我那天在optifine官网弄披风,但不巧的是我是开的VPN进的,按道理应该是让我强制改密,但是可能因为我改密改太多次了,就是进官网太多次忘记关VPN了,哎。后来那次我进官网就被封了,没有改密机会了。。。然后我就找MOJANG的客服,申请找回账号,他说要交易ID,但我这人没事就喜欢清理邮箱,把所有邮件都删了的,啊啊啊,我没有交易ID,于是他说If you are unable to provide your transaction ID or redeemed code, please answer the following questions about the account to the best of your ability.
1. In what city and country were you when you registered your account?
2. What month and year did you register your account? Only the year is not an acceptable answer.
3. What is the original email of the account?
4. What store was the card purchased in?
5. When was it redeemed?
Feel free to provide several answers for each question if you are unsure of the spelling, and please consider your answers as this is our only way to help you without the transaction ID or redeemed code.
1.xxxxx ,China
[email protected]
4.Taobao bought it in China. This is an online shopping APP. I bought the gift code (but it is safe).
5.In the middle or lower part of September, I can't remember the exact time.
I'm afraid this is not enough correct information for me to verify you as the original owner of the account. Please consider the questions and provide new answers for them, and please feel free to provide several answers for each question if you are unsure of the answer or the spelling of the answer.
As you are unsure of when you registered, I would advise you to check the version history of the game as it may help you remember when you registered if you see what features were released around the time you registered. The game version history can be found here http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Version_history.
We cannot provide support if you were given an account or if you made your purchase through an unauthorized reseller or another player. If your account was purchased from an unauthorized reseller, you may wish to dispute the charges with the seller or with your bank.
If your purchase was made at https://minecraft.net/, we can assist you if you provide the transaction ID from your purchase. For information on how to locate your transaction ID, or recover it if you no longer have it, please see http://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/361380.
I'm sorry but this information is not correct nor can I assist you with the account.
This account has been blocked because you are using a VPN to connect to our services. We understand that this is necessary for you to use our services but we can, unfortunately, not allow it. If you continue to use a VPN your account will be blocked again. A Chinese edition of Minecraft is available, you can find more information about it at http://mc.163.com/.
1. In what city and country were you when you registered your account?
2. What month and year did you register your account? Only the year is not an acceptable answer.
3. What is the original email of the account?
4. What store was the card purchased in?
5. When was it redeemed?
Feel free to provide several answers for each question if you are unsure of the spelling, and please consider your answers as this is our only way to help you without the transaction ID or redeemed code.
1.xxxxx ,China
[email protected]
4.Taobao bought it in China. This is an online shopping APP. I bought the gift code (but it is safe).
5.In the middle or lower part of September, I can't remember the exact time.
I'm afraid this is not enough correct information for me to verify you as the original owner of the account. Please consider the questions and provide new answers for them, and please feel free to provide several answers for each question if you are unsure of the answer or the spelling of the answer.
As you are unsure of when you registered, I would advise you to check the version history of the game as it may help you remember when you registered if you see what features were released around the time you registered. The game version history can be found here http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Version_history.
We cannot provide support if you were given an account or if you made your purchase through an unauthorized reseller or another player. If your account was purchased from an unauthorized reseller, you may wish to dispute the charges with the seller or with your bank.
If your purchase was made at https://minecraft.net/, we can assist you if you provide the transaction ID from your purchase. For information on how to locate your transaction ID, or recover it if you no longer have it, please see http://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/361380.
I'm sorry but this information is not correct nor can I assist you with the account.
This account has been blocked because you are using a VPN to connect to our services. We understand that this is necessary for you to use our services but we can, unfortunately, not allow it. If you continue to use a VPN your account will be blocked again. A Chinese edition of Minecraft is available, you can find more information about it at http://mc.163.com/.
If you continue to use a VPN your account will be blocked again.
本帖最后由 a1294790523 于 2018-11-11 16:26 编辑
This account has been blocked because you are using a VPN to connect to our services. We understand that this is necessary for you to use our services but we can, unfortunately, not allow it. If you continue to use a VPN your account will be blocked again
你现在能登的上去吗?(使用直连)看样子貌似解除了 被封指的是什么情况?
来自(https://help.mojang.com/customer ... 781529-login-failed)
This account has been blocked because you are using a VPN to connect to our services. We understand that this is necessary for you to use our services but we can, unfortunately, not allow it. If you continue to use a VPN your account will be blocked again
你现在能登的上去吗?(使用直连)看样子貌似解除了 被封指的是什么情况?
来自(https://help.mojang.com/customer ... 781529-login-failed)
- If multiple failed attempts to log in are made in a row, you might have to wait 24 hours before the account can be authenticated again. If your problem is not resolved after 24 hours, please contact customer support.
tianxinketx 发表于 2018-11-11 13:00