Taking Inventory: Sapling
Duncan Geere
Treemendous!太妙 了!
Duncan Geere
The sapling, our item of the week, was the first item in Minecraft. It’s true – it was added to the game in the pre-Classic phase, in patch rd-161348 , about four days after the very first build of the game was compiled.
树苗,是我们这周的盘点物品,也是Minecraft中第一个物品。它是在大约游戏编译的第一版之后的第四天后,在 pre-Classic 版于 rd-161348 补丁中加入到游戏里的。
Did you know you can still play these ancient, early versions of Java Edition? In fact, the launcher makes it quite easy. Go to the “Installations” tab, hit “New”, and then under “version” scroll down to the very bottom where you’ll find many of the earliest builds of the game. Marvel at how the game was still actually pretty fun in those days, even though you could neither mine nor craft.
你知道如今还是可以玩这些古老的早期的 Java 版吗?实际上,有启动器让玩到这上古版本并非难事。转到“安装”选项卡、单击“新建”、然后在“版本”下向下滚动到最底端,你就能找到很多游戏的早期版本。就算你当时即下不了矿,也造不出房,也不妨碍你对当时游戏的有趣感到啧啧称奇。

Back to saplings. At the time they were added, they joined five blocks – dirt, grass, stone, cobblestone, and planks (and air?) – and they made Minecraft’s landscapes a little more interesting. However, their key feature – growing into trees – didn’t arrive until several months later.
Other than those requirements, though, trees will grow just about anywhere – including the Nether and the End (as long as you bring some dirt to plant them on). Make yourself a little pocket of home in another dimension!
Want saplings? Chop down a tree. Each leaf block has a 5% chance of dropping a sapling when destroyed (for jungle trees it’s half that). Can’t find a tree for some reason? Saplings also can be found in village chests and woodland mansions, and they are sold by wandering traders for five emeralds. Pricy.
想得到树苗?那就去砍下一棵树。每片叶子被破坏时有5%的机率掉下树苗(丛林木的树苗几率 是更小的2.5%)。由于某种原因找不到树?在村庄的箱子和林地府邸中也可以找得到幼苗,还有流浪商人以5颗绿宝石的价格出售树苗。奸商。

In the real world, saplings are also baby trees – but they have a tighter definition than that. Specifically, according to Merriam-Webster , saplings can’t be more than about ten centimetres in diameter at chest height (human chest, not Minecraft chest). More than that and they’re a tree.
在现实世界中,树苗也是幼树的一种——但它们的定义远比这更严格的多。更具体点,按 Merriam-Webster 的说法,树苗的直径不能超过胸部十厘米(人的胸部,不是 Minecraft 里的胸部)。比那高的就是树了。
The word sapling originated somewhere in the early 14th century, and comes from the word “sap”, which is what the liquid that carries nutrients through a tree is called. Only the outermost layers of a tree (known as the sapwood) carry the sap, and a sapling is made of only sapwood. The innermost bits are called “heartwood”, and are denser and harder – they give the tree its rigidity, like a skeleton.
Most Minecraft players end up accumulating a lot of saplings during their adventuring career, so here are four tips for using them up. First, you can plant them. If you don’t replant trees regularly, then you’ll find it a real pain to trek longer and longer distances to collect wood as you cut down forests nearby. Second, you can plant them in flowerpots, where they’ll stay ? foreeeeever youuung ?.
大多数 Minecraft 玩家在冒险生涯中最后会收集很多树苗,因此这里有4个它们的妙用。首先,你当然可以把它们种下。如果你不按时种树,当你伐尽四周的木材时,你收集木材越来越长的路程绝对会让你苦不堪言。其次,您可以将它们种植在花盆中,那将让它们?青青青春春春永永永驻驻驻?。
Tip three: saplings in a composter have a 30% chance of raising the compost level by one, making it faster to grow new trees. Finally, tip four is that saplings can be used as fuel – smelting half an item per sapling (the same rate as a stick).
So there you go. No need for them to pile up in your chests. Make those saplings work for you!

【EBsky 译自官网 2020 年 04 月 08 日发布的 Taking Inventory: Sapling】