本帖最后由 liach 于 2017-8-6 02:12 编辑


  1. # This file MUST be saved as UTF-8

  2. key.categories.litemods=§eMod Keys

  3. gui.about.modsloaded=%d mod(s) loaded
  4. gui.about.versiontext=Version %s
  5. gui.about.poweredbyversion=v%s§r powered by LiteLoader v%s

  6. gui.about.checkupdates=§nCheck for updates

  7. gui.settings.showtab.label=Show LiteLoader Panel Tab
  8. gui.settings.showtab.help1=If you disable this option, use CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
  9. gui.settings.showtab.help2=to open the LiteLoader panel
  10. gui.settings.notabhide.label=LiteLoader Tab Always Expanded
  11. gui.settings.notabhide.help1=Only applies if the above option is also checked
  12. gui.settings.forceupdate.label=Periodically Check For Updates
  13. gui.settings.forceupdate.help1=This option is §cexperimental§r and may not work properly
  14. gui.settings.forceupdate.help2=yet, it also enables the "force update" capability.

  15. gui.about.taboptions=§nLiteLoader Panel Options

  16. gui.about.authors=Authors

  17. gui.disablemod=Disable mod
  18. gui.enablemod=Enable mod
  19. gui.modsettings=Settings...

  20. gui.unknown=Unknown

  21. gui.status.loaded=Loaded
  23. gui.status.disabled=Disabled
  24. gui.status.pending.enabled=Enabled on next startup
  25. gui.status.pending.disabled=Disabled on next startup
  26. gui.status.missingdeps=Missing dependencies
  27. gui.status.missingapis=Missing required APIs
  28. gui.status.startuperror=Startup errors detected
  29. gui.description.missingdeps=Missing dependencies: %s
  30. gui.description.missingapis=Missing APIs: %s

  31. gui.mod.providestweak=Tweak
  32. gui.mod.providestransformer=Transformer
  33. gui.mod.providesevents=Injector
  34. gui.mod.providesmixins=Mixins
  35. gui.mod.usingapi=Uses additional API
  36. gui.mod.startuperror=%d startup error(s)

  37. tweaker is a special type of mod. Tweakers have almost unlimited control of the game and are usually mods which alter the game engine fundamentally, for example APIs or performance-enhancement mods like Optifine. Because they have the greatest amount of control, they are also the most likely to cause instability when not compatible with each other, if you are experiencing crashes or serious problems, you should always try disabling tweak mods first.
  38. transformer mod uses bytecode injection to hook extra functionality within the game which LiteLoader does not normally provide. Because transformers access functionality outside of LiteLoader's core, it is possible for them to have unforseen side-effects when combined with other mods. If you are experiencing crashes or other unexpected behaviour, you should disable transformer mods before regular mods to determine whether they are the source of the issue. Forge refers to this type of mod as a §lCoreMod  
  39. injector mod uses a restricted form of bytecode injection which makes it somewhat safer than a full transformer mod, but can still cause instability under some circumstances. If you are experiencing crashes or other issues, then you should disable injector mods before regular mods to determine whether they are the source of the issue.
  40. mod with mixins uses a safe form of bytecode injection to hook into Minecraft

  41. gui.settings.title=%s Settings
  42. gui.saveandclose=Save & Close

  43. gui.updates.title=Check for updates for %s
  44. gui.updates.status.idle=§7No update check in progress
  45. gui.updates.status.checking=Contacting update site... %s
  46. gui.updates.status.success=§asuccess!
  47. gui.updates.status.failed=§cfailed!

  48. gui.updates.available.title=§nAvailable Update Info
  49. gui.updates.available.nonewversion=§7No newer version available
  50. gui.updates.available.newversion=§aNew version available
  51. gui.updates.available.version=Version: §a%s
  52. date: §a%s

  53. gui.updates.forced=Update forced, restart the game to apply update

  54. gui.checknow=Check now
  55. gui.installupdate=Install now
  56. gui.downloadupdate=Download now
  57. gui.forceupdate=Force update
  58. gui.exitgame=Exit Game

  59. gui.log.button=LiteLoader Log
  60. gui.log.title=LiteLoader Log Viewer
  61. gui.log.scalecheckbox=Use native resolution
  62. gui.log.postlog=Upload Log
  63. gui.log.uploading=Uploading log please wait...
  64. gui.log.uploadfailed=Upload failed
  65. gui.log.uploadsuccess=Upload succeeded, log available at
  66. gui.log.closedialog=Close

  67. gui.error.title=Startup errors for %s

  68. gui.error.tooltip=%d mod startup error(s) detected (%d critical)

  69. gui.notifications.updateavailable=LiteLoader Update Available!


  1. # This file MUST be saved as UTF-8

  2. key.categories.litemods=§e模组按键

  3. gui.about.modsloaded=已读取%d个模组
  4. gui.about.versiontext=版本%s
  5. gui.about.poweredbyversion=v%s§r,由LiteLoader v%s提供支持

  6. gui.about.checkupdates=§n检查更新

  7. gui.settings.showtab.label=显示LiteLoader侧边栏
  8. gui.settings.showtab.help1=如果禁用此选项,请用CTRL+SHIFT+TAB
  9. gui.settings.showtab.help2=打开LiteLoader侧边栏
  10. gui.settings.notabhide.label=保持LiteLoader侧边栏打开
  11. gui.settings.notabhide.help1=只在前面的选项选中时生效
  12. gui.settings.forceupdate.label=定时检查更新
  13. gui.settings.forceupdate.help1=这是§c实验§r特性,可能不会正常工作
  14. gui.settings.forceupdate.help2=同时它强制更新.

  15. gui.about.taboptions=§nLiteLoader侧边栏选项

  16. gui.about.authors=作者列表

  17. gui.disablemod=禁用模组
  18. gui.enablemod=启用模组
  19. gui.modsettings=选项……

  20. gui.unknown=未知

  21. gui.status.loaded=已读取
  23. gui.status.disabled=已禁用
  24. gui.status.pending.enabled=在下次启动游戏时启用
  25. gui.status.pending.disabled=在下次启动游戏时禁用
  26. gui.status.missingdeps=缺少前置库
  27. gui.status.missingapis=缺少必须API
  28. gui.status.startuperror=检测到启动错误
  29. gui.description.missingdeps=缺少的前置库: %s
  30. gui.description.missingapis=缺少的必须API: %s

  31. gui.mod.providestweak=Tweak
  32. gui.mod.providestransformer=Transformer
  33. gui.mod.providesevents=Injector
  34. gui.mod.providesmixins=Mixins
  35. gui.mod.usingapi=使用额外的API
  36. gui.mod.startuperror=%d个启动错误


  41. gui.settings.title=%s个设置
  42. gui.saveandclose=保存并关闭

  43. gui.updates.title=检查%s的更新
  44. gui.updates.status.idle=§7不在检查更新
  45. gui.updates.status.checking=连接更新网站中…… %s
  46. gui.updates.status.success=§a成功!
  47. gui.updates.status.failed=§c失败!

  48. gui.updates.available.title=§n可用更新信息
  49. gui.updates.available.nonewversion=§7已是最新版本
  50. gui.updates.available.newversion=§a版本过期
  51. gui.updates.available.version=版本: §a%s
  52.发布时间: §a%s

  53. gui.updates.forced=已强制更新,重启游戏生效

  54. gui.checknow=现在检查更新
  55. gui.installupdate=现在安装更新
  56. gui.downloadupdate=现在下载
  57. gui.forceupdate=强制更新
  58. gui.exitgame=退出游戏

  59. gui.log.button=LiteLoader日志
  60. gui.log.title=LiteLoader日志查看器
  61. gui.log.scalecheckbox=使用默认分辨率
  62. gui.log.postlog=上传日志
  63. gui.log.uploading=正在上传日志,请稍后……
  64. gui.log.uploadfailed=上传失败
  65. gui.log.uploadsuccess=上传成功,请到这里查看:
  66. gui.log.closedialog=关闭

  67. gui.error.title=%s的启动错误

  68. gui.error.tooltip=检测到%d个启动错误(%d个严重错误)

  69. gui.notifications.updateavailable=LiteLoader有更新!

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sjx 发表于 2016-10-4 08:10
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