- itemGroup.armorunder=Armor Underwear
- item.auw_mod_icon.name=Icon
- item.auw_antifreeze_boots_liner.name=Otto Boots Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_antifreeze_boots_liner=Loot item. Combine with boots on a crafting grid to add a 25% freeze barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_antifreeze_chestplate_liner.name=Otto Chestplate Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_antifreeze_chestplate_liner=Loot item. Combine with chestplate on a crafting grid to add cooling and a 25% freeze barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_antifreeze_helmet_liner.name=Otto Helmet Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_antifreeze_helmet_liner=Loot item. Combine with helmet on a crafting grid to add a 25% freeze barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_antifreeze_leggings_liner.name=Otto Leggings Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_antifreeze_leggings_liner=Loot item. Combine with leggings on a crafting grid to add cooling and a 25% freeze barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_auto_boots_liner.name=Ozzy Boots Liner
- item.auw_auto_chestplate_liner.name=Ozzy Chestplate Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_auto_chestplate_liner=Combine with chestplate on a crafting grid to add a self-adjusting temperature lining. Single install. You only need one ozzy liner per armor set!
- item.auw_auto_helmet_liner.name=Ozzy Helmet Liner
- item.auw_auto_leggings_liner.name=Ozzy Leggings Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_auto_leggings_liner=Combine with leggings on a crafting grid to add a self-adjusting temperature lining. Single install. You only need one ozzy liner per armor set!
- item.auw_barrier_boots_liner.name=Ollie Boots Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_barrier_boots_liner=Combine with boots on a crafting grid to add a 25% burn barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_barrier_chestplate_liner.name=Ollie Chestplate Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_barrier_chestplate_liner=Combine with chestplate on a crafting grid to add a 25% burn barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_barrier_helmet_liner.name=Ollie Helmet Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_barrier_helmet_liner=Combine with helmet on a crafting grid to add a 25% burn barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_barrier_leggings_liner.name=Ollie Leggings Liner
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_barrier_leggings_liner=Combine with leggings on a crafting grid to add a 25% burn barrier. Single install. Outfit all pieces of your armor set for 100% coverage!
- item.auw_cool_boots_liner.name=Boots Cool Liner
- item.auw_cool_chestplate_liner.name=Chestplate Cool Liner
- item.auw_cool_helmet_liner.name=Helmet Cool Liner
- item.auw_cool_leggings_liner.name=Leggings Cool Liner
- item.auw_cool_liner_material.name=Cooling Liner Material
- item.auw_cooling_goo.name=Cooling Goo
- item.auw_diamond_strong_thread.name=Diamond-Strong Thread
- item.auw_flipflop_goo.name=Flip Flop Goo
- item.auw_flipflop_liner_material.name=Ozzy Liner Material
- item.auw_goopak_cool.name=Goopak Cool
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_goopak_cool=Right-click and hold to activate. Keep on hotbar for additonal cooling(-2) for stated time in tooltip. Single use.
- item.auw_goopak_heat.name=Goopak Heat
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_goopak_heat=Right-click and hold to activate. Keep on hotbar for additonal warming(+2) for stated time in tooltip. Single use.
- item.auw_goopak_spent.name=Used Goopak
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_goopak_spent=Throw this away...
- item.auw_heating_goo.name=Heating Goo
- item.auw_liner_snips.name=Liner Snips
- tooltip_summ.item.auw_liner_snips=Combine with lined armor on a crafting grid to remove one layer of lining. Leaves reusable lining on grid.
- item.auw_obsidian_goo.name=Obsidian Goo
- item.auw_obsidian_wrap_material.name=Obsidian-Wrap Material
- item.auw_warm_boots_liner.name=Boots Warm Liner
- item.auw_warm_chestplate_liner.name=Chestplate Warm Liner
- item.auw_warm_helmet_liner.name=Helmet Warm Liner
- item.auw_warm_leggings_liner.name=Leggings Warm Liner
- item.auw_warm_liner_material.name=Warming Liner Material
- tooltip.auw.xlining.ozzy=Temp-Adjust Lining> %1$s
- tooltip.auw.xlining.ozzy.warmer=Extra WARMTH
- tooltip.auw.xlining.ozzy.cooler=Extra COOLING
- tooltip.auw.xlining.ollie=Obsidian-Wrap Lining
- tooltip.auw.xlining.otto=Anti-Freeze Lining
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