本帖最后由 891215991 于 2019-8-21 15:01 编辑

A new engine and a new way to experience Minecraft!
Render Dragon与英伟达光线追踪
全新引擎, 全新MC体验!

Minecraft is on so many platforms, and the great thing about that is that it opens up so many fun possibilities about how we can change the experience for each one. We added touch controls when we developed the mobile version, put you inside Minecraft on Gear VR, and enabled multiplayer across consoles and devices with our Better Together update!  

MC跨的平台可真多啦, 这给我们带来了多少能改变每一平台的体验的新奇有趣的可能性: 为了手机版, 我们加入了触控操作, 通过可穿戴VR让你身临其境, 甚至通过Better Together更新带来了跨平台多人联机体验!

Today we’re announcing two new ways we’re taking advantage of existing and updating hardware. One, we’re expanding the scope of Minecraft on bedrock platforms with our new engine, Render Dragon. ?Second, we’re pushing the graphical possibilities of the game by partnering with NVIDIA to bring real-time ray tracing to Minecraft. ?Prepare your eyes!

今天, 我们要宣布两个基于现有及日后更迭渐新的硬件的更新的体验方式: 1.我们将为基岩版MC拓宽视野, 带来全新的引擎: Render Dragon. 2. 我们将与英伟达合作, 为MC带来实时光线追踪, 让化之可能性更上一层楼. 擦亮双眼吧!

We couldn’t be more excited to take advantage of the new ray tracing technology from NVIDIA. It’ll be playable on Windows 10 with devices that are capable of DirectX R, such as with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU (and we plan to expand it to future platforms that support DirectX R raytracing).  

能够用上最新的英伟达光线追踪技术简直让我们嗨起来啦! 支持DirectX R技术的Windows 10设备将可以体验到该技术, 如: 一台具有英伟达精视RTX显卡的Win10设备(我们在日后会拓展到更多能够支持DirectX R光线技术的平台.)

With the capabilities of this tech, you’ll be able to experience your Minecraft worlds with realistic lighting, vibrant colors, , realistic water that reflects and refracts naturally, and emissive textures that light up. What does ‘emissive’ mean? It means you’re about to see Minecraft like you’ve never seen it before!   

有了这项技术, 你可以在你的MC世界里体验到真实的光照, 鲜艳的色彩, 真实的, 能够自然地折射与反射的水面, 还有亮堂堂的放射性(emissive)材质! 啥啥啥? "放射性材质"是什么意思? 意思就是说你可以用前所未有的方式去窥见MC世界啦!
Well, actually, ‘emissive’ is a technical adjective that means ‘having the power to radiate something, especially light, heat, or radiation’ but shhh don’t ruin the moment — watch the below video of ray tracing in action instead:

呃, 咳咳, 实际上, "emissive"是一个术语, 意味"具备放射的能力, 尤其是光, 热, 或是辐射"但是嘘——别毁气氛, 看看下面这个光追实时演示视频, 来.

We’ll have more news to share later this year, as well as the technical requirements. Naturally, we want your feedback through every step of this process. That’s why we plan to enable you to preview the new ray tracing features by turning on “Optional graphics with RTX” in the settings screen of Minecraft in a future beta. You can expect that feature in the new year. We also plan to enable some of these new features, such as improved emissivity and directional lighting, on other Bedrock platforms! Speaking of which…

今年咱还会有很多新闻可以分享的哟, 其中也包括建议配置要求. 很自然地, 我们在接下来的过程中每一步都需要你的反馈. 这就是为什么我们会允许你通过在未来的MC测试版中的设定里打开"RTX可选图形选项"来预览这一项最新的光线追踪技术. 在新的一年里大概这一项就可以来了. 我们也打算启用其中的一些新型功能, 例如在别的基岩平台上提供更好的材质放射性, 或者是方向性光照等等…… 哦对了, 说到基岩版……
You’ll see individual Minecraft Bedrock platforms update in the months ahead as we learn the capabilities of our lovely new game engine, Render Dragon. You may have already seen a preview of Render Dragon in action if you watched Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference on-stage when we demoed Minecraft Earth.   

你将可以看到, 随着我们慢慢开始深入学习我们亲亲可爱的新引擎"Render Dragon"的能力, 接下来的日子里每一个基岩版平台上都会分别收到更新. 如果你苹果的WWDC上见过我们当众演示的Minecraft Earth的话, 你应该就见过Render Dragon了.

It featured edge highlighting and new lighting techniques, which is just the start of the visual and performance upgrades we’re planning to make with Render Dragon. Render Dragon supports a range of graphics features, depending on what your device is capable of. Not all devices will support ray tracing, but we will have some graphics enhancements on most devices.  Again, it’s all about taking advantage of different hardware to offer the smoothest Minecraft experience possible, no matter what device you’re playing on!  

目前它的功能包含了边缘高光与新型光照技术, 但这仅仅只是我们打算在Render Dragon中实现的视觉与性能升级的起点而已. Render Dragon支持一大票图像功能, 取决于你所在平台的能力. 不是所有平台都能跑光追啦, 但是一众视觉升级功能会来到大部分设备上的啦. 再一次, 这就是无论你身处什么平台, 我们都多加利用不同硬件的优势以带来最最最丝滑流畅的MC体验!

We’ll have more news to share soon, so you can start trying out new ways to play!

新闻很快会跟进, 你就可以开始体验最新的MC玩法啦!

(英伟达官方YouTube账号在8月20日放出了光追+高清材质的演示, 下附)

(Render Dragon该怎么称呼啊, 渲影龙?)

2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容RENDER DRAGON AND NVIDIA RAY TRACINGA new engine and a new way to experience Minecraft!
Render Dragon与英伟达光线追踪
全新引擎, 全新MC体验!原文地址:

Minecraft is on so many platforms, and the great thing about that is that it opens up so many fun possibilities about how we can change the experience for each one. We added touch controls when we developed the mobile version, put you inside Minecraft on Gear VR, and enabled multiplayer across consoles and devices with our Better Together update!
MC跨的平台可真多啦, 这给我们带来了多少能改变每一平台的体验的新奇有趣的可能性: 为了手机版, 我们加入了触控操作, 通过可穿戴VR让你身临其境, 甚至通过Better Together更新带来了跨平台多人联机体验!
Today we’re announcing two new ways we’re taking advantage of existing and updating hardware. One, we’re expanding the scope of Minecraft on bedrock platforms with our new engine, Render Dragon. ?Second, we’re pushing the graphical possibilities of the game by partnering with NVIDIA to bring real-time ray tracing to Minecraft. ?Prepare your eyes!
今天, 我们要宣布两个基于现有及日后更迭渐新的硬件的更新的体验方式: 1.我们将为基岩版MC拓宽视野, 带来全新的引擎: Render Dragon. 2. 我们将与英伟达合作, 为MC带来实时光线追踪, 让化之可能性更上一层楼. 擦亮双眼吧!NVIDIA RAY TRACING 英伟达光线追踪

We couldn’t be more excited to take advantage of the new ray tracing technology from NVIDIA. It’ll be playable on Windows 10 with devices that are capable of DirectX R, such as with an NVIDIA GeForce RTX GPU (and we plan to expand it to future platforms that support DirectX R raytracing).
能够用上最新的英伟达光线追踪技术简直让我们嗨起来啦! 支持DirectX R技术的Windows 10设备将可以体验到该技术, 如: 一台具有英伟达精视RTX显卡的Win10设备(我们在日后会拓展到更多能够支持DirectX R光线技术的平台.)
With the capabilities of this tech, you’ll be able to experience your Minecraft worlds with realistic lighting, vibrant colors, , realistic water that reflects and refracts naturally, and emissive textures that light up. What does ‘emissive’ mean? It means you’re about to see Minecraft like you’ve never seen it before!   
有了这项技术, 你可以在你的MC世界里体验到真实的光照, 鲜艳的色彩, 真实的, 能够自然地折射与反射的水面, 还有亮堂堂的放射性(emissive)材质! 啥啥啥? "放射性材质"是什么意思? 意思就是说你可以用前所未有的方式去窥见MC世界啦!Well, actually, ‘emissive’ is a technical adjective that means ‘having the power to radiate something, especially light, heat, or radiation’ but shhh don’t ruin the moment — watch the below video of ray tracing in action instead:
呃, 咳咳, 实际上, "emissive"是一个术语, 意味"具备放射的能力, 尤其是光, 热, 或是辐射"但是嘘——别毁气氛, 看看下面这个光追实时演示视频, 来.
We’ll have more news to share later this year, as well as the technical requirements. Naturally, we want your feedback through every step of this process. That’s why we plan to enable you to preview the new ray tracing features by turning on “Optional graphics with RTX” in the settings screen of Minecraft in a future beta. You can expect that feature in the new year. We also plan to enable some of these new features, such as improved emissivity and directional lighting, on other Bedrock platforms! Speaking of which…
今年咱还会有很多新闻可以分享的哟, 其中也包括建议配置要求. 很自然地, 我们在接下来的过程中每一步都需要你的反馈. 这就是为什么我们会允许你通过在未来的MC测试版中的设定里打开"RTX可选图形选项"来预览这一项最新的光线追踪技术. 在新的一年里大概这一项就可以来了. 我们也打算启用其中的一些新型功能, 例如在别的基岩平台上提供更好的材质放射性, 或者是方向性光照等等…… 哦对了, 说到基岩版……
RENDER DRAGONYou’ll see individual Minecraft Bedrock platforms update in the months ahead as we learn the capabilities of our lovely new game engine, Render Dragon. You may have already seen a preview of Render Dragon in action if you watched Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference on-stage when we demoed Minecraft Earth.   
你将可以看到, 随着我们慢慢开始深入学习我们亲亲可爱的新引擎"Render Dragon"的能力, 接下来的日子里每一个基岩版平台上都会分别收到更新. 如果你苹果的WWDC上见过我们当众演示的Minecraft Earth的话, 你应该就见过Render Dragon了.
It featured edge highlighting and new lighting techniques, which is just the start of the visual and performance upgrades we’re planning to make with Render Dragon. Render Dragon supports a range of graphics features, depending on what your device is capable of. Not all devices will support ray tracing, but we will have some graphics enhancements on most devices.Again, it’s all about taking advantage of different hardware to offer the smoothest Minecraft experience possible, no matter what device you’re playing on!
目前它的功能包含了边缘高光与新型光照技术, 但这仅仅只是我们打算在Render Dragon中实现的视觉与性能升级的起点而已. Render Dragon支持一大票图像功能, 取决于你所在平台的能力. 不是所有平台都能跑光追啦, 但是一众视觉升级功能会来到大部分设备上的啦. 再一次, 这就是无论你身处什么平台, 我们都多加利用不同硬件的优势以带来最最最丝滑流畅的MC体验!
We’ll have more news to share soon, so you can start trying out new ways to play!
新闻很快会跟进, 你就可以开始体验最新的MC玩法啦!

(英伟达官方YouTube账号在8月20日放出了光追+高清材质的演示, 下附)原链接:

(Render Dragon该怎么称呼啊, 渲影龙?)

建议将视频更换为 WuGuangYao 的制作了字幕的版本:

SPGoding 发表于 2019-8-19 18:17
建议将视频更换为 WuGuangYao 的制作了字幕的版本: ...





brooke1999 发表于 2019-8-19 19:11





xinxin2459 发表于 2019-8-19 19:53





We need Linux support

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