The following plugins are included:
ported plugins: (from SinglePlayerCommands)
- Bind
- Enchant
- Inventory
- Item
- Light
- Paint
- Path
- Weather
native plugins:
- Generate
- Kill Player
- MC Commands
- Mob Commands
- Structure Generation
- Waypoint
worldedit plugins:
- WorldEdit
- WorldEditGUI (depending on version)
All commands must be prefixed with /c
For example, type '/c /weather rain' to make it rain.
WorldEdit commands require an additional forward slash.
Type '/c ///help' to get a list of WorldEdit commands.
Bind Command
Use '/c /bind [key] [command]' to bind a key to the specified command.
Note that you do *NOT* prefix the command name with /c.
For example, '/c /bind g /god' will make g toggle god mode.
Enchant Commands
All of these commands begin with /enchant:
add name/id level - add specified enchantment to currently held item
forceadd - force adding specified enchantment to currently held item
forceremove - force removing all enchantments from currently held item
list - lists available enchantments
remove - remove all enchantments from currently help item
Inventory Commands
enderchest - bring up enderchest GUI without having enderchest
repair <all> - repair current item (or all items in inventory)
Attempting to repair non-damaged items, for example wool, can lead to unexpected results.
e.g. wool uses damage values to determine which colour it is, so it will be reset to white.
Item Commands
Item Commands are prefixed with /item (typing this by itself displays current item ID)
clearname - removes item name
cleartag - resets item tag
name - displays current name
name (NAME) - allows you to name current item
MC Commands
These are commands built into Minecraft, but you can use them without enabling cheats.
difficulty [0-3] - for changing difficulty
exp [amount] - add specified amount of experience
gamemode [0|1|2] - change gamemode to survival, creative or adventure
gamerule [rule] [state] - enable or disable specified game rule
Mob Commands
hurtmob [lightning] - hurt mob you're pointing at (lightning optional)
lendarmor - lend your armor to a mob
lenditem - lend currently selected item to mob
liberatearmor [erase] - give a copy of mob's armor to you
liberateitem [erase] - give a copy of mob's item to you
Waypoint Commands
setspawn - sets spawn position to current coordinates
setspawn [x] [y] [z] - sets spawn position to specified co-ordinates
getspawn - displays current spawn position
home - teleport to home(bed)
return - return to last position before teleporting
restorepos - teleport to position player died (fixed in 3.9)
tp [x] [y] [z] - teleports to specified coordinates, eg. 'tp 150 70 80'
spawnpoint - teleports to spawn point
gethome - displays current home (bed) position
WARNING: the /restorepos command does *NOT* take dimension into account.
Weather Commands
weather rain - changes weather to rain
weather thunder - changes weather to storm (rain and thunder/lightning)
weather lightning - creates a lightning bolt at block you're pointing at
weather sun - changes weather to sunny
Structure Commands
(standard structures)
structure village - create village (desert village if in desert)
structure netherbridge - create nether bridge (regardless of dimension)
structure mineshaft - create (abandoned) mineshaft
structure stronghold - create stronghold
(biome-specific structures)
structure biomefeature - create biome-specific structure
structure hut - create witch hut
structure pyramid - create desert pyramid
structure temple - create jungle temple
For example, to generate a stronghold, you would type '/c /structure stronghold'
You can prefix a structure command with either 'forceflat' or 'forcenormal'.
If you find pyramids spawn in the air, use '/c /structure pyramid forceflat'.
Generate Commands
Use '/c /generate [anti-structure]' to generate an anti-structure.
For example, '/generate swamptree' will generate a swamp tree.
The anti-structure is generated at the block you're pointing at.
Type '/c /generate mode 0' to generate at your current position.
Use '/c /generate mode 1' if you want the default behaviour.
If you want to generate an anti-structure at specific co-ordinates,
use '/c /generate pumpkin 0 64 0' for example.
You can adjust the offsets used when generating anti-structures.
Use '/c /generate xoffset [number]' to adjust the xoffset.
Use '/c /generate yoffset [number]' to adjust the yoffset.
Use '/c /generate zoffset [number]' to adjust the zoffset.
You will need to adjust the yoffset if you change the generation mode to 0.
To get the default offsets back, type:
/c /generate xoffset 0
/c /generate yoffset 1
/c /generate zoffset 0
Some anti-structures allow custom parameters.
For example, '/c /generate jungletree 128' will generate a jungle tree 128 blocks high.
To specify a custom block for mineable, you might type '/generate mineable oreDiamond'.
Different types of trees:
- foresttree is a birch tree. (whitebark)
- tree1 is a regular tree.
- tree2 is a jungle tree with vines.
- tree3 is a jungle tree without vines.
- taigatree1 is a tall sequoia tree. (redwood)
- taigatree2 is a regular sequoia tree. (redwood)
- jungletree is a huge jungle tree.
- swamptree is a tree with vines.
- bigtree is a big tree.
A fix for generating dungeons is included.
Glowstone only generates on netherrack.
Anti-structure list
chest - generates bonus chest
waterlily - generates water lily
pumpkin - generates pumpkins
mineable - generates mineable blocks (allows custom block)
flower - generates yellow flowers
rose - generates roses (red)
mushroombrown - generates brown mushrooms
mushroomred - generates red mushrooms
tallgrass - generates tall grass
ferns - generates ferns
lavalake - generates lake of lava
waterlake - generates lake of water
vines - generates vines
netherlava - generates lava when in The Nether
netherfire - generatres fire when in The Nether
clay - generates clay
water - generates water
lava - generates lava
glowstone1 - generates glowstone
glowstone2 - generates glowstone
reeds - generates sugar cane on sand
taigatree1 - generates 1st type of taiga tree
taigatree2 - generates 2nd type of taiga tree
deadbush - generates dead bushes
spikes - generates end spikes on end stone
cactus - generates cactus on sand
dungeon - generates dungeon (doesn't work)
sand - generates sand around water
gravel - generates gravel around water
swamptree - generates a swamp tree (formerly known as vinetree)
well - generates a well
shrub - generates a shrub
bigmushroom - generates a giant mushroom (random type)
bigmushroom1 - generates a giant mushroom (1st type)
bigmushroom2 - generates a giant mushroom (2nd type)
bigtree - generates a large tree
jungletree - generates a jungle tree (allows custom height)
foresttree - generates a forest tree
tree1 - generates 1st type of tree
tree2 - generates 2nd type of tree (allows custom height)
tree3 - generates 3rd type of tree (allows custom height) |