主机版即Xbox 360,Xbox One版,PlayStation 3/4/Vita版,WiiU版,Switch版,由4J Studios为Mojang开发。 |
迎接新的正式版吧! |
转载本贴时须要注明原作者以及本帖地址。 |
Change log for Patch 1.81 - November 2nd 2018(PS3/PS Vita/PS4 1.81)
- Fix for PS3 Grass Biome colour.
- 修复 PS3 中草在不同生物群系中颜色的问题
- Fix for PS3 Music not playing in the End.
- 修复 PS3 中末地不播放音乐的问题
- Fix for Public Game option being greyed out in a Tumble game.
- 修复 Tumble 游戏中公共游戏选项变灰的问题
- Fix for Crash that can occur for Client Players when a Sticky Piston moves a Slime Block attached to another Sticky Piston.
- 修复单人游戏时粘性活塞移动连接着另一个粘性活塞的史莱姆方块时崩溃的问题
- Fix for Auto Jump not allowing players to stay underwater.
- 修复自动跳跃无法让玩家呆在海底的问题
- Fix for the Players head rotation while in a Minecart.
- 修复矿车中玩家头部旋转角度
- Fix for Guardians not spawning around Ocean Monuments.
- 修复守卫者不在海底神殿中生成的问题
Change log for Patch 1.79 - October 23rd 2018(PS4 1.79)(TU71)(PS3 1.80)(PS Vita 1.79)(WiiU Patch 40)
- Added From the Shadows Skin Pack.
- 增加 From the Shadows 皮肤包
- Fix for Save Game Corruption when Exiting without Saving in certain circumstances.
- 修复了某些情况下不保存退出时保存游戏出现的问题
- Fix for Music Discs not playing in the Blu-Ray version.
- 修复蓝光版本唱片不播放的问题
- Fix for MCCE #7918 - Seagrass not spawning in Rivers and Swamp biomes.
- 修复海草不在河流和沼泽生物群系生成的问题
- Fix for MCCE #7923 - Mushroom remain floating when their supporting block is destroyed.
- 修复当蘑菇方块的支撑方块被破坏后,它仍悬浮的问题
- Fix for MCCE #8011 - Water Dispensers do not pick up water from a waterlogged block, instead they fire out the empty bucket.
- 修复水发射器不会从面前的水方块吸水,而会发射空桶的问题
- Fix for Superflat worlds with a large number of transparent blocks and Woodland Mansions enabled taking 20minutes to load.
- 修复有大量透明方块和林地府邸的超平坦世界需要花费20分钟来加载的问题
- Fix for no sound effect being played when the player drops an item or a block.
- 修复当玩家丢弃物品或方块时没有音效播放的问题
- Fix for Minecarts with TNT destroying all blocks below it.
- 修复TNT矿车破坏下方所有方块的问题
- Fix for Dolphins not picking up Items and Blocks.
- 修复海豚不捡拾物品和方块的问题

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ItIsEnderman 发表于 2018-11-3 21:23

本帖最后由 Oil 于 2018-11-3 21:41 编辑
zyjking 发表于 2018-11-3 21:53
人家说的是不再有大更 类似海底这种