本帖最后由 02223289680 于 2020-5-29 23:21 编辑
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It has been a busy week for us but we still wanted to squeeze out a snapshot as we've been busy squashing a bunch of bugs.
Experimental Rendering Changes
We've included some experimental changes to graphics rendering in this snapshot, which might reveal some issues on a small number of older graphics cards.
If do you find any new graphical bugs then please report them to the bug tracker with the make and model of your graphics card as well as which operating system you are using ?
New Features in 20w22a
Piglins now sometimes dance in celebration of a completed hunt ?
Changes in 20w22a
Villager workstation logic changes
Bells can be hung from the underside of more blocks
When a villager that was traded with is struck by lightning, the witch it is converted to will no longer despawn
Players can no longer mount another entity when the crouch key is held down ?
Villager Workstation Logic
Villagers no longer try to work at the same workstation
The most experienced nearby villager for the profession corresponding to the workstation you add will get the workstation
Villagers now have to walk to and reach the workstation before they can acquire the profession / work there
Villagers can no longer claim workstations / professions during raids or night time.
Villagers will check and make sure their workstation is valid at all times of day as long as they are within 16 blocks of their workstation. ?
Technical Changes in 20w22a
Slightly changed datapack loading to prevent custom datapacks from crashing
Cached repeated block type lookups and collisions during pathfinding for increased performance
Minor optimizations in collision detection
Top level element in predicate file can now be array (all contents will be ANDed)
Added shader support for accessing depth buffer.
Renderer now uses per-pixel blending layers for some transparent elements. ?
Datapack loading
If datapack reload fails, changes will not be applied and game will continue using previous data
If existing datapacks prevent world from loading, game will give option to load world in safe mode, which loads only vanilla datapack
Changes to datapack list are stored only after successful reload
Added --safeMode option to server to load only with vanilla datapack
Game will now detect critical datapack issues, like missing required tags and prevent world from being loaded ?
Fixed bugs in 20w22a
MC-667 Lily pads can be placed intersecting entities
MC-4065 Messages/commands sent while in a bed won't be remembered in sent history
MC-112131 Intersecting dungeons: spawner replaced by cobblestone
MC-118594 Removal of Log4J2Plugins.dat causing a slowdown of 3 secs on startup while it has to rescan all classes
MC-120805 Pig rotation is wrong when you see a player riding them with carrot on a stick
MC-124812 Endermen holding a block can despawn
MC-125006 Stronghold and dungeon generate over each other
MC-134755 All short mobs drown just below the surface of water
MC-143443 Redstone dust block states don't update properly if the wire is broken by a piston
MC-148893 Fox spawners do not render the fox inside of the block
MC-150806 Multiple villagers are attached to the same profession block
MC-153787 Zombie Reinforcements can spawn on glass
MC-156161 Some chest loot is randomized across the same seed, unlike before 1.14
MC-156866 Villagers level from Apprentice to Journeyman with less experience than shown by XP bar
MC-157303 Villagers wake up and seek a new "home" (bed) while living in a 2 high house
MC-157436 Player position is constantly reset when clicking with a sword or a trident onto the ground in creative mode
MC-162340 World border is rendered behind transparent blocks
MC-162665 Food does not drop from a campfire when it is put out with a shovel/water bottle
MC-163910 Hand animation sometimes plays for a second time with high ping
MC-164233 "Skilled" villagers without job site do not get precedence over unemployed villagers
MC-165549 Arm swing animation is still played when drinking an item
MC-166135 Bees inside a nest/hive don't grow up or get their breeding timer reset
MC-167039 Right-clicking on a spawner with the same mob spawn egg as in spawner plays hand animation
MC-169891 Zombie Reinforcements can spawn in regardless if light level is higher than 9 in nether (hard difficulty)
MC-171515 Semi-transparent items don't render properly in front of semi-transparent blocks
MC-171553 Basalt can generate inside Nether fortresses
MC-172079 The /clear command output doesn't count items in the inventory crafting grid
MC-172142 Items are invisible while being picked up
MC-172197 Nylium is not dropping netherrack when it is broken by pickaxe
MC-172272 /clear removes all items from crafting grid regardless of item type
MC-172479 Hoglins immediately attack invisible players
MC-172980 Light does not propagate across chunk borders properly
MC-173032 Fossils can overwrite the stronghold end portal
MC-173063 Redstone wire doesn't update connections going up or down when being placed by commands
MC-173197 Zombified Piglin does not hold its arms upwards like a zombie
MC-173404 Desync when mounting an entity while sneaking
MC-173552 Nether Fossil support islands are sometimes cut off at chunk borders
MC-174307 Nether fossil stops basalt pillar
MC-174325 Mushrooms or Nether fungi can replace the stem of large nether fungi (trees)
MC-174692 Shroomlights, wart blocks and vines can overwrite the stem of large Nether fungi
MC-174932 Right-to-left text appears left-to-right after game start until language is changed
MC-175553 Piglins don't drop their inventories when converted to zombified piglins
MC-176020 If a player is riding a strider, other players can not see the animation of the strider
MC-176051 Glowstone in the offhand sets spawn point and charges respawn anchor at the same time
MC-176147 Basalt randomly gets cut off
MC-176628 Frost Walker protects player from fire
MC-177150 Ticking entity java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tag minecraft:fire used before it was bound
MC-177265 Piglin and Zombified Piglin right arm/leg/loincloth textures are identical to the left ones
MC-177626 Spruce generation is broken
MC-177870 Soul campfire doesn’t deal twice the amount of damage as normal campfire
MC-177888 Blackstone can’t be used to repair stone tools and weapons using an anvil
MC-177962 Giant fungi can replace waterlogged blocks when growing
MC-177970 Player can occasionally be forced into crawling in one block tall spaces
MC-178003 Fossils can generate inside of desert temples
MC-178441 Endermen don't avoid the wither's skull projectiles
MC-179020 Jigsaw blocks do not disappear post-gen when structure is spawned using the 'Generate' action from an initial jigsaw
MC-179890 Fire stops ticking forever if gamerule doFireTick is set to false once
MC-179909 2x2 trees sometimes fail to grow, but if they grow, they always grow on the surface
MC-180098 Farmer villagers' farming behavior is broken
MC-180771 Observer not updating when tree grows leaves in front of it
MC-180877 Fire does not spread from netherack to other blocks
MC-181108 Right-to-left text is displayed left-to-right at all times
MC-181464 When a piglin picks up a shield the gear equip sound is infinitely spammed
MC-181529 Ctrl + Pick Block no longer copies skull / head NBT data properly
MC-181555 When replacing a snow layer with a grass block, podzol or mycelium, the block has the "snowy=true" blockstate
MC-182666 Parity issue: Piglins do not have a dancing animation when celebrating their victory
MC-182888 Compasses and clocks work like normal in villager trading GUI
MC-182919 Horse armour stops rendering if you equip the horse with a saddle by right-clicking
MC-182967 Throwing ender pearl whilst mounted doesn't teleport you
MC-183275 Basalt pillars end above the lava in Java Edition but inside of the lava in Bedrock Edition
MC-183374 Text on signs stops rendering while still in view
MC-183496 Enchantment glint doesn't render in boat interior
MC-183718 Stronghold end portal can be overwritten by ocean ruins
MC-183808 "Bee Our Guest" advancement does not trigger when harvesting honey from bee nests
MC-183860 Zombie villager converted from villager gets PersistenceRequired depending on whether attacking zombie had it
MC-184482 End Gateways don't generate after defeating the ender dragon
MC-184609 Text renders in the wrong order
MC-184619 Piglins riding on other entities float
MC-184629 Piglins riding on hoglins or other piglins automatically dismount them
MC-184730 [Crash] "java.lang.NullPointerException: mouseClicked event handler" Some Superflat presets crash immediately when trying to generate them
MC-184740 Structures generated in previous versions are not recognised as valid structures, causing mobs not to spawn
MC-184778 Redstone dust can be toggled between cross and dot in adventure mode
MC-184936 Old Minecraft logo in the end poem/credits
MC-185156 Worldgen settings are not validated and can cause crashes
大家看中文的日志 ↑
It has been a busy week for us but we still wanted to squeeze out a snapshot as we've been busy squashing a bunch of bugs.
Experimental Rendering Changes
We've included some experimental changes to graphics rendering in this snapshot, which might reveal some issues on a small number of older graphics cards.
If do you find any new graphical bugs then please report them to the bug tracker with the make and model of your graphics card as well as which operating system you are using ?
New Features in 20w22a
Piglins now sometimes dance in celebration of a completed hunt ?
Changes in 20w22a
Villager workstation logic changes
Bells can be hung from the underside of more blocks
When a villager that was traded with is struck by lightning, the witch it is converted to will no longer despawn
Players can no longer mount another entity when the crouch key is held down ?
Villager Workstation Logic
Villagers no longer try to work at the same workstation
The most experienced nearby villager for the profession corresponding to the workstation you add will get the workstation
Villagers now have to walk to and reach the workstation before they can acquire the profession / work there
Villagers can no longer claim workstations / professions during raids or night time.
Villagers will check and make sure their workstation is valid at all times of day as long as they are within 16 blocks of their workstation. ?
Technical Changes in 20w22a
Slightly changed datapack loading to prevent custom datapacks from crashing
Cached repeated block type lookups and collisions during pathfinding for increased performance
Minor optimizations in collision detection
Top level element in predicate file can now be array (all contents will be ANDed)
Added shader support for accessing depth buffer.
Renderer now uses per-pixel blending layers for some transparent elements. ?
Datapack loading
If datapack reload fails, changes will not be applied and game will continue using previous data
If existing datapacks prevent world from loading, game will give option to load world in safe mode, which loads only vanilla datapack
Changes to datapack list are stored only after successful reload
Added --safeMode option to server to load only with vanilla datapack
Game will now detect critical datapack issues, like missing required tags and prevent world from being loaded ?
Fixed bugs in 20w22a
MC-667 Lily pads can be placed intersecting entities
MC-4065 Messages/commands sent while in a bed won't be remembered in sent history
MC-112131 Intersecting dungeons: spawner replaced by cobblestone
MC-118594 Removal of Log4J2Plugins.dat causing a slowdown of 3 secs on startup while it has to rescan all classes
MC-120805 Pig rotation is wrong when you see a player riding them with carrot on a stick
MC-124812 Endermen holding a block can despawn
MC-125006 Stronghold and dungeon generate over each other
MC-134755 All short mobs drown just below the surface of water
MC-143443 Redstone dust block states don't update properly if the wire is broken by a piston
MC-148893 Fox spawners do not render the fox inside of the block
MC-150806 Multiple villagers are attached to the same profession block
MC-153787 Zombie Reinforcements can spawn on glass
MC-156161 Some chest loot is randomized across the same seed, unlike before 1.14
MC-156866 Villagers level from Apprentice to Journeyman with less experience than shown by XP bar
MC-157303 Villagers wake up and seek a new "home" (bed) while living in a 2 high house
MC-157436 Player position is constantly reset when clicking with a sword or a trident onto the ground in creative mode
MC-162340 World border is rendered behind transparent blocks
MC-162665 Food does not drop from a campfire when it is put out with a shovel/water bottle
MC-163910 Hand animation sometimes plays for a second time with high ping
MC-164233 "Skilled" villagers without job site do not get precedence over unemployed villagers
MC-165549 Arm swing animation is still played when drinking an item
MC-166135 Bees inside a nest/hive don't grow up or get their breeding timer reset
MC-167039 Right-clicking on a spawner with the same mob spawn egg as in spawner plays hand animation
MC-169891 Zombie Reinforcements can spawn in regardless if light level is higher than 9 in nether (hard difficulty)
MC-171515 Semi-transparent items don't render properly in front of semi-transparent blocks
MC-171553 Basalt can generate inside Nether fortresses
MC-172079 The /clear command output doesn't count items in the inventory crafting grid
MC-172142 Items are invisible while being picked up
MC-172197 Nylium is not dropping netherrack when it is broken by pickaxe
MC-172272 /clear removes all items from crafting grid regardless of item type
MC-172479 Hoglins immediately attack invisible players
MC-172980 Light does not propagate across chunk borders properly
MC-173032 Fossils can overwrite the stronghold end portal
MC-173063 Redstone wire doesn't update connections going up or down when being placed by commands
MC-173197 Zombified Piglin does not hold its arms upwards like a zombie
MC-173404 Desync when mounting an entity while sneaking
MC-173552 Nether Fossil support islands are sometimes cut off at chunk borders
MC-174307 Nether fossil stops basalt pillar
MC-174325 Mushrooms or Nether fungi can replace the stem of large nether fungi (trees)
MC-174692 Shroomlights, wart blocks and vines can overwrite the stem of large Nether fungi
MC-174932 Right-to-left text appears left-to-right after game start until language is changed
MC-175553 Piglins don't drop their inventories when converted to zombified piglins
MC-176020 If a player is riding a strider, other players can not see the animation of the strider
MC-176051 Glowstone in the offhand sets spawn point and charges respawn anchor at the same time
MC-176147 Basalt randomly gets cut off
MC-176628 Frost Walker protects player from fire
MC-177150 Ticking entity java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tag minecraft:fire used before it was bound
MC-177265 Piglin and Zombified Piglin right arm/leg/loincloth textures are identical to the left ones
MC-177626 Spruce generation is broken
MC-177870 Soul campfire doesn’t deal twice the amount of damage as normal campfire
MC-177888 Blackstone can’t be used to repair stone tools and weapons using an anvil
MC-177962 Giant fungi can replace waterlogged blocks when growing
MC-177970 Player can occasionally be forced into crawling in one block tall spaces
MC-178003 Fossils can generate inside of desert temples
MC-178441 Endermen don't avoid the wither's skull projectiles
MC-179020 Jigsaw blocks do not disappear post-gen when structure is spawned using the 'Generate' action from an initial jigsaw
MC-179890 Fire stops ticking forever if gamerule doFireTick is set to false once
MC-179909 2x2 trees sometimes fail to grow, but if they grow, they always grow on the surface
MC-180098 Farmer villagers' farming behavior is broken
MC-180771 Observer not updating when tree grows leaves in front of it
MC-180877 Fire does not spread from netherack to other blocks
MC-181108 Right-to-left text is displayed left-to-right at all times
MC-181464 When a piglin picks up a shield the gear equip sound is infinitely spammed
MC-181529 Ctrl + Pick Block no longer copies skull / head NBT data properly
MC-181555 When replacing a snow layer with a grass block, podzol or mycelium, the block has the "snowy=true" blockstate
MC-182666 Parity issue: Piglins do not have a dancing animation when celebrating their victory
MC-182888 Compasses and clocks work like normal in villager trading GUI
MC-182919 Horse armour stops rendering if you equip the horse with a saddle by right-clicking
MC-182967 Throwing ender pearl whilst mounted doesn't teleport you
MC-183275 Basalt pillars end above the lava in Java Edition but inside of the lava in Bedrock Edition
MC-183374 Text on signs stops rendering while still in view
MC-183496 Enchantment glint doesn't render in boat interior
MC-183718 Stronghold end portal can be overwritten by ocean ruins
MC-183808 "Bee Our Guest" advancement does not trigger when harvesting honey from bee nests
MC-183860 Zombie villager converted from villager gets PersistenceRequired depending on whether attacking zombie had it
MC-184482 End Gateways don't generate after defeating the ender dragon
MC-184609 Text renders in the wrong order
MC-184619 Piglins riding on other entities float
MC-184629 Piglins riding on hoglins or other piglins automatically dismount them
MC-184730 [Crash] "java.lang.NullPointerException: mouseClicked event handler" Some Superflat presets crash immediately when trying to generate them
MC-184740 Structures generated in previous versions are not recognised as valid structures, causing mobs not to spawn
MC-184778 Redstone dust can be toggled between cross and dot in adventure mode
MC-184936 Old Minecraft logo in the end poem/credits
MC-185156 Worldgen settings are not validated and can cause crashes