服务器里面安装了这个插件 LibsDisguises 但是论坛上帖子的权限加进去都没用 服务器是172的 求大神给权限列表啊!!!!
1345979462 发表于 2017-7-20 11:43
这些帖子的权限我都加过了 都没用 玩家都没有权限使用这个指令
1345979462 发表于 2017-7-20 13:52
/mangaddp default 权限
对的 但是加进去玩家还是用不了 我感觉是权限出错了
那你实在找不到的话 可以配合chest菜单 op:指令 可以无视权限有无 倒是更显逼格
Permissions Ordering and Negation(top)
libsdisguises.disguise.pig = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.* = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.setinvisible = Can only access set invisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible = Can access all options but setinvisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible.-setbaby = Can access all options but setinvisible and setbaby
Hiding Commands From Groups(top)
This will stop the group from using the LibsDisguises command at all.
All of the commands have permissions, but this lets you do specific permissions.
Code (Text):
This lets you use all the disguises.
Code (Text):
This lets you use all the disguises and options.
Code (Text):
This will grant them the permission to use the disguise creeper.
Code (Text):
This will grant them the permission to use the disguise creeper and all options.
Code (Text):
This grants them the permission to use the disguise creeper.
And to set the option setfused only.
Code (Text):
This allows them to also use the option setinvisible.
You can apply as many options as you like to the permission node.
You can give them groups of disguises where they can only use certain options for each disguise permission.
Such as either being able to set
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
as even through they have both permissions. Its not in the same group so they cannot use both options on either disguise.
This also works for the * permission.
Disguise Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguise.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Entity Command(top)
The permission is libdisguises.disguiseentity.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Help Command(top)
They need permission to use a disguise to pull up information.
Disguise Player Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseplayer.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Radius Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseradius.[Disguise Name]
Undisguise Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguise
Undisguise Entity Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseentity
Undisguise Player Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguiseplayer
Undisguise Radius Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguiseradius
LibsDisguises Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.seecmd.libsdisguises
and for /libsdisguises reload,
Disguise ViewSelf Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself
Permissions Ordering and Negation(top)
libsdisguises.disguise.pig = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.* = All options
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.setinvisible = Can only access set invisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible = Can access all options but setinvisible
libsdisguises.disguise.pig.-setinvisible.-setbaby = Can access all options but setinvisible and setbaby
Hiding Commands From Groups(top)
This will stop the group from using the LibsDisguises command at all.
All of the commands have permissions, but this lets you do specific permissions.
Code (Text):
This lets you use all the disguises.
Code (Text):
This lets you use all the disguises and options.
Code (Text):
This will grant them the permission to use the disguise creeper.
Code (Text):
This will grant them the permission to use the disguise creeper and all options.
Code (Text):
This grants them the permission to use the disguise creeper.
And to set the option setfused only.
Code (Text):
This allows them to also use the option setinvisible.
You can apply as many options as you like to the permission node.
You can give them groups of disguises where they can only use certain options for each disguise permission.
Such as either being able to set
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
as even through they have both permissions. Its not in the same group so they cannot use both options on either disguise.
This also works for the * permission.
Disguise Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguise.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Entity Command(top)
The permission is libdisguises.disguiseentity.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Help Command(top)
They need permission to use a disguise to pull up information.
Disguise Player Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseplayer.[Disguise Name]
Disguise Radius Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseradius.[Disguise Name]
Undisguise Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguise
Undisguise Entity Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.disguiseentity
Undisguise Player Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguiseplayer
Undisguise Radius Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.undisguiseradius
LibsDisguises Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.seecmd.libsdisguises
and for /libsdisguises reload,
Disguise ViewSelf Command(top)
The permission is libsdisguises.seecmd.viewself