[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Enabling BossShop v2.7.5
[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Loading data...
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:all. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:all. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:ALL. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:ALL. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:ALL. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:ALL. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'hideflags:ALL. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 ERROR]: [BossShop] Unable to work with itemdata 'itemflag:HIDE_ATTRIBUTES. Seems like it is not supported by your server version yet.
[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Loaded 9 Shops!
[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Successfully hooked into the Points plugin 'PlayerPoints'!
[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Vault found.
[01:06:44 INFO]: [GuiShopManager] Enabling GuiShopManager v1.3.5
[01:06:44 INFO]: [BossShop] Enabling Addon GuiShopManager

显示的好像是 服务端版本不支持隐藏物品
之前看到帖子有: 可以让没有权限使用的玩家,不显示菜单


bailiyixi 发表于 2018-12-20 01:44搬运贴里说的很明确这是bossshopro的功能,也就是你要买付费 ...

我一个附属都没加。。功能除了EnableSigns: true


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