本帖最后由 LittleWen522 于 2019-7-17 22:08 编辑
服务器为8g5h i9 9900k
配置没问题 模组也小于10个,主体是虚无 工业 拔刀
Minecraft ** Full Server Tick Time: 538843015500 Count: 4333 Avg: 124357954 Violations: 8487 Player List Time: 1856100 Count: 4334 Avg: 428 Violations: 0 Command Functions Time: 10467900 Count: 4334 Avg: 2415 Violations: 0 Connection Handler Time: 23384815100 Count: 4334 Avg: 5395665 Violations: 224 Tickables Time: 922600 Count: 4334 Avg: 212 Violations: 0 Scheduler Time: 258296600 Count: 4334 Avg: 59597 Violations: 2 ChunkIOTick Time: 3639800 Count: 4334 Avg: 839 Violations: 0 Time Update Time: 12763700 Count: 4334 Avg: 2945 Violations: 0 Server Command Time: 392507500 Count: 4333 Avg: 90585 Violations: 1 World Save Time: 2113955100 Count: 1 Avg: 2113955100 Violations: 42 ** entityMove Time: 56233433800 Count: 1586392 Avg: 35447 Violations: 660 ** tickEntity Time: 76599398100 Count: 3071630 Avg: 24937 Violations: 12 ** tickTileEntity Time: 113145060400 Count: 4935595 Avg: 22924 Violations: 11 ** livingEntityBaseTick Time: 6733715900 Count: 1410186 Avg: 4775 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityAI Time: 25714453600 Count: 1410173 Avg: 18234 Violations: 6 ** livingEntityAICollision Time: 2806363300 Count: 1410173 Avg: 1990 Violations: 0 ** livingEntityAIMove Time: 36051965200 Count: 1410173 Avg: 25565 Violations: 241 ** livingEntityTickRest Time: 502305200 Count: 1410186 Avg: 356 Violations: 0 processQueue Time: 11261400 Count: 4334 Avg: 2598 Violations: 0 ** Plugins Time: 2035500 Count: 4384 Avg: 464 Violations: 0 ** Scheduler - Sync Tasks Time: 238435400 Count: 9948 Avg: 23968 Violations: 2 ** playerCommand Time: 1476202000 Count: 23 Avg: 64182695 Violations: 21 entityActivationCheck Time: 632745700 Count: 12554 Avg: 50401 Violations: 0 ** checkIfActive Time: 343620600 Count: 1520570 Avg: 225 Violations: 0 Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.4.0 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 9800 Count: 1 Avg: 9800 Violations: 0 Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.4.0 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 243900 Count: 1 Avg: 243900 Violations: 0 Plugin: ProtocolLib v4.4.0 Event: com.comphenix.protocol.injector.PacketFilterManager$4::onPrePlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 108400 Count: 1 Avg: 108400 Violations: 0 Task: ProtocolLib v4.4.0 Runnable: com.comphenix.protocol.ProtocolLib$3(interval:1) Time: 12938700 Count: 4334 Avg: 2985 Violations: 0 Plugin: Vault v1.6.7-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER} Event: net.milkbowl.vault.Vault$VaultListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 3000 Count: 1 Avg: 3000 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::blockDestroy(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 875700 Count: 481 Avg: 1820 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBlockDamage(BlockDamageEvent) Time: 601600 Count: 922 Avg: 652 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onConnect(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 52800 Count: 1 Avg: 52800 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onEntityCombustByEntity(EntityCombustByEntityEvent) Time: 106200 Count: 12 Avg: 8850 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onPotionSplash(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 443900 Count: 30 Avg: 14796 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onStructureGrow(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 131100 Count: 6 Avg: 21850 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onPrime(ExplosionPrimeEvent) Time: 21000 Count: 5 Avg: 4200 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 731000 Count: 419 Avg: 1744 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBlockForm(BlockFormEvent) Time: 687200 Count: 2248 Avg: 305 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onPhysicsEvent(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 43620000 Count: 224964 Avg: 193 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBigBoom(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 24600 Count: 5 Avg: 4920 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::playerCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 130800 Count: 23 Avg: 5686 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onFade(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 1107200 Count: 296 Avg: 3740 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 48700 Count: 8 Avg: 6087 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 24900 Count: 34 Avg: 732 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBlockSpread(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 279200 Count: 123 Avg: 2269 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onGrow(BlockGrowEvent) Time: 2248800 Count: 553 Avg: 4066 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::vehicleMove(VehicleMoveEvent) Time: 3900 Count: 3 Avg: 1300 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::playerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 25100 Count: 4 Avg: 6275 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 922500 Count: 553 Avg: 1668 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onVehicleCreate(VehicleCreateEvent) Time: 17900 Count: 7 Avg: 2557 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onProjectileHit(ProjectileHitEvent) Time: 60800 Count: 34 Avg: 1788 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onCancelledInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 6304700 Count: 3710 Avg: 1699 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onEntityFall(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 38900 Count: 55 Avg: 707 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onWorldChanged(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 439700 Count: 17 Avg: 25864 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onEntityDamageByEntityEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 5619900 Count: 1388 Avg: 4048 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::playerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 62315100 Count: 50150 Avg: 1242 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::creatureSpawnEvent(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 941500 Count: 564 Avg: 1669 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 1182100 Count: 166 Avg: 7121 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onEntityBlockForm(EntityBlockFormEvent) Time: 9800 Count: 1 Avg: 9800 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onPeskyMobsChangeTheWorldLikeWTFEvent(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 3389600 Count: 1079 Avg: 3141 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 23058500 Count: 2522 Avg: 9142 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 398100 Count: 137 Avg: 2905 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onBucketEmpty(PlayerBucketEmptyEvent) Time: 32000 Count: 2 Avg: 16000 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onRedstoneEvent(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 179600 Count: 180 Avg: 997 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::onChange(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 21239800 Count: 83684 Avg: 253 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents::blockCreate(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 3206500 Count: 414 Avg: 7745 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntitySpawnListener::creatureSpawnEvent(EntitySpawnEvent) Time: 2431900 Count: 1373 Avg: 1771 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntityPortal_1_7_9::onVehicle(VehicleUpdateEvent) Time: 124095400 Count: 13790 Avg: 8998 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntityPortal_1_7_9::onVehicle(VehicleCreateEvent) Time: 660900 Count: 7 Avg: 94414 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntityPortal_1_7_9::onVehicle(VehicleBlockCollisionEvent) Time: 26362200 Count: 2879 Avg: 9156 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntityPortal_1_7_9::vehicleMove(VehicleMoveEvent) Time: 3700 Count: 3 Avg: 1233 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.EntityPortal_1_7_9::spawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 346900 Count: 564 Avg: 615 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents_1_8::onInteract(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 221200 Count: 166 Avg: 1332 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlayerEvents_1_8::onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 777500 Count: 553 Avg: 1405 Violations: 0 Task: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Runnable: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener$1(interval:20) Time: 225700 Count: 217 Avg: 1040 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener::onPlotEnter(PlayerEnterPlotEvent) Time: 79900 Count: 60 Avg: 1331 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener::onItemDrop(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 45400 Count: 24 Avg: 1891 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener::onDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 2546000 Count: 1586 Avg: 1605 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener::onInteract(BlockDamageEvent) Time: 2579400 Count: 922 Avg: 2797 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener::onPlotLeave(PlayerLeavePlotEvent) Time: 411800 Count: 56 Avg: 7353 Violations: 0 Plugin: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Event: com.plotsquared.bukkit.listeners.PlotPlusListener_1_12::onItemPickup(EntityPickupItemEvent) Time: 1005600 Count: 233 Avg: 4315 Violations: 0 Task: PlotSquared v19.06.25-12e5d2e-771 Runnable: com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.block.GlobalBlockQueue$2(interval:1) Time: 4761700 Count: 4334 Avg: 1098 Violations: 0 ** world - mobSpawn Time: 2475223100 Count: 4334 Avg: 571117 Violations: 0 ** world - doChunkUnload Time: 1845622100 Count: 4334 Avg: 425847 Violations: 22 ** world - doTickPending Time: 992593300 Count: 4334 Avg: 229024 Violations: 0 ** world - doTickTiles Time: 3284551200 Count: 4334 Avg: 757856 Violations: 1 ** world - doVillages Time: 279492800 Count: 4334 Avg: 64488 Violations: 0 ** world - doChunkMap Time: 19778440200 Count: 4334 Avg: 4563553 Violations: 284 ** world - doSounds Time: 1567800 Count: 4334 Avg: 361 Violations: 0 ** world - doChunkGC Time: 2605100 Count: 4334 Avg: 601 Violations: 0 ** world - doPortalForcer Time: 918900 Count: 4334 Avg: 212 Violations: 0 ** world - entityTick Time: 17431778200 Count: 4334 Avg: 4022099 Violations: 5 ** world - tileEntityTick Time: 193965600 Count: 4334 Avg: 44754 Violations: 0 ** world - tileEntityPending Time: 1023000 Count: 4334 Avg: 236 Violations: 0 ** world - syncChunkLoad Time: 19486645100 Count: 1058 Avg: 18418379 Violations: 284 ** world - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 40383900 Count: 1165 Avg: 34664 Violations: 0 ** world - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 972200 Count: 1165 Avg: 834 Violations: 0 ** world - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 377600 Count: 1165 Avg: 324 Violations: 0 ** world - chunkLoad - Post Time: 13515337300 Count: 2223 Avg: 6079773 Violations: 42 world - tracker Time: 1271035900 Count: 4334 Avg: 293270 Violations: 0 world - doTick Time: 28687025500 Count: 4334 Avg: 6619064 Violations: 327 world - tickEntities Time: 27524495200 Count: 4334 Avg: 6350829 Violations: 160 ** DIM-1 - mobSpawn Time: 70145600 Count: 1193 Avg: 58797 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doChunkUnload Time: 489533200 Count: 4334 Avg: 112951 Violations: 6 ** DIM-1 - doTickPending Time: 540149600 Count: 4334 Avg: 124630 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doTickTiles Time: 325810900 Count: 4334 Avg: 75175 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doVillages Time: 1968500 Count: 4334 Avg: 454 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doChunkMap Time: 45084100 Count: 4334 Avg: 10402 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doSounds Time: 736600 Count: 4334 Avg: 169 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doChunkGC Time: 1369600 Count: 4334 Avg: 316 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - doPortalForcer Time: 922200 Count: 4334 Avg: 212 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - entityTick Time: 448196100 Count: 1671 Avg: 268220 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - tileEntityTick Time: 3671200 Count: 1671 Avg: 2197 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - tileEntityPending Time: 266000 Count: 1671 Avg: 159 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 7613800 Count: 360 Avg: 21149 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 185200 Count: 360 Avg: 514 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 3747100 Count: 360 Avg: 10408 Violations: 0 ** DIM-1 - chunkLoad - Post Time: 1349900 Count: 360 Avg: 3749 Violations: 0 DIM-1 - tracker Time: 63198000 Count: 4334 Avg: 14581 Violations: 0 DIM-1 - doTick Time: 1492884300 Count: 4334 Avg: 344458 Violations: 6 DIM-1 - tickEntities Time: 521381500 Count: 4334 Avg: 120300 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doChunkUnload Time: 3961700 Count: 4334 Avg: 914 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doTickPending Time: 2128100 Count: 4334 Avg: 491 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doTickTiles Time: 13452900 Count: 4334 Avg: 3104 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doVillages Time: 1711000 Count: 4334 Avg: 394 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doChunkMap Time: 1704100 Count: 4334 Avg: 393 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doSounds Time: 562800 Count: 4334 Avg: 129 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doChunkGC Time: 969600 Count: 4334 Avg: 223 Violations: 0 ** DIM1 - doPortalForcer Time: 731400 Count: 4334 Avg: 168 Violations: 0 DIM1 - tracker Time: 9885500 Count: 4334 Avg: 2280 Violations: 0 DIM1 - doTick Time: 37192400 Count: 4334 Avg: 8581 Violations: 0 DIM1 - tickEntities Time: 1271200 Count: 4334 Avg: 293 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doChunkUnload Time: 3392700 Count: 4334 Avg: 782 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doTickPending Time: 1715700 Count: 4334 Avg: 395 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doTickTiles Time: 8660200 Count: 4334 Avg: 1998 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doVillages Time: 1366000 Count: 4334 Avg: 315 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doChunkMap Time: 1312800 Count: 4334 Avg: 302 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doSounds Time: 632400 Count: 4334 Avg: 145 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doChunkGC Time: 679800 Count: 4334 Avg: 156 Violations: 0 ** DIM800 - doPortalForcer Time: 677200 Count: 4334 Avg: 156 Violations: 0 DIM800 - tracker Time: 3659600 Count: 4334 Avg: 844 Violations: 0 DIM800 - doTick Time: 29640000 Count: 4334 Avg: 6838 Violations: 0 DIM800 - tickEntities Time: 1204100 Count: 4334 Avg: 277 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doChunkUnload Time: 2058800 Count: 4334 Avg: 475 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doTickPending Time: 1578700 Count: 4334 Avg: 364 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doTickTiles Time: 4134000 Count: 4334 Avg: 953 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doVillages Time: 1283200 Count: 4334 Avg: 296 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doChunkMap Time: 1192600 Count: 4334 Avg: 275 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doSounds Time: 1803300 Count: 4334 Avg: 416 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doChunkGC Time: 811600 Count: 4334 Avg: 187 Violations: 0 ** DIM801 - doPortalForcer Time: 460800 Count: 4334 Avg: 106 Violations: 0 DIM801 - tracker Time: 2424900 Count: 4334 Avg: 559 Violations: 0 DIM801 - doTick Time: 23319100 Count: 4334 Avg: 5380 Violations: 0 DIM801 - tickEntities Time: 855600 Count: 4334 Avg: 197 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doChunkUnload Time: 2361700 Count: 4334 Avg: 544 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doTickPending Time: 1450900 Count: 4334 Avg: 334 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doTickTiles Time: 4071800 Count: 4334 Avg: 939 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doVillages Time: 2541000 Count: 4334 Avg: 586 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doChunkMap Time: 1173900 Count: 4334 Avg: 270 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doSounds Time: 468200 Count: 4334 Avg: 108 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doChunkGC Time: 1291200 Count: 4334 Avg: 297 Violations: 0 ** DIM802 - doPortalForcer Time: 590600 Count: 4334 Avg: 136 Violations: 0 DIM802 - tracker Time: 2879900 Count: 4334 Avg: 664 Violations: 0 DIM802 - doTick Time: 26009700 Count: 4334 Avg: 6001 Violations: 0 DIM802 - tickEntities Time: 933700 Count: 4334 Avg: 215 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doChunkUnload Time: 2962900 Count: 4334 Avg: 683 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doTickPending Time: 1515000 Count: 4334 Avg: 349 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doTickTiles Time: 5141000 Count: 4334 Avg: 1186 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doVillages Time: 1363300 Count: 4334 Avg: 314 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doChunkMap Time: 1599800 Count: 4334 Avg: 369 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doSounds Time: 540600 Count: 4334 Avg: 124 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doChunkGC Time: 953800 Count: 4334 Avg: 220 Violations: 0 ** DIM803 - doPortalForcer Time: 535400 Count: 4334 Avg: 123 Violations: 0 DIM803 - tracker Time: 8539000 Count: 4334 Avg: 1970 Violations: 0 DIM803 - doTick Time: 24262200 Count: 4334 Avg: 5598 Violations: 0 DIM803 - tickEntities Time: 817800 Count: 4334 Avg: 188 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doChunkUnload Time: 1679700 Count: 4334 Avg: 387 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doTickPending Time: 1549100 Count: 4334 Avg: 357 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doTickTiles Time: 5062900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1168 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doVillages Time: 1237400 Count: 4334 Avg: 285 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doChunkMap Time: 1660800 Count: 4334 Avg: 383 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doSounds Time: 523200 Count: 4334 Avg: 120 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doChunkGC Time: 1144100 Count: 4334 Avg: 263 Violations: 0 ** DIM804 - doPortalForcer Time: 512000 Count: 4334 Avg: 118 Violations: 0 DIM804 - tracker Time: 8471200 Count: 4334 Avg: 1954 Violations: 0 DIM804 - doTick Time: 24849100 Count: 4334 Avg: 5733 Violations: 0 DIM804 - tickEntities Time: 900700 Count: 4334 Avg: 207 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doChunkUnload Time: 2145400 Count: 4334 Avg: 495 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doTickPending Time: 1564700 Count: 4334 Avg: 361 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doTickTiles Time: 3994400 Count: 4334 Avg: 921 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doVillages Time: 1233500 Count: 4334 Avg: 284 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doChunkMap Time: 1776000 Count: 4334 Avg: 409 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doSounds Time: 489900 Count: 4334 Avg: 113 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doChunkGC Time: 855200 Count: 4334 Avg: 197 Violations: 0 ** DIM805 - doPortalForcer Time: 547500 Count: 4334 Avg: 126 Violations: 0 DIM805 - tracker Time: 5351200 Count: 4334 Avg: 1234 Violations: 0 DIM805 - doTick Time: 23518100 Count: 4334 Avg: 5426 Violations: 0 DIM805 - tickEntities Time: 790900 Count: 4334 Avg: 182 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doChunkUnload Time: 2084500 Count: 4334 Avg: 480 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doTickPending Time: 1303600 Count: 4334 Avg: 300 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doTickTiles Time: 7101400 Count: 4334 Avg: 1638 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doVillages Time: 1312100 Count: 4334 Avg: 302 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doChunkMap Time: 1796200 Count: 4334 Avg: 414 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doSounds Time: 568000 Count: 4334 Avg: 131 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doChunkGC Time: 819700 Count: 4334 Avg: 189 Violations: 0 ** DIM806 - doPortalForcer Time: 924100 Count: 4334 Avg: 213 Violations: 0 DIM806 - tracker Time: 5909100 Count: 4334 Avg: 1363 Violations: 0 DIM806 - doTick Time: 26506600 Count: 4334 Avg: 6115 Violations: 0 DIM806 - tickEntities Time: 679500 Count: 4334 Avg: 156 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doChunkUnload Time: 1912200 Count: 4334 Avg: 441 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doTickPending Time: 1764800 Count: 4334 Avg: 407 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doTickTiles Time: 5655800 Count: 4334 Avg: 1304 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doVillages Time: 1240000 Count: 4334 Avg: 286 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doChunkMap Time: 2013800 Count: 4334 Avg: 464 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doSounds Time: 464100 Count: 4334 Avg: 107 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doChunkGC Time: 932800 Count: 4334 Avg: 215 Violations: 0 ** DIM807 - doPortalForcer Time: 466700 Count: 4334 Avg: 107 Violations: 0 DIM807 - tracker Time: 9135800 Count: 4334 Avg: 2107 Violations: 0 DIM807 - doTick Time: 26002600 Count: 4334 Avg: 5999 Violations: 0 DIM807 - tickEntities Time: 1054800 Count: 4334 Avg: 243 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doChunkUnload Time: 2385800 Count: 4334 Avg: 550 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doTickPending Time: 1444000 Count: 4334 Avg: 333 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doTickTiles Time: 4617400 Count: 4334 Avg: 1065 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doVillages Time: 1351900 Count: 4334 Avg: 311 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doChunkMap Time: 1288400 Count: 4334 Avg: 297 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doSounds Time: 581200 Count: 4334 Avg: 134 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doChunkGC Time: 1067300 Count: 4334 Avg: 246 Violations: 0 ** DIM808 - doPortalForcer Time: 705600 Count: 4334 Avg: 162 Violations: 0 DIM808 - tracker Time: 3324200 Count: 4334 Avg: 767 Violations: 0 DIM808 - doTick Time: 24385000 Count: 4334 Avg: 5626 Violations: 0 DIM808 - tickEntities Time: 857000 Count: 4334 Avg: 197 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doChunkUnload Time: 3572300 Count: 4334 Avg: 824 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doTickPending Time: 1622100 Count: 4334 Avg: 374 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doTickTiles Time: 4561900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1052 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doVillages Time: 1449400 Count: 4334 Avg: 334 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doChunkMap Time: 1097400 Count: 4334 Avg: 253 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doSounds Time: 565400 Count: 4334 Avg: 130 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doChunkGC Time: 860600 Count: 4334 Avg: 198 Violations: 0 ** DIM809 - doPortalForcer Time: 476200 Count: 4334 Avg: 109 Violations: 0 DIM809 - tracker Time: 5884300 Count: 4334 Avg: 1357 Violations: 0 DIM809 - doTick Time: 29844800 Count: 4334 Avg: 6886 Violations: 0 DIM809 - tickEntities Time: 731800 Count: 4334 Avg: 168 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doChunkUnload Time: 2762000 Count: 4334 Avg: 637 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doTickPending Time: 1645700 Count: 4334 Avg: 379 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doTickTiles Time: 4691900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1082 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doVillages Time: 988000 Count: 4334 Avg: 227 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doChunkMap Time: 1573400 Count: 4334 Avg: 363 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doSounds Time: 441400 Count: 4334 Avg: 101 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doChunkGC Time: 504800 Count: 4334 Avg: 116 Violations: 0 ** DIM810 - doPortalForcer Time: 568900 Count: 4334 Avg: 131 Violations: 0 DIM810 - tracker Time: 2966400 Count: 4334 Avg: 684 Violations: 0 DIM810 - doTick Time: 23462000 Count: 4334 Avg: 5413 Violations: 0 DIM810 - tickEntities Time: 759500 Count: 4334 Avg: 175 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - mobSpawn Time: 100088000 Count: 2215 Avg: 45186 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doChunkUnload Time: 152033500 Count: 4334 Avg: 35079 Violations: 1 ** DIM811 - doTickPending Time: 1436200 Count: 4334 Avg: 331 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doTickTiles Time: 315249800 Count: 4334 Avg: 72738 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doVillages Time: 1687500 Count: 4334 Avg: 389 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doChunkMap Time: 21081200 Count: 4334 Avg: 4864 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doSounds Time: 495800 Count: 4334 Avg: 114 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doChunkGC Time: 1000900 Count: 4334 Avg: 230 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - doPortalForcer Time: 594500 Count: 4334 Avg: 137 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - entityTick Time: 2281619500 Count: 2215 Avg: 1030076 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - tileEntityTick Time: 9223000 Count: 2215 Avg: 4163 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - tileEntityPending Time: 347800 Count: 2215 Avg: 157 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 20888800 Count: 296 Avg: 70570 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 177200 Count: 296 Avg: 598 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 64400 Count: 296 Avg: 217 Violations: 0 ** DIM811 - chunkLoad - Post Time: 1080300 Count: 296 Avg: 3649 Violations: 0 DIM811 - tracker Time: 217960000 Count: 4334 Avg: 50290 Violations: 0 DIM811 - doTick Time: 604781900 Count: 4334 Avg: 139543 Violations: 1 DIM811 - tickEntities Time: 2450431300 Count: 4334 Avg: 565397 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doChunkUnload Time: 2798500 Count: 4334 Avg: 645 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doTickPending Time: 2166900 Count: 4334 Avg: 499 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doTickTiles Time: 17867600 Count: 4334 Avg: 4122 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doVillages Time: 1405300 Count: 4334 Avg: 324 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doChunkMap Time: 1783100 Count: 4334 Avg: 411 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doSounds Time: 551600 Count: 4334 Avg: 127 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doChunkGC Time: 993200 Count: 4334 Avg: 229 Violations: 0 ** DIM812 - doPortalForcer Time: 540200 Count: 4334 Avg: 124 Violations: 0 DIM812 - tracker Time: 2364400 Count: 4334 Avg: 545 Violations: 0 DIM812 - doTick Time: 38476300 Count: 4334 Avg: 8877 Violations: 0 DIM812 - tickEntities Time: 1563700 Count: 4334 Avg: 360 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doChunkUnload Time: 1976400 Count: 4334 Avg: 456 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doTickPending Time: 1604500 Count: 4334 Avg: 370 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doTickTiles Time: 4981400 Count: 4334 Avg: 1149 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doVillages Time: 1025100 Count: 4334 Avg: 236 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doChunkMap Time: 857400 Count: 4334 Avg: 197 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doSounds Time: 451700 Count: 4334 Avg: 104 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doChunkGC Time: 841800 Count: 4334 Avg: 194 Violations: 0 ** DIM813 - doPortalForcer Time: 473600 Count: 4334 Avg: 109 Violations: 0 DIM813 - tracker Time: 39947700 Count: 4334 Avg: 9217 Violations: 0 DIM813 - doTick Time: 22677500 Count: 4334 Avg: 5232 Violations: 0 DIM813 - tickEntities Time: 818900 Count: 4334 Avg: 188 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doChunkUnload Time: 2272600 Count: 4334 Avg: 524 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doTickPending Time: 1550900 Count: 4334 Avg: 357 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doTickTiles Time: 5193000 Count: 4334 Avg: 1198 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doVillages Time: 1023900 Count: 4334 Avg: 236 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doChunkMap Time: 1609100 Count: 4334 Avg: 371 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doSounds Time: 430000 Count: 4334 Avg: 99 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doChunkGC Time: 850000 Count: 4334 Avg: 196 Violations: 0 ** DIM814 - doPortalForcer Time: 601300 Count: 4334 Avg: 138 Violations: 0 DIM814 - tracker Time: 4187200 Count: 4334 Avg: 966 Violations: 0 DIM814 - doTick Time: 22432000 Count: 4334 Avg: 5175 Violations: 0 DIM814 - tickEntities Time: 830200 Count: 4334 Avg: 191 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doChunkUnload Time: 1692100 Count: 4334 Avg: 390 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doTickPending Time: 1543100 Count: 4334 Avg: 356 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doTickTiles Time: 5007900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1155 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doVillages Time: 1180300 Count: 4334 Avg: 272 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doChunkMap Time: 1200300 Count: 4334 Avg: 276 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doSounds Time: 457600 Count: 4334 Avg: 105 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doChunkGC Time: 845500 Count: 4334 Avg: 195 Violations: 0 ** DIM815 - doPortalForcer Time: 825600 Count: 4334 Avg: 190 Violations: 0 DIM815 - tracker Time: 11102800 Count: 4334 Avg: 2561 Violations: 0 DIM815 - doTick Time: 26916800 Count: 4334 Avg: 6210 Violations: 0 DIM815 - tickEntities Time: 1055800 Count: 4334 Avg: 243 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doChunkUnload Time: 1860700 Count: 4334 Avg: 429 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doTickPending Time: 2813900 Count: 4334 Avg: 649 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doTickTiles Time: 4166900 Count: 4334 Avg: 961 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doVillages Time: 1239400 Count: 4334 Avg: 285 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doChunkMap Time: 1544500 Count: 4334 Avg: 356 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doSounds Time: 486500 Count: 4334 Avg: 112 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doChunkGC Time: 825500 Count: 4334 Avg: 190 Violations: 0 ** DIM816 - doPortalForcer Time: 513400 Count: 4334 Avg: 118 Violations: 0 DIM816 - tracker Time: 4803000 Count: 4334 Avg: 1108 Violations: 0 DIM816 - doTick Time: 23206100 Count: 4334 Avg: 5354 Violations: 0 DIM816 - tickEntities Time: 908400 Count: 4334 Avg: 209 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doChunkUnload Time: 3062900 Count: 4334 Avg: 706 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doTickPending Time: 964500 Count: 4334 Avg: 222 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doTickTiles Time: 4414800 Count: 4334 Avg: 1018 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doVillages Time: 1181500 Count: 4334 Avg: 272 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doChunkMap Time: 1380800 Count: 4334 Avg: 318 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doSounds Time: 469900 Count: 4334 Avg: 108 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doChunkGC Time: 603600 Count: 4334 Avg: 139 Violations: 0 ** DIM817 - doPortalForcer Time: 440200 Count: 4334 Avg: 101 Violations: 0 DIM817 - tracker Time: 9448300 Count: 4334 Avg: 2180 Violations: 0 DIM817 - doTick Time: 20648700 Count: 4334 Avg: 4764 Violations: 0 DIM817 - tickEntities Time: 715000 Count: 4334 Avg: 164 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doChunkUnload Time: 7771300 Count: 4334 Avg: 1793 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doTickPending Time: 1068800 Count: 4334 Avg: 246 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doTickTiles Time: 4128500 Count: 4334 Avg: 952 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doVillages Time: 1472000 Count: 4334 Avg: 339 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doChunkMap Time: 1891700 Count: 4334 Avg: 436 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doSounds Time: 704800 Count: 4334 Avg: 162 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doChunkGC Time: 767600 Count: 4334 Avg: 177 Violations: 0 ** DIM818 - doPortalForcer Time: 461100 Count: 4334 Avg: 106 Violations: 0 DIM818 - tracker Time: 6422900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1481 Violations: 0 DIM818 - doTick Time: 29749600 Count: 4334 Avg: 6864 Violations: 0 DIM818 - tickEntities Time: 698200 Count: 4334 Avg: 161 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doChunkUnload Time: 1495700 Count: 4334 Avg: 345 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doTickPending Time: 1195400 Count: 4334 Avg: 275 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doTickTiles Time: 4534000 Count: 4334 Avg: 1046 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doVillages Time: 1198000 Count: 4334 Avg: 276 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doChunkMap Time: 1700100 Count: 4334 Avg: 392 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doSounds Time: 437800 Count: 4334 Avg: 101 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doChunkGC Time: 817600 Count: 4334 Avg: 188 Violations: 0 ** DIM819 - doPortalForcer Time: 476400 Count: 4334 Avg: 109 Violations: 0 DIM819 - tracker Time: 3896200 Count: 4334 Avg: 898 Violations: 0 DIM819 - doTick Time: 20605000 Count: 4334 Avg: 4754 Violations: 0 DIM819 - tickEntities Time: 871100 Count: 4334 Avg: 200 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doChunkUnload Time: 1847600 Count: 4334 Avg: 426 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doTickPending Time: 1172600 Count: 4334 Avg: 270 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doTickTiles Time: 4445600 Count: 4334 Avg: 1025 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doVillages Time: 1155200 Count: 4334 Avg: 266 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doChunkMap Time: 1095300 Count: 4334 Avg: 252 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doSounds Time: 489600 Count: 4334 Avg: 112 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doChunkGC Time: 796800 Count: 4334 Avg: 183 Violations: 0 ** DIM820 - doPortalForcer Time: 502200 Count: 4334 Avg: 115 Violations: 0 DIM820 - tracker Time: 5762100 Count: 4334 Avg: 1329 Violations: 0 DIM820 - doTick Time: 22513600 Count: 4334 Avg: 5194 Violations: 0 DIM820 - tickEntities Time: 746600 Count: 4334 Avg: 172 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doChunkUnload Time: 2318100 Count: 4334 Avg: 534 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doTickPending Time: 1217200 Count: 4334 Avg: 280 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doTickTiles Time: 3803100 Count: 4334 Avg: 877 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doVillages Time: 1484500 Count: 4334 Avg: 342 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doChunkMap Time: 1121900 Count: 4334 Avg: 258 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doSounds Time: 480200 Count: 4334 Avg: 110 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doChunkGC Time: 914800 Count: 4334 Avg: 211 Violations: 0 ** DIM821 - doPortalForcer Time: 456300 Count: 4334 Avg: 105 Violations: 0 DIM821 - tracker Time: 4002500 Count: 4334 Avg: 923 Violations: 0 DIM821 - doTick Time: 21635100 Count: 4334 Avg: 4991 Violations: 0 DIM821 - tickEntities Time: 800600 Count: 4334 Avg: 184 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMobSpawner Time: 11996800 Count: 34788 Avg: 344 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChest Time: 273318200 Count: 1753969 Avg: 155 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityFurnace Time: 350834500 Count: 342630 Avg: 1023 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHopper Time: 109433544300 Count: 173360 Avg: 631250 Violations: 11 Plugin: AntiExplosion v1.0.1 Event: net.saralab.AntiExplosion::onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 13100 Count: 5 Avg: 2620 Violations: 0 Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 202000 Count: 23 Avg: 8782 Violations: 0 Plugin: WorldEdit v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f Event: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 243847400 Count: 3710 Avg: 65727 Violations: 0 Plugin: ColorChat v1.1 Event: net.zhouhaha.colorchat.ColorChat::onChat(PlayerChatEvent) Time: 27500 Count: 29 Avg: 948 Violations: 0 Plugin: WrenchLog v1.0 Event: com.github.a810587921.WrenchLog.WrenchLogListener::select(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 226900 Count: 414 Avg: 548 Violations: 0 Plugin: WrenchLog v1.0 Event: com.github.a810587921.WrenchLog.WrenchLogListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 11005500 Count: 3710 Avg: 2966 Violations: 0 Plugin: GroupManager v2.0.5 Event: org.anjocaido.groupmanager.permissions.BukkitPermissions$PlayerEvents::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 522200 Count: 1 Avg: 522200 Violations: 0 Plugin: GroupManager v2.0.5 Event: org.anjocaido.groupmanager.permissions.BukkitPermissions$PlayerEvents::onPlayerChangeWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 9521200 Count: 17 Avg: 560070 Violations: 0 Plugin: ACmdLimit v1.0.0 Event: aot.acmd.Core$CmdListener::_(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 162700 Count: 23 Avg: 7073 Violations: 0 Plugin: AntiEMP v1.0.0 Event: luohuayu.AntiEMP.AntiEMPModule::onForgeEvent(ForgeEvent) Time: 10819561700 Count: 65441571 Avg: 165 Violations: 0 Plugin: MobDifficulty v1.1 Event: com.reecegibbo.difficulty.MobHealth::OnEntitySpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 3660600 Count: 564 Avg: 6490 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 5390600 Count: 233 Avg: 23135 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerSwitchSlot(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 9281800 Count: 588 Avg: 15785 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerClickInv(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 9839700 Count: 553 Avg: 17793 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 4800 Count: 1 Avg: 4800 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerChangeWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 1876400 Count: 17 Avg: 110376 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 85331200 Count: 3710 Avg: 23000 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 283000 Count: 24 Avg: 11791 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.BlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 7327900 Count: 481 Avg: 15234 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.BlockListener::onPlayerPlaceBlock(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 6569500 Count: 414 Avg: 15868 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.ChunkListener::onChunkUnLoad(ChunkUnloadEvent) Time: 2208400 Count: 3735 Avg: 591 Violations: 0 Plugin: BanItem v3.2.37 Event: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.ChunkListener::onChunkLoad(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 2769800 Count: 3876 Avg: 714 Violations: 0 Task: BanItem v3.2.37 Runnable: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.commons.util.Statistics$StatisticsTimer(interval:20) Time: 323700 Count: 217 Avg: 1491 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChairStairs v1.1 Event: com.axeldios.ChairStairs.ChairStairsEventListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 154600 Count: 137 Avg: 1128 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChairStairs v1.1 Event: com.axeldios.ChairStairs.ChairStairsEventListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 3582900 Count: 3710 Avg: 965 Violations: 0 Plugin: ChairStairs v1.1 Event: com.axeldios.ChairStairs.ChairStairsEventListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 20206000 Count: 50150 Avg: 402 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 478800 Count: 4 Avg: 119700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 4300 Count: 1 Avg: 4300 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 18471700 Count: 3710 Avg: 4978 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerChangedWorldFlyReset(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 1408400 Count: 17 Avg: 82847 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 600 Count: 1 Avg: 600 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerBucketEmpty(PlayerBucketEmptyEvent) Time: 23000 Count: 2 Avg: 11500 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 52775000 Count: 50150 Avg: 1052 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerChangedWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 1090500 Count: 17 Avg: 64147 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onInventoryCloseEvent(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 604100 Count: 419 Avg: 1441 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 494000 Count: 137 Avg: 3605 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onInventoryClickEvent(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 2140300 Count: 553 Avg: 3870 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerLoginBanned(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 3600 Count: 1 Avg: 3600 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 188900 Count: 23 Avg: 8213 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener$PlayerListener1_12::onPlayerPickupItem(EntityPickupItemEvent) Time: 146300 Count: 233 Avg: 627 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsBlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 8026200 Count: 414 Avg: 19386 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 740800 Count: 183 Avg: 4048 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPotionSplashEvent(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 148700 Count: 30 Avg: 4956 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 32700 Count: 12 Avg: 2725 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityCombustByEntity(EntityCombustByEntityEvent) Time: 8200 Count: 12 Avg: 683 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3884600 Count: 1388 Avg: 2798 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 1610300 Count: 1586 Avg: 1015 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 1369100 Count: 171 Avg: 8006 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onEntityTarget(EntityTargetEvent) Time: 2184100 Count: 589 Avg: 3708 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPlayerDeathEvent(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 1576200 Count: 4 Avg: 394050 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsEntityListener::onPlayerDeathExpEvent(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 33100 Count: 4 Avg: 8275 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsServerListener::onServerListPing(ServerListPingEvent) Time: 239700 Count: 5 Avg: 47940 Violations: 0 Plugin: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Event: com.earth2me.essentials.TNTExplodeListener::onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 8400 Count: 5 Avg: 1680 Violations: 0 Task: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsTimer(interval:50) Time: 15963900 Count: 87 Avg: 183493 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.NeverLag::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 20694300 Count: 83684 Avg: 247 Violations: 0 Task: NeverLag v1.3.0 Runnable: jiongjionger.listener.AntiBot$1(interval:3600) Time: 4800 Count: 1 Avg: 4800 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiExplode::onHIGHESTExplosion(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 7700 Count: 5 Avg: 1540 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiExplode::onMONITORExplosion(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 4000 Count: 5 Avg: 800 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.CheckRedstone::onBlockRedstone(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 187400 Count: 180 Avg: 1041 Violations: 0 Task: NeverLag v1.3.0 Runnable: jiongjionger.listener.CheckRedstone$1(interval:200) Time: 23200 Count: 22 Avg: 1054 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.ProtectFarm::onMobJump(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 600 Count: 1 Avg: 600 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.ProtectFarm::onJump(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1555700 Count: 3710 Avg: 419 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.MobFarmLimiter::onChunkLoadFarmLimiter(ChunkLoadEvent) Time: 9857200 Count: 3876 Avg: 2543 Violations: 0 Task: NeverLag v1.3.0 Runnable: jiongjionger.listener.MobFarmLimiter$1(interval:600) Time: 3590500 Count: 7 Avg: 512928 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.MobLimiter::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 4152800 Count: 564 Avg: 7363 Violations: 0 Task: NeverLag v1.3.0 Runnable: jiongjionger.task.ClearItem$2(interval:20) Time: 187900 Count: 217 Avg: 865 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.ChatCommandRate::OnCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 179400 Count: 23 Avg: 7800 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiDoorCheat::onPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 440600 Count: 233 Avg: 1890 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiDoorCheat::onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 144000 Count: 414 Avg: 347 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiNetherHopperCheat::onHopper(InventoryMoveItemEvent) Time: 18497667100 Count: 755449 Avg: 24485 Violations: 1 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiCheatMod::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 7800 Count: 1 Avg: 7800 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiCountBug::onOpen(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 1859100 Count: 200 Avg: 9295 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiCountBug::onSpawn(ItemSpawnEvent) Time: 733800 Count: 806 Avg: 910 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiCountBug::onClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 997700 Count: 553 Avg: 1804 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.SpawnRate::onDrop(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 248800 Count: 88 Avg: 2827 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.SpawnRate::AntiRate(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 582400 Count: 564 Avg: 1032 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiChestBug::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 853300 Count: 481 Avg: 1774 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiBigShop::OnPlaceChest(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 248500 Count: 414 Avg: 600 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.listener.AntiInfiniteRail::onBlockPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 38384600 Count: 224964 Avg: 170 Violations: 0 Plugin: NeverLag v1.3.0 Event: jiongjionger.NeverLag::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 13640800 Count: 83684 Avg: 163 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.LockListener::onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 11000 Count: 5 Avg: 2200 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.LockListener::onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 369200 Count: 414 Avg: 891 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.LockListener::onBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 8038500 Count: 481 Avg: 16712 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.LockListener::onClick(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 11234900 Count: 2474 Avg: 4541 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.BlockListener::onBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1015900 Count: 481 Avg: 2112 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.BlockListener::onPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 12139400 Count: 414 Avg: 29322 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.BlockListener::onExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 2500 Count: 5 Avg: 500 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 1353600 Count: 419 Avg: 3230 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 8300 Count: 1 Avg: 8300 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 95600 Count: 137 Avg: 697 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 19891500 Count: 50150 Avg: 396 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onClick(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 4000700 Count: 3710 Avg: 1078 Violations: 0 Plugin: QuickShop v0.9.35 Event: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener::onPlayerPickup(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 6127000 Count: 233 Avg: 26296 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerPortal(PlayerPortalEvent) Time: 17500 Count: 1 Avg: 17500 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerChangedWorld(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 111300 Count: 17 Avg: 6547 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerPortalCheck(PlayerPortalEvent) Time: 12700 Count: 1 Avg: 12700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 67700 Count: 4 Avg: 16925 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 14100 Count: 1 Avg: 14100 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener::playerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 881200 Count: 137 Avg: 6432 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::foodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 253700 Count: 171 Avg: 1483 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::entityRegainHealth(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 289400 Count: 183 Avg: 1581 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVEntityListener::creatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 3269100 Count: 564 Avg: 5796 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVWeatherListener::thunderChange(ThunderChangeEvent) Time: 9800 Count: 2 Avg: 4900 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVWeatherListener::weatherChange(WeatherChangeEvent) Time: 8900 Count: 1 Avg: 8900 Violations: 0 Plugin: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Event: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPortalListener::portalForm(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1321400 Count: 2474 Avg: 534 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doChunkUnload Time: 831621600 Count: 4334 Avg: 191883 Violations: 9 ** plotworld - doTickPending Time: 40414100 Count: 4334 Avg: 9324 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doTickTiles Time: 3262831100 Count: 4334 Avg: 752845 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doVillages Time: 634284900 Count: 4334 Avg: 146350 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doChunkMap Time: 91562500 Count: 4334 Avg: 21126 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doSounds Time: 7891700 Count: 4334 Avg: 1820 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doChunkGC Time: 2242500 Count: 4334 Avg: 517 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - doPortalForcer Time: 646500 Count: 4334 Avg: 149 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - entityTick Time: 57488007700 Count: 4334 Avg: 13264422 Violations: 4 ** plotworld - tileEntityTick Time: 114382436000 Count: 4334 Avg: 26391886 Violations: 11 ** plotworld - tileEntityPending Time: 1465600 Count: 4334 Avg: 338 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - syncChunkLoad Time: 1716400 Count: 1 Avg: 1716400 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - chunkLoad - Entities Time: 14868400 Count: 995 Avg: 14943 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - chunkLoad - TileEntities Time: 10060200 Count: 995 Avg: 10110 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - chunkLoad - TileTicks Time: 381900 Count: 995 Avg: 383 Violations: 0 ** plotworld - chunkLoad - Post Time: 4657200 Count: 996 Avg: 4675 Violations: 0 plotworld - tracker Time: 2007553900 Count: 4334 Avg: 463210 Violations: 0 plotworld - doTick Time: 4893000100 Count: 4334 Avg: 1128980 Violations: 9 plotworld - tickEntities Time: 176421867400 Count: 4334 Avg: 40706476 Violations: 475 Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Runnable: buscript.multiverse.ScriptTask(interval:20) Time: 263700 Count: 217 Avg: 1215 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onTreeGrow(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 14100 Count: 6 Avg: 2350 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onIceForm(BlockFormEvent) Time: 1006500 Count: 2248 Avg: 447 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onChestPlaceCreateRes(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 228400 Count: 414 Avg: 551 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onVineGrow(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 190400 Count: 123 Avg: 1547 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onChestPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 272400 Count: 414 Avg: 657 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onAnvilInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 479200 Count: 553 Avg: 866 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockFromTo(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 61496300 Count: 83684 Avg: 734 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockFall(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 1506900 Count: 1079 Avg: 1396 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onPlantGrow(BlockGrowEvent) Time: 1977900 Count: 553 Avg: 3576 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockForm(BlockFormEvent) Time: 959000 Count: 2248 Avg: 426 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 88834972500 Count: 481 Avg: 184688092 Violations: 1561 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onLandDryPhysics(BlockPhysicsEvent) Time: 367549400 Count: 224964 Avg: 1633 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onLandDryFade(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 2307700 Count: 296 Avg: 7796 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 75427971500 Count: 414 Avg: 182193167 Violations: 1393 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onLavaWaterFlow(BlockFromToEvent) Time: 23713100 Count: 83684 Avg: 283 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onChestPlaceNearResidence(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1002200 Count: 414 Avg: 2420 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockSpread(BlockSpreadEvent) Time: 403300 Count: 123 Avg: 3278 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onEntityChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 634800 Count: 1079 Avg: 588 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onBlockIgnite(BlockIgniteEvent) Time: 41000 Count: 8 Avg: 5125 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onTreeGrowt(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 45400 Count: 6 Avg: 7566 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onIceMelt(BlockFadeEvent) Time: 2232600 Count: 296 Avg: 7542 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceBlockListener::onleaveDecay(LeavesDecayEvent) Time: 3200 Count: 1 Avg: 3200 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerInteractWithMinecartStorage(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 193000 Count: 166 Avg: 1162 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 1490106200 Count: 50150 Avg: 29712 Violations: 14 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onSelection(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 13695100 Count: 2522 Avg: 5430 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerTeleportEvent(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 519449900 Count: 137 Avg: 3791605 Violations: 5 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onFlagGuiClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 222200 Count: 553 Avg: 401 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerDropItemEvent(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 32300 Count: 24 Avg: 1345 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlatePress(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 37351404300 Count: 2879 Avg: 12973742 Violations: 648 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerSpawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 186258600 Count: 4 Avg: 46564650 Violations: 1 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onSignDestroy(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1066800 Count: 481 Avg: 2217 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onInfoCheck(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 4666400 Count: 2522 Avg: 1850 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerItemFrameInteract(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 136100 Count: 166 Avg: 819 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onResidenceChangeMessagePrint(ResidenceChangedEvent) Time: 17939400 Count: 155 Avg: 115738 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerInteractWithMinecart(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 181900 Count: 166 Avg: 1095 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerTradeEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 185203900 Count: 166 Avg: 1115686 Violations: 1 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onResidenceChange(ResidenceChangedEvent) Time: 1447617500 Count: 155 Avg: 9339467 Violations: 9 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) Time: 34800 Count: 4 Avg: 8700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 13000 Count: 1 Avg: 13000 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 12700 Count: 1 Avg: 12700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onFlagGuiClose(InventoryCloseEvent) Time: 408300 Count: 419 Avg: 974 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerBucketEmpty(PlayerBucketEmptyEvent) Time: 180950200 Count: 2 Avg: 90475100 Violations: 2 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerWorldChange(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) Time: 483747300 Count: 17 Avg: 28455723 Violations: 3 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerInteractWithRidable(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 195100 Count: 166 Avg: 1175 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerDyeSheep(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 104700 Count: 166 Avg: 630 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onSignInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 45995400 Count: 2477 Avg: 18568 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onJump(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 21297800 Count: 50150 Avg: 424 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerFireInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 42704878300 Count: 2522 Avg: 16932941 Violations: 476 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onCommand(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 164284500 Count: 23 Avg: 7142804 Violations: 2 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 36096313800 Count: 2522 Avg: 14312574 Violations: 624 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerFirstLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 3700 Count: 1 Avg: 3700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerTeleport(PlayerTeleportEvent) Time: 367958500 Count: 137 Avg: 2685828 Violations: 4 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerInteractWithHorse(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 108300 Count: 166 Avg: 652 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener::onPlayerPickupItemEvent(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 489400 Count: 233 Avg: 2100 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityDamageByWitherEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 602700 Count: 1388 Avg: 434 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::OnFallDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 702300 Count: 1586 Avg: 442 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::PlayerKillingByFlame(EntityCombustByEntityEvent) Time: 16200 Count: 12 Avg: 1350 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onWitherSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 1146400 Count: 564 Avg: 2032 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEndermanChangeBlock(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 380700 Count: 1079 Avg: 352 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::MonsterKilling(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 3831600 Count: 1388 Avg: 2760 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::OnArmorStandExplosion(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 861200 Count: 1586 Avg: 543 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::OnEntityDeath(EntityDeathEvent) Time: 185600 Count: 88 Avg: 2109 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityCatchingFire(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 723700 Count: 1388 Avg: 521 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::AnimalKilling(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 2319400 Count: 1388 Avg: 1671 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 9070100 Count: 1586 Avg: 5718 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onSplashPotion(EntityChangeBlockEvent) Time: 420300 Count: 1079 Avg: 389 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onSplashPotion(PotionSplashEvent) Time: 1179600 Count: 30 Avg: 39320 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityCombust(EntityCombustEvent) Time: 30200 Count: 12 Avg: 2516 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onPhantomSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 526800 Count: 564 Avg: 934 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onCreatureSpawn(CreatureSpawnEvent) Time: 3007300 Count: 564 Avg: 5332 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onExplosionPrime(ExplosionPrimeEvent) Time: 56800 Count: 5 Avg: 11360 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 49800 Count: 5 Avg: 9960 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::OnArmorStandFlameDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 669600 Count: 1586 Avg: 422 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onMinecartHopperItemMove(InventoryMoveItemEvent) Time: 9735412700 Count: 755449 Avg: 12886 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::OnPlayerDamageByLightning(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 577500 Count: 1586 Avg: 364 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityDamageByFireballEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 736000 Count: 1388 Avg: 530 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityDamageByEntityEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 1601300 Count: 1388 Avg: 1153 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::AnimalDamageByMobs(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 1095000 Count: 1388 Avg: 788 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::AnimalKillingByFlame(EntityCombustByEntityEvent) Time: 22800 Count: 12 Avg: 1900 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 298900 Count: 34 Avg: 8791 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceEntityListener::onEntityInteract(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 27700 Count: 1 Avg: 27700 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidenceFixesListener::onAnvilPlace(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 1556000 Count: 2477 Avg: 628 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.shopStuff.ShopListener::onSignInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 9489300 Count: 2474 Avg: 3835 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.allNms.v1_8Events::onPlayerInteractAtArmoStand(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 883100 Count: 166 Avg: 5319 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.allNms.v1_9Events::onLingeringEffectApply(AreaEffectCloudApplyEvent) Time: 143900 Count: 5 Avg: 28780 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.allNms.v1_10Events::onPlayerFireInteract(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 858900 Count: 1586 Avg: 541 Violations: 0 Plugin: Residence v4.8.4.4 Event: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.SpigotListener::onItemDamage(PlayerItemDamageEvent) Time: 1941700 Count: 980 Avg: 1981 Violations: 0 Task: Residence v4.8.4.4 Runnable: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence$1(interval:20) Time: 1158100 Count: 217 Avg: 5336 Violations: 0 Task: Residence v4.8.4.4 Runnable: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.Residence$2(interval:100) Time: 68200 Count: 44 Avg: 1550 Violations: 0 Plugin: BetterRTP v2.7.6 Event: me.SuperRonanCraft.BetterRTP.event.Join::onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 12400 Count: 1 Avg: 12400 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) Time: 36300 Count: 4 Avg: 9075 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) Time: 952700 Count: 553 Avg: 1722 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerInteractEntity(PlayerInteractEntityEvent) Time: 136800 Count: 166 Avg: 824 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerHeldItem(PlayerItemHeldEvent) Time: 1219800 Count: 588 Avg: 2074 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerPickupItem(PlayerPickupItemEvent) Time: 675500 Count: 233 Avg: 2899 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerInventoryOpen(InventoryOpenEvent) Time: 450300 Count: 200 Avg: 2251 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerInteract(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 6174500 Count: 2522 Avg: 2448 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerDropItem(PlayerDropItemEvent) Time: 41700 Count: 24 Avg: 1737 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 20600 Count: 1 Avg: 20600 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerHitPlayerEvent(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 706500 Count: 1388 Avg: 509 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onJoinMessage(PlayerJoinEvent) Time: 5600 Count: 1 Avg: 5600 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent) Time: 114702500 Count: 50150 Avg: 2287 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent) Time: 14000 Count: 1 Avg: 14000 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerConsumeItem(PlayerItemConsumeEvent) Time: 182200 Count: 29 Avg: 6282 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener::onPlayerCommandPreprocess(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent) Time: 155300 Count: 23 Avg: 6752 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.BlockListener::onBlockBreak(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1422800 Count: 481 Avg: 2958 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.BlockListener::onBlockPlace(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 1073700 Count: 414 Avg: 2593 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onEntityTarget(EntityTargetEvent) Time: 877000 Count: 589 Avg: 1488 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onFoodLevelChange(FoodLevelChangeEvent) Time: 529000 Count: 171 Avg: 3093 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::entityRegainHealthEvent(EntityRegainHealthEvent) Time: 536100 Count: 183 Avg: 2929 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onLowestEntityInteract(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 1400 Count: 1 Avg: 1400 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onDamage(EntityDamageEvent) Time: 1196900 Count: 1586 Avg: 754 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent) Time: 6068100 Count: 1388 Avg: 4371 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onEntityInteract(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 500 Count: 1 Avg: 500 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.EntityListener::onProjectileLaunch(ProjectileLaunchEvent) Time: 22300 Count: 34 Avg: 655 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener18::onPlayerInteractAtEntity(PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent) Time: 259300 Count: 166 Avg: 1562 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener19Spigot::onPlayerSpawn(PlayerSpawnLocationEvent) Time: 66100 Count: 1 Avg: 66100 Violations: 0 Plugin: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Event: fr.xephi.authme.listener.PlayerListener111::onPlayerAirChange(EntityAirChangeEvent) Time: 8679200 Count: 5558 Avg: 1561 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onPlayerQuickLockChest(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 2798700 Count: 3710 Avg: 754 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::playerSelectSign(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 2149100 Count: 3710 Avg: 579 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onAttemptBreakSign(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 1868600 Count: 481 Avg: 3884 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onAttemptPlaceInterfereBlocks(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 2278400 Count: 414 Avg: 5503 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onPlaceFirstBlockNotify(BlockPlaceEvent) Time: 3562300 Count: 414 Avg: 8604 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onAttemptBreakLockedBlocks(BlockBreakEvent) Time: 2497200 Count: 481 Avg: 5191 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockPlayerListener::onAttemptInteractLockedBlocks(PlayerInteractEvent) Time: 14132400 Count: 3710 Avg: 3809 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockEnvironmentListener::onVillagerOpenDoor(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 4300 Count: 1 Avg: 4300 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockEnvironmentListener::onStructureGrow(StructureGrowEvent) Time: 136300 Count: 6 Avg: 22716 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockEnvironmentListener::onBlockRedstoneChange(BlockRedstoneEvent) Time: 424400 Count: 180 Avg: 2357 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockEnvironmentListener::onEndermanGreif(EntityInteractEvent) Time: 700 Count: 1 Avg: 700 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockEnvironmentListener::onEntityExplode(EntityExplodeEvent) Time: 18800 Count: 5 Avg: 3760 Violations: 0 Plugin: LockettePro v2.9.0 Event: me.crafter.mc.lockettepro.BlockInventoryMoveListener::onInventoryMove(InventoryMoveItemEvent) Time: 34883918800 Count: 755449 Avg: 46176 Violations: 2 Task: Residence v4.8.4.4 Runnable: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.listeners.ResidencePlayerListener$1(Single) Time: 8500 Count: 1 Avg: 8500 Violations: 0 Task: QuickShop v0.9.35 Runnable: org.maxgamer.quickshop.Listeners.PlayerListener$1(Single) Time: 25500 Count: 1 Avg: 25500 Violations: 0 Task: Multiverse-Core v2.5.0-b727 Runnable: com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.listeners.MVPlayerListener$2(Single) Time: 170500 Count: 18 Avg: 9472 Violations: 0 Task: BanItem v3.2.37 Runnable: cc.bukkitPlugin.banitem.listener.PlayerListener$1(Single) Time: 204900 Count: 1 Avg: 204900 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntitySkull Time: 162455400 Count: 1206399 Avg: 134 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityEnchantmentTable Time: 59400200 Count: 37133 Avg: 1599 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - Simple Time: 22303000 Count: 4334 Avg: 5146 Violations: 0 Task: Essentials v2.15.0.1 Runnable: com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsPlayerListener$1DelayJoinTask(Single) Time: 2320500 Count: 1 Avg: 2320500 Violations: 0 Task: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.join.AsynchronousJoin$$Lambda$416/000000001E827E50(Single) Time: 2390300 Count: 1 Avg: 2390300 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEndermanSkull Time: 8700 Count: 1 Avg: 8700 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityNest Time: 9033800 Count: 21398 Avg: 422 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBlast Time: 19704400 Count: 46135 Avg: 427 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - Simple Time: 60913200 Count: 34672 Avg: 1756 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - Simple Time: 14020400 Count: 8668 Avg: 1617 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - Simple Time: 50077500 Count: 17336 Avg: 2888 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityIronFurnace Time: 132962300 Count: 42965 Avg: 3094 Violations: 0 Task: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.task.MessageTask(interval:100) Time: 27300 Count: 1 Avg: 27300 Violations: 0 Task: AuthMe v5.4.0-b1877 Runnable: fr.xephi.authme.process.SyncProcessManager$$Lambda$421/000000002F1DEB90(Single) Time: 8561000 Count: 1 Avg: 8561000 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHive Time: 31854700 Count: 43402 Avg: 733 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityRecycler Time: 20747800 Count: 13002 Avg: 1595 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntitySolarPanel Time: 27609100 Count: 55213 Avg: 500 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityGenerator Time: 30319800 Count: 30644 Avg: 989 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMacerator Time: 45418700 Count: 35794 Avg: 1268 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityExtractor Time: 86470800 Count: 34672 Avg: 2493 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityElectricMFE Time: 17371100 Count: 13002 Avg: 1336 Violations: 0 Task: Residence v4.8.4.4 Runnable: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.protection.ClaimedResidence$1(Single) Time: 111200 Count: 6 Avg: 18533 Violations: 0 Task: Residence v4.8.4.4 Runnable: com.bekvon.bukkit.residence.protection.ClaimedResidence$2(Single) Time: 183531400 Count: 3 Avg: 61177133 Violations: 2 ** tickTileEntity - TileCapBank Time: 9041500 Count: 4334 Avg: 2086 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileBufferPower Time: 6688200 Count: 4334 Avg: 1543 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileTank Time: 27141100 Count: 13002 Avg: 2087 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileExperienceObelisk Time: 4491300 Count: 4334 Avg: 1036 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBrewingStand Time: 69712100 Count: 37954 Avg: 1836 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileVacuumChest Time: 59247100 Count: 8668 Avg: 6835 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileReservoir Time: 6293900 Count: 4334 Avg: 1452 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMVSolarPanel Time: 143199600 Count: 342386 Avg: 418 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityTransformerMV Time: 33990400 Count: 4334 Avg: 7842 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityTransformerLV Time: 446615300 Count: 164692 Avg: 2711 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityElectricMFSU Time: 13248100 Count: 14230 Avg: 930 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityElectricFurnace Time: 27708100 Count: 26004 Avg: 1065 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChargePadHV Time: 11900300 Count: 17336 Avg: 686 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityMassFabricator Time: 9278100 Count: 8668 Avg: 1070 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityCompressor Time: 164027600 Count: 28979 Avg: 5660 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChargePadLV Time: 7485100 Count: 13002 Avg: 575 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityBeacon Time: 29458900 Count: 4334 Avg: 6797 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityElectricBatBox Time: 11171800 Count: 15189 Avg: 735 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - Furnace Time: 8895000 Count: 4334 Avg: 2052 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityGeoGenerator Time: 12508200 Count: 8668 Avg: 1443 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileConduitBundle Time: 35684800 Count: 39006 Avg: 914 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityWindGenerator Time: 27526600 Count: 26004 Avg: 1058 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityCanner Time: 13660000 Count: 4334 Avg: 3151 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityInductionFurnace Time: 33613000 Count: 8668 Avg: 3877 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityCrop Time: 12414400 Count: 68986 Avg: 179 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHamsterWheel Time: 398081500 Count: 30338 Avg: 13121 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityHVSolarPanel Time: 2892700 Count: 4334 Avg: 667 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityChargePadMV Time: 3190100 Count: 4334 Avg: 736 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityFoodBowl Time: 33841500 Count: 8668 Avg: 3904 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityTrough Time: 11330800 Count: 28978 Avg: 391 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityInvisiblock Time: 5605200 Count: 28978 Avg: 193 Violations: 0 ** tickTileEntity - TileEntityCheeseMold Time: 15790500 Count: 4334 Avg: 3643 Violations: 0 # Version git-1468a63-Community (MC: 1.12.2) # Entities 789 # LivingEntities 661 Sample time 539252983200 (539.2529832s) # This is the main configuration file for Spigot. # As you can see, there's tons to configure. Some options may impact gameplay, so use # with caution, and make sure you know what each option does before configuring. # For a reference for any variable inside this file, check out the Spigot wiki at # http://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/spigot-configuration/ # # If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Spigot, # join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post. # # IRC: #spigot @ irc.spi.gt ( http://www.spigotmc.org/pages/irc/ ) # Forums: http://www.spigotmc.org/ config-version: 11 commands: log: true tab-complete: 0 spam-exclusions: - /skill silent-commandblock-console: false replace-commands: - setblock - summon - testforblock - tellraw messages: whitelist: You are not whitelisted on this server! unknown-command: 您输入的指令不存在. server-full: The server is full! outdated-client: Outdated client! Please use {0} outdated-server: Outdated server! I'm still on {0} restart: 服务器正在重启 settings: timeout-time: 580 restart-on-crash: true restart-script: ./start.sh bungeecord: false netty-threads: 4 late-bind: false sample-count: 12 player-shuffle: 0 filter-creative-items: true user-cache-size: 1000 save-user-cache-on-stop-only: false int-cache-limit: 1024 moved-wrongly-threshold: 0.0625 moved-too-quickly-multiplier: 10.0 attribute: maxHealth: max: 2048.0 movementSpeed: max: 2048.0 attackDamage: max: 2048.0 debug: false item-dirty-ticks: 20 stats: disable-saving: false forced-stats: {} advancements: disable-saving: false disabled: - minecraft:story/disabled world-settings: default: verbose: true growth: cactus-modifier: 100 cane-modifier: 100 melon-modifier: 100 mushroom-modifier: 100 pumpkin-modifier: 100 sapling-modifier: 100 wheat-modifier: 100 netherwart-modifier: 100 vine-modifier: 100 cocoa-modifier: 100 merge-radius: item: 3.5 exp: 5.0 view-distance: 4 mob-spawn-range: 4 item-despawn-rate: 6000 entity-activation-range: animals: 1 monsters: 6 misc: 1 tick-inactive-villagers: true entity-tracking-range: players: 48 animals: 48 monsters: 48 misc: 32 other: 64 ticks-per: hopper-transfer: 8 hopper-check: 1 hopper-amount: 1 random-light-updates: false save-structure-info: true arrow-despawn-rate: 1200 zombie-aggressive-towards-villager: true nerf-spawner-mobs: false enable-zombie-pigmen-portal-spawns: true dragon-death-sound-radius: 1 wither-spawn-sound-radius: 1 seed-village: 10387312 seed-feature: 14357617 seed-monument: 10387313 seed-slime: 987234911 hunger: jump-walk-exhaustion: 0.05 jump-sprint-exhaustion: 0.2 combat-exhaustion: 0.1 regen-exhaustion: 6.0 swim-multiplier: 0.01 sprint-multiplier: 0.1 other-multiplier: 0.0 max-tnt-per-tick: 20 hanging-tick-frequency: 100 max-tick-time: tile: 1000 entity: 1000 squid-spawn-range: min: 45.0 max-entity-collisions: 8 |
服务器为8g5h i9 9900k
配置没问题 模组也小于10个,主体是虚无 工业 拔刀
请生成链接形式的 timings
xmdhs 发表于 2019-7-17 22:08
请生成链接形式的 timings
这种报错是服务器超载吧
是不是有玩家刷怪或者搞了红石连闪


xmdhs 发表于 2019-7-17 22:15
xmdhs 发表于 2019-7-18 08:51
无法,之前这种文本还可以用 spigot 的阅读器阅读。
但是现在 spigot 关闭了 ...