounce将公告发送至全体玩家。其中的变量使用特定玩家作为目标。

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  1. # ActionAnnouncer v1.14.0 Main configuration
  2. announcer_enabled: true
  3. announcer_random: true
  4. announce_interval: 60
  5. announcement_length: 4
  6. announcements:
  7. - '&aHave you voted today? &b/vote&a!'
  8. - '&bThere are currently &e%online% &bplayers online!'
  9. announce_on_join: true
  10. join_announcement: '&eWelcome to the server &b%player%! There are &f%online% &epeople
  11.   online!'
  12. disable_sounds: false

  1. # ActionAnnouncer v1.14.0 主配置文件
  2. announcer_enabled: true
  3. # 是否启用公告
  4. announcer_random: true
  5. # 是否随机公告
  6. announce_interval: 60
  7. # 公告间隔
  8. announcement_length: 4
  9. # 公告长度?
  10. announcements:
  11. - '&a你今天投票了吗? &b/vote&a!'
  12. - '&b当前有 &e%online% &b名玩家在线!'
  13. announce_on_join: true
  14. # 玩家上线时是否发送公告
  15. join_announcement: '&e欢迎来到服务器, &b%player%! 当前有 &f%online% &e名玩家在线!'
  16. disable_sounds: false
  17. # 发送公告时不播放音效

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-5 22:39 编辑


本插件为你提供了一些你在使用时能帮助到你的 API 接口。

ActionAPI.sendPlayerAnnouncement(Player player, String message);发送特定公告内容至玩家。
ActionAPI.sendServerAnnouncement(String message);发送特定公告至全服。
ActionAPI.sendTimedPlayerAnnouncement(Plugin plugin, Player player, String message, int seconds)向特定玩家发送持续特定时长的公告。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-6 22:20 编辑


Who is the fastest writer in your server? Find out with ChatReaction!
Add a fun chat game to your server where players have to type/unscramble words and gain rewards.

Customizable rewards.
Make your own words list!
Top winners command.
Randomly scramble words.
Highly customizable.
MySQL support.
Hooks into Q&APlugin.

- 支持自定义奖励。
- 允许自定义词汇列表。
- 随机拼写字符。
- 高度可自定义性。
- 支持数据库存储。
- 可以和 Q&APlugin 联动。

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/Reaction Help-显示插件帮助命令。
/Reaction WinsChatReaction.Wins显示你的胜利总场数。
/Reaction Wins <Player>ChatReaction.Wins.Others显示特定玩家的胜利总场数。
/Reaction Top [Page]ChatReaction.Top显示胜利次数最多玩家的排行榜。
/Reaction ReloadChatReaction.Admin重载插件配置文件。
/Reaction StartChatReaction.Admin启动本插件的定时发起抢答功能。
/Reaction StopChatReaction.Admin停止本插件的定时发起抢答功能。
/Reaction StatusChatReaction.Admin显示当前本插件的状态。

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  1. # ChatReaction version 1.8.0 configuration file
  2. debug: false
  3. check_updates: true
  4. reaction_stats:
  5.   track_stats: false
  6.   top_players_size: 100
  7.   hostname: localhost
  8.   port: 3306
  9.   database: chatreaction
  10.   prefix: ''
  11.   username: root
  12.   password: ''
  13.   ssl: false
  14. reaction:
  15.   interval: 500
  16.   time_limit: 30
  17.   players_needed_to_start: 4
  18.   word_character_length: 10
  19.   ignore_case: false
  20.   use_custom_words: true
  21.   split_words_by_line: true
  22.   scramble_custom_words: true
  23.   scramble_at_random: true
  24.   scramble_spaces: false
  25.   disabled_worlds:
  26.   - world_nether
  27.   - world_the_end
  28.   reward_amount: 2
  29.   rewards:
  30.   - eco give @p 500
  31.   - give @p diamondblock 100
  32. messages:
  33.   reaction_start:
  34.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &bHover for the word to type!'
  35.   reaction_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  36.   scramble_start:
  37.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &bHover for the word to unscramble!'
  38.   scramble_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  39.   reaction_end:
  40.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &cNobody got the word in time &4:('
  41.   scramble_end:
  42.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &cNobody got the word in time &4:('
  43.   - '&cThe word was &f%word%'
  44.   reaction_win:
  45.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &f%player% &awon in &f%time% &aseconds!'
  46.   scramble_win:
  47.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &f%player% &aunscrambled the word &f%word% &ain &f%time% &aseconds!'
  48. hooks:
  49.   qaplugin:
  50.     enabled: true
  51.     hint:
  52.       charge: true
  53.       charge_amount: 100.0

  1. # ChatReaction 版本 1.8.0 主配置文件
  2. debug: false
  3. # 调试模式
  4. check_updates: true
  5. # 更新检查
  6. reaction_stats:
  7.   track_stats: false
  8.   # 是否记录玩家抢答数据
  9.   top_players_size: 100
  10.   # 记录的排行榜玩家数量
  11.   hostname: localhost
  12.   # 数据库相关选项
  13.   port: 3306
  14.   database: chatreaction
  15.   prefix: ''
  16.   username: root
  17.   password: ''
  18.   ssl: false
  19. reaction:
  20.   # 打字游戏相关设置
  21.   interval: 500
  22.   # 每次抢答间隔的时间,单位为秒
  23.   time_limit: 30
  24.   # 抢答时长限制
  25.   players_needed_to_start: 4
  26.   # 触发该游戏开始的最小玩家数
  27.   word_character_length: 10
  28.   # 所猜单词最大长度
  29.   ignore_case: false
  30.   # 所猜单词无视大小写
  31.   use_custom_words: true
  32.   # 猜单词使用自定义词汇,即 words.txt 文本中的内容。
  33.   split_words_by_line: true
  34.   # 换行分隔多个需要猜测的词汇
  35.   scramble_custom_words: true
  36.   # 填词是否使用自定义词汇
  37.   scramble_at_random: true
  38.   # 填词是否随机挖空
  39.   scramble_spaces: false
  40.   # 缺字部位是否可以为空格
  41.   disabled_worlds:
  42.   # 禁用本功能的世界
  43.   - world_nether
  44.   - world_the_end
  45.   reward_amount: 2
  46.   # 奖励数量,默认值为2,即随机从下列内容中随机选择两项命令并执行。
  47.   rewards:
  48.   - eco give @p 500
  49.   - give @p diamondblock 100
  50. messages:
  51. # 消息文本
  52.   reaction_start:
  53.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &b鼠标移至此来显示需要抢答的单词!'
  54.   reaction_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  55.   scramble_start:
  56.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &b鼠标移至此来显示需要填空的单词!'
  57.   scramble_start_tooltip: '&f%word%'
  58.   reaction_end:
  59.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &c本轮问答无人答对 &4:('
  60.   scramble_end:
  61.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &c本轮问答无人答对 &4:('
  62.   - '&c答案为 &f%word%'
  63.   reaction_win:
  64.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &f%player% &a在 &f%time% &a秒内成功猜出!'
  65.   scramble_win:
  66.   - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &f%player% &a在 &f%time% &a秒内成功解出字谜 &f%word% &a!'
  67. hooks:
  68. # 联动插件相关设置
  69.   qaplugin:
  70.   # Q&APlugin
  71.     enabled: true
  72.     # 是否启用联动
  73.     hint:
  74.     # 提示机制
  75.       charge: true
  76.       # 提示是否需要收费
  77.       charge_amount: 100.0
  78.       # 每次提示所收取的费用



本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:24 编辑

原 "JSON" 聊天格式插件。

DeluxeChat 是一个能够完全自定义服务器聊天格式的插件。它非常强大,甚至能够往每一个聊天组件内加入悬浮提示框。

Hover tooltips.
Click actions.
Private messaging.
Ability to toggle receiving private messages.
Social spy.
Unlimited chat formats.
Chat filtering.
BungeeCord compatibility for cross-server chat!​
Multiple chat sections for different tooltips and click actions.
PlaceholderAPI support.
TownyChat compatibility.

PlaceholderAPI 支持
TownyChat 支持



Incompatible plugins


本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-11 23:37 编辑


1. Put the DeluxeChat jar file you downloaded in your plugins folder. If you want to use it with BungeeCord, you'll have to put it in your BungeeCord's plugins folder too.
2. Download PlaceholderAPI plugin and put it in your plugins folder (not on BungeeCord).
3. Restart the servers.
4. Modify the config.yml and the messages.yml files that were generated to fit your server's layout (Files path: /plugins/DeluxeChat/).
5. Reload DeluxeChat /dchat reload (Some options require a restart to apply the changes).
6. Give your players the permission for their chat format chatformat.<format-name>. (Note: Players need the chatformat.default to gain access to the default format. Also, operators do not get the chatformat permissions by default.)
7. Check the Commands & Permissions page, to give players access to the commands you want them to use.
8. And you're done! Give us a review about the plugin here.

1. 将该插件放置于 你的服务器文件夹/plugins/ 下,若你要在BC中使用,你同样需要将它放在BC的插件文件夹中。
2. 下载 PlaceholderAPI 插件并按照第一步那样,将此插件安装于服务器。
3. 重启服务器。
4. 根据服务器实际需求,修改 config.yml 以及 messages.yml。这些文件位于 你的服务器文件夹/plugins/DeluxeChat 下。
5. 输入指令重载本插件,因为有些变动需要重启生效。
6. 为玩家分配对应聊天格式的权限,例如 chatformat.<格式名称> ,若输入 chatformat.default ,那么玩家将会拥有默认的聊天格式。OP默认没有聊天格式权限。
7. 阅读 命令&权限 页面以进一步配置玩家权限。
8. 完成!如果觉得插件好用,可以在这里给我们一些评分鼓励。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-11 23:40 编辑



/msg <玩家名称> <信息>deluxechat.pm向特定玩家发送私聊信息..message, pm, tell, whisper, m, t, w
/reply <信息>deluxechat.pm回复一条私聊信息.r
/msgtoggledeluxechat.pm.toggle切换私聊信息接收状态.mtoggle, pmtoggle


/dchat reloaddeluxechat.admin/*重载插件配置.
/dchat listdeluxechat.admin/*显示已载入的聊天格式.
/dchat test <格式名称> <信息>deluxechat.admin/*测试特定的聊天格式.

(注:/dchat 等效于 /deluxechat , /socialspy 等价于 /deluxesocialspy)



All text between the less-than and greater-than signs (<>) is a placeholder/variable, replace it with the requested value without the less-than and greater-than signs (<>).


本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-11 23:45 编辑



%server%仅对开启 BungeeCord 的服务器有效。在玩家聊天时显示该服务器的前缀(配置文本内的 server_prefix)(使用 /gtoggle 来切换)。
%recipient_<PAPI 变量>%该变量用于私聊模式下的聊天格式。 返回以被私聊者为目标的聊天变量。 例如, %recipient_vault_prefix% 显示被私聊者的聊天前缀。

PlaceholderAPI 变量
本插件提供了能在其他地方显示的 PlaceholderAPI 变量,只要这些显示的地方支持 PlaceholderAPI
当然,在本插件内你也可以使用其他任意的 PlaceholderAPI 的变量。(变量大全点这里查看


To use these placeholders, you have to download DeluxeChat Expansion. You can download it automatically by running:
/papi ecloud download DeluxeChat
/papi reload
Or you can download it manually from the eCloud, and put it inside the expansions folder (folder path: /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/).

若要使用这些变量,你需要输入下列指令下载 DeluxeChat 的 PlaceholderAPI 拓展变量
/papi ecloud download DeluxeChat
/papi reload

或者你也可以从 eCloud 处下载, 并将它们放入 expansions 文件夹下 (位于: 你的服务器文件夹/plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/ ).

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-11 23:55 编辑


relation_placeholders_enabled允许启用 PlaceholderAPI 变量。

聊天过滤器 选项解释
list存储哪些词语被屏蔽,以及它们将被替换为什么文本。接下来为设置格式:被替换词语;替换后的文本 按照该顺序,若输入 小可爱;*** 则会在游戏内把触发该规则的关键词替换为 ***。

BungeeCord 选项解释
enabled是否启用。 注意:需要同时在蹦极服和子服务器安装.
server_name用于替换显示 bungeecord.server_whitelist 内名称的字符串。
server_prefix当使用上面提到的内置变量符 %server% 将会显示的文本。
use_server_whitelist决定是否启用 bungeecord.server_whitelist。

私聊信息 选项解释

格式 选项解释

The click commands you can use one of the following actions:
[EXECUTE] /command  - Will execute the command when clicked
[url=https://url-here.com]https://url-here.com - Will open the url when clicked

[EXECUTE] /所执行的命令 - 点击后执行命令
[URL] 网址 - 点击后打开网址

Some of the options like tooltips and click commands are not required.


本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-11 23:56 编辑


  1. # DeluxeChat version 1.15.0 config file
  2. # Created by extended_clip
  3. # List as many format configurations you in the formats: config section.
  4. # Each format configuration requires a specific layout which can be seen below.
  5. # Format priority must be specified per format and each priority must be unique.
  6. # higher value = lower priority
  7. # ex: guest-100, owner-1
  8. #   YOU MUST KEEP A 'default' TEMPLATE!
  9. #   
  10. # Social Spy only allows %player% and %recipient% as placeholders
  11. #
  12. # You must download the placeholder expansion through PlaceholderAPI for which
  13. # placeholders you want to use. The example below uses Player placeholders, so
  14. # we need to download the player expansion: /papi ecloud download Player, /papi reload
  15. #
  16. # [URL] and [EXECUTE] are actions you can add to your click commands.
  17. # [URL] will open the link after the action name.
  18. # [EXECUTE] will execute the command that comes after the action name.
  19. #
  20. # example format template:
  21. # formats:
  22. #   default:
  23. #     priority: 2147483647
  24. #     channel: ''
  25. #     prefix: '&8[&7Guest&8] '
  26. #     name_color: '&7'
  27. #     name: '%player_name%'
  28. #     suffix: '&7> '
  29. #     chat_color: '&f'
  30. #     channel_tooltip:
  31. #     - '&7%player_name% &bis a Guest'
  32. #     prefix_tooltip:
  33. #     - '&7%player_name% &bis a Guest'
  34. #     name_tooltip:
  35. #     - ''
  36. #     suffix_tooltip:
  37. #     - ''
  38. #     channel_click_command: '
  39. #     prefix_click_command: '/ranks
  40. #     name_click_command: '/msg %player_name%
  41. #     suffix_click_command: '
  42. #   Member:
  43. #     priority: 100
  44. #     channel: ''
  45. #     prefix: '&8[&aMember&8] '
  46. #     name_color: '&7'
  47. #     name: '%player_name%'
  48. #     suffix: '&7> '
  49. #     chat_color: '&f'
  50. #     channel_tooltip:
  51. #     - ''
  52. #     prefix_tooltip:
  53. #     - '&7%player_name% &bis a Member'
  54. #     name_tooltip:
  55. #     - '/msg %player_name%'
  56. #     suffix_tooltip:
  57. #     - ''
  58. #     channel_click_command: '[URL]https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/deluxetags.4390'
  59. #     prefix_click_command: '/ranks'
  60. #     name_click_command: '/msg %player_name%'
  61. #     suffix_click_command: '[EXECUTE]/tags'
  62. check_updates: true
  63. bungeecord:
  64.   enabled: false
  65.   server_name: Server
  66.   server_prefix: '&8[&cServer&8]'
  67.   join_global: true
  68.   use_server_whitelist: true
  69.   server_whitelist:
  70.   - Server2
  71.   - Server3
  72. relation_placeholders_enabled: true
  73. timestamp_format: MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss
  74. boolean:
  75.   'true': '&atrue'
  76.   'false': '&cfalse'
  77. ops_use_group_format: false
  78. chat_filter:
  79.   enabled: false
  80.   ignore_case: true
  81.   list:
  82.   - '.; '
  83.   - **;**
  84. private_message:
  85.   enabled: true
  86.   bungeecord: false
  87. private_message_formats:
  88.   to_sender:
  89.     format: '&7you &e-> &7%recipient_player_name% &7:'
  90.     tooltip:
  91.     - '%player_name%'
  92.     click_command: '/r '
  93.     chat_color: '&f'
  94.   to_recipient:
  95.     format: '&7%player_name% &e-> &7you &7:'
  96.     tooltip:
  97.     - '%player_name%'
  98.     click_command: '/r '
  99.     chat_color: '&f'
  100.   social_spy: '&8[&cspy&8] &f%player% &e-> &f%recipient%&7:'
  101. formats:
  102.   default:
  103.     priority: 2147483647
  104.     channel: ''
  105.     prefix: '&7[%vault_group%&7] '
  106.     name_color: '&b'
  107.     name: '%player_name%'
  108.     suffix: '&7> '
  109.     chat_color: '&f'
  110.     channel_tooltip:
  111.     - ''
  112.     prefix_tooltip:
  113.     - '%player_name%'
  114.     - '&bRank: %vault_group%'
  115.     name_tooltip:
  116.     - ''
  117.     suffix_tooltip:
  118.     - ''
  119.     channel_click_command: /ranks
  120.     prefix_click_command: /ranks
  121.     name_click_command: '/msg %player_name% '
  122.     suffix_click_command: ''

  1. # DeluxeChat language file
  2. # You can edit all the messages here!
  3. # You must restart for changes to take affect when editing this file!
  4. no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
  5. msg_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/msg <player> <message>'
  6. msg_recipient_not_online: '&c{0} &cis not online!'
  7. msg_recipient_ignoring_sender: '&c{0} &cdoes not wish to speak to you!'
  8. msg_recipient_is_sender: '&cYou can''t message yourself!'
  9. reply_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/r <message>'
  10. reply_no_recipient: '&cYou don''t have a recipient to reply to!'
  11. socialspy_toggle_on: '&aSocialspy toggled on!'
  12. socialspy_toggle_off: '&7Socialspy toggled off!'
  13. bungee_global_toggle_on: '&aChat set to global'
  14. bungee_global_toggle_off: '&aChat set to local'
  15. pm_toggle_on: '&aPrivate messaging toggled on.'
  16. pm_toggle_off: '&7Private messaging toggled off.'
  17. pm_toggled_sender: '&7You can not send pm''s with private messages turned off.'
  18. pm_toggled_recipient: '{0} &7has private messages turned off.'
  19. url_incorrect_usage: Hover for url command usage info!
  20. url_incorrect_usage_tooltip_1: '&7/url <link>'
  21. url_incorrect_usage_tooltip_2: '&7/url <link> <message>'
  22. chat_illegal_characters: You can't use special characters in chat!

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-27 22:42 编辑

创建可嵌入 JSON 信息,可显示玩家变量的自定义命令!

Ever wanted to create custom text commands which allow you to utilize JSON formatting? Now you can create text-based commands which allow you to have tooltips, click events, and much more!
This can be used/ for awesome info-packed /vote command, or even a cool /stats command, and much more!


Hover tooltips.
Click actions.
Ability to create unlimited commands.
Supports running the command as another player with different actions.
Supports various actions, like running a command as console/player.
PlaceholderAPI support.

- 悬浮提示框
- 点击触发式操作
- 允许创建无限多的命令
- 允许不同玩家有不同的执行结果
- 支持使用别的身份执行命令,例如以控制台或管理员身份执行命令
- 支持 PlaceholderAPI

Creating JSON message
JSON message is the kind of messages that have hovering tooltips and clicking actions, you can simply create them from minecraftjson.com (or any JSON creation website).
Follow the steps below to create your JSON message and use it in DeluxeCommands:
Create the JSON message using the website you like.
Copy the text after @p  from the Command: box. e.g.

/tellraw @p ["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

Copy this part only:
["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

Now paste it in your command in DeluxeCommands config file like this:
- '["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]'

Reload DeluxeCommands /DeluxeCommands reload.
That's it! Enjoy your beautiful JSON command.

创建自定义 JSON 信息
JSON 格式允许你在你的文本中添加悬浮提示框以及点击操作,可以在 minecraftjson.com (或其他制作 JSON 文本的网站例如 MCMOD)制作这些JSON信息。
1. 在这些网站上制作好相关的文本
2. 将玩家选择器 @p 后的所有内容复制下来,像下图:
  1. /tellraw @p ["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

这是原来的代码,现在我们需要留下 @p 后方的东西,就像这样:
  1. ["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

3. 然后将它们复制进你的命令配置文件里面,通常应该是这样的:
  1. - '["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

4. 输入命令 /deluxecommands reload 重载本插件。
5. 大功告成,好好欣赏你的自定义命令吧!

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-12 08:41 编辑


/deluxecommands Helpdeluxecommands.admin显示插件所有可用命令
/deluxecommands Listdeluxecommands.admin显示所有载入的自定义命令
/deluxecommands Reloaddeluxecommands.admin重载所有配置文档

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-12 08:51 编辑


  1. # DeluxeCommands v1.9.0 Main configuration
  2. # Created by extended_clip
  3. #
  4. # Create commands below!
  5. # Command format is as follows:
  6. #
  7. # commands:
  8. #   <command_with_no_slash>:
  9. #     permission: <permission to use the command>
  10. #     no_permission_message: <message to send when players do not have permission>
  11. #     message:
  12. #     - '[text]<regular text here if you start the line with the [text] identifier'
  13. #     - '[playercommand] spawn'
  14. #     - '[consolecommand] eco give %executor% 100'
  15. #     - '{"text": "JSON text here"}'
  16. #     - '{"text": "To have multiple JSON components in the same line"}&&{"text": "you must use the && operator between them!"}'
  17. #     target_permission: <permission to use the command with a player argument at the end: /<command> (player)>
  18. #     target_no_permission_message: <message to send when players do not have permission to specify a target to set placeholders for>
  19. #     target_message:
  20. #     - '[text]<You do not have to specify this option, only if you want separate messages when a target is defined>'
  21. #     - '{"text": "%player%'s stats:"}'
  22. #     - '{"text": "This message is only if you want a separate message defined when a"}&&{"text": " target player is specified in the command!"}'
  23. #     aliases:
  24. #     - 'somealiasforthiscommand'
  25. #
  26. # You can now add a new entry to define different aliases per command!
  27. #  simply add the "aliases" option to the commands you would like to define aliases for!
  28. # DeluxeCommands will detect if you have DeluxeChat or PlaceholderAPI installed! You can use any placeholders you have enabled!
  29. commands:
  30.   somecustomcommand:
  31.     permission: some.custom.permission
  32.     no_permission_message: '&cYou don''t have permission to use this command!'
  33.     target_permission: some.custom.target_permission
  34.     target_no_permission_message: '&cYou don''t have permission to view this command
  35.       with a target player argument!'
  36.     message:
  37.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  38.     - '{"text": "This is your "}&&{"text": "custom JSON text command showing placeholders
  39.       specific to you!!"}'
  40.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  41.     target_message:
  42.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  43.     - '{"text": "This message is optional if you want to show a different message
  44.       when"}&&{"text": " %player% is specified at the end of the command"}'
  45.     - '{"text": "--------"}'

  1. # DeluxeCommands v1.9.0 主配置文件
  2. # 插件作者 extended_clip
  3. #
  4. # 在下方创建命令!
  5. # 命令格式如下:
  6. #
  7. # commands:
  8. #   <没有斜杠的命令名称>:
  9. #     permission: <使用此命令的权限>
  10. #     no_permission_message: <玩家没有使用权限时返回的信息>
  11. #     message:
  12. #     - '[text] 向玩家发送这条普通消息'
  13. #     - '[playercommand] spawn' 以玩家身份执行命令
  14. #     - '[consolecommand] eco give %executor% 100' 以控制台身份执行命令
  15. #     - '{"text": "在此处插入 JSON 文本"}' JSON 格式的文本
  16. #     - '{"text": "若要使用多行 JSON 文本"}&&{"text": "你必须在两段 JSON 文本之间使用符号 '&&'!"}'
  17. #     target_permission: <允许使用末端指定玩家参数的权限: /<命令> (玩家名)>
  18. #     target_no_permission_message: <没有权限使用末端指定玩家参数命令的消息>
  19. #     target_message:
  20. #     - '[text]<你没有权限指定该选项, 除非你想要向不同的目标发送不同的信息>'
  21. #     - '{"text": "%player_name% 的状态:"}'
  22. #     - '{"text": "该命令仅在玩家"}&&{"text": "参数指定时显示!"}'
  23. #     aliases:
  24. #     - '命令等效用法'
  25. #
  26. # 现在可向命令添加不同的等效用法!
  27. #  只需简单地添加 "aliases"(别称) 选项至你的命令配置下即可开启该内容!
  28. # DeluxeCommands 会检查你是否安装了 DeluxeChat 或 PlaceholderAPI 插件! 可在本插件中使用任意的外部 PlaceholderAPI 变量!
  29. # 提示: 为使用玩家变量 %player_name% ,你需要安装 Player 变量拓展. 该拓展可通过 PlaceholderAPI 插件的 /papi ecloud download Player 命令来获取。
  30. commands:
  31.   somecustomcommand:
  32.     permission: some.custom.permission
  33.     no_permission_message: '&c你没有权限使用此命令!'
  34.     target_permission: some.custom.target_permission
  35.     target_no_permission_message: '&c你没有指定玩家的权限!'
  36.     message:
  37.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  38.     - '{"text": "这是本插件所制作的"}&&{"text": "带着自定义变量的消息文本, %player_name%!"}'
  39.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  40.     target_message:
  41.     - '{"text": "--------"}'
  42.     - '{"text": "这条文本是可选的"}&&{"text": "每当你在命令后指定了玩家 %player_name% 参数即可显示"}'
  43.     - '{"text": "--------"}'

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-17 22:34 编辑


DeluxeJoin is the all in one plugin for join and leave actions. You can create group based join and leave action lists that are performed from a wide variety of things. It also features a permission-based in-game MOTD system which allows players to view MOTD messages on join and by command.

DeluxeJoin 是一个加入退出消息的多合一插件。你可以创建不同权限组不同样式的加入与退出消息,同时也能执行一些多样化的操作。本插件同时也有一个富有特色的游戏内标语显示,支持使用命令显示这些内容。

Hover tooltips.
Click actions.
Unlimited permission-based join/leave messages.
Unlimited permission-based MOTD messages on join.
Unique first join message.
Supports all the actions you would need!
PlacehoolderAPI​ support.

- 悬浮提示框
- 点击执行操作
- 可设置不限数量的不同权限不同加入/退出消息
- 可设置不限数量的不同权限不同加入欢迎标语
- 独特的首次加入提示
- 支持所有你可能需要用到的操作!
- 支持插件 PlacehoolderAPI

Creating a JSON message
JSON message is the kind of messages that have hovering tooltips and clicking actions, you can simply create them from  (or any JSON creation website).
Follow the steps below to create your JSON message and use it in DeluxeJoin:
Create the JSON message using the website you like.
Copy the text between ["", and ] from the Command: box. e.g.

/tellraw @p ["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]

Copy this part only:
{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}

Note: If you have more than one JSON text in the same line, split them with && (Check the default config).
Now paste it in your format in DeluxeJoin config file like this:
- '[JSON] {"text":"Welcome %player_name%!","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}'

Reload DeluxeJoin /DeluxeJoin reload.
That's it! Enjoy your beautiful JSON messages.

创建一条 JSON 文本
JSON 文本是一种允许你添加悬浮提示以及点击操作的文本。可以在 minecraftjson.com 创建这样的文本(译者注:其他网站例如 mcmod 也可以实现)
按下列步骤创建 JSON 文本,然后把这些内容添加到本插件的配置文本中。
首先,在你想要的网站创建 JSON 文本。
复制 ["",] 之间的文本,就像这样:

  1. /tellraw @p ["",{"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}]


  1. {"text":"This is a JSON text","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}

提示: 若在一行之内有多条 JSON 文本,请用 && 符号将其隔开。(可在示例配置中找到关于这个符号的参考用法)

  1. - '[JSON] {"text":"Welcome %player_name%!","color":"blue","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/command"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Hey there!","color":"aqua"}]}}}'

进入游戏或在后台输入命令 /deluxejoin reload 重载本插件。
完成!现在你可以享受你炫酷的 JSON 文本做成的消息提醒了。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-17 22:38 编辑



显示插件信息。deluxejoin, deluxejoin version, djoin version
/djoin help
显示插件帮助命令。deluxejoin help
/djoin reloaddeluxejoin.admin重载插件配置文件。deluxejoin reload
/djoin checkformat (玩家名)deluxejoin.admin显示你自己或其他玩家的加入退出消息。deluxejoin checkformat



本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-17 22:44 编辑


  1. # DeluxeJoin configuration
  2. #
  3. # You can create as many formats for motd and join/leave you like.
  4. # All formats must contain action lists with valid actions
  5. #
  6. # All actions must start with a valid action tag!
  7. #
  8. # Valid Actions:
  9. #
  10. # JSON message: [JSONMESSAGE], [JSON]
  11. #
  12. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a JSON message to the target player
  13. #
  14. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[JSON] {"text":"this is sent to the target player"}'
  15. #
  16. # JSON broadcast: [JSONBROADCAST], [JSONBC]
  17. #
  18. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a JSON broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
  19. #
  20. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"this is sent all players"}'
  21. #
  22. # Chat message: [MESSAGE], [MSG]
  23. #
  24. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a message to the target player
  25. #
  26. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[MESSAGE] &aThis is sent to the player joining/leaving/viewing the MOTD'
  27. #
  28. # Chat broadcast: [BROADCAST], [BC]
  29. #
  30. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
  31. #
  32. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[BROADCAST] &aThis is sent to all players'
  33. #
  34. # Actionbar message: [ACTIONBARMSG], [ACTIONMSG]
  35. #
  36. #     DESCRIPTION: Send an actionbar message to the target player
  37. #
  38. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[ACTIONMSG] &aThis is sent to the target player'
  39. #
  40. # Actionbar broadcast: [ACTIONBARBROADCAST], [ACTIONBROADCAST]
  41. #
  42. #     DESCRIPTION: Send an actionbar broadcast to the server specific to the target player
  43. #
  44. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[ACTIONBROADCAST] &aThis is sent to all players'
  45. #
  46. # Title message: [TITLEMESSAGE], [TITLEMSG]
  47. #
  48. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a title and/or subtitle message to the target playe
  49. #
  50. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[TITLEMSG] title:&aWelcome to the server subtitle:&bsubtitle here fadein:10 stay:20 fadeout:10'
  51. #
  52. # Title broadcast: [TITLEBROADCAST], [TITLEBC]
  53. #
  54. #     DESCRIPTION: Send a title broadcast to the entire server specific to the target player
  55. #
  56. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[TITLEBC] title:&a%player% joined! subtitle:&bsubtitle here fadein:10 stay:20 fadeout:10'
  57. #
  58. # Player command: [PLAYERCOMMAND], [PLAYERCMD]
  59. #
  60. #     DESCRIPTION: Force the target player to execute a command
  61. #
  62. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[PLAYERCMD] /spawn'
  63. #
  64. # Console command: [CONSOLECOMMAND], [CONSOLECMD]
  65. #
  66. #     DESCRIPTION: Execute a console command where target specific placeholders can be used
  67. #
  68. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[CONSOLECMD] spawn %player%'
  69. #
  70. # Player sound: [SOUND], [PLAYERSOUND]
  71. #
  72. #     DESCRIPTION: Play a sound to the target player
  73. #
  74. #     EXAMPLE:  - '[SOUND] NOTE_PLING 10 10'
  75. #
  76. # Broadcast sound: [BROADCASTSOUND], [BCASTSOUND]
  77. #
  78. #     DESCRIPTION: Play a sound to the entire server
  79. #
  81. #
  82. #
  83. #
  84. #
  85. # If you want to display a line with normal text and color codes
  86. # you must start the line with the [MESSAGE] tag
  87. # formatName:
  88. #     join_actions:
  89. #     - '[MESSAGE] &eWelcome to the server %player%!'
  90. #
  91. # If you want to use multiple JSON components in one String
  92. # you must separate them with an And operator -> &&
  93. # formatName:
  94. #     join_actions:
  95. #     - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"Welcome","color":"green"}&&{"text":" player","color":"yellow"}'
  96. #
  97. # template
  98. # ================
  99. # deluxejoin_formats:
  100. #   <formatIdentifier>:
  101. #     priority: <unique number here>
  102. #     join_actions:
  103. #     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"%player% joined the game","color":"yellow"}'
  104. #     leave_actions:
  105. #     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"%player% left the game","color":"yellow"}'
  106. # ================
  107. # The priority system is very important! It works just like
  108. # the DeluxeChat format priority system. This allows players to
  109. # have multiple permissions and DeluxeJoin will know what join/leave
  110. # format to assign the player. 1 would be the highest priority (first)
  111. # 1000 would be the lowest priority (last)
  112. #
  113. # The permission node for a format is:
  114. # deluxejoin.format.<identifier>
  115. #
  116. # Placeholders are available if you have DeluxeChat or PlaceholderAPI installed on your server!
  117. # You may use any placeholders anywhere inside of your formats.
  118. # All placeholders are specific to the target player joining, leaving, or viewing the MOTD
  119. #
  120. # If the MOTD system is enabled, it follows the same format as join/leave formats.
  121. # You can create as many MOTDs you like, the player needs permission for a motd to
  122. # view it. The permission node is:
  123. # deluxejoin.motd.<identifier>
  124. #
  125. # The following actions CAN NOT be used in leave_actions as the player has already left the server:
  126. # JSON message, chat message, actionbar message, title message, player command, player sound
  127. #
  128. # The following actions CAN NOT be used in motd_actions as these actions would affect all players online:
  129. # JSON broadcast, chat broadcast, actionbar broadcast, title broadcast, broadcast sound
  130. #
  131. # If you need an easy way to create JSON messages,
  132. # visit http://minecraftjson.com/
  133. deluxejoin_formats:
  134.   default:
  135.     priority: 1
  136.     join_actions:
  137.     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"[","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"+","color":"green","bold":"true"}&&{"text":"]","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"  %player%","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Players
  138.       online: &f%online%","color":"aqua"}]}}}'
  139.     leave_actions:
  140.     - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"[","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"-","color":"red","bold":"true"}&&{"text":"]","color":"dark_gray"}&&{"text":"  %player%","color":"gray","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Players
  141.       online: &f%online%","color":"aqua"}]}}}'
  142. first_join:
  143.   announce_on_join: true
  144.   actions:
  145.   - '[JSONBROADCAST] {"text":"This is %player%s first time joining!","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"Welcome
  146.     %player%!","color":"yellow"}]}}}'
  147. motd:
  148.   enabled: true
  149.   delay: 1
  150. motds:
  151.   default:
  152.     priority: 1
  153.     motd_actions:
  154.     - '[MESSAGE] &8&m+---------------------------------------------------+'
  155.     - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"               Welcome to the server ","color":"green"}&&{"text":"%player%","color":"white","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"","extra":[{"text":"That
  156.       is your name right?","color":"yellow"}]}}}'
  157.     - '[MESSAGE] &f'
  158.     - '[MESSAGE] &f'
  159.     - '[MESSAGE]           &eThis motd was brought to you by &7DeluxeJoin'
  160.     - '[JSONMESSAGE] {"text":"               &6Visit &7DeluxeJoin &6on Spigot "}&&{"text":"Click
  161.       here!","color":"white","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/deluxejoin.4846/"}}'
  162.     - '[MESSAGE] &8&m+---------------------------------------------------+'

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:30 编辑


DeluxeTags gives players the ability to have an extra tag in chat! Tags can be given to players by permissions so you have several ways of giving them to the players. Also, players can have access to multiple tags! they can switch between them using a GUI menu.


Ability to create unlimited tags.
Highly customizable.
Players can have access to multiple tags.
Permission-based tags.
Force tag.
Supports any chat plugin.


Put the DeluxeTags jar file you downloaded in your plugins folder.
Restart the server.
Modify the config.yml and messages.yml files that were generated to fit your server's layout (Files path: /plugins/DeluxeTags/).
Download DeluxeTags expansion by running the following commands:
/papi ecloud download DeluxeTags
/papi reload
Add the placeholders you want to your chat format. DeluxeTags placeholders can be found here.
Reload DeluxeChat /DChat reload.
Give tag permissions to your players DeluxeTags.Tag.Name.
Select your tag from /Tags and enjoy!!

Essentials Chat
Put DeluxeTags jar file you downloaded in your plugins folder.
Restart the server.
Modify the config.yml and messages.yml files that were generated to fit your server's layout (Files path: /plugins/DeluxeTags/).
Disable DeluxeChat option in config.yml file.
deluxe_chat: false
Disable Format Chat option in config.yml file.
  enabled: false
Change all the placeholder in config.yml file from %placeholder% to {placeholder} (e.g. from %deluxetags_amount% to {deluxetags_amount}).
Add the placeholders you want to your chat format. DeluxeTags placeholders can be found here.
Note: You'll have to use {} for the placeholders instead of %%.
Restart the server.
Give tag permissions to your players DeluxeTags.Tag.Name.
Select your tag from /Tags and enjoy!!

Other Chat Plugins (As long as they support PlaceholderAPI)
Put DeluxeTags jar file you downloaded in your plugins folder.
Restart the server.
Modify the config.yml and messages.yml files that were generated to fit your server's layout (Files path: /plugins/DeluxeTags/).
Disable DeluxeChat option in config.yml file.
deluxe_chat: false
Disable Format Chat option in config.yml file.
  enabled: false
Change all the placeholder in config.yml file from %placeholder% to {placeholder} (e.g. from %deluxetags_amount% to {deluxetags_amount}).
Add the placeholders you want to your chat format. DeluxeTags placeholders can be found here.
Restart the server.
Give tag permissions to your players DeluxeTags.Tag.Name.
Select your tag from /Tags and enjoy!!

  1. 将插件安装入服务器 (放置于 plugins/ 下)
  2. 重启服务器
  3. 修改插件的配置(config.yml)以及信息文件(messages.yml),使其符合你的服务器风格。(文件路径: /plugins/DeluxeTags/)
  4. 使用下列命令安装 PlaceholderAPI 变量拓展并重启服务器:
      /papi ecloud download DeluxeTags
      /papi reload
  5. 将你想要的变量添加至DeluxeChat的配置文件下。所有变量可以在这里被找到。
  6. 使用命令 /dchat reload 重载 DeluxeChat
  7. 将对应权限 deluxetags.tag.称号名称 给予玩家.
  8. 输入命令 /tags 佩戴你想要的称号!

EssentialsChat / EssentialsXChat:
  1. 将插件安装入服务器 (放置于 plugins/ 下)
  2. 重启服务器
  3. 修改插件的配置(config.yml)以及信息文件(messages.yml),使其符合你的服务器风格。(文件路径: /plugins/DeluxeTags/)
  4. 将配置文本 config.ymlDeluxeChat 一项修改为:
      deluxe_chat: false
  5. 将配置文本 config.ymlChat Format 一项修改为:
        enabled: false
  6. 将配置文本 config.yml 内所有变量从 %% 更换为 {}.(例如: %deluxetags_amount% 需要修改为 {deluxetags_amount})
  7. 将你想要的变量添加至EssentialsChat的配置文件下。所有变量可以在这里被找到。
      提示: 你需要用 {} 来代替原本变量中的 %%.
  8. 重启服务器
  9. 将对应权限 deluxetags.tag.称号名称 给予玩家.
  10. 输入命令 /tags 佩戴你想要的称号!

其他支持 PlaceholderAPI 的任何聊天插件:
  1. 将插件安装入服务器 (放置于 plugins/ 下)
  2. 重启服务器
  3. 修改插件的配置(config.yml)以及信息文件(messages.yml),使其符合你的服务器风格。(文件路径:
  4. 将配置文本 config.ymlDeluxeChat 一项修改为:
      deluxe_chat: false
  5. 将配置文本 config.ymlChat Format 一项修改为:
        enabled: false
  6. 将配置文本 config.yml 内所有变量从 %% 更换为 {}.(例如: %deluxetags_amount% 需要修改为 {deluxetags_amount})
  7. 将你想要的变量添加至EssentialsChat的配置文件下。所有变量可以在这里被找到。
      提示: 你需要用 {} 来代替原本变量中的 %%.
  8. 重启服务器
  9. 将对应权限 deluxetags.tag.称号名称 给予玩家.
  10. 输入命令 /tags 佩戴你想要的称号!

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:36 编辑



/tags listdeluxetags.list显示你可以佩戴的称号
/tags list alldeluxetags.list.all显示所有已载入的称号
/tags list <玩家名>deluxetags.list.player显示指定玩家可用称号
/tags select <称号id>deluxetags.select选择使用特定的称号
/tags set <玩家名> <称号id>deluxetags.set强制为玩家佩戴特定称号
/tags clear <玩家名>deluxetags.clear清除玩家正佩戴的称号
/tags create <称号id> <tag>deluxetags.create创建一个新称号
/tags delete <称号id>deluxetags.delete删除指定的称号
/tags setdesc <称号id> <desc>deluxetags.setdescription设置称号描述
/tags reloaddeluxetags.reload重载插件文档
/tags version-显示插件版本
/tags help-显示玩家可用命令


deluxetags.forcetag.<称号id>如果 force_tag 选项开启, 该权限可强制玩家使用特定称号

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:48 编辑



%deluxetags_identifier%文本返回玩家当前称号 ID。
%deluxetags_has_tag_<称号id>%布尔值(true 或 false)显示玩家是否拥有此称号。

To use these placeholders, you have to download DeluxeTags Expansion. You can download it automatically by running:

/papi ecloud download DeluxeTags
/papi reload

Or you can download it manually from the eCloud, and put it inside the expansions folder (folder path: /plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/).

若要使用这些变量,你需要下载 DeluxeTags 变量拓展。你可以使用下列命令下载变量拓展:

    /papi ecloud download DeluxeTags
    /papi reload

或者,你也可以从 eCloud 官方下载站下载变量拓展,下载完成后将它放置在变量 expansions 拓展文件夹下。(译者注:文件夹路径:/plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions/

%previous_page%数字仅在 GUI 内有效。若当前 GUI 有上一页,则返回上一页的页码。
%current_page%数字仅在 GUI 内有效。返回 GUI 所在页面的页码。
%next_page%数字仅在 GUI 内有效。若当前 GUI 有下一页,则返回下一页的页码。
%page%数字仅在 GUI 内的翻页按钮上有效。若有可翻页的内容,则分别返回上一页或下一页。

1 该段文本中重复引用了五个外部变量,实际上与插件提供的 PlaceholderAPI 变量等价,故此翻译省略这些内容。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:50 编辑


  1. # DeluxeTags version: 1.8.2-Release Main Configuration
  2. #
  3. # Create your tags using the following format:
  4. #
  5. # deluxetags:
  6. #   VIP:
  7. #     order: 1
  8. #     tag: '&7[&eVIP&7]'
  9. #     description: 'This tag is awarded by getting VIP'
  10. #
  11. # Placeholders for your chat plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI (Including DeluxeChat)
  12. #
  13. # %deluxetags_identifier% - display the players active tag identifier
  14. # %deluxetags_tag% - display the players active tag
  15. # %deluxetags_description% - display the players active tag description
  16. # %deluxetags_amount% - display the amount of tags a player has access to
  17. #
  18. # Placeholders for your essentials/chat handling formats config:
  19. #
  20. # {deluxetags_identifier} - display the players active tag identifier
  21. # {deluxetags_tag} - display the players active tag
  22. # {deluxetags_description} - display the players active tag description
  23. # {deluxetags_amount} - display the amount of tags a player has access to

  24. force_tags: false
  25. check_updates: true
  26. legacy_hex: false
  27. papi_chat: true
  28. format_chat:
  29.   enabled: false
  30.   format: '{deluxetags_tag} <%1$s> %2$s'
  31. load_tag_on_join: true
  32. gui:
  33.   name: '&6Available tags&f: &6%deluxetags_amount%'
  34.   tag_select_item:
  35.     material: NAME_TAG
  36.     data: 0
  37.     displayname: '&6Tag&f: &6%deluxetags_identifier%'
  38.     lore:
  39.     - '%deluxetags_tag%'
  40.     - '%deluxetags_description%'
  41.   divider_item:
  42.     material: BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  43.     data: 0
  44.     displayname: ''
  45.     lore: []
  46.   has_tag_item:
  47.     material: PLAYER_HEAD
  48.     data: 0
  49.     displayname: '&eCurrent tag&f: &6%deluxetags_identifier%'
  50.     lore:
  51.     - '%deluxetags_tag%'
  52.     - Click to remove your current tag
  53.   no_tag_item:
  54.     material: PLAYER_HEAD
  55.     data: 0
  56.     displayname: '&cYou don''t have a tag set!'
  57.     lore:
  58.     - '&7Click a tag above to select one!'
  59.   exit_item:
  60.     material: IRON_DOOR
  61.     data: 0
  62.     displayname: '&cClick to exit'
  63.     lore:
  64.     - '&7Exit the tags menu'
  65.   next_page:
  66.     material: PAPER
  67.     data: 0
  68.     displayname: '&6Next page: %page%'
  69.     lore:
  70.     - '&7Move to the next page'
  71.   previous_page:
  72.     material: PAPER
  73.     data: 0
  74.     displayname: '&6Previous page: %page%'
  75.     lore:
  76.     - '&7Move to the previous page'
  77. deluxetags:
  78.   example:
  79.     order: 1
  80.     tag: '&8[&bDeluxeTags&8]'
  81.     description: '&cAwarded for using DeluxeTags!'
  82.     permission: deluxetags.tag.example

  1. # DeluxeTags messages.yml
  2. # Edit the plugin messages to your liking!

  3. cmd:
  4.   no_permission: '&cYou don''t have &7{0} &cto do that!'
  5.   target_not_online: '&f{0} &cis not online!'
  6.   no_tags_loaded: '&cThere are no tags loaded!'
  7.   no_tags_available: '&cYou don''t have any tags available!'
  8.   no_tags_available_target: '&f{0} &cdon''t have any tags available!'
  9.   tag_list_fail: '&cYou don''t have any tags loaded.'
  10.   tag_list_fail_target: '&c{0} has no tags loaded.'
  11.   tags_list: '&f{0} &aavailable tags: &f{1}'
  12.   tags_list_all: '&f{0} &atotal tags loaded: &f{1}'
  13.   tags_list_others: '&f{0} &ahas &f{1} &atotal tags loaded: &f{2}'
  14.   tag_select_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags select <tagname>'
  15.   tag_select_success: '&7Your tag was set to: &r{1}'
  16.   tag_select_invalid_name: '&f{0} &cis not a valid tag name!'
  17.   tag_select_already_set: '&f{0} &cis already set as your current tag!'
  18.   help_title: '&5&lDeluxeTags &f&oHelp'
  19.   help_color: '&8> &d&l'
  20.   help_tags: '&f&oOpen your tags GUI'
  21.   help_list: '&f&oView tags available to you'
  22.   help_select: '&f&oSelect a tag as your active tag'
  23.   help_admin_set: '&f&oSet a players tag'
  24.   help_admin_clear: '&f&oClear a players tag'
  25.   help_admin_create: '&f&oCreate a new tag'
  26.   help_admin_delete: '&f&oDelete an existing tag'
  27.   help_admin_setdesc: '&f&oSet a description for a tag'
  28.   help_admin_setorder: '&f&oChange the order for a tag'
  29.   help_admin_setdisplay: '&f&oChange a tag''s display'
  30.   help_version: '&f&oView DeluxeTags version and author information'
  31.   help_reload: '&f&oReload the tags config'
  32.   admin_set_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags set <player> <tag>'
  33.   admin_set_no_tags_avail: '&f{0} &cdoesn''t have any tags available!'
  34.   admin_set_success: '&f{0}s &atag has been set to: {1} &7({2}&7)'
  35.   admin_set_success_to_target: '&7Your tag has been set to &f{1} &aby &f{2}'
  36.   admin_set_success_fail: '&f{0} &cis not a valid tag for &f{1}&c!'
  37.   admin_clear_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags clear <player>'
  38.   admin_clear_no_tag_set: '&f{0} &cdoesn''t have a tag set!'
  39.   admin_clear_success: '&f{0}s &atag has been cleared!'
  40.   admin_clear_success_to_target: '&7Your tag has been cleared &aby &f{0}'
  41.   admin_create_tag_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags create <identifier>
  42.     <tag>'
  43.   admin_create_tag_success: '&aTag created&7: &f{0}&7:&f{1}'
  44.   admin_create_tag_fail: '&f{0} &cis already a loaded tag name!'
  45.   admin_delete_tag_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags delete <identifier>'
  46.   admin_delete_tag_success: '&7Tag &f{0} &7has been deleted!'
  47.   admin_delete_tag_fail: '&f{0} &cis not a loaded tag name!'
  48.   admin_set_description_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags setdesc <identifier>
  49.     <description>'
  50.   admin_set_description_success: '{0} &adescription set to &7: &f{2}'
  51.   admin_set_description_fail: '&f{0} &cis not a loaded tag name!'
  52.   admin_set_order_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags setorder <identifier>
  53.     <order>'
  54.   admin_set_order_success: '&aOrder &f{0}&a set for &7: &f{1}'
  55.   admin_set_order_fail: '&f{0} &cis not a loaded tag name!'
  56.   admin_set_order_not_a_number: '&f{0} &cis not a valid order! It should be a number.'
  57.   admin_set_order_already_exists: '&cOrder &f{0}&c is already in use.'
  58.   admin_set_display_incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! &7/tags setdisplay <identifier>
  59.     <display>'
  60.   admin_set_display_success: '{0} &adisplay set to &7: &f{1}'
  61.   admin_set_display_fail: '&f{0} &cis not a loaded tag name!'
  62.   admin_reload: '&aConfiguration successfully reloaded! &f{0} &atags loaded!'
  63.   incorrect_usage: '&cIncorrect usage! Use &7/tags help'
  64. gui:
  65.   placeholders:
  66.     tag:
  67.       available: '&aAvailable'
  68.       unavailable: '&cUnavailable'
  69.   tag_selected: '&aYour tag has been set to &f{0} &7({1}&7)'
  70.   tag_disabled: '&7Your tag has been disabled!'
  71.   page_error: '&cThere was a problem getting the previous page number!'

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-25 21:52 编辑


!   汉化提示

DeluxeMenus is the all in one inventory GUI menu plugin!
You can create GUI menus that open with custom commands that will show stats or perform actions specific to the player who opened it. Your menus are fully configurable. You can create menus that show specific items to different players, or perform different actions depending on what requirement they have for the specific slot in a certain GUI.

DeluxeMenus 是一个多合一的 GUI 菜单插件!
你可以制作包含自定义命令、能显示自定义变量、根据不同玩家执行不同操作的 GUI 菜单。所有的菜单都是高度可自定义的。你还可以制作一个同时具有在面对不同开菜单玩家时显示不同物品,或者根据他们所达到的各种要求执行多样操作功能的 GUI。

Ability to create unlimited GUI menus with various tasks.
Argument support in GUI menu's open command (e.g. /Menu <Player>).
Has no limit with what you can make with it! It's up to your creativity.
Highly customizable.
PlaceholderAPI support.

- 允许创建无限多的 GUI,并能够执行各种各样的操作。
- 支持在自定义菜单命令内携带参数 (例如 /menu <玩家名>)。
- 没有什么是你做不到的,只有你想不到的!
- 高度可自定义。
- 支持 PlaceholderAPI



本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-27 22:43 编辑


DeluxeMenus is a highly customizable plugin, it has many options and configurations to give you the ability to change everything you want to make your custom menus that fits your server's layout.
It has GUI options to manage the GUI menu, and Item options to manage every single item on the GUI menu.

DeluxeMenus 是一个高度可自定义的插件,它有很多选项与配置能让你修改你想要的一切东西,制作出与你服务器主题贴合的菜单。
它有 GUI 选项可供管理 GUI 菜单,以及 Item 选项来管理菜单内的一切物品图标。

Materials | 物品ID一览表


BOOLEAN将该值以 true 或 false 代替之。若使用 PlaceholderAPI 变量,则可能为 yes 或 no。
TEXT将该值以文本代替之。 检查描述文本以确定该文本插入处是否支持彩色代码/换行符号。
#将该值以一位阿拉伯数字代替之。 检查描述文本以确定该数字插入处是否有条件限制。
COMMAND将该值以一个不带斜杠 (“/”) 的命令代替。
EXPRESSION将该值以 Placeholder 变量或 JavaScript 表达式代替。 见此处了解更多。


[player] <命令>以玩家身份执行命令。
[console] <命令>以控制台身份执行命令。
[commandevent] <命令>以玩家身份执行未注册的命令。
[placeholder] <PlaceholderAPI 变量>无输出地判断玩家的变量。
[message] <纯文本>发送给玩家一条消息。可在此处使用彩色字符/格式符等。
[broadcast] <纯文本>将信息发送至包括控制台在内的所在线有玩家。可在此处使用彩色字符/格式符等。
[openguimenu] <菜单名>打开其他来自 DeluxeMenus 的菜单 GUI。
[connect] <子服名>将玩家传送至同一 BungeeCord 下的其他子服务器。
[close]关闭当前正打开的 GUI。
[json] <JSON 文本>向玩家发送 JSON 信息。可使用该网站快速生成 JSON 信息。
[jsonbroadcast] <JSON 文本>将信息发送至包括控制台在内的所在线有玩家。可使用该网站快速生成 JSON 信息。
[broadcastsound] <音效名> <音调大小> <音量大小>向整个服务器发送一个声音。
[broadcastsoundworld] <音效名> <音调大小> <音量大小>向整个世界发送一条声音。
[sound] <音效名> <音调大小> <音量大小>为一名玩家播放声音。
[takemoney] <数量>拿走玩家一定数量的钱。需要安装 Vault 以及任意一款经济插件以使该功能起效。
[givemoney] <数量>给予玩家一定数量的钱。需要安装 Vault 以及任意一款经济插件以使该功能起效。
[takeexp] #L从玩家处拿走任意数量的经验。若要移除整个等级,请在数字末尾标上大写"L"。
[giveexp] #L给予玩家任意数量的经验。若要移除整个等级,请在数字末尾标上大写"L"。
[givepermission] <权限节点>将一个权限给予玩家。需要安装 Vault 以及任意一款权限插件以使该功能起效。
[takepermission] <权限节点>移除玩家的一个权限。需要安装 Vault 以及任意一款权限插件以使该功能起效。
[meta] <set/remove/add/subtract/switch> <关键词> <种类> <值>修改玩家数据. add/subtract 仅能填入数字。 switch 仅能填入布尔值,仅会在 true/false 间切换。检阅此处获得更多信息。
[chat] <信息>以玩家的身份发送聊天信息。


! 每条操作概率独立。若你有两条各为 50% 执行几率的操作,它们不一定只会选择一条执行,相反,有可能出现不执行/两条都执行/各执行一条 三种情况中的一种。

<delay=<时长>>在特定延时之后执行该操作(单位为刻(ticks), 20 刻 = 1 秒).


If you want to use RGB/Hex colors in DeluxeMenus on 1.16+ you can use the following format: "&#aaFF00"

若要在 1.16+ 服务器内安装的 DeluxeMenus 中使用 RGB/HEX 字符,可使用该格式: "&#aaFF00"


There is one available placeholder from DeluxeMenus:



debug: 布尔值

默认值: false


check_updates: 布尔值

默认值: true

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-27 22:50 编辑

GUI 样式



  1.   menu_title: "TEXT"
  2.   open_command: COMMAND
  3.   open_requirement: EXPRESSION
  4.   open_commands:
  5.     - "[操作种类] 操作参数"
  6.     - "[操作种类] 操作参数"
  7.   inventory_type: "TEXT"
  8.   size: #
  9.   update_interval: #
  10.   items:


  1. menu_title: "TEXT"
The menu title that is shown at the top of the GUI. You can use color and formatting codes here, and PlaceholderAPI placeholders.

菜单标题显示在GUI上方。此处可使用彩色字符以及格式符,以及 PlaceholderAPI 变量。


  1. open_command: COMMAND

  1. open_command:
  2.   - COMMAND
  3.   - COMMAND_2
The command used to open the GUI menu. It can only be a single word.


To disable the open command, simply delete the line of this option.

备注: 该项为选填项,若不需要该选项可直接删除。

Open Requirements

  1. open_requirement:
  2. requirements:
  3.    TEXT:
  4.      type: <种类>

Sets requirements a player should have to open the GUI menu. Check the Requirements page for more info.



很容易和上面的 open_command 搞混。
  1. open_commands:

Runs the command(s) you set when the player opens the menu.


关闭执行命令 [close_commands]

  1. close_commands:

Runs the command(s) you set when the player close the menu by clicking an item that have the close action ([close]).

在菜单内以 [close] (关闭菜单动作)退出菜单时执行的指令。

GUI 种类

  1. inventory_type: "TEXT"

默认值为: CHEST (箱子)
  - ANVIL (铁砧)
  - BARREL (木桶)
  - BEACON (信标)
  - BREWING (炼药台)
  - CARTOGRAPHY ( 制图台)
  - DISPENSER (发射器)
  - DROPPER (投掷器)
  - ENCHANTING (附魔台)
  - ENDER_CHEST (末影箱)
  - FURNACE (熔炉)
  - HOPPER (漏斗)
  - LOOM (织布机)
  - PLAYER (玩家背包)
  - SHULKER_BOX (潜影盒)
  - SMOKER (烟熏炉)
  - WORKBENCH (工作台)

Allows you to define a different type of Inventory.

允许你设置 GUI 的类型。

GUI 大小

  1. size: #

默认值: 54
  - 9 (一行)
  - 18 (两行)
  - 27 (普通箱子)
  - 36 (四行)
  - 45 (五行)
  - 54 (大型箱子)

Size option only works for CHEST inventory types. Even for that it is optional and will default to 54.

Size 参数仅对 箱子(CHEST) 类型的 GUI 有效,另外该参数为可选参数,不填则默认为 54 格。


  1. register_command: true
Registers the open command with the server.

将打开菜单的命令注册至服务器(译者注:注册后可按 TAB 键补全命令)

Must be manually added to the menu.



  1. args:
  2. - "TEXT"
  3. - "TEXT"
  4. - "TEXT"
TEXT The argument name (Should be unique).

TEXT 即为参数名称 (不可重复)。

Gives you the ability to set arguments after the open command, and use them inside the menu by adding the argument placeholder (the argument name inside curly braces {TEXT}).
You can have multiple arguments, and they will be set in the same order in the open command.

允许你在开启菜单的命令后设置参数,之后再将这些命令以内建变量 {输入文本} 的形式,注入菜单供其使用。

  1. /COMMAND FirstArg SecondArg And the rest
  1. args:
  2. - first
  3. - second
  4. - last

{first} returns FirstArg
{second} returns SecondArg
{last} returns And the rest

于是,{first}  返回值为 FirstArg
{second}  返回值为 SecondArg
{last}  返回值为 And the rest

It's highly recommended to add the Args Usage Message option.
Requires Register Command to be true.

上述参数需要 Register Command 项为 true。


  1. args_usage_message: "TEXT"

Sets the usage message for the menu. If the player didn't set the required arguments. It will be sent to the player if he didn't set the arguments. You can use color and formatting codes here. Requires Arguments to be defined.

为菜单设置参数用法信息。若玩家没有正确输入参数,那么该信息将会被发送以提醒玩家输入正确的参数。此处可使用彩色字符和格式符。需要设置 Arguments 才可启用该项。


  1. update_interval: #

This is for any items that use the update: option (Check it here).
The number defines the delay (in seconds) between each refresh of the placeholders in an item's lore/display name.
Note: This refreshes/updates the placeholders only.

该选项用于任意使用 update: 选项的物品。
数字决定刷新物品 Lore/名称 内变量的时间间隔,单位为秒。
注意: 该选项仅用于刷新/更新物品中的变量。

  1. items:

This line should be left as is. It is merely telling the plugin you are about to begin defining items.
Check the Item page for more information.

检阅 Item 页面以获得更多信息。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2023-3-27 23:04 编辑



  1. items:
  2.   "ItemName":
  3.     material: TEXT
  4.     slot: #

Each item will have a name, in this example our item is called ItemName. This name should be unique, so there won't be two or more items with the same name.

每一个物品都会有一个名称,在这个示例内,它的名字叫做 ItemName,该名称不应当与其他物品名称重复,因此一个菜单内不会出现存在两个名为 ItemName 的物品。


  1. material: TEXT

  - 普通物品名称 (如: STONE)
  - 玩家头颅 (如: head-extended_clip)
  - 变量头颅 (head-%player_name%)。
  - 参数头颅 (head-{参数})。
  - Base64 头颅 (basehead-<头颅base64码 (译者注:可在给予命令内找到)>)。
  - Minecraft 纹理 (texture-<id>)
      # 该ID尾随在 https://textures.minecraft.net/textures/ 中找到的物品后
  - EpicHeads 头颅 (heads-<ID>)。
  - HeadDatabase 头颅 (hdb-<ID>)。
  - Placeholder 变量纹理 (placeholder-%player_item_in_hand%)。
  - 主手物品 (main_hand)。
  - 副手物品 (off_hand)。
  - 装备栏内物品 (armor_helmet(头),armor_chestplate(胸甲),armor_leggings(护腿)以及 armor_boots(靴子))
  - 水瓶材质: water_bottle

Sets the material of the item in the menu.[/code]

[quote]For version 1.12.2 or older:
Check Data option to specify the data of the item (the number after the colon :). e.g. Lime Wool would be
  1. material: WOOL
  2. data: 5

在 1.12.2 或更低的版本中:
检阅 Data 篇以指定物品的数据值(冒号 “:” 后的数字) 例如,黄绿色羊毛可作下列写法:
  1. material: WOOL
  2. data: 5


  1. data: #

  - 整数,例如 "1"。
  - 任意能返回整数值的变量。例如 “placeholder-%player_item_in_hand_data%”。

For version 1.12.2 or older:
This option will specify the data value (the number after the colon :) of the item or the item's durability (depends on the Material option).

在 1.12.2 或更低的版本中:
该选项将会指定物品耐久值 (冒号 ":" 后的数字) 的数据值(取决于材料选项的设定值)。


  1. amount: #

Sets the item's amount in the menu.

  1. dynamic_amount: '%placeholder%'
Sets the item's amount in the menu using a placeholder.


NBT 标签 / CustomModelData

  1. nbt_string: '<Key>:<StringValue>'
  2. nbt_strings:
  3. - '<Key>:<StringValue>'
  4. - '<Key>:<StringValue>'
  5. nbt_int: '<Key>:<IntegerValue>'
  6. nbt_ints:
  7. - '<Key>:<IntegerValue>'
  8. - '<Key>:<IntegerValue>'

Custom Model Data 示例: nbt_int: CustomModelData:1

Allows you to add custom nbt tags to your items like model data so you can display custom models provided by your server resource pack.


The nbt tags options support PlaceholderAPI placeholders now!

现在 nbt tags 项已支持 PlacdeholderAPI 变量!

  1. banner_meta:
  2. - <dyecolor>;<patterntype>
  3. - <dyecolor>;<patterntype>

  - 染料颜色列表
  - 旗帜样式列表

Allows you to create your custom banner (Used if the material is a banner).

允许你设置自定义旗帜的颜色/样式 (仅在 Material 项为旗帜时有效。)


  1. item_flags:
  2. - <ItemFlag>
  3. - <ItemFlag>

  - 完整物品附加属性列表。

Allows you to set item flags.


  1. potion_effects:
  2. - <PotionEffectType>;<duration>;<amplifier>
  3. - <PotionEffectType>;<duration>;<amplifier>

  - 药水效果列表
Allows you to set effects (Used if the material is a potion, splash_potion and tipped arrows).

允许你设置物品效果 (若 material 设置为药水,喷溅型药水或药水箭,则该项设置有效)

For potion_effects to work on potions and tipped arrows you also need to give it an RGB value.

若你想要该项工作,你仍需要设定药水/药水箭的 RGB 值。


  1. rgb: #,#,#

  1. rgb: 38,192,210

  1. Sets the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color for leather armor, potions, splash potions, tipped arrows and firework stars

设置物品的 RGB (红绿蓝三原色) 值,仅支持染色皮革盔甲,药水,喷溅型药水,药水箭和烟火之星。

For RGB option to work on potions and tipped arrows you also need to give it at least one potion_effect.

若要 RGB 能够在药水/药水箭上正常起作用,你还需要为它设置一个 potion_effect 值。

  1. display_name: "TEXT"

Sets the item's display name. You can use placeholders and color/format codes


Lore [lore]
  1. lore:
  2.   - "TEXT"
  3.   - "TEXT"

Sets the item's lore (the text shown under the item's name). You can use placeholders and color/format codes and the new line character (\n) in this option.

设置物品的 Lore(展示在物品名称下方的描述)。变量,彩色字符以及格式符,还有换行符(“\n”)能在此处使用。


  1. slot: #

  1. slots:
  2.   - #
  3.   - #
  4.   - #
  6. # OR
  8. slots:
  9.   - #-#
  10.   - #-#

Sets in which slot the item should be inside the menu.


Slots start at 0.
Multiple items can be in the same slot, but you'll have to use view requirement and priority options to work properly.

格子从 0 开始数起。
多个物品可在同一格子内,但你必须使用 requirement 条件加以限制,使其能够正常显示。


  1. priority: #
Sets the item priority. It's used if you want different items in the same slot (by using the view requirement option).
The item that has the highest priority will be checked first if the player has the required view requirement. It will display the item if they have the requirements and if not, it will check the next item and so on.

设置物品展示优先度。该情况适用于将多个物品(通过 requirement 参数)展示在同一格内。

The highest priority is 0.
The lowest priority is 2147483647.

最低优先级为 0
最高优先级为 2147483647 (2^31-1)

  1. view_requirement: 'EXPRESSION'
Sets the requirements the player should have to see the item. (Check priority option for setting up multiple items in the same slot).
Check the Requirements page for more info about this option's value and how to use it.

设置玩家若要看见该物品需要满足的条件。(若要设置多个物品在同一个格子内展示,请参考上述 Priority 参数介绍)

  1. update: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will update the placeholders in the item's display name and lore only.
Check the update interval GUI option to set the update speed.

若设置为 true,它将仅会自动更新菜单中物品的 Lore、物品名称中包含的变量。
设置 interval 项来调整刷新间隔。

  1. enchantments:
  2.   - enchantmentid;level
  3.   - enchantmentid;level

  - 附魔列表

Enchants the item with the specified enchantments. (Check the hide enchantments option to hide the enchantments)

Enchantments 选项允许物品菜单内拥有附魔。(可设置 flag 的 hide enhantments  选项以隐藏附魔)

Some items cannot have the enchanting glow effect


  1. hide_enchantments: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will hide the enchantments you set for the item using the enchantments option from the item's tooltip (lore).
Used to add the enchanting glow effect to the item without showing the enchantments text.

若设置为 true,它将会在工具的提示框内隐藏附魔名称。

  1. hide_attributes: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will hide the vanilla attributes of an item/armor (e.g. 7 Attack Damage).

若设置为 true ,它将会隐藏所选物品/防具的原版属性 (例如: 7 攻击伤害)。

  1. hide_effects: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will hide the potion's effect text beneath the item name.

若设置为 true ,它将会隐藏物品下方显示的药水效果。

  1. hide_unbreakable: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will hide the unbreakable tag if the "unbreakable:" option is enabled.

若设置为 true ,在 “unbreakable:” 标签启用的情况下,它将会隐藏物品的“不可破坏”标签。

  1. unbreakable: BOOLEAN # true or false
If set to true, it will show the item to be at full durability.

若设置为 true ,展示的工具类物品将保持满耐久。

  1. # click_commands: or
  2. # left_click_commands: or
  3. # right_click_commands: or
  4. # middle_click_commands: or
  5. # shift_left_click_commands: or
  6. shift_right_click_commands:
Sets the actions/commands that should be executed once the player clicks the item. they get executed in order from top to bottom.
Check this for all action types and action tags.

检阅此处(上方 Action 列表)以获得所有可用的操作种类和操作参数。
Middle clicking was removed by Mojang in 1.18 and newer!

中键点击的操作方式在 1.18+ 被 Mojang 官方移除。
  1. # click_requirement: or
  2. # left_click_requirement: or
  3. # right_click_requirement: or
  4. # middle_click_requirement: or
  5. # shift_left_click_requirement: or
  6. shift_right_click_requirement:
  7.   requirements: 'EXPRESSION'
  8.   deny_commands:
  9.     - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  10.     - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
Sets the requirements the player should have to click the item (Check the Requirements page for more info about the EXPRESSION value).
Deny commands (optional) are the actions that are going to be executed if the player doesn't have the required requirements. But if (s)he does, it will execute the actions specified in the click commands option.

设置按住不同按键情况下玩家点击执行不同命令的前提条件。(检阅章节 Requirements 以获得更多关于 EXPRESSION 处写法的帮助)
You can have deny commands per requirement. Check this page for more information.

此处可设置拒绝命令或条件。检阅此处(requirement syntax)以获得更多信息。
Check this for all action types and action tags.

检阅此处(译者注:帖内为上方 Action 列表)以获得所有可用的操作种类和操作参数。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-1-30 22:39 编辑
| DeluxeMenu |

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

| Requirements | 条件判断

left/right/shift_left/shift_right/middle click requirements won't work unless you also have their respective click commands. This is true even if you have set the success_commands option


鼠标左键/Shift+左键/Shift+右键/鼠标中键 的点击触发条件在没有对应键位的命令设置的情况下不会起作用。即使设置了 success_commands 也是如此。

Syntax | 语法

  1. # Other available requirement types:
  2. # open_requirement:
  3. # view_requirement:
  4. # left_click_requirement:
  5. # right_click_requirement:
  6. # shift_left_click_requirement:
  7. # shift_right_click_requirement:
  8. click_requirement:
  9.   # Minimum requirements are optional.
  10.   # If they are not set, then all
  11.   # requirements will be needed for the
  12.   # click commands to be executed.
  13.   # In this example, only one of the
  14.   # requirements will be needed.
  15.   minimum_requirements: 1
  16.   # This option is good for when you use minimum_requirements.
  17.   # Instead of the plugin checking all the requirements,
  18.   # it will stop when it has enough.
  19.   stop_at_success: true
  20.   requirements:
  21.     # You can define multiple requirements.
  22.     # Each requiremnt should have a unique name.
  23.     requirement_name:
  24.       type: TYPE
  25.       # These commands will be exeucted if
  26.       # the requirement they're set for is
  27.       # met even if the others are not.
  28.       # You should be careful and not confuse
  29.       # these with click_commands: !!!
  30.       success_commands:
  31.       - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  32.       - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  33.       # These commands will be executed if
  34.       # the requirement they're set for is
  35.       # not met even if the others are.
  36.       deny_commands:
  37.       - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  38.       - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  39.       # This option is only required if you
  40.       # want ot use minimum_requirements:
  41.       # Minimum requirements will only work
  42.       # for the optional requirements
  43.       optional: true
  44.   # This can only be defined for open and
  45.   # left/right click requirement
  46.   deny_commands:
  47.     - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"
  48.     - "[ACTIONTYPE] ACTION"

Requirements allow you to restrict certain actions or even an entire menu and only allow certain players to see and/or use the menu.

Requirements 模块允许你限制特定或整个菜单的执行条件,从而使玩家能够使用和/或访问特定的菜单。

        Requirements | 条件适用范围速览

​Open Requirement​决定打开菜单的条件
​View Requirement​决定菜单内特定物品是否可见。
​(Shift) Left/Right Click Requirements​决定是否能够使用 Shift+左/右键 点击执行命令

        Requirement types | 条件种类

When inverting requirements, make sure you put the type in quotation marks. This is because "!" is a special symbol in YAML so it will break the syntax.
ex: type: "!has permission"

在像原版那样使用 "!" 来表示反向过滤时,请务必保证整个条件式通过引号包括起来。这是因为 "!" 在 YAML 语言中是一个特殊的符号,因此它的存在会影响插件对条件判断式的检测。

                Has permission | 权限检测

  1. type: has permission
  2. permission: TEXT

Checks if the player has the specified permission.


To invert the requirement (Check if the player doesn't have the permission) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has permission").

若要反转条件(检查玩家是否没有特定权限) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!has permission")

                Has money | 经济单位检测

  1. type: has money
  2. amount: #

Checks if the player has the specified amount of money (Vault is required).

检查玩家是否有足够数量的钱 (需要安装 Vault)
To invert the requirement (Check if the player doesn't have the amount of money) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has money").

若要反转条件(检查玩家是否没有达到特定数量的钱) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!has money")

To use a placeholder as a value for the amount, replace the amount: field with placeholder:.

若要使用返回整数值的变量为此处的金币数量,请将 amount: 改为 placeholder:

                 Has item | 物品检测

  1. type: has item
  2. # material option supports material names, placeholders and arguments.
  3. material: "TEXT"
  4. data: #
  5. # represents the CustomModelData the item should have.
  6. modeldata: #
  7. amount: #
  8. name: "TEXT"
  9. # lore can also be one single string: lore: "TEXT"
  10. lore:
  11.   - "TEXT"
  12. # if this is enabled then the plugin will look for items that contain the value
  13. # set at the option "name" in their name and not for the exact value
  14. name_contains: boolean
  15. # if this option is enabled then the plugin will check for the item name,
  16. # without caring about the case.
  17. name_ignorecase: boolean
  18. # if this is enabled then the plugin will look for items that contain the value
  19. # set at the option "lore" in their lore and not for the exact value
  20. lore_contains: boolean
  21. # if this option is enabled then the plugin will check for the item lore,
  22. # without caring about the case.
  23. name_ignorecase: boolean
  24. # if this option is enabled, the plugin will consider only the items that
  25. # have no custom model data, no display name and no lore.
  26. strict: boolean
  27. # decides if the plugin should also check the armor slots of the player when
  28. # looking for items
  29. armor: boolean
  30. # decides if the plugin should also check the off hand of the player when
  31. # looking for items
  32. offhand: boolean

  - material

Checks if the player has the specified item in the inventory.


To invert the requirement (Check if the player doesn't have the item) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has item").

若要反转条件(检查玩家是否没有特定的物品) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!has item")

                 Has Meta | Meta 值检测

Meta uses Persistent Data Containers which means this feature will only work on servers that are 1.14 or newer!

Meta 项使用 Persistent Data Containers ,这意味着该机制仅将在 1.14+ 工作。

  1. type: has meta
  2. key: "TEXT"
  4. value: EXPECTED VALUE

  - key
  - meta_type
  - value

Checks if the player has the specified meta.

检查玩家是否有特定的 meta 值。

If the meta_type is a number format (DOUBLE, LONG, INTEGER) it will check if the player's meta value is greater than or equal to the value
To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has meta").

若 meta_type 为数字格式 (DOUBLE, LONG, INTEGER),那么它将会默认比较玩家的 meta 值是否大于等于该条件中给定的值。
若要反转条件(检查玩家 meta 值是否小于给定值) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!has meta")

                 Has exp | 经验值检测

  1. type: has exp
  2. amount: #
  3. level: boolean # true if you want to check for exp levels, false for exp points

  - amount

Checks if the player has the exp level or points.


If the level option does not exist, it will check for exp points by default
To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!has exp").

若 level 参数不存在,默认将会检查玩家的经验值而不是经验值等级。
若要反转条件(检查玩家经验值是否小于给定值) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!has exp")

                 Is Near | 坐标距离检测

  1. type: is near
  2. location: "WORLDNAME,X,Y,Z"
  3. distance: #

  - loaction
  - distance

Checks if the player is within distance of location.


To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!is near").

若要反转条件(检查玩家所处位置是否不处于给定坐标的半径范围内) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!is near")

                 JavaScript | JavaScript 表达式

  1. type: javascript
  2. expression: 'EXPRESSION'

  1. type: javascript
  2. expression: '%vault_eco_balance% >= 100'

Evaluates a JavaScript expression that must return true or false.

计算必须返回 true 和 false 的 JS 表达式的结果。

                 String Equals | 字符串比较

  1. type: string equals
  2. input: "TEXT"
  3. output: "TEXT"

  1. type: string equals
  2. input: "%server_name%"
  3. output: "HelpChat"

Checks if input: matches output: (Case sensitive).

比较变量(input:)和给定字符串(output:)是否相等 (大小写敏感)
To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!string equals").

若要反转条件(检查变量是否不等于给定字符串) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!string equals")

                 String Equals Ignore Case | 无视大小写的字符串比较

  1. type: string equals ignorecase
  2. input: "TEXT"
  3. output: "TEXT"

  1. type: string equals ignorecase
  2. input: "%server_name%"
  3. output: "helpchat"

Checks if input: matches output: (Case insensitive).

比较变量(input:)和给定字符串(output:)是否相等 (无视大小写)

To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't match the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!string equals ignorecase").

若要反转条件(检查变量是否不等于给定字符串) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!string equals ignorecase")

                 String Contains | 字符串比较 (包含)

  1. type: string contains
  2. input: "TEXT"
  3. output: "TEXT"

  1. type: string contains
  2. input: "%server_name%"
  3. output: "chat"

Checks if input: contains output: (Case sensitive).

比较变量(input:)和给定字符串(output:)是否相等 (大小写敏感)

To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't contain the output) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!string contains").

若要反转条件(检查变量是否不包含于给定字符串中) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!string contains")

                 Regex matches | 正则表达式比较

  1. type: regex matches
  2. input: "TEXT"
  3. regex: "EXPRESSION"

Checks if input: contains the regular expression in regex:.
Visit this site to create regular expressions easily.

To invert the requirement (Check if the input doesn't contain the regular expression) you can simply add the exclamation mark before the type name (like this type: "!regex matches").

若要反转条件(检查变量是否不符合给定给定表达式) 你只需要简单地在条件种类名称前加上感叹号。
(例如: "!regex matches")

                 Comparators | 数值比较

  1. type: (==, >=, <=, !=, >, <)
  2. input: #
  3. output: #

比较 input:regex: 的值。


==input: 等于 output:
>=input: 大等于 output:
<=input: 小等于 output:
!=input: 不等于 output:
>input: 大于 output:
<input: 小于 output:

Examples | 示例

                 Open Requirement | 开启条件

  1. open_requirement:
  2.   requirements:
  3.     example_1:
  4.       type: has permission
  5.       permission: open.menu.one
  6.   deny_commands:
  7.     - "[message] &cYou don't have the permission."

                 View Requirement | 查看条件

  1. view_requirement:
  2.   requirements:
  3.     example_2:
  4.       type: string equals
  5.       input: "%player_is_op%"
  6.       output: "yes"

                 Left/Right Click Requirement | 左/右键条件

  1. # left_click_requirement: or
  2. right_click_requirement:
  3.   requirements:
  4.     example_3:
  5.       type: has money
  6.       amount: 100
  7.   deny_commands:
  8.     - "[message] &7You don't have enough money."

                 Minimum Requirements | 最小值条件

  1. click_requirement:
  2.   minimum_requirements: 1
  3.   stop_at_success: true
  4.   deny_commands:
  5.     - "[message] &7You don't have 1 of the 2 permissions required."
  6.   requirements:
  7.     perm1:
  8.       type: has permission
  9.       permission: perm.1
  10.     perm2:
  11.       type: has permission
  12.       permission: perm.2
  13. click_commands:
  14. - "[message] &7You have 1 of the 2 permissions required."

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-4-4 00:23 编辑
| DeluxeMenu |

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

| External menus | 导入菜单

         Creating a new menu | 创建一个新菜单

1. 打开位于该位置的配置文件 plugins/DeluxeMenus/config.yml.
2. 在 gui_menus: 项下填入下列文本以注册新菜单:
  1.   <MenuName>:
  2.     file: <FileName>.yml

  - <MenuName> 为菜单名称 (不可重复) .
  - <FileName> 为菜单的文件名, 用以防止因菜单名称重复而引起的文件读取错误 (不可重复).
注意! 你也可以使用诸如: <文件夹>/<文件名>.yml ,这样可以做到将菜单放入子目录(文件夹)中分别管理.
  1. gui_menus:
  2.   <MenuName>:
  3.     file: <FileName>.yml

3. 重载本插件 (也可输入 /dm reload).
4. 生成的菜单文件将会被保存在 gui_menus 文件夹中 (路径为 plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus).
5. 完成! 接下来就可以随意编辑菜单了.

         Moving a menu from config to its own file | 从配置中分离出独立的菜单文件
1. 打开配置文件,位于 plugins/DeluxeMenus/config.yml.
2. 转到菜单一栏,并将参数编辑为下列选项:
  1.     file: <FileName>.yml

  - <FileName> 为菜单的文件名, 用以防止因菜单名称重复而引起的文件读取错误 (不可重复).
  1.   YourMenuName:
  2.     file: <FileName>.yml
  3.     menu_title: "Your Title"
  4.     size: #
  5.     # etc

3. 重载本插件 (也可输入 /dm reload).
4. 生成的菜单文件将会被保存在 gui_menus 文件夹中 (路径为 plugins/DeluxeMenus/gui_menus). 找到并打开该文件.
5. 在配置文件中剪切菜单的片段 (从第一行直到你为菜单设置的 file: 参数的最后一行).
6. 找到一个已经载入的菜单,将片段复制进去 (在上一步复制所得).
7. 在每一行前删去四个空格. 你也可以通过全选文本内容 (按下 CTRL + A 键) 然后按下左移键 (按下 CTRL + [/} 键) 两次 (该操作可能不在所有的文本编辑器里支持, 例如 Notepad++).
8. 重载本插件 (也可输入 /dm reload).
9. 完成!经过操作的的菜单配置文件应当像这样:
  1. menu_title: "Your Title"
  2. size: #
  3. # etc

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-2-2 01:00 编辑
| DeluxeMenu |

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

| Example GUI menus | 示例菜单

         Kits | 示例菜单 礼包

A simple example to show you how you can make a Kits menu that displays 3 different items for each kit, when the kit is available to claim, when it's on cooldown and when it's unavailable (Locked).


To make this work fine you have to download Essentials and download the Essentials expansion using:
/papi ecloud download Essentials
/papi reload

若要使该菜单正常运作,你需要安装​​ Essentials(EssentialsX) 并且下载 Essentials 基础变量拓展。可用下列指令来下载变量拓展:
/papi ecloud download Essentials
/papi reload

         Mines | 示例菜单 矿场

A simple example to show you how you can make a Mines menu that displays 3 items for each mine, when the mine is unlocked, when it's the current mine and when it's locked.


To make this work fine you have to download EzRanksPro and download Player and EzRanksPro expansions using:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download EzRanksPro
/papi reload

若要使该菜单正常运作,你需要安装 EzRanksPro 并且下载 EzRanksPro 和 Player 变量拓展。可用下列指令来下载变量拓展:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download EzRanksPro
/papi reload

         Ranks | 示例菜单 等级称号

A simple example to show you how you can make a Ranks menu that displays 2 items for each rank, when the rank is not purchased and when the rank or a higher rank is purchased.


To make this work fine you have to download LuckPerms and download Player and LuckPerms expansions using:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download LuckPerms
/papi reload

若要使该菜单正常运作,你需要安装 LuckPerms 并且下载 LuckPerms 和 Player 变量拓展。可用下列指令来下载变量拓展:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download LuckPerms
/papi reload

         Server Selector | 示例菜单 跨服选择

A simple example to show you how you can make a Server Selector menu that displays 2 different items for each server, when the server is online and when it's offline.


To make this work fine you have to download Pinger and (optional) Server expansions using:
/papi ecloud download Pinger
/papi ecloud download Server
/papi reload

若要使该菜单正常运作,你需要安装 Pinger 以及 (可选) Server 变量拓展。可用下列指令来下载变量拓展:
/papi ecloud download Pinger
/papi ecloud download Server
/papi reload

In this example, we have 2 different servers on one BungeeCord: vanilla and games. We are on the server games in this example.

在这个示例菜单内,我们有两个搭建在 BungeeCord 上的子服: 原版和小游戏。我们在这个示例菜单中处于小游戏子服。

If we want the player to connect to the vanilla server, we need to setup the right functions in the left_click_commands: **section
In our example, we will first close the menu with [close], send a message to the player with [message] and finally connect him to the server with [connect].

如果我们想要玩家连接至原版子服,我们需要在 left_click_commands: 项下设置正确的指令 **section
在我们的示例菜单内,我们首先使用 [close] 参数关闭菜单,使用 [message] 参数向玩家发送消息,最后才使用参数 [connect] 将玩家连接至对应的服务器。

To show, how many players are on the server vanilla, we will use the placeholder %pinger_players_<ip>:<port>%
Please keep in mind, that Pinger placeholders have their own update interval, to change it, go to the PlaceholderAPI config file and change the check_interval: (default is 30 seconds).
But what if the server is currently offline?
In this case, we can use a second item with a lower priority, that will be displayed, if the view_requirement: of the first item isn't true.
So now we can show a different item, if the server is offline. But keep in mind that the items don't update automatically, if the view requirement has changed (from Offline to Online). We can update the menu, by letting the player execute [refresh] if he clicks on the item.

为了显示,有多少玩家在原版子服上,我们需要用到变量 %pinger_players_<ip>:<端口>%
请记住,Pinger 变量有它们自己的更新间隔,若要修改它,请去 PlaceholderAPI 的配置文件下修改 check_interval: 参数(默认为 30秒)。
在这种情况下,我们就可以使用一个优先度稍低的物品,该物品将会在 view_requirement: 参数返回值为非 true 时替换先前的物品展示在菜单中的该格子内。
所以现在我们可以展示一个不一样的物品,如果服务器不在线的话。但请记住这个物品不会自动刷新,如果服务器在菜单打开期间启动(从 Offline 变为 Online)。我们就可以通过玩家在点击菜单按钮时执行的 [refresh] 参数来刷新物品。

The second item is easier. Because we are already connected, so we just need to send a message. And we can show the amount of players on the server with the %server_online% placeholder.

第二个物品相对更简单。因为我们已经连接到了该服务器,所以我们只需要向玩家发送一条信息。并且我们还可以使用 %server_online% 变量来显示当前服务器内的玩家数量。
         Store | 示例菜单 商店

A simple example to show you how you can make a Store/Shop menu that you can buy/sell items from using various economic systems.


To make this work fine you have to download the Player and CheckItem expansions and the expansion of the economic system that you'll use using:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download CheckItem
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi ecloud download TokenEnchant
/papi ecloud download PlayerPoints
/papi reload
****Token Enchant****
****Player Points****
​****Player XP****

若要使该菜单正常运作,你需要安装 Player 以及 CheckItem 变量拓展,以及你将会用到的经济系统的变量拓展(这里是 Vault, PlayerPoints 以及 TokenEnchant)。可用下列指令来下载变量拓展:
/papi ecloud download Player
/papi ecloud download CheckItem
/papi ecloud download Vault
/papi ecloud download TokenEnchant
/papi ecloud download PlayerPoints
/papi reload

****Token Enchant****
****Player Points****
​****Player XP****
         Meta | 示例菜单 元数据

A simple example to show you how meta works.

一个简单的示例菜单,向你展示 Meta(见上述 meta 介绍部分) 如何工作。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-2-2 01:02 编辑
| DeluxeMenu |

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

| Plugin's files | 示例配置

  1. # DeluxeMenus 1.13.1-Release main configuration file
  2. #
  3. # A full wiki on how to use this plugin can be found at:
  4. # https://github.com/help-chat/DeluxeMenus/wiki

  5. debug: false
  6. check_updates: true
  7. gui_menus:
  8.   basics_menu:
  9.     file: basics_menu.yml
  10.   advanced_menu:
  11.     file: advanced_menu.yml
  12.   requirements_menu:
  13.     file: requirements_menu.yml

  1. #  A DeluxeMenus basic configuration guide for beginners
  2. #=========================================================
  3. #
  4. # This note will help you understand the basic functions and configuring of DeluxeMenus: commands, requirements, items and others, and from then on you can start to work with more advanced stuff. You can delete this note or any note below at any time. But if you are still here anyway, then let's move down below
  5. #

  6. # Open Command
  7. #
  8. # This setting is the command that will be used to open this menu. Supports normal String or a String List
  9. # NOTE: Use "open_command: []" to create a menu with no commands needed
  10. #
  11. # open_command: <command>
  12. # open_command:
  13. #   - <command1>
  14. #   - <command2>
  15. #
  16. open_command: basicsmenu

  17. # Size
  18. #
  19. # This allows you to set the size of the menu inventory. Range from 9-54.
  20. # If this option is not present in the menu configuration, it will default to 54.
  21. #
  22. size: 9

  23. # Menu title
  24. #
  25. # This is the title of the menu. You can change it with your custom name
  26. # Color codes and placeholders are supported
  27. #
  28. menu_title: 'Basics Menu'

  29. # Open requirement
  30. #
  31. # This setting section allows you to define requirements the menu viewer must meet
  32. # to be allowed to open this menu in game.
  33. #
  34. # Any menu you want to restrict access to based on permission
  35. # should have a basic "has permission" requirement
  36. #
  37. # This setting and requirements can be explained more in depth by checking out
  38. # the requirements_menu.yml file in your menus folder.
  39. # For full reference, check https://github.com/help-chat/DeluxeMenus/wiki/Requirements
  40. #
  41. open_requirement:
  42.   requirements:
  43.     permission:
  44.       type: has permission
  45.       permission: deluxemenus.admin
  46.       deny_commands:
  47.         - '[message] &cYou don''t have permission to do that!'

  48. # Item section. This is where you can start add items into menu, and add functions into each items that you did.
  49. # For depth explanation on the functions, you can check on the note given from config.yml
  50. # For full reference, check https://github.com/help-chat/DeluxeMenus/wiki/Item
  51. #
  52. items:
  53.   # Here you need to set the name ID of the item. This name however, does not display on the menu. Every item must have a unique name ID.
  54.   # In this example, we will call this item name ID: "teststone"
  55.   'teststone':
  56.     #We will start to create a STONE item,
  57.     material: STONE
  58.     # with a Block data set to 1, so that you can change stone type from STONE to GRANITE. More informations about the block data can be checked through each items from Minecraft Wikipedia
  59.     data: 1
  60.     # Slots that you want to put the item. Starts from 0
  61.     slot: 0
  62.     # Here we will name this item. You can change this at anytime. PlaceholderAPI & Color codes supported
  63.     display_name: "&aThis is a special stone"
  64.     # This is the lore setting. Referrence of this same with display_name.
  65.     # You can create multiple lines of lores like this
  66.     lore:
  67.       - "&aTest1"
  68.       - "&cTest2"
  69.       - "&eTest3"

  70. # ==============================================================
  71. #
  72. # Random tips, tricks, and useful info below
  73. #
  74. # ==============================================================
  75. #
  77. #
  78. # Per item permissions and priorities are optional.
  79. # High priority = 1, Lowest priority = 2147483647.
  80. # This allows you to show different items for a specific menu slot depending on the highest priority
  81. # item permission a player has. This makes your menus very dynamic :)
  82. #
  83. # You CAN NOT specify a permission without a priority!
  84. # You CAN specify a priority without a permission.
  85. # You should always create a low priority item without a permission which will act as the no permission
  86. # item if a player does not have permission for any of the items that require permission, otherwise
  87. # no item will be set in the slot if a player does not have permission for any of the permission items.
  88. #
  89. # ==============================================================
  90. #
  91. # You specify the command which opens the menu. Make sure this command
  92. # does not conflict with any existing commands on your server!
  93. # A GUI menu without an open command specified will not be loaded!
  94. #
  95. # Menus configuration layout:
  96. # menu_title: '<title of menu goes here>'
  97. # command: <command to open this menu goes here>
  98. # inventory_type: '<add this option if you want to create a menu of a different InventoryType aside from chest>'
  99. # open_requirement:
  100. #   requirements:
  101. #     <unique name for this requirement>:
  102. #    type: <type for this requirement>
  103. #    <unique options per requirement type would go here>
  104. #    deny_commands:
  105. #    - '[message] you do not meet requirements to open this menu'
  106. #   size: <size of this menu, increments of 9, max size is 54>
  107. #   update_interval: <time in seconds this gui should update for a player if an item is set to uodate placeholders>
  108. #   items:
  109. #     <item identifier>:
  110. #       material: <name or id>
  111. #       material: head-<name of player>
  112. #       material: hdb-<HeadDatabase id> (requires plugin HeadDatabase)
  113. #       data: <integer, used for data values for wool etc>
  114. #       amount: <amount of this item to show>
  115. #       slot: <slot number to put this item, slots start at 0 and end at 53 for a size 54 inventory>
  116. #       priority: <this is used if you have multiple items set for the same slot>
  117. #       view_requirement: <see view requirement info below. The lowest priority item a player meets all view requirements for will be shown>
  118. #       update: <true/false if this item should update placeholders on the interval set for the gui menu this item is in>
  119. #       hide_attributes: <true/false if this item should display item attributes>
  120. #       hide_enchantments: <true/false if this item should display item enchantment / level> (useful for 'enchantment glow' items)
  121. #       hide_effects: <true/false if this item should display item effect attributes>
  122. #       hide_unbreakable: <true/false if this item should display item unbreakable attributes>
  123. #       banner_meta: (this is used if you want to display a custom banner with specific patterns)
  124. #       - <dyecolor>;<PatternType> (more information on where to find DyeColor and PatternType names below)
  125. #       - 'RED;BASE'
  126. #       - 'WHITE;CREEPER'
  127. #       display_name: <display name to show for this item>
  128. #       lore:
  129. #       - 'This is the lore of the itemm'
  130. #       - 'placeholders can be used in the display_name or lore.'
  131. #       enchantments: valid enchantment names can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html
  132. #       - '<ENCHANTMENT>;<LEVEL>'
  133. #       - 'SILK_TOUCH;1'
  134. #       left_click_commands:
  135. #       right_click_commands:
  136. #       shift_left_click_commands:
  137. #       shift_right_click_commands:
  138. #       middle_click_commands:
  139. #       left_click_requirement: <Learn how to use this option in the requirements_menu.yml>
  140. #       right_click_requirement: <Learn how to use this option in the requirements_menu.yml>
  141. #       shift_left_click_requirement: <Learn how to use this option in the requirements_menu.yml>
  142. #       shift_right_click_requirement: <Learn how to use this option in the requirements_menu.yml>
  143. #       middle_click_requirement: <Learn how to use this option in the requirements_menu.yml>
  144. #
  145. #
  146. # You can specify if a GUI menu should be loaded from another file:
  147. #
  148. # gui_menus:
  149. #   <menuName>:
  150. #     file: 'menuName.yml'
  151. #
  152. # This allows you to keep your config clean and not have tons of GUI menus cluttering it.
  153. # The file format the GUI menu is loaded from must end in .yml
  154. # GUI menus loaded from other configuration files must follow a specific format as well...
  155. # To get started loading GUI menus from different files, simply create a GUI menu in this config and specify the file it will load from.
  156. # After that is done, use /dm reload and DeluxeMenus will create a folder and file specific to the GUI menu you specified.
  157. # If the file specified is created by DeluxeMenus (because it did not exist), a default GUI menu layout will be saved to that file.
  158. # From here you can edit it to your liking and use /dm reload to update your GUI menu!
  159. #
  160. # This loading from external config files is only available for gui menus and will not work for click menus yet....
  161. #
  162. # banner_meta must be listed with a specific format:
  163. # banner_meta:
  164. # - <DyeColor>;<PatternType>
  165. #
  166. # Valid DyeColor names can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/DyeColor.html
  167. # Valid PatternTypes can be found here: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/block/banner/PatternType.html
  168. # ==============================================================
  169. #
  170. # Requirement information
  171. #
  172. # Requirements can be set as the following:
  173. #
  174. # open_requirement: This requirement is checked when a menu is opened
  175. # view_requirement: This requirement determines if an item should be set in a menu slot
  176. # left_click_requirement: This requirement is checked when an item is left clicked
  177. # right_click_requirement: This requirement is checked when an item is right clicked
  178. #
  179. # Requirement types:
  180. #   javascript - Evaluates a javascript expression that must return true or false
  181. #     configuration options:
  182. #       expression
  183. #
  184. #   has item - Checks if a player has a specific item
  185. #     configuration options:
  186. #       material
  187. #       amount
  188. #       data
  189. #       name
  190. #       lore
  191. #
  192. #   has money - Checks if a player has enough money (Vault required)
  193. #     configuration options:
  194. #       amount
  195. #
  196. #   has permission - Checks if a player has a specific permission
  197. #     configuration options:
  198. #       permission
  199. #
  200. #   string contains - Checks if a string contains another string
  201. #     configuration options:
  202. #       input
  203. #       output
  204. #
  205. #   string equals - Checks if a string equals another string
  206. #     configuration options:
  207. #       input
  208. #       output
  209. #
  210. #   string equals ignorecase - Checks if a string equals another string ignoring case
  211. #     configuration options:
  212. #       input
  213. #       output
  214. #
  215. #   > - Checks if a number is greater than another number
  216. #     configuration options:
  217. #       input
  218. #       output
  219. #
  220. #   >= - Checks if a number is greater than or equal to another number
  221. #     configuration options:
  222. #       input
  223. #       output
  224. #
  225. #   == - Checks if a number is equal to another number
  226. #     configuration options:
  227. #       input
  228. #       output
  229. #
  230. #   <= - Checks if a number is less than or equal to another number
  231. #     configuration options:
  232. #       input
  233. #       output
  234. #
  235. #   < - Checks if a number is less than another number
  236. #     configuration options:
  237. #       input
  238. #       output
  239. #
  240. #   regex matches - Checks if a placeholder parsed string matches a regex pattern
  241. #     configuration options:
  242. #       input
  243. #       regex
  244. #
  245. #
  246. #
  247. # So why would we want to use requirements?
  248. # By default, DeluxeMenus does not require a player meet any conditions to open your menu.
  249. # If you want to require a menu need a certain permission node for it to be accessed, or a certain amount of money
  250. # for a menu to be opened, You do that with an 'open_requirement'.
  251. # Below is an example of how you would deny opening a menu if the viewer does not have permission:
  252. #
  253. # menu_title: 'Menu that requires permission to open'
  254. # open_command: testmenu
  255. # size: 9
  256. # open_requirement:
  257. #   requirements:
  258. #     this_requirement_name:
  259. #       type: has permission
  260. #       permission: 'testmenu.open'
  261. #       deny_commands:
  262. #       - '[message] you do not have permission to open testmenu'
  263. #
  264. # ==============================================================
  265. #
  266. # Every item in the items list must have a unique <item identifier>
  267. #
  268. # If you choose to update placeholders for a specific item, you must specify update_interval: <time>
  269. # in the menu options for the specific menu.
  270. #
  271. # Every click_command must start with a specific identifier to know what to do for the execution.
  272. # Valid click_command identifiers:
  273. #
  274. # [console] - Execute a command from the console
  275. # Usage: - '[console] <command with no slash>'
  276. #
  277. # [player] - Execute a command for the menu viewer
  278. # Usage: - '[player] <command with no slash>'
  279. #
  280. # [commandevent] - Fire a PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent for commands that do not use the bukkit command system
  281. # Usage: - '[commandevent] <command with no slash>'
  282. #
  283. # [message] - Send a message to the menu viewer
  284. # Usage: - [message] <message to send to the player
  285. #
  286. # [openguimenu] - Open a GUI menu (can only be used in GUI menu click_commands)
  287. # Usage: - '[openguimenu] <guiMenuName>'
  288. #
  289. # [connect] - Connect to the specified bungee server
  290. # Usage: - '[connect] <serverName>'
  291. #
  292. # [close] - Close the viewers open menu
  293. # Usage: - '[close]
  294. #
  295. # [refresh] - Refresh items in the current menu view
  296. # Usage: - '[refresh]
  297. #
  298. # [broadcastsound] - Broadcast a sound to the server
  299. # Usage: - '[broadcastsound]
  300. #
  301. # [sound] - Play a sound for a the specific player
  302. # Usage: - '[sound]
  303. #
  304. # [json] - Send a json message to the menu viewer
  305. # Usage: - '[json] {"text":"message"}'
  306. #
  307. #
  308. #
  309. # You can delay any of the click command being performed by ending the command with
  310. # <delay=(time in TICKS)>
  311. # example:
  312. #     - '[close]'
  313. #     - '[message] it has been 5 seconds since the menu closed!<delay=100>'
  314. #     - '[message] it has been 10 seconds since the menu closed!<delay=200>'
  315. #

  1. #  A DeluxeMenus advanced configuration guide
  2. #=========================================================
  3. menu_title: '&8> &6&lD&eM &bAdvanced Example'
  4. open_command:
  5.   - advancedmenu
  6.   - advancedexamplemenu
  7.   - themostadvancedmenuintheworld
  8. open_commands:
  9.   - '[sound] BLOCK_BEACON_ACTIVATE'
  10.   - '[message] &7Opening Advanced example menu, Plugin created by &bextended_clip&7!'
  11. size: 27
  12. # as always, only cool people can open this menu :)
  13. open_requirement:
  14.   requirements:
  15.     permission:
  16.       type: has permission
  17.       permission: deluxemenus.admin
  18.       deny_commands:
  19.         - "[message] &8[&bDeluxe&eMenus&8] &cYou don't have perms for this!"
  20. items:
  21.   'example':
  22.     material: LIME_DYE
  23.     slot: 11
  24.     priority: 1
  25.     update: true
  26.     hide_attributes:  true
  27.     display_name: '&bExample Kit'
  28.     lore:
  29.       - ''
  30.       - '&7Cooldown : &f3 Days'
  31.       - '&7Left Click to Redeem'
  32.     view_requirement:
  33.       requirements:
  34.         kit_requirement:
  35.           type: string equals
  36.           input: '%essentials_kit_is_available_example%'
  37.           output: 'yes'
  38.         kit_perm:
  39.           type: has permission
  40.           permission: essentials.kits.example
  41.     left_click_commands:
  42.       - '[player] kit example'
  43.       - '[close]'
  44.   'examplecd':
  45.     material: GRAY_DYE
  46.     slot: 11
  47.     priority: 2
  48.     update: true
  49.     hide_attributes:  true
  50.     display_name: '&cExample Kit Unavailable'
  51.     lore:
  52.       - '&7This kit is on cooldown!'
  53.       - '&7You must wait : &f%essentials_kit_time_until_available_example%'
  54.       - '&7Before using this kit again.'
  55.     view_requirement:
  56.       requirements:
  57.         kit_perm:
  58.           type: has permission
  59.           permission: essentials.kits.example
  60.   'examplenoperm':
  61.     material: GRAY_DYE
  62.     slot: 11
  63.     priority: 3
  64.     update: true
  65.     hide_attributes:  true
  66.     display_name: '&7Example Kit'
  67.     lore:
  68.       - '&7You do not have permission for this kit!'
  69.   'shopexample':
  70.     material: head-extended_clip
  71.     slot: 12
  72.     display_name: '&r'
  73.     lore:
  74.       - '&7Shop example using'
  75.       - '&7view requirements!'
  76.       - '&fLeft click to purchase.'
  77.     priority: 1
  78.     view_requirement:
  79.       requirements:
  80.         shop_perm:
  81.           type: has permission
  82.           permission: deluxemenus.shopexample
  83.     left_click_commands:
  84.       - '[sound] ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST'
  85.       - '[console] give %player_name% skull 1 player:extended_clip name:&bExtended_Clip lore:&8<lore>|&7Example_Shop_Item|&8<lore>'
  86.       - '[message] &8[&6&lDeluxeShop&8] &fYou have succesfully purchased &7extended_clips &fhead!'
  87.       - '[console] eco take %player_name% 666'
  88.       - '[close]'
  89.     left_click_requirement:
  90.       requirements:
  91.         balance_check:
  92.           type: has money
  93.           amount: 666
  94.   'shopnoperm':
  95.     material: head-extended_clip
  96.     slot: 12
  97.     display_name: '&7No permission'
  98.     lore:
  99.       - '&8You are missing the &bdeluxemenus.shopexample'
  100.       - '&8permission which is required to view the item!'
  101.       - '&fLeft click to close the menu.'
  102.     left_click_commands:
  103.       - '[sound] ENTITY_SNOW_GOLEM_DEATH'
  104.       - '[close]'
  105.       - '[message] &8[&6&lDeluxeShop&8] &fYou have closed the menu! &7(1 Second message delay!) <delay=20>'
  106.   'filler_item':
  107.     material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  108.     slots:
  109.       - 0
  110.       - 1
  111.       - 2
  112.       - 3
  113.       - 4
  114.       - 5
  115.       - 6
  116.       - 7
  117.       - 8
  118.     display_name: ' '

  1. #
  2. # Requirements tutorial menu v1.0
  3. # authors: clip
  4. #
  5. # contributor: Andre_601
  6. #
  7. # In this tutorial you will learn all about menu requirements
  8. # Requirements allow you to restrict actions or even an entire menu to specific players.
  9. #
  10. # You can read more about requirements here:
  11. #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements
  12. #
  13. menu_title: 'Requirements Menu'
  14. open_command: requirementsmenu
  15. size: 9
  16. #
  17. # as always, only cool people can open this menu :)
  18. #
  19. open_requirement:
  20.   requirements:
  21.     permission:
  22.       #
  23.       # "has permission" checks if a player has the required permission
  24.       #
  25.       # Read more:
  26.       #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements#has-permission
  27.       #
  28.       type: has permission
  29.       permission: deluxemenus.shop
  30.       deny_commands:
  31.         - '[message] &cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
  32. items:
  33.   #
  34.   # Example 1: Shop Item
  35.   #
  36.   # This is a gold block, which allows you to buy or sell gold blocks for money.
  37.   #
  38.   'gold_block':
  39.     material: GOLD_BLOCK
  40.     slot: 0
  41.     lore:
  42.     - '&7Buy/Sell GOLD_BLOCK'
  43.     - ''
  44.     - '&7- Left-click: &bBuy 1 &7for &a$100'
  45.     - '&7- Right-click: &bSell 1 &7for &a$50'
  46.     - '&7- Shift-left-click: &bBuy 64 &7for &a6,400'
  47.     - '&7- Shift-right-click: &bSell 64 &7for &a$3,200'
  48.     #
  49.     # Requirement(s) when left-clicking an item.
  50.     #
  51.     left_click_requirement:
  52.       requirements:
  53.         #
  54.         # "has money" checks if the player has enough money. Requires Vault.
  55.         # "amount" defines how much the player needs to at least have.
  56.         #
  57.         # Read more:
  58.         #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements#has-money
  59.         #
  60.         has_money:
  61.           type: has money
  62.           amount: 100
  63.       deny_commands:
  64.       - '[message] &cYou don''t have enough money for this!'
  65.     #
  66.     # Command(s) to execute when left-clicking the item.
  67.     # Those commands won't be executed when the above requirements aren't met.
  68.     #
  69.     # Read more:
  70.     #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/item#shift-left-middle-right-click-commands
  71.     #
  72.     left_click_commands:
  73.     - '[console] give %player_name% GOLD_BLOCK 1'
  74.     - '[takemoney] 100'
  75.     - '[message] &aYou bought 1 &6GOLD_BLOCK &afor $100'
  76.     #
  77.     # Requirement(s) for right-clicking an item.
  78.     #
  79.     right_click_requirement:
  80.       requirements:
  81.         #
  82.         # "has item" checks if the player has the specified item in their inventory.
  83.         # Except for "material" and "amount" are all other values optional and will default to a specific value.
  84.         # We check for if the player has 1 gold block.
  85.         #
  86.         # Read more:
  87.         #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements#has-item
  88.         #
  89.         has_item:
  90.           type: has item
  91.           material: 'GOLD_BLOCK'
  92.           amount: 1
  93.         deny_commands:
  94.         - '[message] &cYou don''t have enough &6GOLD_BLOCK &cto sell! Required: 1'
  95.     #
  96.     # Command(s) to execute when right-clicking the item.
  97.     # Those commands won't be executed when the above requirements aren't met.
  98.     #
  99.     # Read more:
  100.     #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/item#shift-left-middle-right-click-commands
  101.     #
  102.     right_click_commands:
  103.     - '[console] clear %player_name% GOLD_BLOCK 1'
  104.     - '[console] eco give %player_name% 50'
  105.     - '[message] &aYou sold 1 &6GOLD_BLOCK &afor $50'
  106.     #
  107.     # Requirement(s) when left-clicking an item while holding shift on the keyboard.
  108.     #
  109.     shift_left_click_requirement:
  110.       requirements:
  111.         #
  112.         # "has money" checks if the player has enough money. Requires Vault.
  113.         # "amount" defines how much the player needs to at least have.
  114.         #
  115.         # Read more:
  116.         #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements#has-money
  117.         #
  118.         has_money:
  119.           type: has money
  120.           amount: 6400
  121.         deny_commands:
  122.         - '[message] &cYou don''t have enough money for this!'
  123.     #
  124.     # Command(s) to execute when left-clicking the item while holding shift.
  125.     # Those commands won't be executed when the above requirements aren't met.
  126.     #
  127.     # Read more:
  128.     #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/item#shift-left-middle-right-click-commands
  129.     #
  130.     shift_left_click_commands:
  131.     - '[console] give %player_name% GOLD_BLOCK 64'
  132.     - '[takemoney] 6400'
  133.     - '[message] &aYou bought 64 &6GOLD_BLOCK &afor $6400'
  134.     #
  135.     # Requirement(s) when right-clicking an item while holding shift on the keyboard.
  136.     #
  137.     shift_right_click_requirement:
  138.       requirements:
  139.         #
  140.         # "has item" checks if the player has the specified item in their inventory.
  141.         # Except for "material" are all other values optional and will default to a specific value
  142.         # which is either nothing (name) or 1 (amount).
  143.         # We check for if the player has 64 gold blocks.
  144.         #
  145.         # Read more:
  146.         #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/requirements#has-item
  147.         #
  148.         has_item:
  149.           type: has item
  150.           material: GOLD_BLOCK
  151.           amount: 64
  152.         deny_commands:
  153.         - '[message] &cYou don''t have enough &6GOLD_BLOCK &cto sell! Required: 64'
  154.     #
  155.     # Command(s) to execute when right-clicking the item while holding shift.
  156.     # Those commands won't be executed when the above requirements aren't met.
  157.     #
  158.     # Read more:
  159.     #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/item#shift-left-middle-right-click-commands
  160.     #
  161.     shift_right_click_commands:
  162.     - '[console] clear %player_name% GOLD_BLOCK 64'
  163.     - '[console] eco give %player_name% 3200'
  164.     - '[message] &aYou sold 64 &6GOLD_BLOCK &afor $3200'
  165.   #
  166.   # Example 2: Free diamonds!
  167.   #
  168.   # This is a diamond, which will only be visible for people, that don't have the permission deluxemenus.free_diamonds.cooldown
  169.   # When you click the item will you get a diamond and a permission is set (using LuckPerms) temporary (acts as cooldown) before
  170.   # refreshing the GUI to update the displayed item.
  171.   #
  172.   'free_diamonds':
  173.     material: DIAMOND
  174.     slot: 1
  175.     lore:
  176.     - '&aFREE DIAMOND! [1/day]'
  177.     - ''
  178.     - '&7Click to get 1 free &bdiamond&7!'
  179.     #
  180.     # "priority" is used in case you have multiple items on the same slot.
  181.     # A lower number equals a higher priority.
  182.     #
  183.     priority: 0
  184.     #
  185.     # view_requirement makes it possible to only display the item when the requirements are met.
  186.     # When the requirements aren't met and a item with lower priority occupies the same slot, will it be displayed instead.
  187.     #
  188.     # Read more:
  189.     #   https://wiki.helpch.at/clips-plugins/deluxemenus/options-and-configurations/item#view-requirement
  190.     #
  191.     view_requirement:
  192.       requirements:
  193.         has_not_perm:
  194.           #
  195.           # "!has permission" checks if the player does NOT have the specified permission.
  196.           #
  197.           type: "!has permission"
  198.           permission: deluxemenus.free_diamonds.cooldown
  199.     #
  200.     # We give the item, set the permission with it expiring in 1 day and refresh the GUI to update the item.
  201.     #
  202.     left_click_commands:
  203.     - '[console] give %player_name% DIAMOND 1'
  204.     - '[console] lp user %player_name% permission settemp deluxemenus.free_diamonds.cooldown true 1d'
  205.     - '[refresh]'
  206.     #
  207.     # We give the item, set the permission with it expiring in 1 day and refresh the GUI to update the item.
  208.     #
  209.     right_click_commands:
  210.     - '[console] give %player_name% DIAMOND 1'
  211.     - '[console] lp user %player_name% permission settemp deluxemenus.free_diamonds.cooldown true 1d'
  212.     - '[refresh]'
  213.   #
  214.   # Example 3: Placeholder item
  215.   #
  216.   # This is a stone, that will be displayed as long as the player has the permission deluxemenus.free_diamonds.cooldown
  217.   #
  218.   'free_diamonds_cooldown':
  219.     material: STONE
  220.     slot: 1
  221.     lore:
  222.     - '&aFREE DIAMOND! [1/day]'
  223.     - ''
  224.     - '&cYou''re currently on cooldown. Click to refresh.'
  225.     #
  226.     # Higher number equals lower priority, meaning this item will only be displayed once the view_requirement of the
  227.     # above isn't met anymore.
  228.     #
  229.     priority: 1
  230.     #
  231.     # We refresh the GUI to update the item, if the view_requirement no longer matches.
  232.     #
  233.     left_click_commands:
  234.     - '[refresh]'
  235.     #
  236.     # We refresh the GUI to update the item, if the view_requirement no longer matches.
  237.     #
  238.     right_click_commands:
  239.     - '[refresh]'

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-4-4 00:18 编辑
| DeluxeMenu |

The all in one GUI menu plugin!

| Commands | 命令列表

/dm open <菜单名称>deluxemenus.open打开选定菜单。
/dm open <菜单名称> <玩家名称>deluxemenus.open.others对指定玩家打开选定菜单。
/dm open <菜单名称> -p:<操作对象>deluxemenus.placeholdersfor为自己打开菜单,但其中变量的判断对象会变成其他玩家(取决于你设置的操作对象)。
/dm open <菜单名称> <玩家名称> -p:<操作对象>deluxemenus.placeholdersfor对指定玩家打开菜单,但其中变量的判断对象会变成其他玩家(取决于你设置的操作对象)。
/dm listdeluxemenus.list列出载入的菜单。
/dm execute <玩家名称> <执行动作>玩家需为管理员为玩家执行操作. 检阅页面 Action Type 获得更多信息。
/dm reloaddeluxemenus.reload重载插件文档。
/dm reload <菜单名称>deluxemenus.reload重载选定菜单。

| Commands Aliases | 命令别名

- /deluxemenus
- /deluxemenu
- /dmenu

| Permissions | 权限列表

deluxemenus.placeholdersfor.exempt阻止你成为他人打开菜单时的变量判断对象,如该权限将阻止 /DM Open <菜单名称> -p:<你的名字>.

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-4-4 00:58 编辑
| EzRanksPro |

The most customizable /rankup plugin

| Description | 插件介绍

EzRanksPro allows users to rank-up the easy way, with a very flexible and extremely customizable rank-up system built for server owners by server owners. The config requires minimal effort an is a quick and simple setup.

本插件允许用户以简单的方式提升等级, 同时也有一个为服务器管理员制准备, 易于管理且高度自定义的等级系统。配置文件最多只需要简单快速的安装即可应用于服务器。

| Setup | 安装

To give a player or group access to a rankup, they need access to the permission node associated with it! Without it EZRanksPro does not know what rankup they have access to. If you create a rankup for rank A to B, you will need to give the A rank the permission node: ezranks.rank.A. This will tell EZRanksPro that players in A should have the rankup associated with A. Players can have access to multiple ezranks.rank. permission nodes, the highest order rankup will always be applied for the player.
For a player to be considered the last rank, they need to have the permission node: ezranks.lastrank This tells EZRanksPro that the player is at the last rank and has no more rankups available.
Inside of your rankups.yml you will see a section with each rankup named rankup_actions. In this section you may list many actions that the plugin will perform when a player ranks up. The format for actions are:
-'<action> <arguments>'
You must include required arguments :
<required>, (optional)
You may delay any rankup action by ending the action String with  example:
-'[consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 '

若要使玩家或权限组获得提升等级的许可,它(们)需要获得相对应的权限! 如果没有权限, 插件将不能让玩家能够进行升级. 如果你创建了一个从等级A到等级B的升级, 你将会需要给予等级A的玩家(或权限组) ezranks.rank.A, 这就是告诉了插件: A 等级中的玩家或权限组是可以进行与之相关的升级操作的。玩家在拥有多个 ezranks.rank 权限节点的情况下, 默认进行最高等级的升级。
对于一个处在最终等级的玩家来说, 他们需要拥有权限 ezranks.lastrank, 这就是在告诉插件: 这个玩家是最高等级的玩家, 不需要更多的等级提升了。
在你的 rankups.yml 文件中, 你将会找到一个存储着被命名为 rankup_action 的各等级升级操作。在这个区域内你可以列出插件在玩家升级后需要执行的操作。操作的格式应当是这样的:

- '<操作> <参数>'

(译者注: 在上一行所属文本的末尾加上)

<必选参数>, (可选参数)

你也许需要在升级完毕后延迟一些操作的执行, 那你就需要在字符串末尾添加一个空格, 就像这样:
(译者注: 请注意字符串末尾的空格)

- '[consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 '

         Rankup action list | 升级操作一览

[consolecommand]  - perform a console command
[playercommand]  - make the player perform a command
[message]  - send the player a message
[broadcast]  - send the server a message
[jsonmessage]  - send the player a json message
[jsonbroadcast]  - send the server a json message
[actionbarmessage]  - send the player an actionbar message
[actionbarbroadcast]  - send the server an actionbar message
[addgroup]  (world) - add the player to a permissions group
[removegroup]  (world) - remove the player from a permissions group
[addpermission]  (world) - add a permission node to the player
[removepermission]  (world) - remove a permission node from a player
[setprefix]  - set the players prefix
[setsuffix]  - set the players suffix
[effect]  - play an effect at the players location
[sound]    - play a sound at the players location

[consolecommand]  - 执行控制台命令
[playercommand]  - 以玩家身份执行命令
[message]  - 向玩家发送消息
[broadcast]  - 向全服发送公告
[jsonmessage]  - 向玩家发送 json 格式的消息
[jsonbroadcast]  - 向全服发送 json 格式的公告
[actionbarmessage]  - 向玩家发送 ActionBar 消息
[actionbarbroadcast]  - 向全服发送 ActionBar 消息
[addgroup]  (指定生效世界名称) - 将玩家添加至权限组
[removegroup]  (指定生效世界名称) - 将玩家从权限组移出
[addpermission]  (指定生效世界名称) - 给予玩家权限
[removepermission]  (指定生效世界名称) - 移除玩家权限
[setprefix]  - 设置玩家前缀
[setsuffix]  - 设置玩家后缀
[effect]  - 在玩家的位置播放粒子效果
[sound]  - 在玩家的位置播放一段音效

         Placeholder list | 内置变量列表

Placeholders can be used in your rankup actions and messages. Placeholders list:
%player% - players name
%displayname% - players displayname
%world% - players current world
%rank% - players current rank
%rankup% - players next rank (if they have one)
%cost% - cost to rankup
%cost_formatted% - formatted cost to rankup
%balance% - players balance
%balance_formatted% - players formatted balance
%difference% - amount still needed
%difference_formatted% - formatted amount still needed
%progress% - rounded % of rankup cost obtained
%progressexact% - exact % of rankup cost obtained
%rankprefix% - players current rank prefix defined in this file
%rankupprefix% - players next rank prefix defined in this file
%lastrank% - last rank available
%lastrankprefix% - last rank available prefix
%rankup_cost_% - show the cost for a specific rank
%rankup_cost_formatted_% - show the formatted cost for a specific rank
%rankup_is_completed_% - show if a player has completed the specified rank

这些是你可以用在消息或执行操作中的变量(译者注: 当然也支持 PlaceholderAPI 注册的的变量).
%player% - 玩家名
%displayname% - 玩家展示名(含前后缀)
%world% - 玩家当前世界
%rank% - 玩家当前等级
%rankup% - 玩家下一等级 (如果有)
%cost% - 升级消耗
%cost_formatted% - 带格式的升级消耗
%balance% - 玩家金钱数
%balance_formatted% - 带格式的玩家金钱数
%difference% - 距下一级的剩余要求
%difference_formatted% - 带格式的距下一级的剩余要求
%progress% - 精确到 % 的结合后耗费
%progressexact% - 实际 % 的结合后耗费
%rankprefix% - 玩家等级的文档内定义名
%rankupprefix% - 玩家下一等级的文档内定义名
%lastrank% - 可用的最高等级
%lastrankprefix% - 可用最高等级的前缀
%rankup_cost_% - 显示特定等级的耗费
%rankup_cost_formatted_% - 带格式显示特定等级的耗费
%rankup_is_completed_% - 显示玩家是否已经升级到(过)指定等级

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-4-4 01:13 编辑
| EzRanksPro |

The most customizable /rankup plugin

| Player Commands | 玩家命令

/ranksezranks.listranks列出当前服务器内可用等级列表, 包含升级所需条件

| Admin Commands | 管理员命令

/ezadmin help打开管理员帮助菜单。
/ezadmin createrankup <始等级> <至等级> <耗费>在升级中创建并加载命令中指定的升级 rankups.yml 中的等级。
/ezadmin deleterankup <rankFrom>同时从内存和 rankups.yml 中删除一个正在使用的等级升级。
/ezadmin list列出所有/当前等级可用的等级升级。
/ezadmin info <rankFrom> <rankTo>显示特定等级升级的详细信息。
/ezadmin forcerankup <player>强制玩家升级。
/ezadmin reload重载 config(配置文件)/rankups(等级升级存储文件).yml

         Commands aliases | 命令别名

/rankup: /ezru, /ru, /ezr, /promote
/ranks: /rankslist
/autorankup: /arankup

| Permissions | 权限列表

ezranks.lastrank告诉插件这个玩家是最高等级的玩家, 不需要更多的等级提升了。
ezranks.cooldown.bypass若启用绕过冷却, 则该权限可用于绕过冷却。

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-6-6 09:16 编辑
| EzRanksPro |

The most customizable /rankup plugin

| Configuration | 配置文档

  1. # EZRanksPro 1.9.0 main configuration file
  2. # Created by extended_clip
  3. check_updates: true
  4. debug: false
  5. check_primary_group_for_available_rankup: false
  6. chat_prefix_enabled: false
  7. log_rankups_to_file: false
  8. confirm_to_rankup:
  9.   enabled: true
  10.   time: 10
  11. rankup_cooldown:
  12.   enabled: true
  13.   time: 30
  14. ranks_command_enabled: true
  15. ranks:
  16.   use_custom_message: true
  17.   custom_message:
  18.   - '&8&m----------'
  19.   - '&aA&f: &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f100'
  20.   - '&bB&f: &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f200'
  21.   - '&cC&f: &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f300'
  22.   - '&8&m----------'
  23.   header:
  24.   - '&8&m----------'
  25.   format_previous_ranks: '&8%rank% to %rankto%: Completed'
  26.   format_current_rank: '&f%rank% to %rankto%: &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f%cost%'
  27.   format_incomplete_ranks: '&7%rank% to %rankto%: &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f%cost%'
  28.   format_last_rank: '&f%lastrank%: &cLast rank!'
  29.   format_is_last_rank: '&f%lastrank%: &aYou are the last rank!'
  30.   footer:
  31.   - '&8&m----------'
  32. money:
  33.   use_custom_format: false
  34.   custom_format: '#,###.00'
  35.   thousands_format: k
  36.   millions_format: M
  37.   billions_format: B
  38.   trillions_format: T
  39.   quadrillions_format: Q
  40. progress_bar:
  41.   has_color: '&a'
  42.   needs_color: '&8'
  43.   end_color: '&e'
  44.   left_character: '['
  45.   bar_character: ':'
  46.   right_character: ']'
  47.   is_full: '&a/rankup'
  48. placeholders:
  49.   rank_completed: completed
  50.   rank_not_completed: incompleted
  51. autorankup:
  52.   enabled: true
  53.   check_interval: 60

  1. # EZRanksPro multiplier.yml file
  2. # This file allows you to create custom cost multipliers and discounts
  3. # Discounts need to be listed in the rankup_cost_discounts: section
  4. # Multipliers need to be listed in the rankup_cost_multipliers section
  5. #
  6. # The format for a multiplier and discount is the same:
  7. # <unique identifier>:
  8. #   priority: <unique number>
  9. #   permission: <your custom permission for this multiplier/discount>
  10. #   percentage: <your percentage to add on/take off of the cost>
  11. #
  12. # You can list as many multipliers/discounts you like for each section.
  13. # Each multiplier/discount must have a unique priority set!!!
  14. # The priority determines what multiplier comes first in your list
  15. # If a player happens to have multiple discount or multiplier
  16. # permissions, the lowest priority will always be applied
  17. #
  18. # The percentage system works just like a discount at a store...
  19. # If you set a discount percentage to 99.0 for a rank that cost 100 dollarsanyone with that discount permission will only pay 1 dollar
  20. # The format for percentage can include a decimal ex: 1.25, 99.9, 1, 1.05
  22. # Discounts can not exceed a 100% percentage,
  23. # if your discount makes the rankup cost negative
  24. # the price will default to 1
  25. # You can set multipliers to any percentage: 400.0, 200.0 etc
  26. # If a player has permission for a cost multiplier and discount, the multiplier will always be applied before the discount
  27. # is applied. Meaning: player has a multiplier to make ranking up cost twice as much and has perm for discount
  28. # The discount will be applied to the new cost AFTER the multiplier is applied.
  29. rankup_cost_discounts:
  30.   example:
  31.     priority: 1
  32.     permission: some.discount.permission
  33.     percentage: 0.0
  34. rankup_cost_multipliers:
  35.   example:
  36.     priority: 1
  37.     permission: some.multiplier.permission
  38.     percentage: 0.0

  1. # EZRanksPro rankups.yml file
  2. # Create your rankups in this file.
  3. # If you need a default template, delete the rankups: section and
  4. # let it regenerate an example rankup.
  5. #
  6. # rankup_actions are a list of
  7. # actions which will be executed
  8. # when a player successfully ranks up
  9. #
  10. # You must include required arguments
  11. # <required>, (optional)
  12. # rankup_action list:
  13. # [consolecommand] <command> - perform a console command
  14. # [playercommand] <command> - make the player perform a command
  15. # [message] <message> - send the player a message
  16. # [broadcast] <message> - send the server a message
  17. # [jsonmessage] <json>- send the player a json message
  18. # [jsonbroadcast] <json> - send the server a json message
  19. # [actionbarmessage] <message> - send the player an actionbar message
  20. # [actionbarbroadcast] <message> - send the server an actionbar message
  21. # [addgroup] <group> (world) - add the player to a permissions group
  22. # [removegroup] <group> (world) - remove the player from a permissions group
  23. # [addpermission] <permission> (world) - add a permission node to the player
  24. # [removepermission] <permission> (world) - remove a permission node from a player
  25. # [setprefix] <prefix> - set the players prefix
  26. # [setsuffix] <suffix> - set the players suffix
  27. # [effect] <effect> - play an effect at the players location
  28. # [sound] <sound> <volume> <pitch> - play a sound at the players location
  29. #
  30. # You can delay any of the rankup actions being performed by ending the action with
  31. # <delay=(time in seconds)>
  32. # example:
  33. # [consolecommand] eco give %player% 100 <delay=10>
  34. #
  35. # Placeholders can be used in your rankup actions and messages:
  36. #
  37. # %player% - players name
  38. # %displayname% - players displayname
  39. # %world% - players current world
  40. # %rank% - players current rank
  41. # %rankup% - players next rank (if they have one)
  42. # %cost% - cost to rankup
  43. # %cost_formatted% - formatted cost to rankup
  44. # %balance% - players balance
  45. # %balance_formatted% - players formatted balance
  46. # %difference% - amount still needed
  47. # %difference_formatted% - formatted amount still needede
  48. # %progress% - rounded progress % based on cost - balance
  49. # %progressexact% - exact progress % based on cost - balance
  50. # %progressbar% - custom progressbar based on cost - balance
  51. # %rankprefix% - players current rank prefix defined in this file
  52. # %rankupprefix% - players next rank prefix defined in this file
  53. # %lastrank% - last rank available
  54. # %lastrankprefix% - last rank available prefix
  55. # %rankup_cost_<rankname>% - show the cost for a specific rank
  56. # %rankup_cost_formatted_<rankname>% - show the formatted cost for a specific rank
  57. # %rankup_is_completed_<rankname>% - show if a player has completed the specified rank

  58. last_rank:
  59.   rank: Z
  60.   prefix: '&8[&bZ&8]'
  61. requirement_message:
  62. - '&8&m------------'
  63. - '&cYou need &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_2        ]f%cost% &cto rankup to %rankupprefix%'
  64. - '&8&m------------'
  65. rankups:
  66.   A:
  67.     order: 1
  68.     prefix: '[A]'
  69.     rankup_to: B
  70.     cost: 1000.0
  71.     rankup_actions:
  72.     - '[broadcast] &6&l>&b&l> &6%player% &eranked up to &7[&e&l%rankup%&7]'
  73.     - '[addgroup] %rankup%'
  74.     - '[removegroup] %rank%'

  1. # EZRanksPro messages file
  2. no_permission: '&cYou don''t have the permission node &f{0} &cto do that!'
  3. rankup_last_rank: '&7You are at the last rank and have no more rankups.'
  4. rankup_no_rankups: '&cYou don''t have any rankups available at your current rank.'
  5. rankup_confirm_message: |-
  6.   &aAre you sure you want to rankup to &f%rankup% for &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_3        ]f%cost%?
  7.   &aType &7/rankup &ato confirm.
  8. rankup_on_cooldown: '&cYou need to wait %time% more seconds until you can rankup again!'
  9. ranks_no_ranks_loaded: '&cThere are no ranks loaded!'
  10. target_not_online: '&f{0} &cis not online!'
  11. force_rankup_no_rankup: '&f{0} &cdoes not have any rankups available at rank &f{1}&c!'
  12. force_rankup_success: '&f{0} &awas successfully ranked up from &f{1} &ato &f{2}&a!'
  13. autorankup_toggle_on: '&aAutoRankup toggled on.'
  14. autorankup_toggle_off: '&7AutoRankup toggled off.'
  15. autorankup_last_rank: '&cYou are at the last rank and have no need to autorankup!'
  16. autorankup_no_rankups: '&cYou do not have a rankup at your current rank and will not
  17.   be able to autorankup!'

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-6-6 10:00 编辑
| EzPrestige |

Let players /prestige the EZ way

| Description | 插件介绍

Keep it going! EZPrestige gives you the ability to add prestige levels to your server's rank up system, where players can start over as a prestige player when they reach a certain rank.
EzPrestige gives players the ability to prestige using /prestige. Features plenty of configurable requirements for prestiging, as well as placeholders to display the prestige info such as prefix, next prestige and much more.

加油! 本插件为你服务器的玩家等级提供了一个额外的声望系统。在这里,当玩家的等级到达一定程度时,他们便可以选择获得声望并从其他的等级重新开始升级。
(译者注: 类似于某些RPG服务器的转职)
本插件为玩家添加了一个 /prestige 命令。插件的大部分内容均可配置,包括升声望所需要求,以及显示信息的前缀内容,还有下一声望等级,等等等等。

| Features | 插件特色

Ability to create unlimited prestige levels!
Highly customizable.
Built-in GUI to display all prestige levels.
An option to confirm before upgrading to the next prestige level.
Supports any chat plugin to display the prestige level!
Supports any rank up system/plugin.
Ability for players to prestige
Highly customizable.
Placeholders to display prestige info
Compatible with rankup plugins (EzRanksPro, etc)
Permission based

(译者注: 原文此处重复故不作翻译)
与升级插件兼容(例如上述的 EzRanksPro 等)

| Dependencies | 插件依赖

(译者注: 原文此处为空,可能是没有编辑好的缘故)

Vault 搭配任意一款经济插件 (升级声望等级需要消耗硬币)

EZPrestige requires any rank up system/plugin to work properly and fulfill its purpose.


(译者注: 这里不仅仅只支持 DeluxeChat。)

| Setup | 安装

To display the prestige tag within your deluxechat chat format, use the placeholder provided by the ezprestige expansion
download the expansion using /papi ecloud download ezprestige (make sure to reload PlaceholderAPI afterwards)
set the prestige placeholder %ezprestige_prestige% within your format
Other placeholders (https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/ezprestige/)
Put the EZPrestige jar file you downloaded in your plugins folder.
Download a rank up plugin (such as EZRanksPro) or set up your own.
Restart the server.
Modify the config.yml file that was generated to fit your server's layout (File path: /plugins/EZPrestige/).
Create your prestige levels in prestiges.yml file. Don't forget to give the players the prestige permission (ezprestige.prestige.<Prestige Number>) in the prestige_commands section!
Reload EZPrestige /prestige reload.
Check the Commands & Permissions page, to give players access to the commands you want them to use.
And you're done!

为了在你的 DeluxeChat 插件内能够显示声望等级的变量,你需要用 exprestige 变量拓展来启用这些变量
使用命令 /papi ecloud download ezprestige 来下载变量拓展 (下载完后记得重载插件)
将变量 %ezprestige_prestige% 插入你的聊天格式中
其他变量在此处可供浏览 https://api.extendedclip.com/expansions/ezprestige/
将本插件放置在你服务器的 plugins 目录下
修改 config.yml (位于 .../plugins/EZPrestige/config.yml)使之适合你服务器的风格
在 prestiges.yml 创建并修改你自己的声望等级。不要忘记在 prestige_commands 区设置玩家必需的权限 (ezprestige.prestige.<声望数字>)!
输入命令 /prestige reload 来重载本插件以应用修改。
查阅 命令与权限 页面,来设置你想让玩家使用的命令。

         Essentials Chat | Ess 聊天插件

If you are using Essentials Chat you will need to do the following
Open the Essentials config and find the EssentialsChat section
Place the prestige placeholder for essentials chat {prestige} inside the format

对于正在使用 Essentials(X)Chat 的用户,你需要这么做:
打开 Essentials 的 config.yml (译者注: 位于 .../plugins/Essentials/config.yml) 并找到 EssentialsChat 区域
修改变量为 {prestige} 并插入你的格式中,即可正常使用。
(译者注: 安装 EChatPapi 插件可无视上述操作)

| Useful Guides | 实用教程

[YouTube] koz4christ - Minecraft 服务器管理员指导手册

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-7-9 23:03 编辑
| EzPrestige |

Let players /prestige the EZ way

| Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限

         Player Commands | 玩家命令

/Prestiges-如果启用GUI 选项将会显示所有可用威望等级或显示升级界面

         Admin Commands | 管理员命令

/Prestige ReloadEZPrestige.Admin重载插件文档
/Prestige VersionEZPrestige.Admin显示插件版本

/prestige: /ezprestige
/prestiges: /ezprestiges

         Permissions | 权限列表


本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-7-9 22:23 编辑
| EzPrestige |

Let players /prestige the EZ way

| Configuration | 配置文件

  1. # EZPrestige version: 1.2.2 Main Configuration
  2. #
  3. # prestige_rank: <rank players are able to /prestige>
  4. # confirm_to_prestige: <true/false>
  5. # chat_integration: <true/false>
  6. # messages: <-customize your messages
  7. # valid placeholders:
  8. # %cost% - cost to prestige
  9. # %balance% - players balance
  10. # %prestige% - next prestige number
  11. # %displaytag% - next prestige displaytag
  12. # %prestigerank% - rank player needs to be to use /prestige
  13. # %rank% - players permission group
  14. prestige_rank: Free
  15. confirm_to_prestige: true
  16. chat_integration: true
  17. op_prestige_display_tag: '&8[&c999&8]'
  18. no_prestige_display_tag: '&8[&c0&8]'
  19. gui:
  20.   use_prestiges_gui: true
  21.   display_name: '&cPrestiges'
  22.   size: 18
  23.   completed_prestige:
  24.     material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  25.     data: 13
  26.     amount: 1
  27.     display_name: '%displaytag%'
  28.     lore:
  29.     - '&acompleted'
  30.   current_prestige:
  31.     material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  32.     data: 5
  33.     amount: 1
  34.     display_name: '%displaytag%'
  35.     lore:
  36.     - '&aYour current prestige'
  37.   next_prestige:
  38.     material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  39.     data: 7
  40.     amount: 1
  41.     display_name: '%displaytag%'
  42.     lore:
  43.     - '&7Next prestige'
  44.     - '&a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f%cost%'
  45.   unavailable_prestige:
  46.     material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
  47.     data: 14
  48.     amount: 1
  49.     display_name: '%displaytag%'
  50.     lore:
  51.     - '&cPrestige to unlock'
  52.     - '%displaytag%'
  53. messages:
  54.   not_at_prestige_rank:
  55.   - '&cYou need to be &f%prestigerank% &cto prestige!'
  56.   not_enough_money:
  57.   - '&cYou need &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f%cost% &cto prestige to &f%displaytag%&c!'
  58.   confirm_prestige:
  59.   - '&bAre you sure you want to prestige?'
  60.   - '&bYour rank will reset and you will need to'
  61.   - '&bstart over. Type &f/prestige &bto confirm!'
  62.   last_prestige:
  63.   - '&bYou are at the last prestige!'
  64.   prestiges_command:
  65.     completed_prestige: '&7%displaytag% &f- &aCompleted'
  66.     current_prestige: '&7%displaytag% &f- &aCurrent prestige!'
  67.     next_prestige: '&7%displaytag% &f- &a[        DISCUZ_CODE_0        ]f%cost%'
  68.     unavailable_prestige: '&7%displaytag% &f- &cPrestige to unlock!'
  69.     header:
  70.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'
  71.     - '&cPrestige list:'
  72.     footer:
  73.     - '&8&m-----------------------------------------------------'

  1. # EZPrestige prestiges file
  2. #
  4. # ezprestige.prestige.<prestige> TO THE PLAYER IN ORDER FOR
  6. # IN EVERY prestige_commands LIST
  7. #
  8. # Prestige format:
  9. #
  10. # prestiges:
  11. #   <prestigeName>:
  12. #     prestige: <number> MUST START AT 1, NO DUPLICATE NUMBERS OR SKIPPING
  13. #     cost: <amount>
  14. #     display_tag: <prefix>
  15. #     prestige_commands:
  16. #     - <commands here>
  17. #
  18. # Use {prestige} in your chat formatting plugin to show the
  19. # display_tag if a player has a Prestige!
  20. #
  21. # valid placeholders for prestige_commands:
  22. # %cost% - cost to prestige
  23. # %balance% - players balance
  24. # %prestige% - next prestige number
  25. # %displaytag% - next prestige displaytag
  26. # %prestigerank% - rank player needs to be to use /prestige
  27. # %rank% - players permission group
  28. prestiges:
  29.   prestige1:
  30.     prestige: 1
  31.     cost: 100000
  32.     display_tag: '&8[&c1&8]'
  33.     prestige_commands:
  34.     - pex user %player% group remove %rank%
  35.     - pex user %player% group add A
  36.     - pex user %player% add ezprestige.prestige.1
  37.     - ezmsg &bYou are now &f%prestige%&b!
  38.     - ezbroadcast &f%player% &bhas just prestiged to &f%displaytag%&b!

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-7-9 23:00 编辑
| InventoryFull |

Totally customizable alert plugin to inform players when they don't have inventory space!

| Description | 插件描述

InventoryFull is a very small plugin that alerts players when they don't have inventory space!
Simply enable any of the following ways to alert players in the config file and use /invfull reload. After the alert type is enabled, when players get a full inventiry they will be alerted!

可以在配置中设置通过下列的多种方式提醒玩家,并使用命令 /invfull reload 来重载插件文档。当对应方式的提醒被启用后,每次玩家背包满时都会收到这些消息。

| Features | 插件特色

5 Ways to send the full inventory alert.
Highly customizable.
Play a sound when the alert is sent.

5 种不同的提醒方式。

| Alerts | 背包提醒

Types of alerts:
ChatMessage - send an inventory full message through chat!
Actionbar (Requires ActionAnnouncer) - send an inventory full message through the actionbar!
Title and subtitle (Requires TitleManager) - send an inventory full message through the Title and subtitle!
Holograms (Requires HolographicDisplays) - send an inventory full message with a hologram!
Sound - play a sound to a player when they have a full inventory!

ChatMessage (聊天栏) - 将消息发送至玩家的聊天栏!
Actionbar (需要插件 ActionAnnouncer) - 在 Actionbar 发送提醒!
Title 与 Subtitle (标题,小标题,需要插件 TitleManager) - 在准心上方发送标题提醒!
Holograms (悬浮字,需要 HolographicDisplays) - 在玩家附近生成悬浮字提醒玩家!
Sound - 在玩家背包满时用音效提醒玩家!

| API | 插件调用

There is an API that will allow you to listen to a special event that is fired when a player has a full inventory and breaks a block that won't fit!
Here is an example:

这里有一个 API ,允许你监听一个特殊事件,即当玩家背包满时仍在挖掘背包中没有或已有但无法拾起的方块时执行事件

  1. @EventHandler
  2. public void onFull(InventoryFullEvent e) {

  3.     //player with full inventory
  4.     Player p = e.getPlayer();

  5.     //item that does not fit in players inventory
  6.     ItemStack i = e.getItem();

  7. }

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-7-9 22:50 编辑
| InventoryFull |

Totally customizable alert plugin to inform players when they don't have inventory space!

| Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限

         Admin Commands | 管理员命令

/inventoryfull reload重载本插件的配置文件。inventoryfull.admin

等效用法: /invfull 或 /infull

         Permissions | 权限一览

inventoryfull.admin允许使用命令 /inventoryfull 和 /inventoryfull reload。op

| InventoryFull |

Totally customizable alert plugin to inform players when they don't have inventory space!

| Configuration | 示例配置

  1. # InventoryFull version 1.8
  2. # Created by: extended_clip
  3. # Valid placeholders:
  4. # %block% - display the dropped item type
  5. # %player% - display the players name
  6. #   
  7. # For valid sounds, visit http://jd.bukkit.org/rb/apidocs/org/bukkit/Sound.html
  8. cooldown_time: 5
  9. max_alerts_until_cooldown: 5
  10. sound_when_full:
  11.   enabled: true
  12.   sound: NOTE_PLING
  13.   volume: 10
  14.   pitch: 1
  15. chat_message:
  16.   use_chat_message: true
  17.   message:
  18.   - '&cYour inventory is full!'
  19. actionannouncer:
  20.   use_actionbar: false
  21.   display_time: 5
  22.   message:
  23.   - '&cYour inventory is full!'
  24.   - '&4Your inventory is full!'
  25. titlemanager:
  26.   use_title: false
  27.   title: '&cYou don''t have room in your inventory'
  28.   subtitle: to collect that &f%block%&c!
  29.   fade_in: 12
  30.   fade_out: 12
  31.   duration: 20
  32.   use_actionbar: false
  33.   actionbar_message: '&cYou don''t have room in your inventory'
  34. holographicdisplays:
  35.   use_hologram: false
  36.   message:
  37.   - '&cYour inventory'
  38.   - '&cis full!'
  39.   display_time: 3

| MessageAnnouncer |

JSON message interval announcements with multiple lines and support for tons of placeholders!

| Description | 插件介绍

MessageAnnouncer allow server owners to create custom message using JSON which can be sent at a set interval.

本插件允许服主使用 JSON 创建定时发送的自定义消息。

| Features | 插件特色

Ability to use JSON
Ability to use regular text using the [text] tag
Ability to send the messages in a random order
Ability to set a custom interval
Ability to play a sound when a message is sent
You can create unlimited announcements
Highly customizable.
PlaceholderAPI support

允许使用 JSON
允许通过标签 [text] 引用相似文本
支持 PlaceholderAPI

本帖最后由 名副其实 于 2022-7-9 23:10 编辑
| MessageAnnouncer |

JSON message interval announcements with multiple lines and support for tons of placeholders!

| Commands & Permissions | 命令与权限

         Admin Commands | 管理员命令

/messageannouncer startmessageannouncer.admin开始定时公告
/messageannouncer stopmessageannouncer.admin停止定时公告
/messageannouncer list <active(正在推送)/all(全部公告)>messageannouncer.admin列出正在推送或全部的公告
/messageannouncer sendmessageannouncer.admin向玩家发送一条公告
/messageannouncer announce (判断变量的玩家)messageannouncer.admin向所有玩家发送公告
/messageannouncer reloadmessageannouncer.admin重载配置文件

/messageannouncer: /msgannouncer 或 /msadmin

         Permissions | 权限列表


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