- # 涓嬮潰姣忎竴琛屾渶鍚庨潰鐨勬暟瀛椾唬琛ㄧ殑鏄??鏈嶅姟鍣ㄦ彁鍗囨?ц兘鐨勫府鍔╂湁澶氬ぇ
- # 鏁板瓧浼氬湪 1-10 涔嬮棿
- # 鎵?鏈夌壒鎬ч兘鏄?粯璁ゅ紑鍚?殑
- version: 0.1.7
- # 姣忛殧10绉掕嚜鍔ㄦ竻鐞嗘病鏈夌帺瀹剁殑鍖哄潡 (9)
- autoChunk: true
- # 鍗歌浇鎵?鏈変笘鐣屼笂鐨勫嚭鐢熺偣鍖哄潡. (10)
- noSpawnChunks: true
- # 鏄?惁寮?鍚?櫤鑳紸I锛岃?绌洪棽鐨勬椂鍊欐竻鐞嗗唴瀛? (10)
- smartlagai: true
- # 杩欏彲浠ラ?闃?LaggRemover AI 鍙嶅?鐨勬竻鐞嗗唴鍐呭瓨銆?
- # 搴旇?寰堝皯浼氬彂鐢? 涓?鏃﹀彂鐢熶簡, 杩欎釜灏嗛槻姝?aggRemover澧炲姞闂??. 鍗曚綅涓哄垎閽?
- smartaicooldown: 3
- # 褰撲綘鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑浜哄湪鑱婂ぉ杩囩▼涓?湁鍑虹幇lag鎴栬?卨agg鐨勭殑鎯呭喌鏃讹紝骞朵笖鏈嶅姟鍣═PS浣庝簬鎸囧畾鍊兼椂锛孉I浼氬紑濮嬪伐浣?(10)
- TPS: 16.00
- # 褰撲綘鏈嶅姟鍣ㄧ殑浜哄湪鑱婂ぉ杩囩▼涓?湁鍑虹幇lag鎴栬?卨agg鐨勭殑鎯呭喌鏃讹紝骞朵笖鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ唴瀛樹綆浜庢寚瀹氬?兼椂锛孉I浼氬紑濮嬪伐浣?(10)
- RAM: 100
- # These are the protocols are run by the LaggRemover AI when your server is detected as lagging for one or both of the following reasons. You can list all protocols by typing /lr protocol list
- lag_protocols:
- low_ram:
- cc_items: '{"Delay":"true", "Count": "false"}'
- low_tps:
- cc_entities: '{"Delay":"true", "Count": "false", "ToClear":"null", "World":"%all%"}'
- periodically:
- cc_items: '{"Delay":"true", "Count": "false"}'
- # 绂佹?鑷?姩淇濆瓨鐨勪笘鐣屽垪琛? 鑳藉?鍑忓皯纾佺洏鐨勫崰鐢?紝浣嗘槸涓嶉?傜敤涓庢椂鍒昏?缂栬緫鐨勪笘鐣岋紙灏忔父鎴忓強鍓?湰鐨勭?鍒╋級銆傝?鍒楄〃浠ュ?鐨勪笘鐣屼細鑷?姩淇濆瓨. (6)
- nosaveworlds:
- # 瀹氭椂鎵ц?寤惰繜娑堥櫎绯荤粺銆傚崟浣嶆槸鍒嗛挓
- auto-lag-removal:
- run: false
- every: 10
- # 鍙?互闃叉?涓?涓?尯鍧楅噷浜х敓杩囧?鐨勫疄浣撳湪"thinAt"鎸囧畾鐨勫疄浣撴暟閲忓?? (10 鍥犱负浠栧彲浠ラ槻姝㈢帺瀹跺埗浣滃埛鎬?満)
- thinMobs:flase
- # 鍗曚釜鍖哄潡鐨勬渶澶у疄浣撴暟閲?
- thinAt: 300
- # 鍏佽? LaggRemover AI 灏嗛檷浣庣粰鐜╁?鍙戦?佺殑鏁版嵁鍖呴噺. (10)
- doRelativeAction: true
- #褰撳紑鍚?椂, only allows the removal of items for relative lag removal for players.
- doOnlyItemsForRelative: false
- # 杩欏彲浠ラ槻姝㈤潪鏁屽?鐨勬??墿琚?郴缁熸竻鐞?濡傛灉浣犲惎鐢ㄤ簡doOnlyItemsForRelative锛岄偅涔堣繖椤瑰繀椤诲叧闂?
- dontDoFriendlyMobsForRelative: true
- # 褰?LaggRemover AI 鍙戠幇鐜╁?鍗¢】鏃?浠栦細鍦ㄩ?犳垚鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ崱椤夸箣鍓嶅皾璇曟竻闄よ?鐜╁?璺熷欢杩熸湁鍏崇殑涓滆タ.
- # LaggRemover AI 鑳芥竻闄ゅ疄浣撶殑鏈?澶у崐寰勩?傚崟浣嶆槸鏂瑰潡
- localLagRadius: 10
- # 瀹氫箟鍦?localLagRadius"涓?Щ闄ゅ疄浣撶殑鐧惧垎姣?
- localThinPercent: 80
- # LaggRemover AI 鐨勫喎鍗存椂闂?(鍗曚綅鏄??).璇ヨ?瀹氭槸涓轰簡闃叉?鐜╁?鍙嶅?娆洪獥AI瀵艰嚧涓嶅仠鐨勬秷闄ゅ欢杩?
- localLagRemovalCooldown: 60
- # 鍙?湁鍦ㄥ疄浣撴暟閲?localLagRadius'鐨勮?瀹氬?煎ぇ浜庤繖涓?椂鎵嶄細瑙﹀彂鏈?湴婊炲悗娑堥櫎绯荤粺
- localLagTriggered: 100
- # 鐜╁?鑱婂ぉ寤舵椂锛屽彲浠ラ槻姝㈠埛灞? (鍗曚綅鏄痶ick锛?0 ticks = 1 绉? 鎷ユ湁璇ユ潈闄愮殑鐜╁?lr.nochatdelay, 灏变笉浼氬彈鍒拌繖涓?檺鍒?
- chatDelay: 0
- # 鏀瑰彉鎻掍欢鐨勫墠缂?锛屽悗闈㈠摂鍝斿摂鐨勫簾璇濃?︹??OTE: The showing of the prefix shows professionalism for the technology being used by your server, if you modify it from its default value, it does not.
- prefix: '&6&lLaggRemover &7&l>>&r '
- # 濡傛灉浣犲枩娆㈣繖涓?彃浠跺氨寮?鍚?惂锛屽己鐑堟帹鑽愬紑鍚?紙鍦ㄥぉ鏈濊繕鏄?畻浜嗗惂锛?
- auto-update: false
- # 璀﹀憡娑堟伅浠ュ強鍙戦?侀棿闅?
- protocol_warnings:
- cc_items:
- time: 600
- stages:
- - '60:%PREFIX%&eClearing ground items in &b60 &eseconds'
- - '30:%PREFIX%&eClearing ground items in &b30 &eseconds'
- - '5:%PREFIX%&eClearing ground items in &b5 &eseconds'
- - 'f:%PREFIX%&eAll items on the ground have been cleared.'
- cc_entities:
- time: 600
- stages:
- - '60:%PREFIX%&eClearing hostile entities in &b60 &eseconds'
- - '30:%PREFIX%&eClearing hostile entities in &b30 &eseconds'
- - '5:%PREFIX%&eClearing hostile entities in &b5 &eseconds'
- - 'f:%PREFIX%&eAll hostile entities have been cleared.'
- # 寮?鍚?垨鍏抽棴 褰?"LaggRemover V2" 寮?鍚?椂鐨勫惎鍔ㄧ敾闈?
- splashScreen: true