该配置已过时,仅为示例 - # translation by: AndyYu (SpigotMC name)
- # use & for colors
- # placeholders will be listed in front of the messages
- prefix: "[&3GameBox&r]"
- name: "&3GameBox&r"
- jsonPrefix:
- # 插件JSON信息前置 以下是可选颜色
- # black, white, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray
- # green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, dark_gray, blue,
- preText: "["
- preColor: "white"
- text: "GameBox"
- color: "dark_aqua"
- afterText: "]"
- afterColor: "white"
- # command messages
- commandMessages:
- notInThisWorld: ' &4你不能这么做'
- noPermission: ' &4你没有权限!'
- onlyAsPlayer: ' &4控制台不能这么做'
- pluginReloaded: ' &2插件已重载'
- wrongUsage:
- - ' 使用 &2/gb&r 打开菜单'
- - ' 获得更多帮助请输入 &2/gb help&r'
- help:
- - ' 使用 &2/gb&r 打开菜单'
- - ' 你可以跳过菜单直接进入游戏'
- inDisabledWorld: ' &4这个世界不允许这么做'
- # info插件信息页
- # 首先出现的是作者和版本信息
- info:
- header:
- - ' &6&l列出所有已下载游戏:'
- - ''
- - ' &6+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +'
- # %name% 变量代表游戏名
- # %shorts 变量代表开始游戏的短指令%
- # %playerNum% 变量代表玩这个游戏最少需要的玩家
- perGame:
- - ' &3&l%name%:'
- - ' &2/gb <%shorts%>'
- - ' 需要玩家: %playerNum%'
- footer:
- - ' &6+ - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +'
- tokenInfo: ' &2%player% 拥有 %token% 筹码'
- reload:
- fail: " &c重载GameBox和所有游戏失败!"
- success: " &a成功重载GameBox和所有游戏!"
- mainButtons:
- exitButton: "&4点击退出"
- toMainGUIButton: "&2去主菜单"
- toGameGUIButton: "&2去游戏菜单"
- forwardButton: "&2往前"
- backwardButton: "&2往后"
- infoMainMenu:
- - '&a欢迎使用GameBox'
- - '&a点击一个游戏来开始吧!'
- # %tokens% 变量表示筹码
- tokensButton: "&1筹码: &2%tokens%"
- soundToggle:
- onDisplayName: "&a声音开启"
- onLore:
- - ""
- - "&e点击关闭音效"
- onDisplayName: "&c声音关闭"
- onLore:
- - ""
- - "&e点击打开音效"
- inviteButton:
- displayName: "&6邀请玩家"
- lore:
- - ""
- - "&e点击通过聊天栏邀请玩家"
- # GUI菜单里显示的邀请者头像
- invitationSkull:
- # %player% 变量代表玩家名字
- displayName: "&e%player%"
- lore:
- - ""
- - "&e点击接受邀请"
- inventoryTitles:
- # 使用 %player% 变量表示玩家
- mainGUI: ' 欢迎来到 &1Game&1Box&r %player%'
- # %game% 变量表示游戏
- gameGUIs: ' %game%&r'
- noPermMessage: ' &4&l没有权限'
- notEnoughMoney: ' &4&l钱不够'
- notEnoughTokens: ' &4&l筹码不够'
- otherPlayerNotEnoughMoney: ' &4另一个玩家钱不够'
- alreadyInAnotherGame: ' &4已经在另一个游戏里了'
- shop:
- freeItem: "&9免费"
- moneyItem: "&9需要金钱: &4%money%"
- tokenItem: "&9需要筹码: &4%token%"
- notEnoughMoney: ' &4&l金钱不够'
- notEnoughTokens: ' &4&l筹码不够'
- inventoryIsFull: ' &4&l背包已满'
- boughtSuccessful: ' &9&l成功购买'
- shopIsClosed: ' &4&l商店未启用'
- # 使用 %player% 变量表示玩家
- mainShop: ' &c欢迎来到商店, &1%player%'
- # 使用 %page% 页代表商店页码
- pageShop: ' &9页 &l%page%'
- others:
- wonToken: " 你获得了 %tokens% 筹码! 来自游戏 &3%game%"
- playerInput:
- openingMessage: " &l&a请输入你想邀请的玩家的名字"
- helpMessage:
- - " &2你必须在 &5%seconds% &2秒内完成"
- - " &2想要停止邀请,请输入 &c'%'."
- timeRanOut: " &c超时了,邀请失败"
- inputSuccessful: " &5%player%&2 被邀请了"
- inputClosed: " &2输入关闭"
- sameInvitation: " &4邀请已经存在!"
- notValidPlayerName: " &1%player%&4 玩家不存在!"
- notOnline: " &c玩家 &5%player%&c 不在线!"
- notInviteYourself: " &c你居然邀请自己?是太寂寞了吗..."
- invitation:
- - " &3%player%&r 邀请你玩 &3%game%"
- - " 请打开游戏 &3%game%&r 的相应模式来接受邀请"
- # 邀请信息JSON消息可选颜色:
- # black, white, dark_blue, dark_green, dark_aqua, dark_red, dark_purple, gold, gray
- # green, aqua, red, light_purple, yellow, dark_gray, blue,
- invitationClickMessage:
- preText: ""
- preColor: "green"
- clickText: " 点我直接进入邀请游戏"
- clickColor: "blue"
- hoverText: "点我"
- hoverColor: "gold"
- afterText: ""
- afterColor: "blue"
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