使用的权限组插件:GroupManager+ [v3.0]
还有一个不知道是什么 你们可以看看:GroupManagerLP
已经尝试过删除文件夹重启服务器 完全没用 也尝试过
玩家目前只能使用输入/l 密码 登陆用的指令和说话的权限 其他一律不行 你们帮我看看呢
使用的权限组插件:GroupManager+ [v3.0]
还有一个不知道是什么 你们可以看看:GroupManagerLP
已经尝试过删除文件夹重启服务器 完全没用 也尝试过
Default: default: false permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill inheritance: - g:groupmanager_default - g:bukkit_default - g:essentials_default - g:towny_default info: prefix: '&e' build: false suffix: '' Builder: default: true permissions: [] inheritance: - default - g:essentials_builder - g:towny_builder info: prefix: '&2' build: true suffix: '' |
# # GroupManager+ # config.yml # settings: config: # With this enabled anyone set as op has full permissions when managing GroupManager # The user will be able to promote players to the same group or even above. opOverrides: true # Default setting for 'mantogglevalidate' # true will cause GroupManager to attempt name matching by default. validate_toggle: true # ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ # *** NOTE: Having this feature enabled can allow improper use of Command Blocks which may lead to undesireable permission changes. You have been warned! *** # ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ allow_commandblocks: false data: save: # How often GroupManager will save it's data back to groups.yml and users.yml minutes: 10 # Number of hours to retain backups (plugins/GroupManager/backup) hours: 24 logging: # Level of detail GroupManager will use when logging. # Acceptable entries are - ALL,CONFIG,FINE,FINER,FINEST,INFO,OFF,SEVERE,WARNING level: INFO mirrors: # Worlds listed here have their settings mirrored in their children. # The first element 'world' is the main worlds name, and is the parent world. # subsequent elements 'world_nether' and 'world_the_end' are worlds which will use # the same user/groups files as the parent. # the element 'all_unnamed_worlds' specifies all worlds that aren't listed, and automatically mirrors them to it's parent. # Each child world can be configured to mirror the 'groups', 'users' or both files from its parent. world: world_nether: - users - groups world_the_end: - users - groups all_unnamed_worlds: - users - groups # world2: (World2 would have it's own set of user and groups files) # world3: # - users (World3 would use the users.yml from world2, but it's own groups.yml) # world4: # - groups (World4 would use the groups.yml from world2, but it's own users.yml) # world5: # - world6 (this would cause world6 to mirror both files from world5) |
# # GroupManager+ # globalgroups.yml # # These groups only contain permission nodes. # # **** You can NOT add anything other than permission nodes **** # **** This is NOT where you set up the groups which you give to users! **** # **** goto groupmanager/worlds/worldname/groups.yml if you want to set the actual groups! **** # # These collections are to be inherited in your different worlds groups.yml's # They can also be added as one of a users subgroups, but NOT as a primary group. # These collections are available to ALL group and user yml's. # # Add to and customize these groups to fit your needs. groups: # Permission nodes for GroupManager # by ElgarL, snowleo, continued from gabrielcouto's original # http://wiki.ess3.net g:groupmanager_default: permissions: - groupmanager.notify.self g:groupmanager_moderator: permissions: - groupmanager.listgroups - groupmanager.mandemote - groupmanager.manpromote - groupmanager.manselect - groupmanager.manuadd - groupmanager.manudel - groupmanager.manwhois - groupmanager.notify.other g:groupmanager_admin: permissions: - groupmanager.mantogglevalidate - groupmanager.mansave - groupmanager.mangcheckp - groupmanager.manglistp - groupmanager.manucheckp - groupmanager.manulistp # Permission nodes for CraftBukkit # by many devs and contributors # http://dl.bukkit.org/ g:bukkit_default: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast.user - -bukkit.command.plugins g:bukkit_moderator: permissions: - bukkit.command.ban - bukkit.command.ban.ip - bukkit.command.ban.player - bukkit.command.gamemode - bukkit.command.kick - bukkit.command.unban - bukkit.command.unban.ip - bukkit.command.unban.player g:bukkit_admin: permissions: - bukkit.broadcast - bukkit.broadcast.admin - bukkit.command.give - bukkit.command.help - bukkit.command.kill - bukkit.command.list - bukkit.command.me - -bukkit.command.op - -bukkit.command.op.give - -bukkit.command.op.take - bukkit.command.plugins - bukkit.command.reload - bukkit.command.save - bukkit.command.save.disable - bukkit.command.save.enable - bukkit.command.save.perform - bukkit.command.say - bukkit.command.stop - bukkit.command.teleport - bukkit.command.tell - bukkit.command.time - bukkit.command.time.add - bukkit.command.time.set - bukkit.command.version - bukkit.command.whitelist - bukkit.command.whitelist.add - bukkit.command.whitelist.disable - bukkit.command.whitelist.enable - bukkit.command.whitelist.list - bukkit.command.whitelist.reload - bukkit.command.whitelist.remove # Permission nodes for Essentials # by ementalo, snowleo, and KHobbits # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/essentials/ g:essentials_default: permissions: - essentials.help - essentials.helpop - essentials.list - essentials.motd - essentials.rules - essentials.spawn - essentials.jail.allow.help - essentials.jail.allow.helpop - essentials.jail.allow.rules g:essentials_builder: permissions: - essentials.afk - essentials.afk.auto - essentials.back - essentials.back.ondeath - essentials.balance - essentials.balance.others - essentials.balancetop - essentials.book - essentials.chat.color - essentials.chat.format - essentials.chat.shout - essentials.chat.question - essentials.compass - essentials.delhome - essentials.depth - essentials.exp - essentials.getpos - essentials.hat - essentials.home - essentials.ignore - essentials.itemdb - essentials.kit - essentials.kits.tools - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.me - essentials.msg - essentials.msg.color - essentials.msg.format - essentials.nick - essentials.pay - essentials.ping - essentials.powertool - essentials.powertooltoggle - essentials.protect - essentials.recipe - essentials.seen - essentials.sethome - essentials.sethome.bed - essentials.sethome.multiple - essentials.signs.use.* - essentials.signs.create.disposal - essentials.signs.create.mail - essentials.signs.create.protection - essentials.signs.create.trade - essentials.signs.break.disposal - essentials.signs.break.mail - essentials.signs.break.protection - essentials.signs.break.trade - essentials.suicide - essentials.time - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.warp - essentials.warp.list - essentials.worth - essentials.jail.allow.mail - essentials.jail.allow.ping - essentials.jail.allow.seen g:essentials_moderator: permissions: - -essentials.spawner.enderdragon - essentials.afk.kickexempt - essentials.ban - essentials.ban.notify - essentials.banip - essentials.book.title - essentials.book.others - essentials.broadcast - essentials.chat.url - essentials.chat.magic - essentials.clearinventory - essentials.delwarp - essentials.eco.loan - essentials.exp.others - essentials.ext - essentials.fly - essentials.fly.safelogin - essentials.getpos - essentials.getpos.others - essentials.helpop.receive - essentials.home.others - essentials.invsee - essentials.jails - essentials.jump - essentials.kick - essentials.kick.notify - essentials.kill - essentials.kits.* - essentials.msg.magic - essentials.mute - essentials.mute.notify - essentials.nick.color - essentials.nick.others - essentials.realname - essentials.seen.banreason - essentials.seen.extra - essentials.setwarp - essentials.signs.create.* - essentials.signs.break.* - essentials.spawner - essentials.spawner.* - essentials.thunder - essentials.time - essentials.time.set - essentials.protect.alerts - essentials.protect.admin - essentials.protect.ownerinfo - essentials.ptime - essentials.ptime.others - essentials.togglejail - essentials.top - essentials.tp - essentials.tp.others - essentials.tphere - essentials.tppos - essentials.tptoggle - essentials.unban - essentials.unbanip - essentials.vanish - essentials.vanish.effect - essentials.warps.* - essentials.weather - essentials.whois - essentials.workbench - essentials.world - essentials.worlds.* - essentials.jail.allow.jails - essentials.jail.allow.togglejail g:essentials_admin: permissions: - -essentials.backup - -essentials.essentials - -essentials.setspawn - -essentials.reloadall - -essentials.plugin - essentials.* # Permission nodes for Towny by ElgarL # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/towny-advanced/ g:towny_default: permissions: - towny.chat.local g:towny_builder: permissions: - towny.wild.build.6 - towny.wild.destroy.6 - towny.wild.destroy.14 - towny.wild.destroy.15 - towny.wild.destroy.16 - towny.wild.build.17 - towny.wild.destroy.17 - towny.wild.destroy.18 - towny.wild.destroy.21 - towny.wild.destroy.31 - towny.wild.destroy.37 - towny.wild.destroy.38 - towny.wild.destroy.39 - towny.wild.destroy.40 - towny.wild.destroy.50 - towny.wild.destroy.56 - towny.wild.destroy.73 - towny.wild.destroy.74 - towny.wild.destroy.78 - towny.wild.destroy.81 - towny.wild.destroy.82 - towny.wild.destroy.83 - towny.wild.destroy.86 - towny.wild.destroy.103 - towny.wild.destroy.106 - towny.wild.destroy.111 - towny.wild.destroy.115 g:towny_moderator: permissions: - towny.chat.mod - towny.wild.switch.64 - towny.wild.build.83 - towny.wild.build.86 - towny.wild.build.103 - towny.wild.build.111 - towny.wild.build.115 g:towny_admin: permissions: - towny.admin - -towny.wild.destroy.119 - -towny.wild.destroy.120 - towny.chat.admin # Permission nodes for VanishNoPacket by mbaxter # http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/vanish/ g:vanish_moderator: permissions: - -vanish.* - vanish.vanish - vanish.smokin - vanish.nofollow - vanish.nopickup - vanish.preventincomingdamage - vanish.hooks.dynmap.alwayshidden - vanish.hooks.essentials.hide g:vanish_admin: permissions: - vanish.silentjoin - vanish.silentquit - vanish.silentchests |
# # GroupManager+ # groups.yml # # Groups | Edit Your World Group Here! # # 1. in any inherited groups prefixed with a g: (Ex: g:essentials_default) is a global groups # and in the inherited settings is from the GlobalGroups.yml (\plugins\GroupManagerPlus\GlobalGroups.yml) # # 2. Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world # and are defined in the this groups.yml file. # # 3. Local group inheritances define your promotion tree when using 'manpromote/mandemote' # # Default: <- Your group name can random/custom # default: true <- !!! Select one for the default group !!! if true this group is will be the default group is this world / if false it will not the default group is this world # permissions: # - -bukkit.command.kill # inheritance: <- inherited settings is from the GlobalGroups.yml (\plugins\GroupManagerPlus\GlobalGroups.yml) # - g:groupmanager_default # - g:bukkit_default # - g:essentials_default # - g:towny_default # info: <- player prefix/suffix # prefix: '&e' # build: false <- Dependency in AntiBuild (https://ci.drtshock.net/job/essentialsx/) # suffix: '' # groups: Default: default: true permissions: - -bukkit.command.kill inheritance: - g:groupmanager_default - g:bukkit_default - g:essentials_default - g:towny_default info: prefix: '&e' build: false suffix: '' Builder: default: false permissions: [] inheritance: - default - g:essentials_builder - g:towny_builder info: prefix: '&2' build: true suffix: '' Moderator: default: false permissions: [] inheritance: - builder - g:groupmanager_moderator - g:bukkit_moderator - g:essentials_moderator - g:towny_moderator - g:vanish_moderator info: prefix: '&5' build: true suffix: '' Admin: default: false permissions: [] inheritance: - moderator - g:groupmanager_admin - g:bukkit_admin - g:essentials_admin - g:towny_admin - g:vanish_admin info: prefix: '&c' build: true suffix: '' Owner: default: false permissions: - '*' - -vanish.* inheritance: - admin info: prefix: '&4' build: true suffix: '' |
# # GroupManager+ # users.yml # # For a more advanced configuration example utilizing the advanced features of GroupManager+, see http://pastebin.com/a8ZA0j5G # users: example: group: Builder subgroups: [] permissions: - example |
玩家目前只能使用输入/l 密码 登陆用的指令和说话的权限 其他一律不行 你们帮我看看呢
截图不知道丢哪里去了 反正就是显示没有权限交互 没有使用命令的权限
groups里面把 builder设置为true 默认default设置成false
- [b]############################################################
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- # | EssentialsAntiBuild | #
- # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
- ############################################################
- # This section requires the EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to work.
- # Disable various default physics and behaviors
- # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/AntiBuild
- # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to build?
- # Set true to disable building for those people.
- # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from building.
- build: true
- # Should people with build: false in permissions be allowed to use items?
- # Set true to disable using for those people.
- # Setting to false means EssentialsAntiBuild will never prevent you from using items.
- use: true
- # Should we tell people they are not allowed to build?
- warn-on-build-disallow: true[/b]