- #######################
- # Poll #
- # by MrIvanPlays #
- #######################
- # All polls
- questions:
- difficulty: # This is the question identifier. Make it simple
- question: "&eServer: &aWhat is the difficulty that the server should be?"
- answers:
- - "&cHard"
- - "&eNormal"
- - "&aEasy"
- plugin:
- question: "&eServer: &aWhich plugin should the server implement?"
- answers:
- - "&aMcMMO"
- - "&b&lJobs"
- # Question announcer
- # Announces the questions to the player between the interval specified
- # If the player have voted already on the question, the question wont
- # get sent to the player
- # !! IMPORTANT !! Interval is measured in seconds
- question-announcer:
- enable: true
- random-order: true
- interval: 300
- # Should the plugin perform a check for update or no
- update-check: true
- # All messages
- messages:
- hover-message: "&aClick to vote"
- usage: "&cUsage: /poll <reload|vote> [question identifier] [question answer]"
- no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to perform this command. Please contact administrator if you believe this is wrong."
- reload-message: "&aReload success"
- no-console: "&cThe console can't vote"
- question-not-found: "&cThe specified question cannot be found"
- already-voted: "&cYou have already voted for this question!"
- invalid-answer: "&cInvalid answer. Valid options: %answers%"
- vote-success: "&aYou have voted successfully"
- pollvotes-usage: "&cUsage: /pollvotes <question identifier>"
- votes-for: "&eVotes for %question%"
- votes-message: "%answer% &rhas &e%votes% vote(s)"
- pollsend-usage: "&cUsage: /pollsend <player name|all> <question identifier>"
- player-not-found: "&cThat player cannot be found"
- sent-success: "&aSuccess sent!"
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