Minecraft Earth 是一款全新的增强现实游戏。


Minecraft Earth 在五个城市开始内测

Remember that time when you asked when Minecraft Earth would be available to play in closed beta? And how we answered that a lucky few would be able to play before summer is even over? Well, that answer wasn’t some mean-spirited practical joke! We didn’t slyly refer to the summer of 2022 (by then, we’ll all be busy watching the Minecraft movie)!还记得之前你问过 Minecraft Earth 什么时候开始内测吗?还记得我们回答的少数幸运儿能在夏天之前玩到,但夏天已经快过去了吗?好吧,那个回答并不是在开玩笑,我们并没有狡猾地指 2022 年的夏天(说起来,那会儿我们正忙着看 Minecraft 大电影呢)!

In fact, the closed beta has finally arrived! If you live in London or Seattle and have signed up to participate, there’s a chance you’ve been selected. Lately, we’ve been busy writing thousands of invitation emails to all those lucky players. So, Londoners and Seattleites – check those inboxes, stat!事实上,内测终于来啦!如果你住在英国伦敦、美国西雅图、瑞典斯德哥尔摩、日本东京或是墨西哥合众国的墨西哥城,并且已经注册参与了,你就有被选中的机率。最近我们一直在忙着发几千封邀请信给这些幸运玩家。所以,伦敦人、西雅图人、斯德哥尔摩人、东京人、墨西哥城市民——看一下收件箱!

Have you been invited, and find yourself equally excited and confused? Take a deep breath, we have you covered!Go here to learn how to get started, and what you need to do to stay in the beta.你被邀请到了吗?是否感到既兴奋又困惑?别紧张,我们帮你做好准备了!到这里了解怎样上手,以及你需要做什么以参与内测。

Still have questions?The Minecraft Earth FAQ probably answers them. No? Then the lovely Discord community will take good care of you. Found a bug in the game? Ewww. Go here to report it so we can squash it! Just looking to get some feedback off your chest?We’d love that! That’s what betas are for.还有别的问题?Minecraft Earth FAQ 也许回答了它们。并没有?那就到可爱的 Discord 社区寻求帮助。发现了游戏的漏洞?嗯…到这里汇报它,这样我们就能修复了!只想对你的箱子提点反馈?我们很欢迎!这就是我们内测的目的。

Now, with that fine print out of the way, the fun is just getting started! We plan to announce more cities around the world joining the beta in the next few days, so keep an eye on the Minecraft Earth Twitter account to be the first to know.现在,迈出了完美的第一步,乐趣才刚刚开始!我们计划在接下来的几天内.公布更多的加入内测的城市,所以请持续关注Minecraft Earth 的 Twitter 帐号来获取最新消息。

STILL haven’t signed up? You can do that here! 没有注册?你仍然可以在这里注册!

【作者:Thomas Wiborgh,发布日期:2019-07-16,译者:SPGoding】
【原文:https://www.minecraft.net/zh-han ... -available-2-cities



zhou888 发表于 2019-7-17 03:39


我酸了 这游戏不找代理或许真进不来


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