本帖最后由 zyjking 于 2019-10-12 18:58 编辑
New Features:
Known Issues in this beta that will be fixed in a future update:

测试版是Minecraft基岩版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,测试版主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。使用测试版打开存档前请务必备份。适用于正式版的领域服务器与测试版不兼容。 |
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Minecraft 基岩版 1.14 仍未发布,为其第1个测试版。 |
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New Features:
- Added Bees!
- 加入蜜蜂!
- Bees are cute, fuzzy, neutral mobs
- 可爱又毛茸茸的中立生物!
- Don’t hurt them, they don’t want to hurt you
- 别伤害它们,它们也不会伤害你
- If a bee does sting you, it will leave its stinger in you and eventually die, dropping nothing :(
- 如果蜜蜂蛰了你,蜂针会留在你体内。而且蜜蜂最终会死亡,什么也不会掉 :(
- Bees love pretty flowers and spend their lives gathering pollen from them
- 非常爱花,无时无刻都在传授花粉
- After gathering pollen, bees fly back to their home nest
- 收集花粉后会飞回自己的蜂巢
- Bees help you by growing crops while carrying pollen back to the nest
- 将花粉带回蜂巢的同时会帮你的农作物施肥
- Bees can be bred using flowers
- 可以用花吸引养殖它们
- If a bee can't find nectar, after a while it will return home for a bit
- 如果找不到花蜜,在周围晃荡一下就会回家
- If a bee doesn’t have a home nest, it will wander around until it finds one it can use
- 如果蜜蜂没有蜂巢,那它会在周围游荡,直到找到新家为止
- Bees don’t like the rain and they sleep at night. They will go back to the nest in these cases
- 蜜蜂不喜欢下雨,晚上也会睡觉,下雨或者睡觉时它们会回到蜂巢中
- Added Beehives and Nests
- 加入蜂箱和蜂巢
- Bee Nests spawn naturally in Flower Forests, Plains, and Sunflower Plains biomes
- 会在繁花森林,平原以及向日葵平原自然生成
- When a bee visits a nest and completes its journey undisturbed, the level of honey increases
- 如果采蜜返回过程中没有干扰,那么采集的蜂蜜浓度等级会增加
- Max of 5 levels of honey
- 最高等级为5
- Beehives are crafted by players using honeycomb and wood planks
- 使用蜜脾和木板即可制作蜂箱
- Use a silk touch tool to get the block with the bees stored inside
- 使用附有精准采集的工具采集可以保留里面的蜂蜜
- Bee Nests will be destroyed unless you use silk touch
- 破坏蜂巢会将其直接摧毁,除非使用附有精准采集的工具
- Use shears when at full honey to get honeycomb
- 使用剪刀即可采集蜂蜜
- Use a bottle when at full honey to get a honey bottle
- 使用瓶子即可获得蜂蜜瓶
- Campfire smoke calms bees - place one underneath the nest / hive to keep them in chill mode
- 营火是镇静剂——将营火放到蜂巢/蜂箱下方可以让蜜蜂冷静下来
- Redstone-friendly!
- 针对红石十分友好!
- Added Honeycomb and Honey Bottles
- 加入蜜脾和蜂蜜瓶
- Use an empty glass bottle on a hive or nest that is full of honey to get a bottle of honey!
- 拿着瓶子右键装满蜂蜜的蜂箱/蜂巢即可获得蜂蜜瓶
- Dispensers can now fill bottles with water and honey
- 可以用发射器装满水瓶和蜂蜜瓶
- Dispensers can now shear honeycombs from Bee Nests and Hives
- 可以在发射器中用剪刀从蜂巢或蜂箱中收集蜜脾
- Added Honeycomb blocks
- 加入蜜脾方块
- A decorative block that can be crafted with honeycombs!
- 这是一种装饰性方块,可以用蜜脾制作而成
- Added Honey blocks
- 加入蜂蜜方块
- Greatly reduces movement speed and jump height, but also reduce fall damage
- 你的移动速度和跳跃高度会降低很多,但摔落伤害也会降低很多
- You can “slide” down a wall of honey blocks to slow your fall (parkour ftw!)
- 你可以在方块上面滑下来,让你摔的更轻一些(开始跑酷吧,看谁是赢家!)
- Honey Block effects carry through up to < 1 block above
- 最多可以滑过1格长度的方块
- When a honey block is piston-moved, adjacent blocks are moved too
- 被活塞推动时,相邻方块也会随之移动
- When a honey block is piston-moved, entities on top are moved along with it
- 被活塞推动时,方块上方的实体也会跟着移动
- Sticky Block Support. Use the ‘BlockProperty::PreventsJumping’ to make it so that the pathfinder won't jump if on one of these blocks and players can't jump when on one of these blocks. Also hooked up level event that spawns terrain particles when prevented from jumping and plays the jump.prevent block sound
- 支持切换粘性状态。可以使用“BlockProperty::PreventsJumping”参数,让寻路者在这些方块上跳不起来,玩家也跳不起来。还可触发关卡事件,在阻止跳跃时会产生粒子效果并播放jump.prevent(阻止跳跃)方块音效
- Leads can now be used on Polar Bears, Parrots, Ocelots, and Dolphins (MCPE-46866)
- 可以正常对北极熊,鹦鹉,豹猫和海豚使用栓绳了
- Tweaked the amount of XP dropped by animals to match the Java Edition
- 为了匹配Java版,修改了杀死动物掉落的经验
- Most animals will now drop 1-3 XP when killed, but Dolphins now drop 0 XP
- 一般会掉落1-3经验,但海豚没有经验
Known Issues in this beta that will be fixed in a future update:
- Equipped armour is not visible on player’s character
- 装备的护甲不会正常显示
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凛 发表于 2019-10-10 01:18
凛 发表于 2019-10-10 01:18