我1.4.6服务器安装了Forge Essentials,可启动后提示我无法连接数据库,进游戏后也没有注册和权限提示。

[INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.6
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Forge Essentials is still in alpha. There are plenty of incomplete features in the mod. We hope to seek your understanding.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Please update ForgeEssentials.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Discovering and loading modules...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} If you would like to disable a module, please look in ForgeEssentials/core.cfg.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.WorldControl.ModuleWorldControl
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.backup.ModuleBackup
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.commands.ModuleCommands
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.permission.ModulePermissions
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldBorder module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.WorldBorder.ModuleWorldBorder
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.playerLogger.ModulePlayerLogger
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.economy.ModuleEconomy
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.chat.ModuleChat
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Protection module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.protection.ModuleProtection
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Snooper module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.snooper.ModuleSnooper
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldControl module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Setting blocks/tick to: 20
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Backups module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Commands module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Permissions module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} PlayerLogger module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Chat module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] Loading properties
[INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
[INFO] Generating keypair
[INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Starting permissions registration period.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loading languages
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loaded language file en_US.xml
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loaded language file en_UK.xml
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Ending permissions registration period.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Item & blockList made. Added 1464 items and 283 blocks.
[INFO] Preparing level "world"
[INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 72%
[INFO] Done (2.041s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Unable to connect to the database!
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Problem initializing DataDriver MySQL
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} ForgeEssentials will not be able to save any data through this driver
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loading rules
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Rules file found. Reading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Completed reading rules file. 2 rules read.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldBorder data loaded.

2021.12 数据,可能有更多内容我1.4.6服务器安装了Forge Essentials,可启动后提示我无法连接数据库,进游戏后也没有注册和权限提示。

[INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.4.6
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Forge Essentials is still in alpha. There are plenty of incomplete features in the mod. We hope to seek your understanding.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Please update ForgeEssentials.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Discovering and loading modules...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} If you would like to disable a module, please look in ForgeEssentials/core.cfg.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.WorldControl.ModuleWorldControl
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.backup.ModuleBackup
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.commands.ModuleCommands
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.permission.ModulePermissions
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldBorder module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.WorldBorder.ModuleWorldBorder
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.playerLogger.ModulePlayerLogger
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.economy.ModuleEconomy
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.chat.ModuleChat
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Protection module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.protection.ModuleProtection
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Snooper module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} discoverred class com.ForgeEssentials.snooper.ModuleSnooper
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldControl module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Setting blocks/tick to: 20
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Backups module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Commands module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Permissions module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} PlayerLogger module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Chat module is enabled. Loading...
[INFO] Loading properties
[INFO] Default game type: SURVIVAL
[INFO] Generating keypair
[INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
[WARNING] The server will make no attempt to authenticate usernames. Beware.
[WARNING] While this makes the game possible to play without internet access, it also opens up the ability for hackers to connect with any username they choose.
[WARNING] To change this, set "online-mode" to "true" in the server.properties file.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Starting permissions registration period.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loading languages
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loaded language file en_US.xml
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loaded language file en_UK.xml
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Ending permissions registration period.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Item & blockList made. Added 1464 items and 283 blocks.
[INFO] Preparing level "world"
[INFO] Preparing start region for level 0
[INFO] Preparing spawn area: 72%
[INFO] Done (2.041s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Unable to connect to the database!
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Problem initializing DataDriver MySQL
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} ForgeEssentials will not be able to save any data through this driver
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Loading rules
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Rules file found. Reading...
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} Completed reading rules file. 2 rules read.
[INFO] {Forge Essentials} WorldBorder data loaded.

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