- #==================================================================================================================== #
- # 你可以在下面找到所有你能在插件里用的mobsID:
- # https://goo.gl/dzwI5Q
- #
- # 举个简单的粒子 你要是想让铁傀儡掉绿宝石的话
- # 按照我下面的来配置:
- # '1':
- # type: EMERALD
- # amount:
- # min: 2
- # max: 3
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # 上面的例子用中文表达就是 当铁傀儡被杀死时,它有100%几率掉落2-3个绿宝石。
- #
- # 你要是想让它有时候不掉落物品的话,罚抄罚抄罚抄~~按我下面的来做!
- #
- # '1':
- # type: EMERALD
- # amount:
- # min: 0
- # max: 3
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # 这样的话插件将掉落0-3个绿宝石,所以就有几率不掉绿宝石了
- #
- # 如果你看了我上面的blocks的配置的话 其实就不需要刻意介绍了,那我还是说一下吧:
- # 物品id可以这么填写:物品的英语ID 加上下引号的英文ID 物品的数字ID 数字ID+上下引号+损伤值
- # EMERALD, 'EMERALD', 388, '388:0'
- #
- # 同理 同理 同理 你要是这么写的话插件会抽风 抽风 抽风
- # 好烦啊555 我明明在前一个配置里做过同样说明了的说:
- # 'DYE:13' #就这个错误示例,看到没!看到没!看到没![怨念的眼神~~]
- #
- # 你可以这么自定义经验生物掉落的经验 格式:'EXP: (经验值)'
- # 如下:
- #
- # EXP: 200
- # '1':
- # type: EMERALD
- # amount:
- # min: 0
- # max: 3
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # 同理,你可以。。。这么添加附魔.[这不是和前面一个配置是一样的吗!]:
- #
- # EXP: 200
- # '1':
- # type: EMERALD
- # amount:
- # min: 0
- # max: 3
- # chance: 100.0
- # enchants:
- #
- # 这样的话绿宝石将会获得保护IV的附魔啦.
- # 你可以在下面的网址找到附魔的ID:
- # https://goo.gl/wmJmbP
- #
- # 同理是否启用NaturalDrops
- # true的话就 会掉落自身的铁和罂粟花
- # false的话就。。。只会掉落你配置里写的物品
- # 如下:
- #
- # PIG:
- # NaturalDrops: true
- #
- # 默认NaturalDrops为true 所以不必要可以去加NaturalDrops 除非你要设置为false
- #
- #
- # 下面这段介绍在config里有,而且也是逗逼介绍,对于编辑配置毫无作用,所以大家略过
- # Also you'll notice that at the top of the config there is a section called
- # Looting, which will allow you to increase the drops when people kill the mobs
- # with looting on their weapon. If you have applyToDrops set to true then when
- # someone kills for example a blaze that has the following setup:
- #
- # BLAZE:
- # '1':
- # type: BLAZE_ROD
- # amount:
- # min: 1
- # max: 3
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # 上面这段意味着你在杀死烈焰人时 100%的几率掉落1-3烈焰棒,可以理解为 必定掉1个 最多掉3个
- #
- # 划重点!下面是 无法破坏的NBT添加方法
- # 如下:
- #
- # BLAZE:
- # '1':
- # unbreakable: true
- # amount:
- # min: 1
- # max: 1
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # # 怪物的头(type)可以用以下这些ID:
- # 同理上文的blocks也可以用这些ID
- #
- # BLAZE:
- # '1':
- # type: SKULL_ITEM
- # mob: BLAZE
- # amount:
- # min: 1
- # max: 1
- # chance: 100.0
- #
- # Here is a list of all possible mob head types:
- #
- # Bat, Blaze, Black_Cat, Ginger_Cat, Siamese_Cat, Cave_Spider, Chicken, Cow, Creeper, Charged_Creeper, Donkey, Elder_Guardian, Enderman,
- # Endermite, Ender_Dragon, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Black_Horse, Brown_Horse, Chestnut_Horse, Creamy_Horse, Dark_Brown_Horse, Gray_Horse,
- # White_Horse, Skeleton_Horse, Zombie_Horse, Husk, Illusioner, Iron_Golem, Brown_Llama, Creamy_Llama, Gray_Llama, White_Llama, Magma_Cube,
- # Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Blue_Parrot, Cyan_Parrot, Gray_Parrot, Green_Parrot, Red_Parrot, Pig, Polar_Bear, Black_Rabbit, Black_and_White_Rabbit,
- # Brown_Rabbit, Gold_Rabbit, Salt_and_Pepper_Rabbit, The_Killer_Bunny, White_Rabbit, Black_Sheep, Blue_Sheep, Brown_Sheep, Cyan_Sheep, Silver_Sheep,
- # Gray_Sheep, Green_Sheep, Light_Blue_Sheep, Lime_Sheep, Magenta_Sheep, Orange_Sheep, Pink_Sheep, Purple_Sheep, Rainbow_Sheep, Red_Sheep, Wither,
- # White_Sheep, Yellow_Sheep, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Snow_Golem, Spider, Squid, Stray, Vex, Villager, Vindicator, Witch,
- # Wild_Wolf, Tamed_Wolf, Zombie, Zombie_Pigman, Zombie_Butcher_Villager, Zombie_Cleric_Villager, Zombie_Farmer_Villager, Zombie_Librarian_Villager,
- # Zombie_Nitwit_Villager, Zombie_Smith_Villager, Fish, Clownfish, Salmon, Pufferfish
- #
- # 同样是command的操作,在怪物击杀时激活命令
- # 如下:
- #
- # CustomDrops:
- # EXP: 10
- # NaturalDrops: true
- # '1':
- # chance: 5.0
- # amount:
- # min: 1
- # max: 2
- # commands:
- # - 'give {p} diamond_sword 1'
- # - 'msg 恭喜 {p} 他获取了一把击杀僵尸时有 5% 几率掉落的钻石剑!'
- #
- #
- # ==================================================================================================================== #
- # 有问题私聊原作者或者直接发我帖子下面,可以帮忙转达
- # ==================================================================================================================== #
- CustomDrops:
- COW:
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- unbreakable: true
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 3
- chance: 100.0
- '2':
- type: LEATHER
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 2
- chance: 100.0
- '3':
- type: SKULL_ITEM
- mob: PIG
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 1
- chance: 100.0
- PIG:
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 3
- chance: 100.0
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 1
- chance: 100.0
- '2':
- type: FEATHER
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 2
- chance: 100.0
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- type: IRON_INGOT
- amount:
- min: 2
- max: 3
- chance: 100.0
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- type: '289'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 2
- chance: 100.0
- '2':
- type: '46'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 1
- chance: 33.0
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- type: '367'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 1
- chance: 100.0
- '2':
- type: '371'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 1
- chance: 100.0
- '3':
- type: '266'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 1
- chance: 20.0
- NaturalDrops: false
- EXP: 0
- '1':
- spawner: 100
- name: '&cHorse Spawner'
- amount:
- min: 0
- max: 1
- chance: 100.0
- NaturalDrops: true
- '1':
- amount:
- min: 1
- max: 1
- chance: 15.0
- commands:
- - 'give {p} diamond_sword 1'
- - 'msg {p} Congratulations on winning a diamond sword with a 5% chance from killing a Wither Skeleton!'
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