######## ########
- Fixed fusion crafting not updating comparator state when result is removed.
- Re implemented dragon draconium dust drop count config.
- Ensured creative mode warning is only sent to the player changing their game mode.
- Prevented energy module installation in creative capacitor (It breaks)
- Added support for other mods custom arrows. But many DE arrow effects will not work on custom arrows.
######## ########
-Fixed world gen attempting to gen chaos crystal when chaos crystal is disabled.
-Fixed incorrect block resistance when reactor is is running.
-Fixed edge case null pointer with energy core.
-Added config option to disable guardian creative damage.
-Fixed placed items bypassing vanilla spawn protection.
-Added config option to remove entity detector power requirement.
-Fixed crash related to bound dislocators (Theoretically)
-Fixed player attributes not syncing when teleporting between dimensions. (BrandonsCore Change)
-Added config option to disable armor FOV correction.
-Fixed minor client de-sync when adding stacks of fuel to advanced dislocator.
-Merge pull request #1352 from FoxMcloud5655/1.12.2-toggleshield (Added Togglable Shields and Performance Upgrades)
######## ########
-Fixed Draconium chest furnace freezing when backed up.
-Fixed furnace in Draconium chest not pulling from the last slot.
######## ########
-ReFixed Baubles crash. (Seems last fix got lost in the mail)
-Fixed broken creative flux capacitor
######## ########
-Fixed crash when Baubles is not installed.
-Optimized retro gen a little.
-Fixed some compounding residual particle lag.
######## ########
-ReFixed Baubles crash. (Seems last fix got lost in the mail)
-Fixed broken creative flux capacitor
######## ########
-Fixed crash when Baubles is not installed.
-Optimized retro gen a little.
-Fixed some compounding residual particle lag.
######## ########
-Fixed impossible null pointer exception in ExplosionFX
-Added compatibility between ICustomArmor and Baubles (Allows other mods to add baubles DE armor abilities)
-Fixed capacitor only charging baubles when in a baubles slot.
-Fixed capacitor always charging baubles when in a baubles slot. (even when disabled)
-Added optional key bindings to cycle tool AOE.
-Added fully upgraded versions of all tools and armor to creative menu (and JEI).
-Added item blacklist for draconium chest.
-Particle gen render distance now depends on particle sale.
-Fixed Particle gen tile not getting removed when the tile is destroyed.
-Fixed upgrading tools not copying enchantments.
-Shift clicking to add fuel to a Dislocator now adds 64 at a time.
-Fixed out of order rows in GuiToolConfig
-Fixed ore generating in chaos island rings when ore gen is disabled.
-Fixed fusion crafter comparator output not accounting for injector tier.
######## ########
-Fixed crash when Baubles is not installed.
-Optimized retro gen a little.
-Fixed some compounding residual particle lag.
######## ########
-Fixed impossible null pointer exception in ExplosionFX
-Added compatibility between ICustomArmor and Baubles (Allows other mods to add baubles DE armor abilities)
-Fixed capacitor only charging baubles when in a baubles slot.
-Fixed capacitor always charging baubles when in a baubles slot. (even when disabled)
-Added optional key bindings to cycle tool AOE.
-Added fully upgraded versions of all tools and armor to creative menu (and JEI).
-Added item blacklist for draconium chest.
-Particle gen render distance now depends on particle sale.
-Fixed Particle gen tile not getting removed when the tile is destroyed.
-Fixed upgrading tools not copying enchantments.
-Shift clicking to add fuel to a Dislocator now adds 64 at a time.
-Fixed out of order rows in GuiToolConfig
-Fixed ore generating in chaos island rings when ore gen is disabled.
-Fixed fusion crafter comparator output not accounting for injector tier.
######## ########
-Fixed crash crashing/broken dislocators.
-Re added ore dict for nether and end draconium.
-Made nether, end and overworld draconium ore equivalent. (they all have the same drop rate for dusts)
-Increased the cluster size for overworld and nether draconium ore.
-Pulled PR to add shield-related config values and fixed spelling/grammar in config file
######## (hotfix) ########
-Fixed breaking change to Fusion Crafting API. (fixed crash with Solar Flux Reborn)
######## ########
-Moved Json recipe loading top post init to ensure all recipes added by DE and other mods are loaded before the json is parsed.
-Added ability to turn off the basic generator with a redstone signal.
-Added AE2 Spacial IO Compat.
-Added auto feed function to Draconic Helmet
-Added long support for custom fusion recipe energy cost.
-Fixed tools ant armor loosing power/upgrades when upgraded from Wyvern to Draconic.
-Hopefully fixed gravestones spawning when the player is saved by DE's last stand effect.
-Attempted to fix a crash when crystals are mined with oreexcavation.
-Fixed broken arrow death message.
-Fixed buggy FOV warping applied by leggings speed effect.
-Added option to leggings to completely disable FOV warping.
-Fixed some bugs with bound portals.
-Bound portals now deactivate temporarily (client side only) on arrival to avoid disorienting the player.
-Fixed chat never ending spam from bound portal when destination can not be found.
-Fixed bound dislocators allowing teleportation to an inactive destination portal.
-Added "auto assemble" feature to Energy Core.
######## ########
-Fixed grinder getting stuck on invulnerable mobs.
-Added grinder blacklist.
######## ########
-Fixed AOE mining not taking modified player reach distance into account.
-Fixed reactor not handling IO sides properly when outputting energy.
-Attempted top fix broken gui's caused by broken mob souls courtesy of Headcrumbs.
-Fixed Advanced Dislocator not working in portal or pedestal.
-Fixed crash when using CTRL-Pick Block on placed items.
-修复在已放置的物品上使用CTRL-Pick Block时出现崩溃。
-Fixed particle generator transparency issue.
-Enabled negative gravity for particles.
-Added ability to shift click-drag decimal sliders in particle generator for precise more adjustment.