每周快照是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份。适用于正式版的Mod不兼容快照,且大多数Mod都不对每周快照提供支持。 |
Minecraft 1.15 仍未发布,19w41a 为其第 9 个预览版。 |
转载本贴时须要注明原作者以及本帖地址。 |

Minecraft 快照 19w41a
A Minecraft Java Snapshot
一个 Minecraft Java版快照
We get thousands of emails every day demanding we 'make Minecraft stickier!'. Usually we just ignore them (they're pretty weird), but that all changes this week, with the addition of the honey block. Enjoy!
我们每天都会收到上千封「让 Minecraft 更有黏性一点儿」的需求。通常我们会忽视掉这些请求(因为太奇怪了),不过在这周有了变化,因为我们加入了蜂蜜块。好好享受!
- Added Honey Blocks!
- 添加蜂蜜块!
- Added Honeycomb Blocks!
- 添加蜜脾块!
- Accessibility improvements
- 辅助功能改进
- Iron Golems now start cracking when damage and can be repaired with Iron Ingots
- 铁傀儡受到伤害后会开裂,并且现在可以用铁锭来修复它们了
- Added a spectate command
- 添加了 spectate 命令
- Added copy_to_clipboard action to clickEvent
- 向 clickEvent 添加了 copy_to_clipboard action
- The effect clear command now defaults to @s if no target argument is given
- effect clear 命令中如果不指定目标参数,将会默认为 @s
- Fixed bugs
- 修复漏洞
Sticky. Very sticky!
- Walking and jumping is limited
- 限制行走和跳跃
- If you stand on a honey block that is pushed by a piston, you come along for the ride
- 如果你站在一个被活塞推动的蜂蜜块上,你会跟着它一起动
- Jump into a wall of honey blocks to slide down and slow your fall
- 跳到一面由蜂蜜块制成的墙上下滑会降低你的掉落速度
- Landing on a honey block cushions your fall somewhat
- 落到蜂蜜块上可以减缓你的摔落伤害
- When a honey block is pushed or pulled by a piston, it attempts to move all adjacent blocks in the same direction (just like slime blocks)
- 当蜂蜜块被活塞推拉时,它会尝试将所有毗邻的方块按相同方向移动(和粘液块一样)
- Mobs and animals dislike walking on honey blocks. Too sticky for their comfort
- 生物和动物不喜欢走在蜂蜜块上。因为太黏了不舒服
BYOH - Build Your Own Honeycomb
- Craft 2x2 Honeycomb to get a Honeycomb Block
- 用 2x2 的蜜脾来合成蜜脾块
- Purely decorative!
- 纯粹的装饰性方块!
- Sneak and Sprint inputs can now be switched between Hold and Toggle mode in the Accessibility Options.
- 潜行和疾跑的输入方式可以在辅助功能选项中设置为是长按还是切换了
- Descriptions under buttons on the Create World screen are now narrated.
- 创建世界屏幕中按钮下的描述会被复述功能阅读了
New command that makes a player in spectator mode spectate an entity. Syntax:spectate [target] [player]
新命令,可以让旁观者模式中的玩家以某个实体的视角旁观。语法:spectate [目标] [玩家]
- player - The player that should spectate the target. Must be in spectator mode. If omitted,@s is used.
- 玩家 - 应当以实体视角旁观的玩家。必须处在旁观者模式内。如果省略,默认为@s。
- target - The target to spectate. If omitted, makes the player stop spectating.
- 目标 - 被旁观的目标实体。如果省略,会使得玩家停止旁观。
- MC-20144 - Saturation and Instant Health/Damage effects don’t have an icon
- MC-20144 - 饱和、瞬间治疗和瞬间伤害状态效果没有图标
- MC-86846 - Changing a powered Command block from impulse/chain mode to repeat mode doesn’t trigger it until repowering
- MC-86846 - 已被激活的命令方块从脉冲或连锁模式切换到循环模式后不会正常运行,必须要再重新激活一次才行
- MC-120480 - Pets teleport onto blocks which have a solid “bottom”, not “top” face
- MC-120480 - 宠物会传送到「底部」为固体的方块之上,而不是「顶部」为固体的
- MC-124140 - Anchoring does not reset after use, and is implicitly applied in nonsensical cases by default
- MC-124140 - execute anchored 命令的效果不会在被使用后自动重置,导致每出现一次本地坐标都会将坐标偏移一段从执行实体脚部到眼睛的距离,必须使用 anchored feet 命令来手动修正。鉴于 anchored 在实体上的主要应用,这一性质毫无意义,只会带来看似随机的偏移
- MC-125104 - Cancelling delete world screen and options sub-menus using ESC opens main menu
- MC-125104 - 在删除世界菜单以及选项子菜单中,按 ESC 会打开主菜单,而不是回到上一级菜单
- MC-129806 - Team prefixes and suffixes don’t show for villagers without a custom name
- MC-129806 - 没有自定义名称的村民并不会在聊天栏里显示队伍的前缀和后缀
- MC-131552 - Can’t craft stripped wood from stripped log
- MC-131552 - 不能用去皮原木合成去皮木头
- MC-145021 - Tamed animals are not able to teleport to the player when they are on the snow layer blocks
- MC-145021 - 被驯服的动物如果站在雪片上将不能传送到玩家
- MC-146213 - Loading bar on splash screen is able to extend beyond its black outline
- MC-146213 - 载入画面上的加载条能伸出黑框
- MC-156005 - Tamed wolves do no longer teleport to the player when they’re in water
- MC-156005 - 被驯服的狼如果在水里将不再会传送到玩家身边
- MC-159423 - Bees can’t get to flowers on edges
- MC-159423 - 蜜蜂不能飞到生长在边沿的花
- MC-160102 - IllegalArgumentException when being attacked by a weak iron golem
- MC-160102 - 被带有虚弱状态效果的铁傀儡攻击时抛出 IllegalArgumentException 异常
- MC-160865 - Waking up from a bed can cause the server to crash in specific circumstances
- MC-160865 - 在某些情况下从床上醒来会导致服务器崩溃
- MC-161297 - Shulker box inside textures are invisible
- MC-161297 - 潜影箱不显示内部的材质
- MC-161692 - Hopper creating a furnace blockentity by transferring an item crashes the game
- MC-161692 - 漏斗在传输物品并生成熔炉的方块实体时游戏会崩溃
- MC-161733 - Vindicator idle5 sound is unused
- MC-161733 - 卫道士的 idle5.ogg 音效没有被使用
- MC-162087 - Parrots can imitate pandas
- MC-162087 - 鹦鹉可以模仿熊猫的声音,然而熊猫并不是攻击型生物
- MC-162569 - Placing torches in water causes serious lag and stuttering
- MC-162569 - 在水里放火把会卡
- MC-162586 - Log repeatedly prints the message “Ticking entity”, and finally crashes the game
- MC-162586 - 日志中持续刷 “Ticking entity”,最终游戏崩溃
- MC-162616 - java.lang.NullPointerException after attacking a parrot
- MC-162616 - 攻击鹦鹉后抛出 java.lang.NullPointerException 异常
官方服务端下载地址 |
Minecraft server.jar |
正版启动器下载地址 |
Windows |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/MinecraftInstaller.msi |
Mac/OSX |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.dmg |
Linux/其他 |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.tar.gz |
关于本次更新的详细内容,请关注 Minecraft 1.15(这是什么更新)特性列表的更新。 |
预览版的下载方式以及运行说明 |
对于正版用户 |
官方启动器是跟进最及时、运行最稳定的启动器,每次启动均会自动检查并下载启动器最新版本。Java版的启动器下载地址在上文已经提供。 |
对于非正版用户 |
非正版用户完全可以体验预览版本,请于推荐启动器列表寻找合适的启动器。目前绝大多数主流启动器都带有游戏下载功能。如有仍疑惑请到原版问答板块提问。 |