- # Configuration file
- automation {
- I:formationPlaneEntityLimit=128
- }
- battery {
- I:chargedStaff=8000
- I:colorApplicator=20000
- I:entropyManipulator=200000
- I:matterCannon=200000
- I:portableCell=20000
- I:wirelessTerminal=1600000
- }
- client {
- # Possible Values: AE, EU, WA, RF, MK
- S:PowerUnit=AE
- # Possible Values: YES, NO, UNDECIDED
- # Possible Values: TALL, FULL, SMALL
- # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 9
- I:craftAmtButton1=1
- # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 99
- I:craftAmtButton2=10
- # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 999
- I:craftAmtButton3=100
- # Controls buttons on Crafting Screen : Capped at 9999
- I:craftAmtButton4=1000
- B:disableColoredCableRecipesInNEI=true
- B:enableEffects=true
- # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 9
- I:levelAmtButton1=1
- # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 99
- I:levelAmtButton2=10
- # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 999
- I:levelAmtButton3=100
- # Controls buttons on Level Emitter Screen : Capped at 9999
- I:levelAmtButton4=1000
- # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 9
- I:priorityAmtButton1=1
- # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 99
- I:priorityAmtButton2=10
- # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 999
- I:priorityAmtButton3=100
- # Controls buttons on Priority Screen : Capped at 9999
- I:priorityAmtButton4=1000
- B:useColoredCraftingStatus=true
- B:useTerminalUseLargeFont=false
- }
- condenser {
- I:MatterBalls=256
- I:Singularity=256000
- }
- craftingcpu {
- I:craftingCalculationTimePerTick=5
- }
- features {
- world {
- B:CertusQuartzWorldGen=true
- B:ChestLoot=true
- B:DecorativeLights=true
- B:DecorativeQuartzBlocks=true
- B:Flour=true
- B:GrindStone=true
- B:Inscriber=true
- B:MeteoriteWorldGen=true
- B:SkyStoneChests=true
- B:SpawnPressesInMeteorites=true
- B:TinyTNT=true
- B:VillagerTrading=true
- }
- toolsclassifications {
- B:CertusQuartzTools=true
- B:NetherQuartzTools=true
- B:PoweredTools=true
- }
- tools {
- B:ChargedStaff=true
- B:ColorApplicator=true
- B:EntropyManipulator=true
- B:MatterCannon=true
- B:MeteoriteCompass=true
- B:PaintBalls=true
- B:QuartzAxe=true
- B:QuartzHoe=true
- B:QuartzKnife=true
- B:QuartzPickaxe=true
- B:QuartzSpade=true
- B:QuartzSword=true
- B:QuartzWrench=true
- B:WirelessAccessTerminal=true
- }
- networkfeatures {
- B:Channels=true
- B:PowerGen=true
- B:QuantumNetworkBridge=true
- B:Security=true
- B:SpatialIO=true
- }
- networkbuses {
- B:AnnihilationPlane=true
- B:CraftingTerminal=true
- B:ExportBus=true
- B:FormationPlane=true
- B:IdentityAnnihilationPlane=true
- B:ImportBus=true
- B:LevelEmitter=true
- B:P2PTunnel=true
- B:PartConversionMonitor=true
- B:StorageBus=true
- B:StorageMonitor=true
- }
- portablecell {
- B:PortableCell=true
- }
- storage {
- B:IOPort=true
- B:MEChest=true
- B:MEDrive=true
- B:StorageCells=true
- }
- networktool {
- B:NetworkTool=true
- }
- highercapacity {
- B:DenseCables=true
- B:DenseEnergyCells=true
- }
- p2ptunnels {
- B:P2PTunnelEU=true
- B:P2PTunnelItems=true
- B:P2PTunnelLight=true
- B:P2PTunnelLiquids=true
- B:P2PTunnelME=true
- B:P2PTunnelOpenComputers=true
- B:P2PTunnelPressure=true
- B:P2PTunnelRF=true
- B:P2PTunnelRedstone=true
- }
- blockfeatures {
- B:MassCannonBlockDamage=true
- B:TinyTNTBlockDamage=true
- }
- facades {
- B:Facades=true
- }
- misc {
- B:Achievements=true
- B:CraftingLog=false
- B:Creative=true
- B:DebugLogging=false
- B:GrinderLogging=false
- B:IntegrationLogging=false
- B:LightDetector=true
- B:LogSecurityAudits=false
- B:Logging=true
- B:PacketLogging=false
- B:UnsupportedDeveloperTools=false
- B:UpdateLogging=false
- B:WebsiteRecipes=false
- }
- crafting {
- B:EnableDisassemblyCrafting=true
- B:EnableFacadeCrafting=true
- B:InWorldFluix=true
- B:InWorldPurification=true
- B:InWorldSingularity=true
- B:InterfaceTerminal=true
- }
- rendering {
- B:AlphaPass=true
- }
- craftingfeatures {
- B:CraftingCPU=true
- B:MolecularAssembler=true
- B:Patterns=true
- }
- commands {
- B:ChunkLoggerTrace=false
- }
- }
- grindstone {
- S:grinderOres <
- Obsidian
- Ender
- EnderPearl
- Coal
- Iron
- Gold
- Charcoal
- NetherQuartz
- Copper
- Tin
- Silver
- Lead
- Bronze
- CertusQuartz
- Wheat
- Fluix
- Brass
- Platinum
- Nickel
- Invar
- Aluminium
- Electrum
- Osmium
- Zinc
- >
- D:oreDoublePercentage=90.0
- }
- ##########################################################################################################
- # modintegration
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # Valid Values are 'AUTO', 'ON', or 'OFF' - defaults to 'AUTO' ; Suggested that you leave this alone unless your experiencing an issue, or wish to disable the integration for a reason.
- ##########################################################################################################
- modintegration {
- S:BetterStorage=AUTO
- S:BuildCraftBuilders=AUTO
- S:BuildCraftCore=AUTO
- S:BuildCraftTransport=AUTO
- S:ColoredLightsCore=AUTO
- S:CraftGuide=AUTO
- S:DeepStorageUnit=AUTO
- S:Factorization=AUTO
- S:ForgeMultiPart=AUTO
- S:ImmibisMicroblocks=AUTO
- S:IndustrialCraft2=AUTO
- S:InventoryTweaks=AUTO
- S:Mekanism=AUTO
- S:MineFactoryReloaded=AUTO
- S:NotEnoughItems=AUTO
- S:OpenComputers=AUTO
- S:PneumaticCraft=AUTO
- S:Railcraft=AUTO
- S:RedstoneFluxPower-Items=AUTO
- S:RedstoneFluxPower-Tiles=AUTO
- S:RotaryCraft=AUTO
- S:RotatableBlocks=AUTO
- S:Waila=AUTO
- }
- ##########################################################################################################
- # orecamouflage
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # AE2 Automatically uses alternative ores present in your instance of MC to blend better with its surroundings, if you prefer you can disable this selectively using these flags; Its important to note, that some if these items even if enabled may not be craftable in game because other items are overriding their recipes.
- ##########################################################################################################
- orecamouflage {
- # OreDictionary Names: dustEnder,dustEnderPearl
- B:EnderDust=true
- # OreDictionary Names: dustGold
- B:GoldDust=true
- # OreDictionary Names: dustIron
- B:IronDust=true
- # OreDictionary Names: nuggetIron
- B:IronNugget=true
- # OreDictionary Names: itemSilicon
- B:Silicon=true
- }
- powerratios {
- D:IC2=2.0
- D:Mekanism=0.2
- D:RotaryCraft=8.884150675195451E-5
- D:ThermalExpansion=0.5
- D:UsageMultiplier=1.0
- }
- spatialio {
- D:spatialPowerExponent=1.35
- D:spatialPowerMultiplier=1250.0
- I:storageBiomeID=40
- I:storageProviderID=-11
- }
- ##########################################################################################################
- # tickrates
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # Min / Max Tickrates for dynamic ticking, most of these components also use sleeping, to prevent constant ticking, adjust with care, non standard rates are not supported or tested.
- ##########################################################################################################
- tickrates {
- I:AnnihilationPlane.max=120
- I:AnnihilationPlane.min=2
- I:ExportBus.max=60
- I:ExportBus.min=5
- I:IOPort.max=5
- I:IOPort.min=1
- I:ImportBus.max=40
- I:ImportBus.min=5
- I:Inscriber.max=1
- I:Inscriber.min=1
- I:Interface.max=120
- I:Interface.min=5
- I:ItemTunnel.max=60
- I:ItemTunnel.min=5
- I:LightTunnel.max=120
- I:LightTunnel.min=5
- I:METunnel.max=20
- I:METunnel.min=5
- I:OpenComputersTunnel.max=5
- I:OpenComputersTunnel.min=1
- I:PressureTunnel.max=120
- I:PressureTunnel.min=1
- I:StorageBus.max=60
- I:StorageBus.min=5
- I:VibrationChamber.max=40
- I:VibrationChamber.min=10
- }
- ##########################################################################################################
- # wireless
- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
- # Range= WirelessBaseRange + WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, WirelessBoosterExp )
- # PowerDrain= WirelessBaseCost + WirelessCostMultiplier * Math.pow( boosters, 1 + boosters / WirelessHighWirelessCount )
- ##########################################################################################################
- wireless {
- D:WirelessBaseCost=8.0
- D:WirelessBaseRange=16.0
- D:WirelessBoosterExp=1.5
- D:WirelessBoosterRangeMultiplier=1.0
- D:WirelessCostMultiplier=1.0
- D:WirelessTerminalDrainMultiplier=1.0
- }
- worldgen {
- D:meteoriteClusterChance=0.1
- I:meteoriteDimensionWhitelist <
- 0
- >
- D:meteoriteSpawnChance=0.3
- I:minMeteoriteDistance=707
- I:quartzOresClusterAmount=15
- I:quartzOresPerCluster=4
- D:spawnChargedChance=0.07999998331069946
- }