是正版登錄,HMCL啓動器,Optifine版本為:HD U G1 pre5
OptiFine 1.15.2_HD_U_G1_pre6
- not working: shaders, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering and render regions
- fixed custom lightmap affecting the GUI
- fixed disabled fog to affect all entities and block entities
- fixed option sliders registering outside clicks
- fixed CEM for baby horse and llama
- fixed chunks not loading due to configured shaders
- fixed Random Entities depending on view distance
- fixed Custom Sky
- fixed fog in the Nether
- fixed Smart Animations for entities on fire
- fixed option Graphics depending on Dropped Items
- fixed Natural Textures and Better Snow
- fixed visual artifacts when manually placing blocks
- fixed buttons in Chat Settings screen
- fixed render distance above 32
- fixed lighting of magma blocks
- fixed handheld item flicker with dynamic lights
- fixed dynamic lights for block entities and particles
- updated to 1.15.2
- not compatible with Forge