本帖最后由 Tollainmear 于 2019-11-1 10:32 编辑
如题,ils - item lore stats ,服务器版本1.7.10,KC端,无论怎么改都无法使爆炸和闪电有伤害,如果没有解决方案推荐个和ils相似且没有这种bug的也成。
自行解决 ils本身不支持原版闪电伤害
如题,ils - item lore stats ,服务器版本1.7.10,KC端,无论怎么改都无法使爆炸和闪电有伤害,如果没有解决方案推荐个和ils相似且没有这种bug的也成。
# Default config for ItemLoreStats. fileVersion: 607 serverVersion: 1710 checkForUpdates: false languageFile: language-en usingMcMMO: false usingBarAPI: true usingBossBarAPI: true dropCustomILSLoot: false ILSLootFromNaturalSpawnsOnly: false addSellValueToDrops: false enableItemRepairing: true keepXPOnDeath: true addRandomLore: false randomApplyChance: 45 baseHealth: 50 baseHealthRegen: 2 baseMovementSpeed: 0.2 baseCritDamage: 0 healthScale: 40 levelCap: 20000 displayDurabilityWarnings: enable75%DurabilityWarning: true enable50%DurabilityWarning: true enable25%DurabilityWarning: true disabledInWorlds: - worldNEW messages: loreSuccessfullyAdded: true upgradeSuccessful: false upgradeCapReached: false itemReceived: true itemLooted: true vanilla: includeDamage: true includeArmour: false combatMessages: outgoing: damageDone: true enemyDodgedAttack: true enemyBlockedAttack: true critStrike: true lifeSteal: true enemyReflectedAttack: true fire: true ice: true poison: true wither: true harm: true blind: true incoming: damageTaken: false dodgeAttack: true blockAttack: true enemyCritStrike: true enemyLifeSteal: true reflectAttack: true enemyFire: true enemyIce: true enemyPoison: true enemyWither: true enemyHarm: true enemyBlind: true prefix: random: - Angelic - Brutal - Cursed - Empowered - Fine - Gleaming - Heavy - Perfect - Sharp - Standard - Worn - Light - Smooth - Slick - Hard - Thick - Grim suffix: random: - of Chaos - of Destruction - of Murder - of Power - of Silence - of Sorrows - of Terror - of Thunder - of the Ancients - of the UnderWorld - of the Wilderness randomLore: tools: bow: - '&cCrafted with the essence of the Ancient Tree.' - '&aThe corruption has weakened this {item}.' - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' stick: - '&cCrafted with the essence of the Ancient Tree.' - '&aThe corruption has weakened this {item}.' - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' blazeRod: - '&cCrafted with the essence of the Eternal Flame.' - '&aThe corruption has weakened this {item}.' - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' string: - '&aThe corruption has weakened this {item}.' - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' shears: - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' wood: - '&cCrafted with the essence of the Ancient Tree.' - '&aThe corruption has weakened this {item}.' - '&9This lightweight {item} is easy to carry.' stone: - '&cThis {item} is crafted from local materials.' - '&aThis {item} is fairly strong.' - '&9This {item} was originally much sharper.' iron: - '&cThe blade on this {item} is very sharp.' - '&aThe {item} is rusty.' - '&9This {item} has been forged by a decent blacksmith.' gold: - '&cCrafted with valuable materials.' - '&aForged for the Great King.' - '&9Weak materials make this {item} weak.' diamond: - '&cThe hilt has a symbol engraved into it.' - '&aCrafted with the finest materials of the land.' - '&9This {item} is very strong.' armour: leather: - '&cMade from Horse hide.' - '&aMade from Cow hide.' - '&9This lightweight {item} offers basic protection.' iron: - '&cThis {item} offers very good protection.' - '&aThe {item} is strong.' - '&9This {item} has been forged by a decent blacksmith.' gold: - '&cThis {item} offers decent protection.' - '&aCrafted from very valuable materials.' - '&9Weak materials make this {item} weak.' diamond: - '&cThis {item} offers excellent protection.' - '&aCrafted with the finest materials of the land.' - '&9This {item} is very strong.' mobHead: - '&cDecapitated head.' primaryStats: armour: name: "\u9632\u5fa1\u529b" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 12 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Shielded suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of Protection damage: name: "\u653b\u51fb\u529b" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 0.9 health: name: "\u751f\u547d" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 0.7 healthRegen: name: "\u751f\u547d\u56de\u590d" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 12 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Regenerating suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of Regeneration secondaryStats: block: name: "\u683c\u6321" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 6 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Impeding suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of the Blockade dodge: name: "\u95ea\u907f" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 9 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Eluding suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of Evasion critChance: name: "\u66b4\u51fb\u51e0\u7387" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 9 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Lethal suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of Deep Wounds critDamage: name: "\u66b4\u51fb\u4f24\u5bb3" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 7 prefix: colour: '&3' list: - Lethal suffix: colour: '&3' list: - of Deep Wounds lifeSteal: name: "\u55dc\u8840" colour: '&a' sellValuePerStat: 5 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&a' list: - Life Stealing suffix: colour: '&a' list: - of Soul Draining healPercentage: 0.15 reflect: name: "\u4f24\u5bb3\u53cd\u5f39" colour: '&e' sellValuePerStat: 6 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&e' list: - Reflecting suffix: colour: '&e' list: - of Reflection fire: name: "\u70c8\u7130\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&c' sellValuePerStat: 9 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 prefix: colour: '&c' list: - Flaming suffix: colour: '&c' list: - of the Inferno ice: name: "\u5bd2\u51b0\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&9' sellValuePerStat: 7 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 effectAmplifier: 1 prefix: colour: '&9' list: - Freezing suffix: colour: '&9' list: - of the Blizzard poison: name: "\u5267\u6bd2\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&2' sellValuePerStat: 8 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 effectAmplifier: 1 prefix: colour: '&2' list: - Toxic suffix: colour: '&2' list: - of Poison wither: name: "\u51cb\u96f6\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&f' sellValuePerStat: 9 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 effectAmplifier: 1 prefix: colour: '&f' list: - Corrupted suffix: colour: '&f' list: - of Corruption harming: name: "\u4f24\u5bb3\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&5' sellValuePerStat: 4 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 effectAmplifier: 1 prefix: colour: '&5' list: - Crippling suffix: colour: '&5' list: - of Harming blind: name: "\u81f4\u76f2\u653b\u51fb" colour: '&7' sellValuePerStat: 10 internalCooldown: 3 effectDuration: 3 effectAmplifier: 1 prefix: colour: '&7' list: - Visionless suffix: colour: '&7' list: - of Blinding movementSpeed: name: "\u901f\u5ea6\u63d0\u5347" colour: '&6' sellValuePerStat: 4 internalCooldown: 3 prefix: colour: '&6' list: - Swift suffix: colour: '&6' list: - of Swiftness bonusStats: pvpDamage: name: "PVP\u4f24\u5bb3" colour: '&6' sellValuePerStat: 1.5 pveDamage: name: "PVE\u4f24\u5bb3" colour: '&2' sellValuePerStat: 1.5 xpLevel: name: Level colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 10 xpMultiplier: name: "\u7ecf\u9a8c\u52a0\u6210" colour: '&d' sellValuePerStat: 8 prefix: colour: '&d' list: - Premium suffix: colour: '&d' list: - of Rewarding soulbound: name: Bound to colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 0 weaponSpeed: name: "\u653b\u51fb\u901f\u5ea6" colour: '&b' sellValuePerStat: veryFast: 25 fast: 20 normal: 15 slow: 10 verySlow: 5 durability: name: "\u8010\u4e45\u503c" colour: '&8' sellValuePerStat: 0 splitter: / setBonus: name: Set Bonus colour: '&6' sellValuePerStat: 0 class: name: "\u804c\u4e1a\u9700\u6c42" colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 0 separator: ',' list: - '&6\u9a91\u58eb' - '&3\u5c04\u624b' - '&d\u6cd5\u5e08' - '&5\u523a\u5ba2' sellValue: name: "\u51fa\u552e\u4ef7\u683c" colour: '&4' currency: name: "\u91d1\u5e01" colour: '&c' heroesOnlyStats: heroesMaxMana: enabled: true name: Mana colour: '&3' sellValuePerStat: 2 spells: tnt: name: Living Bomb colour: '&c' sellValuePerStat: 25 cooldown: 15 detonationTime: 5 speed: 3 lightning: name: Lightning colour: '&9' sellValuePerStat: 25 cooldown: 15 bossBar: splitter: ' | ' colour: '&7' health: name: Health colour: '&a' splitter: / level: enabled: true name: Level colour: '&e' exp: enabled: true name: Exp colour: '&b' splitter: / upgradeStatsOnLevelChange: enabled: true upgradeCap: 5 stats: armour: 0.1 dodge: 0.1 block: 0.1 critChance: 0.2 critDamage: 0.4 damage: 0.1 health: 0.3 healthRegen: 0.1 lifeSteal: 0.5 reflect: 0.1 fire: 0.1 ice: 0.1 poison: 0.1 wither: 0.1 harming: 0.1 blind: 0.1 movementSpeed: 0.5 xpMultiplier: 0.1 pvpDamage: 0.3 pveDamage: 0.3 heroesMaxMana: 0.2 environmentalDamage: block_explosion: damage: 5 durabilityLost: 40 cactus: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 10 drowning: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 0 entity_explosion: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 40 fall: damage: 4 durabilityLost: 20 fire: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 20 fire_tick: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 20 lava: damage: 2 durabilityLost: 30 lightning: damage: 860 durabilityLost: 60 magic: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 10 poison: damage: 1 durabilityLost: 10 starvation: damage: 1 durabilityLost: 0 suffocation: damage: 1 durabilityLost: 0 thorns: damage: 0 durabilityLost: 10 damage: durabilityLost: 1 potions: instantHealthI: 25 instantHealthII: 35 splashHealthI: 25 splashHealthII: 35 rarity: '15': colour: '&l&f' '9': colour: '&l&2' '5': colour: '&l&3' '3': colour: '&l&5' '1': colour: '&l&6' additionalStatsPerLevel: health: 0 healthRegen: 0 speed: 0 defaultCraftedDurability: enableDurabilityOnCrafted: false enableDurabilityOnDrops: true tools: bow: '&7150-250' shears: '&770-130' stick: '&7190-270' string: '&7160-290' blazeRod: '&7210-340' flintAndSteel: '&730-60' fishingRod: '&730-80' carrotStick: '&725-50' wood: '&7150-300' stone: '&7250-350' iron: '&7300-600' gold: '&7550-750' diamond: '&7700-1100' armour: leather: '&71300-1450' iron: '&71700-2300' chainmail: '&71550-2050' gold: '&72200-2500' diamond: '&72400-3200' mobHead: '&71600-2550' defaultCraftedArmour: enableArmourOnCrafted: false enableArmourOnDrops: true armourStatFormat: '&3[statName]: &b[statValue]&3%' armour: leather: '&b3.6-7.3' iron: '&b7.8-15.6' chainmail: '&b6.2-12.5' gold: '&b5.7-11.4' diamond: '&b10.4-20.8' mobHead: '&b4.0-15.0' defaultCraftedDamage: enableDamageOnCrafted: false enableDamageOnDrops: true damageStatFormat: '&3[statName]: +&b[statValue]-[statValue2]' tool: bow: '&b3.6-7.3' wood: '&b7.8-15.6' stone: '&b6.2-12.5' iron: '&b5.7-11.4' gold: '&b10.4-20.8' diamond: '&b4.1-15.5' durabilityAddedOnEachRepair: repairCostType: Material repairBlock: WORKBENCH tools: bow: 75 shears: 35 flintAndSteel: 15 fishingRod: 15 carrotStick: 13 wood: 75 stone: 125 iron: 150 gold: 275 diamond: 350 armour: leather: 650 iron: 850 chainmail: 1000 gold: 1100 diamond: 1200 repairCurrencyCost: tools: bow: 50 shears: 80 flintAndSteel: 75 fishingRod: 45 carrotStick: 70 wood: 60 stone: 100 iron: 135 gold: 150 diamond: 200 armour: leather: 120 iron: 270 chainmail: 290 gold: 300 diamond: 400 materialSellValue: tools: bow: 30 shears: 15 flintAndSteel: 10 fishingRod: 10 carrotStick: 15 wood: sword: 35 axe: 25 hoe: 15 pickaxe: 15 spade: 20 stone: sword: 55 axe: 45 hoe: 35 pickaxe: 35 spade: 40 iron: sword: 75 axe: 65 hoe: 55 pickaxe: 55 spade: 60 gold: sword: 95 axe: 85 hoe: 75 pickaxe: 75 spade: 80 diamond: sword: 115 axe: 105 hoe: 95 pickaxe: 95 spade: 100 armour: leather: helmet: 35 chestplate: 25 leggings: 15 boots: 15 iron: helmet: 75 chestplate: 65 leggings: 55 boots: 55 chainmail: helmet: 55 chestplate: 45 leggings: 35 boots: 35 gold: helmet: 95 chestplate: 85 leggings: 75 boots: 75 diamond: helmet: 115 chestplate: 105 leggings: 95 boots: 95 mobHead: 100 enchants: sharpness: levelMultiplier: 5 unbreaking: levelMultiplier: 33 power: levelMultiplier: 5 featherFalling: levelMultiplier: 10 npcDropEquippedGear: dropChance: helmet: 100 chestplate: 100 leggings: 100 boots: 100 itemInHand: 100 materials: tools: - BLAZE_ROD - BOW - BUCKET - CARROT_STICK - FISHING_ROD - FLINT_AND_STEEL - SHEARS - STICK - STRING - WOOD_SWORD - STONE_SWORD - IRON_SWORD - GOLD_SWORD - DIAMOND_SWORD - WOOD_PICKAXE - STONE_PICKAXE - IRON_PICKAXE - GOLD_PICKAXE - DIAMOND_PICKAXE - WOOD_AXE - STONE_AXE - IRON_AXE - GOLD_AXE - DIAMOND_AXE - WOOD_SPADE - STONE_SPADE - IRON_SPADE - GOLD_SPADE - DIAMOND_SPADE - WOOD_HOE - STONE_HOE - IRON_HOE - GOLD_HOE - DIAMOND_HOE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONETRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZETRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCURSEDTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILTRIDENT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKATANA - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCKUKRI - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLFCLUB - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHAMMER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBASEBALLBAT - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLEADPIPE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCLEAVER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSABER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCHOCKEYSTICK - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSLEDGEHAMMER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBROKENBOTTLE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCOMBATKNIVE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMACUAHUITL - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBOSTAFF - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSAIBLADE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCLEAFBLADE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBATTON - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGUNCHAINSAW - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCRAPIER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSWISSARMYKNIFE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWRENCH - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEXCALIBUR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONESPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZESPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILSPEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEHALBEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONHALBEAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEBATLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILBATTLEAXE - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENWARHAMMER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEWARHAMMER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMITHRILBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCRYSCENTSHIELD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEHALBERD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDWARHAMMER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCSTONEBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCCROWBAR - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCGOLDENDAGGER - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCEMERALDBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCBRONZEBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDIAMONDBROADSWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCWOODENGUN - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCIRONGUN - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCMACHINEGUN - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCFROSTWARHAMMER - ABM_YORU - ABM_KIRITOSLONGSWORD - ABM_BLACKIRONGREATSWORD - ABM_ELUCIDATOR - ABM_DEMONICSWORDGRAM - ABM_HOLYSWORDEXCALIBER - ABM_REBDSWORD - ABM_SMALLSWORD - ABM_PLAINRAPIER - ABM_WINDFLEURET - ABM_KARAKURENAI - ABM_GUILTYTHORN - ABM_**DRAGON - ABM_ANNEALBLADE - ABM_DARKREPULSER - ABM_LAMBENTLIGHT - ABM_KINGDOMKEY - ABM_DERFLINGER - ABM_KIKOKU - X5588:HEAVY_DUTY_AXE - X5590:HEAVY_DUTY_PICKAXE - X5591:HEAVY_DUTY_SPADE - X5592:HEAVY_DUTY_SWORD - X5760:QUARTZ_AXE - X5591:QUARTZ_HOE - X5763:QUARTZ_PICKAXE - X5591:QUARTZ_SPADE - X5765:QUARTZ_SWORD - X9353:RUBY_AXE - X9356:RUBY_HOE - X9354:SAPPHIRE_AXE - X9355:PERIDOT_AXE - X9358:PERIDOT_HOE - X9359:RUBY_PICKAXE - X9360:SAPPHIRE_PICKAXE - X9361:PERIDOT_PICKAXE - X9362:RUBY_SPADE - X9363:SAPPHIRE_SPADE - X9364:PERIDOT_SPADE - X9365:RUBY_SWORD - X9366:SAPPHIRE_SWORD - X9368:PERIDOT_SWORD - X9381:RUBY_SICKLE - X9382:SAPPHIRE_SICKLE - X9383:PERIDOT_SICKLE - X10163:DESH_SWORD - X10164:DESH_PICKAXE - X10165:DESH_SPADE - X10166:DESH_HOE - X10167:DESH_AXE - X10261:ETHERIC_SWORD - X11776:WOODEN_SPEAR - X11777:STONE_SPEAR - X11778:IRON_SPEAR - X11779:DIAMOND_SPEAR - X11780:GOLDEN_SPEAR - X11781:WOODEN_HALBERD - X11782:STONE_HALBERD - X11783:IRON_HALBERD - X11784:DIAMOND_HALBERD - X11785:GOLDEN_HALBERD - X11786:WOODEN_BATTLEAXE - X11787:STONE_BATTLEAXE - X11788:IRON_BATTLEAXE - X11789:DIAMOND_BATTLEAXE - X11790:GOLDEN_BATTLEAXE - X11791:WOODEN_WARHAMMER - X11792:STONE_WARHAMMER - X11793:IRON_WARHAMMER - X11794:DIAMOND_WARHAMMER - X11795:GOLDEN_WARHAMMER - X11796:WOODEN_KNIFE - X11797:STONE_KNIFE - X11798:IRON_KNIFE - X11799:DIAMOND_KNIFE - X11800:GOLDEN_KNIFE - X11801:WOODEN_FLAIL - X11802:STONE_FLAIL - X11803:IRON_FLAIL - X11804:DIAMOND_FLAIL - X11805:GOLDEN_FLAIL - X11806:JAVELIN - X11819:CROSSBOW - X11824:WOODEN_BOOMERANG - X11825:STONE_BOOMERANG - X11826:IRON_BOOMERANG - X11827:DIAMOND_BOOMERANG - X11828:GOLDEN_BOOMERANG - X11834:WOODEN_KATANA - X11835:STONE_KATANA - X11836:IRON_KATANA - X11837:DIAMOND_KATANA - X11838:GOLDEN_KATANA - X20259:INVAR_SWORD - X20260:INVAR_SPADE - X20261:INVAR_PICKAXE - X20262:INVAR_AXE - X20263:INVAR_HOE - X20264:INVAR_SHEARS - X20264:INVAR_FISHING_ROD - X20264:INVAR_SICKLE - X20267:INVAR_BATTLEWRENCH - X20759:INVAR_SWORD - CUSTOMNPCS_NPCDEMONICSTAFF:RMZ - DIAMOND:BLQ armour: helmet: - LEATHER_HELMET - STONE_HELMET - CHAINMAIL_HELMET - IRON_HELMET - GOLD_HELMET - DIAMOND_HELMET - SKULL_ITEM - X5561:HEAVY_DUTY_HELMET - X8893:INVAR_HELMET - X10168:DESH_HELMET - X20413:HAZMAT_HELMET - X25027:POWER_ARMOUR_HELMET chest: - LEATHER_CHESTPLATE - STONE_CHESTPLATE - CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE - IRON_CHESTPLATE - GOLD_CHESTPLATE - DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE - X5560:HEAVY_DUTY_CHESTPLATE - X8891:INVAR_CHESTPLATE - X10169:DESH_CHESTPLATE - X20410:HAZMAT_CHESTPLATE - X25028:POWER_ARMOUR_CHESTPLATE legs: - LEATHER_LEGGINGS - STONE_LEGGINGS - CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS - IRON_LEGGINGS - GOLD_LEGGINGS - DIAMOND_LEGGINGS - X5562:HEAVY_DUTY_LEGGINGS - X8892:INVAR_LEGGINGS - X10170:DESH_LEGGINGS - X20412:HAZMAT_LEGGINGS - X25029:POWER_ARMOUR_LEGGINGS boots: - LEATHER_BOOTS - STONE_BOOTS - CHAINMAIL_BOOTS - IRON_BOOTS - GOLD_BOOTS - DIAMOND_BOOTS - X5559:HEAVY_DUTY_BOOTS - X8894:INVAR_BOOTS - X10171:DESH_BOOTS - X12306:PLASTIC_BOOTS - X20411:HAZMAT_BOOTS - X25030:POWER_ARMOUR_BOOTS potions: - 8193 - 8194 - 8196 - 8201 - 8225 - 8226 - 8227 - 8228 - 8229 - 8230 - 8232 - 8233 - 8234 - 8235 - 8236 - 8237 - 8238 - 8257 - 8258 - 8259 - 8260 - 8261 - 8262 - 8264 - 8265 - 8266 - 8267 - 8268 - 8269 - 8270 - 16385 - 16386 - 16388 - 16393 - 16417 - 16418 - 16419 - 16421 - 16422 - 16424 - 16425 - 16426 - 16427 - 16428 - 16429 - 16430 - 16449 - 16450 - 16451 - 16452 - 16453 - 16454 - 16456 - 16457 - 16459 - 16460 - 16461 - 16462 npcModifier: worldNEW: healthMultiplier: 0.045 damageMultiplier: 0.004 expMultiplier: 0.004 location: x: 0 y: 65 z: 0 worldNEW_NETHER: healthMultiplier: 0.055 damageMultiplier: 0.0045 expMultiplier: 0.0045 location: x: 0 y: 65 z: 0 |
自行解决 ils本身不支持原版闪电伤害
本帖最后由 Abraham511 于 2018-12-12 05:44 编辑
你试一下引爆苦力怕 or TNT的爆炸有无伤害~