每周快照是Minecraft Java版的测试机制,主要用于下一个正式版的特性预览。 |
然而,每周快照主要用于新特性展示,通常存在大量漏洞。因此对于普通玩家建议仅做测试尝鲜用。在快照中打开存档前请务必进行备份。适用于正式版的Mod不兼容快照,且大多数Mod都不对每周快照提供支持。 |
Minecraft 1.15 仍未发布,19w40a 为其第 8 个预览版。 |
转载本贴时须要注明原作者以及本帖地址。 |

Minecraft 快照 19w40a
A Minecraft Java Snapshot
一个Minecraft Java版快照
This week's snapshot brings you bugfixes!
If you missed it, last weekend we announced the theme of the 1.16 update, which is the Nether Update!
以防你错过了再说一遍,上个周末我们宣布了 1.16 的更新主题,即下界更新!
If you want to see what we announced, you can check it out over here .
如果你想看看我们还宣布了什么别的,可以看 这里。
- Fixed bugs
- 修复漏洞
- Parrots can now sit on a players shoulder even when the player is riding
- 鹦鹉可以站在骑着东西的玩家肩上了
- MC-153298 - Wandering Traders spawn inside small spaces, such as farms
- MC-153298 - 流浪商人会在小空间里生成,例如农场
- MC-158843 - Mobs can no longer spawn on jack’o’lanterns and redstone lamps
- MC-158843 - 生物不再生成在南瓜灯和红石灯上
- MC-159843 - Exploded Bee Nests/Beehives don’t releases Bees and don’t keep them inside the block
- MC-159843 - 被爆炸破坏的蜂巢或蜂箱既不会把里面的蜜蜂放出来,也不会把它们保留在方块掉落物中
- MC-160499 - Baby bees suffocate when against a solid block ceiling
- MC-160499 - 幼年蜜蜂在由会令玩家窒息的方块制成的天花板下会窒息
- MC-160586 - Bees enter the burning nest or hive
- MC-160586 - 蜜蜂会进到正在着火的蜂巢或蜂箱
- MC-160589 - Bees will not escape from the burning nest or hive
- MC-160589 - 蜜蜂不会从正在着火的蜂巢或蜂箱里逃出来
- MC-160590 - Bees don’t leave the nest or hive, when the nest or hive is destroyed by flames
- MC-160590 - 当蜂巢或蜂箱被火焰摧毁后蜜蜂并不会出来
- MC-160887 - Right-clicking an adult mule with spawn egg does not spawn baby mule
- MC-160887 - 用刷怪蛋右键成年骡并不会生成幼年骡
- MC-161831 - Some blocks/entities are rendered transparent when looking at them from certain angles
- MC-161831 - 某些方块或实体在从特定角度观看时会被渲染成透明的
- MC-161851 - Block animations are way too fast
- MC-161851 - 方块动画太快了
- MC-161852 - End portal and end gateway texture is rendered offset
- MC-161852 - 末地传送门和末地折跃门的材质渲染偏了
- MC-161853 - Breaking animation is rotated and positioned incorrectly and will follow the player’s mouse cursor
- MC-161853 - 方块破坏动画的旋转方向和位置不正确,并且会随着玩家的鼠标移动
- MC-161858 - Turtles don’t look right; legs are completely detached from the body
- MC-161858 - 海龟看起来不太对,腿和身体完全分离了
- MC-161871 - Programmer art enchantment glint has not been updated to the new resource pack format
- MC-161871 - Programmer Art 资源包的附魔闪光没有更新到新的资源包格式
- MC-161877 - Mipmap levels are not handled correcty / flickering leaves and other blocks
- MC-161877 - Mipmap 等级未被正确处理 / 使树叶和其他方块闪烁
- MC-161879 - Hitbox of transparent blocks, such as slime blocks, stained glass or ice, appears behind the block texture
- MC-161879 - 透明方块(例如史莱姆方块、染色玻璃、雪)的碰撞箱会显示在方块材质的后面
- MC-161882 - Game crashes when player model is rendered after the player is stung by a bee
- MC-161882 - 玩家被蜜蜂蛰了以后,一旦游戏渲染了玩家模型就会崩溃
- MC-161887 - Glowing effect doesn’t respect texture transparency
- MC-161887 - 发光状态效果的边框并不考虑材质的透明部分
- MC-161894 - Hitboxes render behind portals, water and shulker boxes
- MC-161894 - 碰撞箱被渲染到传送门、水和潜影贝的后面
- MC-161902 - Game crashes when a turtle ridden by an illager enters water
- MC-161902 - 被灾厄村民骑着的海龟进到水里会使游戏崩溃
- MC-161905 - Sign text glows in the dark
- MC-161905 - 黑暗中的告示牌文字会发光
- MC-161908 - Programmer art chest textures have not been updated to the new resource pack format
- MC-161908 - Programmer Art 资源包的箱子材质没有更新到新的资源包格式
- MC-161909 - Programmer art banner pattern textures have not been updated to the new resource pack format
- MC-161909 - Programmer Art 资源包的旗帜图案材质没有更新到新的资源包格式
- MC-161916 - If the player is inside of a block, that block is no longer rendered
- MC-161916 - 如果玩家处在一个方块内部,该方块将不再被渲染
- MC-161931 - Lower player model not showing while in a boat
- MC-161931 - 在船里的玩家不会显示下半身的模型
- MC-161946 - Baby polar bear model is broken
- MC-161946 - 小北极熊的模型坏了
- MC-161995 - Baby panda model is completely broken
- MC-161995 - 小熊猫的模型彻底坏了
- MC-162054 - Glowing effect also applies to the blocks below the affected mob
- MC-162054 - 发光状态效果的边框也会应用到实体所站的方块下面
官方服务端下载地址 |
Minecraft server.jar |
正版启动器下载地址 |
Windows |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/MinecraftInstaller.msi |
Mac/OSX |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.dmg |
Linux/其他 |
https://launcher.mojang.com/download/Minecraft.tar.gz |
关于本次更新的详细内容,请关注 Minecraft 1.15(这是什么更新)特性列表的更新。 |
预览版的下载方式以及运行说明 |
对于正版用户 |
官方启动器是跟进最及时、运行最稳定的启动器,每次启动均会自动检查并下载启动器最新版本。Java版的启动器下载地址在上文已经提供。 |
对于非正版用户 |
非正版用户完全可以体验预览版本,请于推荐启动器列表寻找合适的启动器。目前绝大多数主流启动器都带有游戏下载功能。如有仍疑惑请到原版问答板块提问。 |
news lord spg的快乐往往是这么朴实无华,且枯燥