1.0.4 - The cake is no longer a lie
Made sure cake wolves ONLY SPAWN IN VILLAGES!
Made sure cake wolves only try to spawn in biomes where villages may spawn.
Probably made cake wolves slightly more common as they almost never spawned before.
1.0.3 - Even more spawn tweakage.
Added Mushroom Wolf to the Roofed Forest.
Prevented Ice Wolves spawning in non-snowy cold biomes.
Made Flower Wolves spawn only in Plains, Sunflower Plains and Flower Forest seeing as there is no biome dictionary type called Flower.
Made wolves slower (Vanilla wolf speed instead of ocelot speed) and reduced max health as these are no longer dragons.
Prevented Iron and Emerald wolves from spawning on the surface under trees by making their max height 50 and they only spawn on Stone.
1.0.2 - More spawn tweaking
Earth Wolves spawn in fewer locations (for example they no longer spawn in Desert or Mountain type biomes).
Birch Wolves now are far more likely to stick to... birchy... biomes. No more Jungles, Mountains or Mesas.
End Wolves should no longer spawn in the Eldritch biome created by Thaumcraft.
Wolves will probably spawn a little less frequently as duplicate spawn registrations have been removed/reduced.
Blacklisted Nether and End biome types for any wolf that shouldn't spawn in those places.
Most wolves have had their spawn probabilities and max pack sizes tweaked.
1.0.1 - Bug Fixes, Breeding and Spawn Overhaul
Completely changed spawn mechanics to be more reliable.
Fixed some incorrect spawn zones.
Tweaked most wolves' spawn probability.
All wolves now spawn as "monster" type because the others weren't spawning at all.
Made it so wolves can spawn on non-grass blocks.
Blaze Wolves have decided to be 200% more firey and to live in Nether Fortresses.
Tamed wolves are no longer damaged by fire or sunlight.
Wolves now attack chickens, not creepers. No more 'splodey wolves.
Added Meaty Bone for breeding wolves. Different kinds of wolves will now breed with one another.
Wolves no longer sit if the player tries to feed them food but they weren't hungry.
Wolves are now healed for significantly more when fed.
Can no longer tame wolves with any old vanilla item.
Added tooltips to the various kinds of bones which (not so subtly) hint at which kind of wolf might like them.
1.0.0 - Initial Release