启动mythicmob 时会出现以下问题代码反馈 可否请大佬们解答一下 谢谢复制代码复制代码复制代码复制代码
- [MythicMobs] Error with 'GLOW' skill: The GLOW Effect requires GlowAPI and the 'color' attribute must be a valid GlowAPI Color.
- [09:52:52 WARN]: [MythicMobs] -- Incorrect line: effect:glow{color=BLACK;duration=999} @Self
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] WARNING: HashCode collision detected when loading mobs.
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Mob 1 Hash: -1998092634 Type: SkeletalKnight
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Mob 2 Hash: -1998092634 Type: SkeletalKnight
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] We recommend changing one of these mobs' internal name to avoid issues resolving mob type.
- [09:52:53 ERROR]: [MythicMobs] Could not load MythicMob 南帝王护使! Invalid type specified.
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Could not find AbstractSkill 赤王出场1
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Could not find AbstractSkill 赤世九重天
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Could not find AbstractSkill 赤王狂怒
- [09:52:53 WARN]: [MythicMobs] Could not find AbstractSkill 赤王陨云星
- [09:53:20 WARN]: [MythicMobs] ?[33m Config Error for Drop '[4msx 白1 1 0.03[0m[33m' in 'C:\Users\Duck\Desktop\超脱无极\plugins\MythicMobs\Mobs\mob\副本\哥布林.yml': [37mDrop type not found.[0m[0m
- [09:53:20 WARN]: [MythicMobs] ?[33m Config Error for Drop '[4msx 白2 1 0.03[0m[33m' in 'C:\Users\Duck\Desktop\超脱无极\plugins\MythicMobs\Mobs\mob\副本\哥布林.yml': [37mDrop type not found.[0m[0m
第二个是物品的Type设置错了 请发一下相关的配置文件看看
第二个是物品的Type设置错了 请发一下相关的配置文件看看
好哒 谢谢已经解决