本帖最后由 skyliye 于 2020-2-15 16:20 编辑
请问永恒能力mod的数据怎么改比如说我想把再生技能的回血效率调低一点我已经找到了配置文件但是不知道哪个是关于再生的# Configuration file
请问永恒能力mod的数据怎么改比如说我想把再生技能的回血效率调低一点我已经找到了配置文件但是不知道哪个是关于再生的# Configuration file
ability { # Adds absorbtion hearts B:absorbtion=true # The maximum ability level. I:absorbtion.maxLevel=2 # Rarity of this ability. I:absorbtion.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:absorbtion.xpPerLevel=75 # Entities in the area become blind B:blindness=true # The maximum ability level. I:blindness.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:blindness.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:blindness.xpPerLevel=50 # Bonemeal the area B:bonemealer=true # The maximum ability level. I:bonemealer.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:bonemealer.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:bonemealer.xpPerLevel=30 # Animals in the area become fertile B:fertility=true # The maximum ability level. I:fertility.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:fertility.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:fertility.xpPerLevel=30 # Take less damage from fire B:fire_resistance=true # The maximum ability level. I:fire_resistance.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:fire_resistance.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:fire_resistance.xpPerLevel=20 # Allows you to fly B:flight=false # The maximum ability level. I:flight.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:flight.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:flight.xpPerLevel=150 # Entities in the area start glowing B:glowing=true # The maximum ability level. I:glowing.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:glowing.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:glowing.xpPerLevel=50 # Mine faster B:haste=true # The maximum ability level. I:haste.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:haste.rarity=0 # The xp required per level. I:haste.xpPerLevel=15 # Entities in the area become hungry B:hunger=true # The maximum ability level. I:hunger.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:hunger.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:hunger.xpPerLevel=70 # Become invisible B:invisibility=true # The maximum ability level. I:invisibility.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:invisibility.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:invisibility.xpPerLevel=20 # Jump Higher B:jump_boost=true # The maximum ability level. I:jump_boost.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:jump_boost.rarity=0 # The xp required per level. I:jump_boost.xpPerLevel=10 # Entities in the area start levitating B:levitation=true # The maximum ability level. I:levitation.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:levitation.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:levitation.xpPerLevel=75 # Have a higher chance on better loot B:luck=true # The maximum ability level. I:luck.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:luck.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:luck.xpPerLevel=40 # Attract nearby items B:magnetize=true # The maximum ability level. I:magnetize.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:magnetize.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:magnetize.xpPerLevel=20 # Entities in the area mine slower B:mining_fatigue=true # The maximum ability level. I:mining_fatigue.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:mining_fatigue.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:mining_fatigue.xpPerLevel=40 # Entities in the area get nauseous B:nausea=true # The maximum ability level. I:nausea.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:nausea.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:nausea.xpPerLevel=50 # See in the dark B:night_vision=true # The maximum ability level. I:night_vision.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:night_vision.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:night_vision.xpPerLevel=15 # Entities in the area become poisoned B:poison=true # The maximum ability level. I:poison.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:poison.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:poison.xpPerLevel=100 # Push away entities you're looking at B:power_stare=true # The maximum ability level. I:power_stare.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:power_stare.rarity=1 # Require sneak to activate. B:power_stare.requireSneak=true # The xp required per level. I:power_stare.xpPerLevel=50 # Regenerate health faster B:regeneration=true # The maximum ability level. I:regeneration.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:regeneration.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:regeneration.xpPerLevel=50 # Take less damage from attacks B:resistance=true # The maximum ability level. I:resistance.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:resistance.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:resistance.xpPerLevel=50 # Reduce hunger B:saturation=true # The maximum ability level. I:saturation.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:saturation.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:saturation.xpPerLevel=50 # Entities in the area move slower B:slowness=true # The maximum ability level. I:slowness.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:slowness.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:slowness.xpPerLevel=40 # Walk faster B:speed=true # The maximum ability level. I:speed.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:speed.rarity=0 # The xp required per level. I:speed.xpPerLevel=10 # Automatically step up a certain number of blocks depending on the level B:step_assist=true # The maximum ability level. I:step_assist.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:step_assist.rarity=0 # The xp required per level. I:step_assist.xpPerLevel=25 # Inflict more damage when attacking B:strength=true # The maximum ability level. I:strength.maxLevel=5 # Rarity of this ability. I:strength.rarity=1 # The xp required per level. I:strength.xpPerLevel=20 # Entities in the area have a lower chance on good loot B:unluck=true # The maximum ability level. I:unluck.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:unluck.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:unluck.xpPerLevel=50 # Breathe underwater B:water_breathing=true # The maximum ability level. I:water_breathing.maxLevel=1 # Rarity of this ability. I:water_breathing.rarity=0 # The xp required per level. I:water_breathing.xpPerLevel=10 # Entities in the area become weaker B:weakness=true # The maximum ability level. I:weakness.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:weakness.rarity=2 # The xp required per level. I:weakness.xpPerLevel=80 # Entities in the area become withered B:wither=true # The maximum ability level. I:wither.maxLevel=3 # Rarity of this ability. I:wither.rarity=3 # The xp required per level. I:wither.xpPerLevel=125 } capability { # Storage for abilities. B:abilitystore=true # Mutable storage for abilities. B:mutableabilitystore=true } core { # If totems should spawn in loot chests. B:ability_totem.lootChests=true # This many totems combined in a crafting grid produces a new random totem (0 to disable) I:ability_totem.totemCraftingCount=1 # When combining totems, percentage chance of getting one higher rarity than normal. I:ability_totem.totemCraftingRarityIncreasePercent=15 # If an anonymous mod startup analytics request may be sent to our analytics service. B:general.analytics=true # If the recipe loader should crash when finding invalid recipes. B:general.crashOnInvalidRecipe=false # If mod compatibility loader should crash hard if errors occur in that process. B:general.crashOnModCompatCrash=false # Set 'true' to enable development debug mode. This will result in a lower performance! B:general.debug=false # Config version for EverlastingAbilities. # DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY! S:general.version=1.5.2 # If the version checker should be enabled. B:general.versionChecker=true } general { # The multiplier for ability XP requirement I:general.abilityXpMultiplier=10 # true: Abilities drop when players die; false: Abilities drop when players die by the hand of other players. B:general.alwaysDropAbilities=false # How many abilities should be dropped on player death. I:general.dropAbilitiesOnPlayerDeath=1 # The amount of exhaustion that should by applied to the player per active ability per second. D:general.exhaustionPerAbilityTick=0.01 # These mobs will not be affected by hostile area potion effects such as poison or weakness. (Java regular expressions are allowed) S:general.friendlyMobs < minecraft:armor_stand minecraft:villager minecraft:villager_golem minecraft:cow minecraft:sheep minecraft:pig minecraft:chicken minecraft:rabbit minecraft:mooshroom minecraft:horse minecraft:donkey minecraft:mule minecraft:llama minecraft:ocelot minecraft:parrot minecraft:wolf minecolonies:.* > # If the magnetize ability should move xp. B:general.magnetizeMoveXp=true # The maximum amount of abilities a player can have, -1 is infinite. I:general.maxPlayerAbilities=6 # 1/x chance for mobs to have abilities. I:general.mobAbilityChance=80 # Mobs that won't have abilities that can be dropped via totems. You can add things like 'minecraft:pig'. S:general.mobDropBlacklist < minecraft:cow minecraft:sheep minecraft:pig minecraft:chicken minecraft:rabbit minecraft:mooshroom minecraft:horse minecraft:donkey minecraft:mule minecraft:ocelot minecraft:parrot minecraft:wolf minecolonies:.* > # If on-player entities should have particle effects for the abilities they carry. B:general.showEntityParticles=true # If players should have particle effects for the abilities they carry. B:general.showPlayerParticles=false # If potion abilities should show particle effects. This will also make them appear as in-game symbols. B:general.showPotionEffectParticles=false # The maximum rarity of totems to spawn when a player first logs in. [0-3], -1 disables totem spawning. I:general.totemMaximumSpawnRarity=1 # Forces the default step height value to 0.6 when this ability is deactivated. B:step_assist.forceDefaultStepHeight=true } item { B:ability_bottle=true B:ability_totem=true } |
321yu_wango 发表于 2020-2-13 09:51
对 没有错
本帖最后由 321yu_wango 于 2020-2-13 10:00 编辑
# Regenerate health faster
# The maximum ability level.
# Rarity of this ability.
# The xp required per level.
# Regenerate health faster
# The maximum ability level.
# Rarity of this ability.
# The xp required per level.